Le groupe poursuit méthodiquement ses cessions d’actifs afin de réduire son importante dette et retrouver la confiance des investisseurs. Montant de l’opération : 2,5 milliards d’euros en cash.
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"Agile."  What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear this word? Here are some obvious answers:

  • "It’s a software development methodology."
  • "Yes, I know we work on Agile."
  • "We are using Agile in our project. Daily Scrums/standup meetings, retrospectives, Show & Tell or Demos. That’s what it is."

Let me introduce myself before I start writing about my experiences with this buzzword. I started my career in software development in 2004, about 14 years back. I have worked with 8 different companies and contributed to the development of 16 projects so far.

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Most developers stick with the default open source uploader in web forms. They believe trying a different third-party solution brings complications with little upside for them. This unwillingness to adapt and grow ends up causing issues due to the following circumstances:

Increasing content consumption – The days of large corporations being the primary curators of content are long gone. Technological advances make it possible for a single person working from home to make tons of information available to eager consumers. People expect to get their content at any moment of the day or night. Content creators know this and expect their upload solutions to allow them to deliver without any issues.

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This article is a continuation of Part 1. You can find the first part here.

Mid-Stage: Implement Existing Analytics Workflows

It is likely that when you begin your AIOps journey, you will already have certain analytics in place. I do not mean the analytics that are embedded in your IT tools. I mean offline, mostly manual analytics, that you do regularly, irregularly, or periodically to identify areas for process improvement, reduce costs, improve performance, etc.

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Les possesseurs de différents produits Apple (iPhone, Apple Watch et AirPod) pourraient recharger simultanément leurs terminaux en septembre grâce au pad AirPower du constructeur.
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The comments section of the DZone-syndicated version of my post "JDK 8 Versus JDK 10: Ternary/Unboxing Difference" had an interesting discussion regarding the "why" behind the "fix" for how Java handles autoboxing/unboxing in conjunction with the use of the ternary operator (AKA the "conditional operator"). This post expands on that discussion with a few more details.

One of the points made in the discussion is that the logic for how primitives and reference types are handled in a ternary operator; in particular, when autoboxing or unboxing is required, it can be less than intuitive. For compelling evidence of this, one only needs to look at the number of bugs written for perceived problems with Java’s conditional operator’s behavior where autoboxing and unboxing are involved:

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Ce produit est basé sur le format de nouvelle génération NF1, et 72 d’entre eux peuvent être combinés pour offrir 576 To sur des serveurs 2U.
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La bataille juridique entre Apple et Qualcomm se poursuit. Le dernier épisode : Apple se tourne vers le bureau américain des brevets pour obtenir l’invalidation de 4 brevets de son adversaire.
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A common question I hear in Scrum training courses and in coaching sessions is, "How much Product Backlog refinement should we do and how much detail should be in the Product Backlog?"

First, let’s look at the Scrum Guide.

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La nouvelle version de Minecraft pour Nintendo Switch supporte le cross-play, et en particulier avec les joueurs Xbox One. La PlayStation 4 fait en revanche jeu à part.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet