
In scanning the IT landscape, the call for DevOps engineers remains toward the top of many companies’ priorities. A nationwide search through various job posting sites returns literally thousands of DevOps opportunities. However, reviewing these job postings shows that the skillsets required are widely varied. In comparison, software development job descriptions and requirements tend to have a narrower focus – broadly speaking, a language and a particular framework. DevOps job descriptions and requirements range from implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes, to building infrastructure, to configuration management, to cloud operations, to writing code in any number of languages, and so on. It’s an impressive and intimidating list. Have you considered joining the DevOps wave but have been challenged in getting a clear picture of what DevOps is or means? If so, you’re not alone.

What is DevOps?

While many organizations have DevOps teams, even within a single organization, there are likely to be multiple roles within a DevOps team. Why is that? The reason is that DevOps is a process, and various roles within a DevOps team each contribute to the process. The DevOps process is a product of the evolution of Agile development processes. With Agile, production-quality software is iteratively delivered, which drives the need to deploy software more often. The process of getting software into production needed to be streamlined, thus the DevOps movement and process was born.

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In the early days of software development, anyone seeking to develop a web, mobile, or backend application had to own the hardware required to run a server, which is an expensive process.

Then, when cloud computing came, it became possible to lease server space or a number of servers remotely. The developers and companies who rent these fixed units of server space generally overbuy to ensure that a spike in traffic or activity won’t exceed their monthly limits and break their applications. Because of this, a lot of the server space that gets paid for can be wasted.

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Misconfigurations are the leading cause behind security incidents in Kubernetes-orchestrated or otherwise containerized environments. Without proper configuration in place, applications would run into problems ranging from noncompliance and inconsistencies to performance bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities, and functionality failure. Therefore, configuration management is a critical component in a software development lifecycle for maintaining systems in a desired, consistent state.

According to Red Hat’s State of Kubernetes Security report, misconfigurations were the leading cause behind security incidents in Kubernetes-orchestrated or otherwise containerized environments. Without proper configuration in place, applications would run into problems ranging from noncompliance and inconsistencies to performance bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities, and functionality failure. This would make cloud-native systems unstable and cause them to become a liability to businesses. For this reason, configuration management is a critical component in a software development lifecycle for maintaining systems in a desired, consistent state. However, the way configuration management is done has been evolving over the years. This post traces the history of configuration management, focusing on how GitOps handles this critical aspect of running cloud-native applications today.

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Ask any seasoned web app developer about their choice of programming language, and they are sure to mention PHP. PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. As per Builtwith, 3,090,319 live websites are still using PHP. However, when it comes to developing massive projects without lag or stability issues, developers tend to use frameworks, and PHP has two remarkable frameworks: 1) Laravel and 2) Yii. Both frameworks have a lot of followers in terms of full-grown communities globally, and there may be questions arising about which to choose.

What Are Laravel and Yii?

Laravel is a simple PHP framework frequently used for web-based or web application development initially created as a better alternative to Codeigniter. It is known for MVC Support, articulated ORM systems, reliability, modularity, and uncomplicated coding rules. Some of the key features of Laravel Framework are:

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Infrastructure is one of the core tenets of a software development process — it is directly responsible for the stable operation of a software application. This infrastructure can range from servers, load balancers, firewalls, and databases all the way to complex container clusters.

Infrastructure considerations are valid beyond production environments, as they spread across the entire development process. They include tools and platforms such as CI/CD platforms, staging environments, and testing tools. These infrastructure considerations increase as the level of complexity of the software product increases. Very quickly, the traditional approach for manually managing infrastructure becomes an unscalable solution to meet the demands of DevOps modern rapid software development cycles. And that’s how Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become the de facto solution in development today.

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Much of the software development world has adopted new methodologies, such as agile, that enable them to deliver changes and updates to critical systems more quickly and efficiently.

In this 2-part blog series, I explain what agile development is and how it helps deliver software faster and then explore how you can implement this approach in SAP.

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This is the fourth and final post in our series on how you, the developer, can build or improve your company’s notification system. It follows the first post about identifying user requirements, the second about designing with scalability and reliability in mind, and the third about setting up routing and preferences. In this piece, we will learn about using observability and analytics to set your system and company up for success.

Developing an application can often feel like you’re building in the dark. Even after development, gathering and organizing performance data is invaluable for ongoing maintenance. This is where observability comes in—it’s the ability to monitor your application’s operation and understand what it’s doing. With close monitoring, observability is a superpower that allows developers to use various data points to foresee potential errors or outages and make informed decisions to prevent these from occurring.

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It’s a technique that we all love! PoC or Proof of Concept approach is a trend in software development to create a demo of a project in advance. It’s a fairly new method, especially when compared to old-school alternatives such as RFP (i.e. Request for Proposal).

However, the big question to address is “how essential is the PoC approach in SDLC?

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Is observability mission critical at this point? The folks at New Relic think so. And they’re not alone, according to their recent whitepaper on observability 90% of respondents believe observability is strategically important to their business. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to understand what’s going on within software development organizations.

New Relic’s GVP & GM Buddy Brewer and SVP Greg Perotto join the podcast to discuss observability best practices, how to avoid data silos, the value of telemetry across the entire software life cycle and the five key insights of New Relic’s Observability Forecast.

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According to a research and market report « Cloud Services Market by Service Type, Cloud Type, Enterprise Size and Industry Vertical: Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2020-2027 », the cloud service is valued at $264.8 billion in 2019 and is expected to increase to $927.51 billion by 2027. Certainly, businesses big and small are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of SaaS software development or cloud solutions in bestowing speed and accuracy to their operations. But more than everything, the key driver of the sector is the cost it saves, amounting to approximately 35% of the total expenses of businesses. 

The Reason Behind the Growing Cloud Computing Trend

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