

While developing applications using Spring batch, especially in a micro-service project, we sometimes face one or most of the following cases:

  • The necessity of getting the security context inside the batch items to call methods that require authorizations inside the same micro-service or perform remote processing by calling other micro-services using Feign Client (HTTP) or  Spring Cloud Stream (broker like Kafka, RabbitMq …)
  • Propagating Sleuth trace Id and span Id in order to enhance logs traceability inside all the application components including other micro-services so the trace will not be lost if we use Job.
  • Getting the connected user Locale (i18n) in order to generate internationalized output otherwise, all the Job outputs will be generated in the default server language.
  • Retrieving objects stored inside Mapped Diagnostic Context  (MDC) for tracing purposes.

The following schema illustrates remote calls that can be performed in a micro-service-based application and the context information that String Batch items can propagate.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Spring Batch

In this post, we will show you how to use Spring Batch to read an XML file with your ItemReader using StaxEventItemReader and write its data to Oracle Database using Custom ItemWriter. We will also learn how to use ItemProcessor to process input data before writing to the database.

Custom ItemReader or ItemWriter is a class where we write our own way of reading or writing data. In Custom Reader we are required to handle the chunking logic as well. This comes in handy if our reading logic is complex and cannot be handled using Default ItemReader provided by spring.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

See how Spring Boot Batch Application saves an XML to the database and moves error/success files to error/success folder and archives error/success files.

This example covers multiple Spring Batch concepts that we need in most of our daily routine batch job implementations.

Source de l’article sur DZONE