« An Agile Coach know more than just Scrum, » said one consultant in a boardroom meeting, « he/she knows organization dynamics, executive coaching and other Agile practices like Kanban and DevOps, » he continued.

« Stay silent, no need to correct him in this kind of forum, » my inner voice said. « Take a deep breath. »

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My previous posts discussed why you need automated database deployments and tips for getting started down that path. Enough talk, it is time for action! This article will walk through setting up an automated database deployment pipeline using the state-based approach for Redgate’s SQL Change Automation. I picked this tool to start with because it is easy to set up, integrates with SSMS, and…well…I already had a demo set up. I’m also a little biased towards Redgate’s tooling. So there’s that.

The end goal of this article is for you to have a working proof of concept for you to demo.

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If you’ve ever opened up a meeting invite and thought “Oh no… not one of those again”, this article is for you. And you’re not alone! While the types of meetings you’ll find at any given organization will vary, a few of the most common types are universally loathed. Others types of meetings, however, are genuinely useful and can even be a lot of fun (if you know how to do them right).

2 Types of Meetings You Can Do without

Meetings are expensive. If you don’t believe me, this meeting cost calculator is pretty convincing. Meetings should only be held when they are the cheapest and/or fastest way to accomplish a task.

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I was lamenting to my friend and fellow MVP Shamir Charania (blog|Twitter) that I didn’t have a topic for this week’s blog post, so he and his colleague suggested I write about data lakes, and specifically the Azure Data Lake.

What Is a Data Lake?

This is what Wikipedia says:

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With 88 percent of companies adopting low-code as a standard for developing applications and 74 percent of those companies planning to integrate business lines into the application development lifecycle, it is clear that companies are embracing this technology to relieve the pressure in application demand. And now your boss has told you that low-code development is the new way, and you need to break the news to your team.

Some of your existing developers may be skeptical about low-code, saying things like, "Low-code is beneath my skill set", "I’ve tried this before and it doesn’t work; I always end up coding anyway", or "I can code faster than this." What they often don’t realize is that low-code development makes their lives easier and aids them in achieving what they’ve always wanted, to make an impact on their organization in a fundamental way. This is the goal, right? So how can you get developers to buy into using a low-code platform?

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

IoT development boards and modules are at the heart of every connected product. As IoT has developed, the variety and technical capabilities of these boards have only become more complex. When building an IoT product, you may start off with an off-the-shelf prototyping kit, but as you progress through the hardware development and design process, you’ll need to invest in hardware boards that are designed for scaling and manufacturing.

But, what is the difference between prototyping and production hardware? This article aims to clean up some of the noise and make it easier for you to choose the right hardware solution for your IoT product.

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Since March 2017, the Google Play store has published over 2.8 million Android apps for users to choose from. As for the Apple App Store, they have published over 2.2 million apps since that time.

Despite apps being used regularly by mobile users, there are not as many app downloads. As a result, there is a lot of competition to get the attention of app users. App startup entrepreneurs need to do thorough research to give their users some value and solutions to their demands. All this must be done before developing the product if they don’t want to see their startup fail

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Java design patterns have many benefits and use cases, specifically when it comes to building an application, like web-based, SDK, application services, etc. The Chain of Responsibility (CoR) is one of the most commonly used behavioral design patterns in Java. In this article, I will take a look at a problem and its relation with the CoR design pattern.

Tile Flooring Problem

Situation: There is a room (rectangular in size) floor that needs to be completely covered with tiles on the floor. So, the two variables are x and y, which are the dimensions of the room.

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There is one of two things every company tries to do whenever they are looking at purchasing a new tool: raise the bottom line by reducing costs, or increase their top line by increasing sales. The main problem we see with people researching community software is a lack of focus in what they want the product to do, and what business objectives they want to accomplish. Before moving forward with a solution, you need to ask yourself what your goals are, and whether this tool can help you accomplish those goals.

The number one way a community can raise your bottom line and reduce support costs is through case deflection. The easiest way to measure ROI here is in how much time it takes your team to close a case if they have to deal with it at all. The goal of a community is to transition from a one-to-one or one-to-many support structure towards a many-to-many support structure. Allow your community to earn reputation, badges, and leaderboard position by solving people’s problems, resulting in you not having to hire more professional support staff when your community scales.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Kilo is an open-source framework for consuming REST services in iOS or tvOS. It is extremely lightweight and provides a convenient, callback-based interface that makes it easy to interact with remote APIs.

For example, the following code snippet shows how a client application might access a simple service that returns a friendly greeting. The request is executed asynchronously, and the result is printed when the call returns:

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