
Cycle de test automatisé

Le cycle de test automatisé est une méthode efficace pour vérifier la qualité et la fiabilité des logiciels. Il permet d’accélérer le processus de développement et de réduire les coûts.

Rapport de tendances sur les tests automatisés de DZone 2023

Selon le rapport de DZone 2023 sur les tendances en matière de tests automatisés, le marché des tests automatisés a dépassé les 20 milliards de dollars (USD) en 2022 et devrait connaître une croissance annuelle composée (CAGR) de plus de 15 % entre 2023 et 2032. Cela peut être attribué à la volonté des organisations d’utiliser des techniques sophistiquées de test automatisé dans le cadre du processus d’assurance qualité (QAOps). En réduisant le temps nécessaire à l’automatisation des fonctionnalités, cela accélère la commercialisation des solutions logicielles. Il offre également une extermination rapide des bogues et un débogage post-déploiement et aide à l’intégrité du logiciel grâce à des notifications précoces de changements imprévus.

Les tests automatisés sont une partie essentielle du processus de développement logiciel. Les tests automatisés aident à réduire les coûts et à améliorer la qualité du logiciel. Les outils de test automatisés sont conçus pour exécuter des tests répétitifs et répétitifs, ce qui permet aux développeurs de se concentrer sur le codage et l’amélioration du produit. Les outils de test automatisés peuvent être utilisés pour tester l’intégration, le déploiement, la sécurité, le codage, les performances et l’accessibilité. Les outils de test automatisés peuvent être intégrés à des outils d’intégration continue (CI) pour fournir des résultats plus précis et plus rapides. Les outils de test automatisés peuvent être utilisés pour tester les applications Web, mobiles et natives.

Les tests automatisés sont également utiles pour tester les API et les microservices. Les tests automatisés peuvent être utilisés pour tester les API et les microservices en exécutant des tests unitaires, des tests d’intégration et des tests d’acceptation. Les tests automatisés peuvent également être utilisés pour tester les API REST et SOAP. Les tests automatisés peuvent être utilisés pour tester les performances, la sécurité et la fiabilité des API et des microservices. Les tests automatisés peuvent également être utilisés pour vérifier la conformité aux normes et aux réglementations.

En conclusion, les tests automatisés sont essentiels pour assurer la qualité du logiciel et améliorer l’efficacité des processus de développement logiciel. Les outils de test automatisés peuvent être intégrés à des outils d’intégration continue pour fournir des résultats plus précis et plus rapides. Les tests automatisés peuvent être utilisés pour tester l’intégration, le déploiement, la sécurité, le codage, les performances et l’accessibilité. Les tests automatisés peuvent également être utilisés pour tester les API et les microservices en exécutant des tests unitaires, des tests d’intégration et des tests d’acceptation.

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Physical device testing has been on the market for a long time. Even today, you can’t deny the importance it holds in the world of testers. In this age of automation testing and real device cloud testing, physical device testing still has the same reverence owing to its unwavering vitality in usability testing and hardware functionality testing, such as camera and GPS. Yet, if you want to reduce your overall project cost, you need to opt for a smarter solution that would enable features such as performing cross-browser testing at scale.

That’s when real device cloud testing comes to your aid. It comes with its own sets of advantages, such as cloud storage, access to communication tool integration, testing with the latest virtual browsers and OS versions, and much more.

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The majority of web products use AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), where elements on the page are loaded at varying time intervals. This can lead to timing issues when automation testing is performed using the Selenium framework. What if a test is run on a WebElement that is not present in the DOM? The findElement function will raise ElementNotVisibleException.

Here are other scenarios that can cause issues in Selenium due to the dynamic loading of elements:

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By automating the entire test procedure, your company will not only save money and time but also deliver superior quality products. Selenium has reined top as the go-to tests framework for almost any sort of test requirement that includes a browser-based application. However, as the world of automation testing continues to step forward, the newest tools have emerged. Chief amongst them is, an automated test framework that is becoming a more and more popular alternative to Selenium. Is Cypress or Selenium a perfect choice for your automation test requirements? Keep reading this blog and understand some tips on why you might willing to choose one or the other – or even use both at a similar time.

Here are a few commonly asked queries that might come up when doing a Selenium vs Cypress comparison:

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Alert windows are widely used across websites where an alert message acts as a mode to ‘interrupt’ the current flow of the user journey. A simple example of a JavaScript alert would be someone filling in details on the sign-up page and submitting the details without entering some mandatory information. This user flow also needs to be verified when Selenium automation testing is performed on the web product. 

Handling pop-ups and alerts are one of the common test scenarios that should be tested using Selenium WebDriver. In this post of the Selenium Python tutorial series, we look at how to handle JavaScript alerts in Python. It is worth mentioning that the core fundamentals of JavaScript alerts and popups remain unchanged irrespective of the programming language used for Selenium.

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Automation wasn’t well-received when it was first introduced among the different industry verticals. Most companies were hesitant in employing this new technology simply because they feared what they didn’t fully understand.

As time went on, automation technology slowly became accepted until it turned into the norm. New trend, especially such as hyperautomation is being pushed forward with a growing number of businesses changing their ways to a more “people-centric” approach.

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Selenium has gone through a tremendous evolution since its introduction and that’s the reason today it is the most popular and powerful automation testing tool. The newly released Selenium 4 is creating a lot of buzz and the complete testing community is looking forward to exploring its updated features. 

Before we dive into Selenium 4, let’s have a brief introduction to its previous versions. Selenium 1 was declared as the free open source automation testing framework in the year 2004 consisting of selenium IDE, RC, and web driver. Whereas, the Selenium 2 released in 2011 consisted of the IDE, Web driver, and Grid. The RC server was merged with the web driver, as the web driver facilitated easy automation scripting for the browsers. Selenium 3 was officially released in 2016. One of the most noticeable changes in selenium 3 was the replacement of the selenium core with the web driver-backed option, the introduction of the gecko driver, and W3C web driver integration.

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In today’s highly competitive world, software development and automation play a significant role in creating robust software applications for businesses. Additionally, emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain have given a competitive edge to enterprises. For gaining maximum benefits out of automation testing, testers require hands-on experience in a minimum of one automation programming language. There are numerous programming languages available today, with new ones continuously emerging. No matter which phase you are in, whether starting with automation testing or being an experienced tester planning to learn a new programming language, deciding which language to choose is very critical.

Which Automation Programming Language Is the Best for Testing?

The following list is prepared after considering metrics like recent trends, language popularity, career prospects, open-source projects, and more. As per TIOBE Index 2021 and IEEE Spectrum Magazine, Java, C, and Python are the top three automation programming languages on the list. Following are some of the most preferred languages on the whole entire list.

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This article explains creating or setting up a end-to-end testing framework from scratch using Typescript. Unlike another tutorial, this explains setting up the Cypress framework using Typescript in a simple and easy way. This article is helpful for whoever wants to set up the Cypress Typescript automation framework for the first time. Also, I know that there are many, migrating from different automation frameworks like Protractor,, etc. this will be helpful for them too.

This Tutorial shows page object model creation as well, however you can use it for any type of framework by skipping those steps.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

We all know that Google Chrome is the most popular browser in the world. But do you know, with 17.24% of the overall browser market share, Safari is the second most popular one?

The reason behind Safari’s strong presence is that it is the default web browser for all Apple devices. And we know how much developers and coders love macOS, making it absolutely necessary to ensure that our websites’ are tested and optimized for all Safari versions.

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