observIQ Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector Filtering

ObservIQ’s Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector Filtering provides powerful tools to help you monitor and analyze your applications.

## Filtering Metrics within OpenTelemetry (OTEL) Collector on MySQL on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for Google Cloud Operations Exporter

I am thrilled to announce a sensational discovery in the world of architecture! By leveraging the OpenTelemetry (OTEL) collector and filtering metrics within observIQ’s distribution, I have found a way to improve the monitoring use case. To demonstrate this, I will use a sample environment of MySQL on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. The destination exporter will be to Google Cloud Operations, but the process is exporter agnostic.

The process of filtering metrics is fairly straightforward. By using the OTEL collector, we can filter out any metrics that are deemed unnecessary or for security concerns. This will help to improve the overall performance of the system and ensure that only the most important metrics are being monitored. To illustrate this, I have provided visual charts showing the metric before and after filtering. This will help to demonstrate the effectiveness of the process and how it can help to improve the monitoring use case.

Overall, I am extremely excited about this discovery and the potential it has to revolutionize architecture. By using the OTEL collector and filtering metrics within observIQ’s distribution, we can improve the monitoring use case and ensure that only the most important metrics are being monitored. This will help to improve the overall performance of the system and provide visual charts to demonstrate the effectiveness of the process. I am confident that this discovery will have a lasting impact on architecture and I look forward to seeing how it is used in the future.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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