
The majority of web products use AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), where elements on the page are loaded at varying time intervals. This can lead to timing issues when automation testing is performed using the Selenium framework. What if a test is run on a WebElement that is not present in the DOM? The findElement function will raise ElementNotVisibleException.

Here are other scenarios that can cause issues in Selenium due to the dynamic loading of elements:

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What benefits does SAST have? What’s the difference between SAST and DAST? What’s IAST? What do all these words mean?! Let’s talk about this and more in the overview of the main types of Application Security Testing (AST).

Informational Security

Before we start deciphering these terms, let’s figure out why we need security testing at all. In modern world, software integrates into automation processes almost everywhere, the number of code lines in applications is increasing. As a result, the number of possible vulnerabilities and errors is increasing as well. This creates the need for effective checking and testing of the source code.

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By automating the entire test procedure, your company will not only save money and time but also deliver superior quality products. Selenium has reined top as the go-to tests framework for almost any sort of test requirement that includes a browser-based application. However, as the world of automation testing continues to step forward, the newest tools have emerged. Chief amongst them is, an automated test framework that is becoming a more and more popular alternative to Selenium. Is Cypress or Selenium a perfect choice for your automation test requirements? Keep reading this blog and understand some tips on why you might willing to choose one or the other – or even use both at a similar time.

Here are a few commonly asked queries that might come up when doing a Selenium vs Cypress comparison:

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The introduction of the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) process has strengthened the software release mechanism, helping products go to market faster than ever before and allowing application development teams to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably. Regression testing ensures no new mistakes have been introduced to a software application by testing newly modified code as well as any parts of the software that could potentially be affected. The software testing market size is projected to reach $40 billion in 2020 with a 7% growth rate by 2027. Regression testing accounted for more than 8.5% of market share and is expected to rise at an annual pace of over 8% through 2027, as per reports from the Global Market Insights group.

The Importance of Regression Testing

Regression testing is a must for large-sized software development teams following an agile model. When many developers are making multiple commits frequently, regression testing is required to identify any unexpected outcome in overall functionality caused by each commit. The CI/CD setup identifies that and notifies the developers as soon as the failure occurs and makes sure the faulty commit doesn’t get shipped into the deployment. 

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In the early days of the internet, security was little but an afterthought. Then as hackers started to exploit businesses’ lax security postures, things gradually started to change. At first, nonprofits like the Electronic Frontier Foundation started pushing web users to embrace HTTPS Everywhere. In response, certification authorities began offering free SSL certificate variations to any site admin that wanted one. As a result, at least 79.6% of all active websites now use SSL.

That was only the beginning. In the ensuing years, developers and web application administrators gradually started to harden their apps against all manner of attacks. They rolled out more complex password requirements. They started to add two-factor authentication as a default measure. They even started putting public-facing services behind high-performance web application firewalls.

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Alert windows are widely used across websites where an alert message acts as a mode to ‘interrupt’ the current flow of the user journey. A simple example of a JavaScript alert would be someone filling in details on the sign-up page and submitting the details without entering some mandatory information. This user flow also needs to be verified when Selenium automation testing is performed on the web product. 

Handling pop-ups and alerts are one of the common test scenarios that should be tested using Selenium WebDriver. In this post of the Selenium Python tutorial series, we look at how to handle JavaScript alerts in Python. It is worth mentioning that the core fundamentals of JavaScript alerts and popups remain unchanged irrespective of the programming language used for Selenium.

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A good application lifecycle management (ALM) package has software that is able to carefully manage and monitor all aspects of software development.  ALM applications provide tools for managing and completing the phases of design, development, testing, deployment, and ongoing enhancements.   With an ALM solution in place, organizations can significantly improve the way they design, build, test, and adapt their software.  Greater customer satisfaction, speed of development, and reduction of cost is the often the result.

Top ALM Tools:


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Determine the Goals

In Bruce Lee’s famous movie, “Enter the Dragon,” there’s a scene of Bruce on the junk with the other contenders. One of them, Parsons, asks, “What’s your style?” Bruce answers, “The art of fighting without fighting,” after which he tricks Parsons onto the lifeboat, and Parsons is dragged in that boat behind the ship while the onlookers laugh.

Similar to the “What’s your style?” is “What’s your goal?” questions, there is no one right style, and there is no one right goal. Before testing APIs, determine the goals of testing; the goals of testing will help determine the tool specifications. Are there compliance standards to meet? What are the internal departmental and business goals? Are there contractual requirements? Does the SDLC require SAST and DAST to be applied? Does the CISO require RASP and IAST? Define and document the requirements. Remember – if it isn’t documented, it doesn’t exist.

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Vulnerabilities produce enormous reputational and financial risks. As a result, many companies are fascinated by security and desire to build a secure development life cycle (SSDLC). So, today we’re going to discuss SAST — one of the SSDLC components.

SAST (static application security testing) searches for security defects in application source code. SAST examines the code for potential vulnerabilities — possible SQL injections, XSS, SSRF, data encryption issues, etc. These vulnerabilities are included in OWASP Top 10, CWE Top 25, and other lists.

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Chaos testing is a subset of chaos engineering. Think of performance testing as a subset of performance engineering. Simply put, you break things on purpose and learn how you can make your systems reliable.

Gremlin Integration with LoadRunner Professional 2022

To integrate Gremlin with LoadRunner Professional 2022, the following prerequisites are required:

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