Great managers lead the way to a healthy, sustainable culture.

Company culture is the promise you make to your candidates and employees about the environment they can expect to work in and the principles upon which your business operates. Sound familiar?

But it’s about more than just surface-level inputs like who you hire and what perks and benefits you offer.

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Kubernetes is quickly becoming the de-facto standard for running systems in the cloud and on-premises, and in the last couple of years we at BigData Boutique have had to deploy and support quite a few Elasticsearch clusters on Kubernetes.

Now is probably a good time to reflect on this and have a high-level write up on the topic. How can you run Elasticsearch on Kubernetes? Should you even do that? And what should you watch out for?

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Welcome to our latest episode of Tom’s Tech Notes! In this episode, we’ll hear advice from a host of industry experts about how to secure your containers. Learn what they have to say about security, ease of use, ecosystem maturity, and the talent gap.

As a primer and reminder from our intial post, these podcasts are compiled from conversations our analyst Tom Smith has had with industry experts from around the world as part of his work on our research guides.

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If you are developing an event-based application that handles many requests from different users, you most likely want to count distinct user action within a sliding window or a specified time range.

One of the quickest ways to count distinct user is to prepare an SQL like SELECT count(distinct user) from ACTION_TABLE. But, this might be expensive if there are millions of records produced in real time.

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In a previous post, we learned about setting the value of options attribute to nowrap on listing and literal blocks, so the lines in the block are not wrapped. In the comments, a user suggested another option to disable line wrapping for all listing and literal blocks in the document by using the document attribute prewrap. We must negate the document attribute, :prewrap!:, to disable all wrapping. If we place this document attribute at the top of our Asciidoctor document, it is applied for the whole document. We can also place it at other places in the document to change the setting for all listing and literal blocks following the prewrap document attribute. To enable wrapping again, we set :prewrap: (leaving out the exclamation mark).

In the following example, we have markup with a listing, literal, and example block, and we use the document attribute :prewrap!: to disable the wrapping for the listing and literal blocks:

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We operate in a continuous delivery world in which a seamless customer experience is paramount. Regardless of whether you’re a global Fortune 500 organization or a fast-growing startup, failing to deliver a digital experience that delights your users is a critical mistake you can’t afford to make.

A chief challenge compounding today’s continuous delivery expectation is the growing amount of testing that has to be carried out. In the not-too-distant past, companies controlled all of their software, available on a single platform to a similar type of user with one uniform release cycle. Today’s landscape is vastly different, with websites and apps relying on a mix of modules and services under the control of various vendors, all with independent release cycles, in a heterogeneous platform environment with a wide range of user types.

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As with so many technologies today, it can be hard to distinguish myth from reality. The same is true with driverless technology, with various levels of automation serving to muddy the waters of understanding. A recent paper published in the International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management aims to shatter some of these myths and analyze both where we currently are with the technology, and where we might go next.

The authors accept that the technology has huge potential to transform society, but there remain considerable obstacles to overcome if the improvements to road safety, environment, and social inclusion are to be realized. In total, they identify 11 specific myths that have emerged around autonomous technology that need to be overcome:

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C# 8.0 will introduce new language feature — default implementations of interface members. This means that we can define a body-to-interface member and implementing class that doesn’t implement the given interface member and will use the default one from interface itself. Here’s my deep-dive and analysis of default implementions of interfaces.

Default Implementations of Interface Members

Let’s start with a classic example based on Mads Torgersen’s blog post, Default implementations in interfaces, and take a look at this famous logger example. Let there be an interface for a logger.

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Data visualization with Angular

Data visualization is a visual representation of quantitative information in the form of charts, graphs, plots, and so on. There are so many libraries and frameworks available to visualize data, but the one that we are going to talk about in this article is ngx-charts.

Ngx-charts is a charting framework for Angular which wraps the D3 JavaScript library and uses Angular to render and animate SVG elements. It is one of the most popular frameworks for Angular application development because it makes it so much easier to render charts and provides other possibilities that the Angular platform offers such as AoT, Universal, etc.

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This adorable child has clearly taken a nap today.

In April, my wife Nicole ended up having shoulder surgery to repair a torn labrum, frozen shoulder, and a nearly detached bicept. As a result of this procedure and recovery, she currently isn’t able to rock our son before his naps. Since I work from home a majority of the time, this task has fallen to me each afternoon.

From my experience, toddlers maintain the urge to fight nap time, regardless of their level of fatigue. In fact, the more exhausted they are, the worse the struggle. After some amount of time, though, the resistance gives way to acceptance. He is not in tears or upset, just resisting taking a much needed break from an already long day.

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