Objectif : proposer aux entreprises plus de visibilité et de contrôle sur les API qui connectent les applications et les données entre plusieurs clouds et avec leurs infrastructures sur site.
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Embrace a Growth Mindset

Learning something new requires the right mindset or attitude. If you believe that you lack talent or are not smart enough, then you make it hard — if not impossible — for yourself to acquire new knowledge, skills, and behaviors. For example, I never used to think of myself as somebody who is good at writing, and I wasn’t particularly good at it at school. But with effort, resilience, and patience, as well as the guidance from others, I have managed to become a reasonably skilled writer.

The same is true for my product management expertise: acquiring it has taken me many years, making plenty of mistakes, learning from other product people, and reading more books and articles than I can remember. I certainly don’t feel that I am done yet. I continue to learn new things and deepen my understanding.

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Earlier in this TypeScript tutorial series, we learned about the TypeScript configuration file, variable declaration, and basic data types. I hope I made it neat and clear to understand the very basics of TypeScript.

Today, in this article, we will learn how to define a class and instantiate a class object. Continue reading to learn more.

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As a developer, how difficult is it to choose between innovating in an untested market vs. going with a safe rehash in a tried-and-true market?

This is the question of the hour these days, with so many players up in a frenzy over lack of industry innovation in the AAA market. So many developers are honestly just trying to put something out there that can generate income while simultaneously entertaining the masses.

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I have written previously about making use of the Big 3 Clouds for both build/test/deploy of apps but also as a desktop replacement for developers. In the time since those blogs, Amazon has announced the general availability of their much awaited EKS service (of which CloudBees was a launch partner).

Myself and others often like to talk about the "oligopoly" of cloud providers, given the size and muscle of the companies behind them:

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I’ve long worried about "Best Practices." Sure, I usually play along at the time, but lurking in the back of my mind, waiting for a suitable opportunity are two questions:

I was once told by someone from the oil industry that it was common for contracts to specify "best practice" should be used. But seldom was the actual practice specified. Instead, each party to the contract would interpret best practice as they wished, until something went wrong. At that point, after an accident, after money was lost, they would go to court and a judge would decide what was best practice.

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DevOps is no longer just about breaking the silo between developers and operations. That’s why every manual operation in your delivery pipeline needs to be evaluated to determine if it can be automated. Database changes are indeed a tedious process and therefore deserve to be considered in your DevOps implementation.

Let me pause a moment to temper your expectations for this post before we continue. I’m not going to give the magic formula that will solve all your problems. Any solution will always depend on how complex and coupled your architecture is, not to mention the rigidity of your change process.

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Une étude menée par des chercheurs de l’université de Boston s’est penchée sur le destin des ICO ayant bouclé leur levée de fonds. La conclusion est sans appel : la majorité d’entre elles disparaissent d’une manière ou d’une autre dans les quatre mois ayant suivi leur ICO.
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I’ve recorded a video on how to make Java EE applications more resilient using MicroProfile Fault Tolerance.

In this video, I’ll show you how MicroProfile Fault Tolerance complements existing Java EE applications in regard to resiliency.

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We’ve all been there: the kick-off meeting that was nothing more than 60 minutes of your life that you’ll never get back. So now that it’s your turn to run one, you’re determined not to go down the same path.

But where did those kick-off-meetings-gone-wrong actually go wrong? What were their fatal flaws? And how can you make your meeting a good use of everyone’s time?

Source de l’article sur DZone