There’s no doubt that PirateBay (TPB) is one of the world’s most famous and widely used torrent download website, but it has again been caught mining cryptocurrency by using its visitors’ CPU processing power. This is the second time when The Pirate Bay has been caught mining digital coins. In September last year, PirateBay was found quietly running CoinHive JavaScript code to mine Monero

Source de l’article sur The Hacker News

I’ve been practicing Agile methodologies for some time now. The most common ceremony that I’ve seen Agile teams do is stand-up also known as daily Scrum meeting.

I’ll not go into what a stand up or daily Scrum is and the value it brings. I appreciate the value it brings and would encourage teams to follow this ceremony religiously.

Source de l’article sur DZone

Standing up Kubernetes and getting your apps running on it is a fairly straightforward process, but when it comes to updating and deploying apps, it is not always so simple. In particular, performing manual Kubernetes deployments with a large development team can be error-prone:

  • Almost everything related to deployments or most user-facing components in Kubernetes are defined in YAML files. These can be frustratingly error-prone with no feedback when things go wrong.
  • Kubernetes applications are comprised of several different resource types, some of which may need upgrading, and depending on the type of app you are working on, knowing what to update can make deployments complex.
  • Keeping track of the diff history, managing rollbacks of new and old deployments especially when you are working on a large application within a team can be challenging.
  • Managing secrets in Kubernetes between team members working on the same app across different repos requires that you are careful.

To mitigate these problems the ultimate goal for developers working with apps running in Kubernetes is to automate the workflow for code updates to achieve an end-to-end Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The upcoming release on BigML keeps pushing the envelope for more people to gain access to and make a bigger impact with Machine Learning. This release features a brand new resource providing a novel way to combine models: BigML Fusions.

In this post, we’ll do a quick introduction to Fusions before we move on to the remainder of our series of 6 blog posts (including this one) to give you a detailed perspective of what’s behind this new capability. Today’s post explains the basic concepts that will be followed by an example use case. This will be followed by three more articles focused on how to use Fusions through the BigML Dashboard, API, and WhizzML in an automated fashion. Finally, we will complete this series of posts with a technical view of how Fusions work behind the scenes.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

En septembre, la firme à la pomme pourrait dévoiler trois nouveaux iPhone dont un considéré comme d’entrée de gamme.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Le portage de application aujourd’hui disponible via Windows 10 et la Xbox permettrait de doper les achats sur le store de Microsoft.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

J’ai finalement appris tout ce que je voulais savoir sur le partenariat entre Leica et Huawei.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Hacker himself got hacked. It turns out that most samples of the LokiBot malware being distributed in the wild are modified versions of the original sample, a security researcher has learned. Targeting users since 2015, LokiBot is a password and cryptocoin-wallet stealer that can harvest credentials from a variety of popular web browsers, FTP, poker and email clients, as well as IT

Source de l’article sur The Hacker News

L’exploitation des données personnelles à du plomb dans l’aile. Le Gartner propose deux pistes pour aller de l’avant et revenir à des niveaux de traitement de flux de données qui permettent de travailler normalement.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Des références de nouveaux produits ont été repérés dans une base de données de certification en Europe de l’Est.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet