L’ICO, l’autorité britannique de protection des données juge que Yahoo avait « amplement l’occasion » de sécuriser les données appartenant à ses utilisateurs, compromises en 2014 par une fuite massive de données.
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This article is a demonstration on how we can visualize a Jigsaw module graph in a Java application. The module API can list Jigsaw modules and its dependents, as shown below.

Set<Module> modules = ModuleLayer.boot().modules();
Set<Requires> requires = module.getDescriptor().requires();

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Every organization and business needs a good project management tool to make work more efficient and collaboration more effective.

According to research by Capterra, project management software is the most needed software by nearly half of the U.S.

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L’intelligence artificielle va-t-elle remplacer l’humain ? Swiss Life explore l’usage de ces technologies pour augmenter son business model et l’activité existante de l’entreprise. L’illustration : la création d’un assistant vocal B2B au service des commerciaux de terrain (800 d’ici fin 2018).
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Groovy 2.5.0 adds several methods to make working with Java 8 Streams more groovy. First, the methods toList and toSet are added to the Stream class. These methods will convert the stream to a List and Set , using the Stream.collect method with Collectors.toList and Collectors.toSet as the argument. Furthermore, we can convert any array object to a Stream using the stream method that is added to all array objects.

In the following example, we use the support of converting an array to a Stream and then getting a List and Set from the stream:

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A project’s success stems from a number of things. Among others, it includes sensible planning, professionalism of the team members and individual productivity levels.

Nevertheless, there are certain aspects to almost every project that take more time than planned. This leads to missed deadlines and incomplete task scopes. Do you remember the last time your project met the deadlines? In this article, we are going to discuss three central problems with project time.

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J’ai pas l’habitude de chialer. Mais à l’annonce de la mort imminente de Yahoo! Messenger, difficile de faire le bonhomme. Dingue de constater à quel point cet IM a accompagné ma vie en ligne. Et ma vie tout court.
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Although Java streams were designed to be operated only once, programmers still ask how to reuse a stream. From a simple web search, we can find many posts with this same issue asked in many different ways: "Is there any way to reuse a Stream in java 8?", "Copy a stream to avoid stream has already been operated upon or closed", "Java 8 Stream IllegalStateException", and others.

Hence, if we want to traverse a Stream<T> multiple times, then either we have to:

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It’s been a while since my last reader question post. It’s hard to feel too bad, though. I was combining a cross-country relocation with a two-week vacation. So I suppose the internet just had to do without my wisdom for a few weeks.

But I’m back in the saddle, so that changes today.

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Comme tant d’autres, l’entreprise canadienne doit se conformer au RGPD. Comment a t-elle procédé ? Quels ont été les défis ? Le retour d’expérience du Digital Protection Officer de l’entreprise.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet