
The first Industrial revolution paved way for a new energy source — steam, which pushed industries towards mechanization. It helped industries to improve productivity.

The Second Industrial revolution introduced electricity and other innovations in infrastructure. It created new industries and opportunities to thrive on mass production lines.

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In this article, we are going to learn how to convert text to speech in multiple languages using one of the important Cognitive Services APIs called Microsoft Text to Speech Service API (one of the APIs in Speech API). The Text to Speech (TTS) API of the Speech service converts input text into natural-sounding speech (also called speech synthesis). It supports text in multiple languages and gender based voice(male or female)

You can also refer the following articles on Cognitive Service.

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Some time ago (think early to mid-nineties), I used to run a BBS. One Christmas, I logged onto another BBS based in Manchester, and they had a "Santa Chat."  I tried it for a while and was so impressed by it that I decided to write my own; it was basically the gift that kept giving. You put this thing on your BBS (basically an Eliza clone) and it records the responses of the unsuspecting users to a text file (or log).

These days there are laws against recording such things, but those were simpler times, and once they realized the joke, everyone was happy, and life went on (albeit at 14.4k bps).

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Estimation is one of the most difficult aspects of the Agile process. The natural tendency of team members is to include only the time it will take to complete the actual work for the item they are estimating. I have a process where I break each work item down into 4 parts to help me get a more accurate estimate. This is a process I use all the time in my current role as CTO of CUE Marketplace and I hope it helps you in your Agile estimations.

Understanding the Big Picture Estimate

I want to know every aspect of the work item that I’ll be completing, so I add any time it would take for me to fully understand it. It’s a huge time saver if my Product Owner has written the work items as user stories. That format helps with the “who,” “what,” and “why.” Other items that could take time include understanding any UI designs/clickable demos, reviewing usability tests and getting to know the “who” part of the story by researching the customer or persona.

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UI testing is an important part of quality assurance. Specifically, UI testing refers to the practice of testing front-end components to make sure that they do what they’re supposed to. If a user clicks the Login button, the login modal appears. If they click a link, they’re brought to the appropriate part of the application. With automation platforms, these individual tests can be linked together into workflows and automated. Business-driven development style tests can be created in this fashion. The UI can be tested to see that each individual path that a user may take is functional and that the interface is responding appropriately. Other platforms exist that allow these workflows to be tested on simulated resolutions and devices, ensuring that the user experience is consistent across all possible combinations of browser and device.

API testing lives a layer below UI testing. The UI is fed by these APIs and renders the DOM based upon conditions set by both the user and the developer. These conditions determine the sort of API call that’s made to populate the viewport. When we’re UI Testing, it could be argued that we are indirectly testing the API layer. It’s actually pretty fair to say so. Many of the actions that our UI platform will take will issue API calls. If the DOM rerenders correctly, we can assume to an extent that the API call was successful. The dangerous ground here is the assumption.

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This article is featured in the new DZone Guide to API Management: Comparative Views of Real World Design. Get your free copy for more insightful articles, industry statistics, and more!

I remember the final commit like it was yesterday, even though it was several years ago. Six months of work building our application, and we were ready to launch. It followed all of the best practices, the code was perfect (OK, maybe adequate), and it was just in time for the big release. Like an episode of Silicon Valley, we waited to for the numbers— numbers that never came. Instead, after six months of work, we watched as customers expressed interest and then just walked away.

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There are many great articles out there on microservices. For those who have been hiding under a rock about the controversial technique—or are new to the idea—this article simply aims to collate the top open source tools available in one handy place. Microservice architecture, or just microservices, is a highly scalable structural style for developing software systems. Such architecture can be used for enterprise applications for businesses, governments, schools, and charities, etc. It is quite the opposite of the legacy-style monolithic architecture that focuses on a single unit application.

Microservices are small, independent, and unique. And the architecture can be complex in both construction and maintenance. Microservices communicate with each other to serve business goals utilizing synchronous protocols, HTTP/REST or asynchronous protocols. HTTP/REST or AMQP are examples of collaborating services that implement functions related to one another to work as efficiently as possible.

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Objectif : proposer aux entreprises plus de visibilité et de contrôle sur les API qui connectent les applications et les données entre plusieurs clouds et avec leurs infrastructures sur site.
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Oui, il y a la blockchain, oui, il y a les jumeaux numériques, oui, il y a le DevOps. L’automatisation et le multi-cloud sont cependant les deux grandes tendances de l’IT d’entreprise pour l’année qui vient promet le cabinet PAC. Avec à la clé la plateformisation du SI.
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Twitter a officialisé le lancement d’API premium. Payantes, celles-ci permettront aux développeurs de passer outre certaines limites imposées sur les API gratuites sans toutefois être aussi onéreuses que les API entreprises.
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