
When I use map apps such as Google Maps, I often use Street View to display more detailed views of a street or inside of a building.  Although Google Street View is fantastic, there are many use cases where I want to control the development pipeline and assets without having to upload images to Street View. 

To control and optimize your business workflow, you can use open-source Marzipano to build virtual tours yourself and host the tours on your own web site.  This tutorial explains how to build the tour with open source software and host it for free on GitHub Pages. The technology and techniques can scale to large cloud businesses and are in production at commercial sites.   This tutorial focuses on a minimal simplified site to get you started with the basic concepts in minutes.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Predictive maintenance is an increasingly common sight in industrial facilities around the world, but the ability for AI to detect when machinery is about to fail relies upon a steady stream of data. One would imagine the data provided by Google Street View might not be up to the job therefore, but new research from RMIT suggests otherwise.

The authors propose using data from Google Street View to spot when road furniture needs replacing. The authors highlight the often manual and laborious task of monitoring street furniture and traffic infrastructure.

Source de l’article sur DZONE