
Today, the cloud environment has been chosen by many business solutions as the major hosting environment for their applications. They can either choose Software-as-a-service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-service (PaaS), or Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) different solution types to build up solutions to meet business requirements. However, storing business data in the Cloud environment will have a great challenge in exposing business data to the public. As the concerns data security issues, every Cloud platform vendor provides a different solution for data security. Understanding the similarity and differences in those solutions will help the business clients choose the proper solution for the business applications.  

This article will discuss the primary solution use cases and major differences in secret key management among the Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud Platform for managing secret keys, certificates, and data encryptions.  Although a platform could provide a similar solution or indirect solution for a specific use case, it will still be compared as a difference as long as it is not a commonly used use case.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Cloud management has come a long way, beginning with physical hardware, and then moving servers to the cloud.  It seems likely that the next logical step is to run code serverless! Without needing to manage hardware or depend on infrastructure providers like Google and Amazon, serverless can run code in a managed service container, completely unaffected by server-level issues. By utilizing this new step, you won’t have to worry about operating systems, web servers, or even updates. 

Although it seems like a no-brainer, there are a number of things you both lose and gain when switching over. The benefits alone should be enough to get you interested; you do the work, create an application, and once your code is uploaded you are promised simplicity, low cost, and automatic scaling. Due to the fact that the service provider is automatically managed, scaling is much faster. In addition to this, you only pay for what you use, cutting back on the normal cost, and saving you or your company money. This situation seems ideal, but there are also drawbacks to serverless that can complicate your decision. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

In industries like banking, there’s a real need for real-time data.


We are living in the cloud age, which means developers do not need to set up their own local machine or dedicate on-premise environment to implement, test and run their application. They just create a VM machine in the cloud to perform those tasks.

In the financial world, what would you need to get the actual update of the stock price that you just bought? You can use your phone to watch it live with any apps, but was it live? And as a developer, how do we transfer such data to the hands of app users?

Source de l’article sur DZONE