
Designing for emotion in and of itself is not a problem. Websites are bound to elicit an emotional reaction from visitors, even if it’s as simple as them feeling at ease because of the soft, pastel color palette you’ve designed the site with.

I don’t want to outright villainize emotional design. Unless there is some form of unethical manipulation at play, designing for your visitors’ emotions can actually provide them with a more positive experience.

So, here’s what I’d like to look at today:

  1. What is emotional design?
  2. When does emotional design cross a line?
  3. What’s the right way to design for emotions?

1. What Is Emotional Design?

When we look at emotional design in the context of a website, we’re focused on three types of emotional reactions:

a. Visceral Reactions

Visceral reactions are instinctive ones. Usually, visitors experience these as their first impressions of a website or web page. For instance, a cluttered or otherwise poorly designed homepage might leave visitors feeling overwhelmed, hesitant, or wanting to flea.

A minimally designed homepage interface, on the other hand, might have visitors not feeling much of a reaction at all. In this case, no feeling is a good feeling.

Like Irene Au said:

b. Behavioral Reactions

Behavioral reactions stem from the usability of a website. There’s a lot that can stir up negative emotions here, like:

  • Extra-long contact forms
  • Confusing menus
  • Error-ridden content
  • Slow-loading pages
  • And more

Again, if a website is easy to get through and attractively designed, visitors aren’t likely going to “ooh” and “aah” with every step they take on the site. And that’s a good thing. If they’re focusing more on how the design looks, they’re not paying attention to the brand’s actual offer.

c. Reflective Reactions

Reflective reactions are the third type of emotions we design for.

This is complicated because there’s a lot wrapped up in how visitors feel about a website after the fact. Sometimes the most well-designed interfaces and experiences can’t save them from a bad experience, whether they realized too late that the products were overpriced or they were treated poorly by a live chat representative.

As a web designer, all you can really do is to make sure you’re working with reputable companies and then aligning the designs of their sites with their values.

When Does Emotional Design Cross a Line?

There’s already enough social pressure online; your website doesn’t need to be one of those places, too

Emotional design shouldn’t be about manipulating consumers’ emotions. In most cases, emotional design is about controlling the environment of the website so that emotions don’t go spinning wildly out of control — in either direction.

It’s when we take what we know about influencing someone’s emotional state to monetarily benefit from it that emotional design becomes problematic.

Here are some ways in which you might negatively impact the emotions of your visitors through design:


The fear-of-missing-out isn’t always a bad marketing strategy. However, when FOMO is used for the purposes of rushing consumers to take action now and without time to really think it through, it definitely can be.

Chances are good they’ll feel badly no matter what. Either because they regret the rushed (and probably unnecessary, or expensive) decision or they blame themselves for missing out on an opportunity to be like everyone else.

There’s already enough social pressure online; your website doesn’t need to be one of those places, too. So, be careful with how you present customers with limits (on time, on products, etc.) or how you frame the call-to-action (“If you don’t buy this now, expect to fail/be miserable/suffer even more”).

Analysis Paralysis

It doesn’t matter why people specifically seek out your website. They have a problem or a hole in their life, and they’re looking for something to fix it.

Now, you can’t help it if the website has too much to offer in the way of options or solutions. Companies have to provide every possible solution/option so their users don’t feel like they have to go somewhere else to get what they need. However, the way you design these options can lead to a negative emotional state if you’re not careful.

For instance, your visitors might experience analysis paralysis, where there are so many options that it becomes impossible to take action. Similar to FOMO, this can lead to regret either with the decision they made or the one they were incapable of making.

By simplifying how many choices are presented at once, or designing a clear and supportive pathway to the right option of many, your website will leave visitors feeling much more positively about the whole experience.

Trendy Nostalgia

Nostalgia can be a great way to play upon the positive associations and emotions consumers feel towards an era gone by or a place they once knew. But, again, it depends on how you design with it.

For example, if you design a vintage website for an agency launched in 2019 and run by a group of 20-somethings, it might come off feeling disingenuous once customers start to catch on.

For a restaurant known as the oldest bar in the state, that would be a different story. That nostalgically designed website would be a real part of its story; not just done as a sales gimmick. As a result, customers would likely embrace those warm feelings for the “good ol’ days” they get from the website.

Also, think about how quickly nostalgia fades if it’s done to align with a trend. Unless you’re committed to redesigning a website the second that nostalgic feeling falls out of favor, you could be condemning your client to an outdated website mere months after launch.

What’s the Right Way to Design for Emotions?

Like I said before, there’s nothing wrong with designing for emotions. You just have to make sure your website visitors don’t feel manipulated and that they welcome the pleasant feelings the site gives them.

make sure your website visitors don’t feel manipulated

It might seem harmless at the time. After all, what are they doing on the site if they weren’t interested in the first place? And it’s not like they were bullied into spending their money, right?

But if they sense in any way that their response was driven by an emotion they wouldn’t have otherwise felt, they’re not going to be happy. While it might not be enough for them to cancel their subscription or services, or to return products they bought, it will definitely leave a bad taste in their mouth. And, ultimately, it can cost your website loyal visitors and customers.

So, if you’re going to use emotional design on a website, do it to improve their experience, not to put more money into your clients’ pockets. That means your emotional design choices need to be honest, transparent, and focused on eliciting naturally positive emotions like:

  • Satisfaction
  • Feeling impressed
  • Trust
  • Calm
  • Feeling valued

Go back to the three emotional reactions I brought up earlier. If you can design a website to give off a positive first impression, and to be pain-free and usable, you can spend the rest of your time injecting small bits of happiness and positivity into the website with color choices, friendly micro-interactions, personalized content, and more.


Featured image via Unsplash.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Avec l’afflux de stress et d’anxiété provoqué par les défis mondiaux critiques de 2020 – y compris la pandémie COVID-19, la lutte pour la justice raciale et un sentiment croissant d’incertitude économique – la détresse psychologique est en augmentation.

Quatre-vingt-dix pour cent de la main-d’œuvre actuelle est touchée par des problèmes de santé mentale. Même avant que la crise ne frappe, une étude de SAP, Qualtrics et Mind Share Partners, publiée dans la Harvard Business Review, a révélé que près de 50 % des personnes âgées de plus de dix ans et 75 % des membres de la génération Z ont quitté leur emploi pour des raisons de santé mentale.

L’état actuel du monde et son impact négatif sur la santé mentale pose un risque encore plus grand pour le bien-être et les performances des employés. Une étude récente menée par SAP, Qualtrics et Thrive Global a révélé que plus de 70 % des employés se sentent moins productifs et que plus de 85 % s’attendent à ce qu’une distraction accrue ait un impact négatif sur leur travail. Les entreprises ne peuvent pas se permettre d’ignorer ces sentiments.

Alors que le travail de n’importe où devient la norme et que le numérique se transforme en nouveau social, les dirigeants doivent trouver de nouveaux moyens de favoriser de manière proactive les relations humaines et les interactions sociales positives entre collègues. Auparavant, lorsque les rassemblements physiques n’étaient pas aussi menaçants, ces types d’échanges avaient tendance à se produire spontanément.

En tant qu’optimiste, je crois qu’il y a un bon côté aux difficultés existentielles et historiques auxquelles nous sommes tous confrontés. Il y a une opportunité générationnelle de créer un avenir meilleur en donnant la priorité à un nouveau style de leadership, qui favorise et crée une culture de la bonté sur le lieu de travail afin de se prémunir contre le déclin de la santé mentale.

Il a déjà été prouvé scientifiquement que la gentillesse est contagieuse. Et si nous utilisions l’idée de la gentillesse comme une contagion de manière positive pour lutter contre la contagion physique et mentale négative causée par le virus ?

Comment la gentillesse favorise le bonheur des travailleurs

La bonté est associée à l’amabilité, la générosité, la compassion et la bienveillance. Pourtant, ces mots doux ne reconnaissent pas la force et les compétences interpersonnelles de ceux qui pratiquent la bonté envers les autres et envers eux-mêmes. La gentillesse est la capacité surhumaine que nous avons tous. Elle est gratuite, facilement accessible et illimitée. La bonté ne signifie pas toujours être au service des autres ; elle peut aussi signifier être bon envers soi-même. Même un simple petit acte de gentillesse a le pouvoir exponentiel de changer le monde et d’améliorer considérablement notre bien-être émotionnel et physique.

Pour renforcer notre engagement et notre dévouement à diriger avec gentillesse, SAP participe à la troisième campagne annuelle #BeKind21, organisée par le réseau de partenaires SAP Purpose Network, la fondation Born This Way de Lady Gaga. La campagne, qui se déroule du 1er au 21 septembre, invite les universités, les entreprises et les organisations à but non lucratif, ainsi que les particuliers, à participer à des actes de gentillesse quotidiens et à contribuer à la construction d’un monde plus gentil, plus courageux et plus juste.

En s’engageant dans un acte de gentillesse intentionnel tous les jours pendant 21 jours, la campagne #BeKind21 encourage les participants à faire de la gentillesse une habitude, à s’engager à faire preuve de compassion et à favoriser un lien authentique. Elle permet aux gens de traiter la gentillesse comme un verbe et d’agir consciemment pour remonter le moral de leur entourage.

Tout au long de la campagne, nous partagerons notre calendrier avec 21 suggestions quotidiennes sur la façon de pratiquer la gentillesse. Organisez un déjeuner virtuel avec un ami, faites rire quelqu’un ou envoyez un mot gentil à un être cher. Commencez votre journée en notant trois choses dont vous êtes reconnaissant. Prenez du temps pour vous et lisez un article inspirant ou quelques pages de votre livre préféré. Offrez-vous un moment de détente en faisant de la méditation. Jouez un rôle actif en exprimant votre compassion pour vous-même et pour les autres.

Ces actes de gentillesse se perpétueront et inspireront les autres à faire de même.


Chez SAP, nous nous sommes engagés à construire un lieu de travail où les employés peuvent se mettre entièrement au travail. En tant que dirigeants, nous pouvons donner l’exemple de la transparence et et de la vulnérabilité comme des forces. Commencer une réunion en demandant simplement comment vont les collègues ou en les remerciant pour leur travail crée un sentiment de connexion, en particulier dans un lieu de travail virtuel, où il est facile de se sentir distant. En partageant nos propres défis, nous pouvons ouvrir la porte aux autres pour qu’ils fassent part de leurs préoccupations en matière de santé mentale et fournir un chemin d’accès aux ressources pour y répondre.

La technologie peut être un allié pour renforcer la culture et la rendre plus tangible. Un exemple en est une nouvelle application développée pour faciliter l’interaction humaine et atténuer la solitude et l’isolement ressentis par de nombreux employés de SAP. L’application interne connecte les travailleurs à distance via un chat vidéo pour des déjeuners virtuels et a organisé un barbecue virtuel pour 1700 employés, avec un boucher, des recettes et des instructions détaillées. Des chats virtuels au coin du feu, des dégustations de vin en ligne et des projections de films ont également permis aux employés de se connecter. Ces types d’activités peuvent améliorer considérablement la santé et le bien-être des employés.

Passez à l’action

Rejoignez-nous pour déstigmatiser la santé mentale et répandre la contagion de la bonté sur le lieu de travail et dans le monde, en commençant par les personnes avec lesquelles nous interagissons chaque jour.

Engagez-vous à #BeKind21.

Vivek Bapat est Senior Vice-President et responsable de l’expérience de la marque et de l’objectif de SAP.


Publié initialement sur en anglais.

The post La gentillesse est la contagion qui nous rassemble appeared first on SAP France News.

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The common theme in this month’s collection of new tools and resources is “things that help you show off your work.” Many of these tools are made to help you better web products or apps or showcase designs with others.

Here’s what new for designers this month.


Naturaltts is an online text to speech converter, that allows you to download an mp3 recording. The tool has more than 60 voices to choose from in six languages. There’s a free plan for personal use (based on characters converted) and affordable paid plans for higher volumes and commercial users. One application of this tool is voiceover for videos or tutorials.


Handz is a library of hands with different gestures in three-dimensional shapes. The collection includes 12 gestures with nine skin colors, and three different sleeve types. Put all that together and you have 320 potential combinations that you can use for projects. The library is completely free and works in a variety of formats with different tools.


Isoflow allows you to create isometric diagrams for presentations and illustrations with ease. You can edit and then export diagrams for print or website use, thanks to vector rendering.

Device Shots

Device Shots is a small web app that helps you generate a high-resolution device mockup using a screenshot of your website or mobile application. It supports almost every device type you can think of and resizes for social media platforms.


Barchartrace is a simple MIT open source bar chart generator. Use it to create some of the animated charts you see on social media. Just insert your information (upload via CSV file), choose animation settings, and go.

Zettlr Markdown Editor

Zettlr is a free and open source markdown editor for Mac OS. Zettlr supports simple notations, references, includes a dark mode, and tagging. It’s made for note takers who need a tool to amp up their projects, and is used primarily in higher education.

CSS Leaning Card Effect

The CSS Leaning Card Effect replicates the bookshelf feel you get when rectangles lean with a shadow against planes. Lynn Fisher does it in the pen with code that you can see and work on with your own images. is a tool that matches you with freelance developers to get projects moving more quickly. You are guaranteed a match in 24 hours and there is no risk if the match doesn’t work out. Just tell what you need and the algorithm will match you with a dev from the database. Prices for development through the platform start at $35 per hour.


Papercups is a customer messaging tool that lets you chat in real-time. The customizable widget works with your favorite tools, such as Slack and Gmail, and is free to use. Chat apps are one of the most in-demand website features right now.

CSS Click to Animate Gif

Christian Heilmann has created a great guide/experiment in pure CSS that adds a play button on top of animated GIFs so that users can control the motion. He developed the concept because GIFs can get overwhelming and annoying. Learn how he did it and see it in action.

3D Book Image Generator

Here’s another little bit of CSS magic with a 3D Book Image Generator. Just input your image and set some specifications and get a 3D book cover image that you can use in projects. (There’s also an accompanying tutorial if you want to learn how to generate the CSS on your own.)


Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet – it’s a lot like Microsoft Excel – with powerful data functions and tools. It’s user-friendly and open source. It even has quite a few built-in mathematical formulas and supports various table types.


RevKit is a design system UI kit that works with Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD. It includes plenty of organized components that you can pop right into designs to help get them started faster. It also includes a style guide, elements, and form controls. The download is free.


Card allows you to store social media profiles, websites, and files in a customized profile. Share it in one click. Replace awkward contact exchange and multiple usernames with a simple QR code or link.

Scale Nucleus

Scale Nucleus helps visualize data, curate interesting slices within your dataset, review and manage annotations, and measure and debug model performance. This tool claims to be “the right way” to develop ML models.


Previewed is a mockup generator to create beautiful promotional graphics for your app. Browse a variety of templates, pick one, customize, and download your design to show off.

NSFW Filter

NSFW Filter is a browser extension that blocks images that aren’t safe for work. The best part is that it runs locally in-browser and doesn’t access any of your data. Plus, it saves you from on-the-job embarrassment.

ColorFlick for Dribbble

ColorFlick for Dribbble is another browser extension that makes it easy to copy hex codes from the tool to your clipboard with ease. You can also create palettes you can share from your favorite shots using Coolors.

Tabler Icons

Tabler Icons is a collection of more than 550 SVG icons that you can customize. Change the color, size, or stroke width with on-screen controls and then click to copy the icons you want to use. It’s that simple!


Teenyicons might be some of the cutest icons out there. This collection includes minimal 1px icons in outline or solid fills. And there are plenty of icons to choose from. Adjust the size and grab the ones that you need for projects.


Basicons is a set of simple icons for product design and development. Plus, they are updated weekly.

Chozy Mermaid

Chozy Mermaid is a super funky novelty typeface to close out summer. The characters feature beach themes within slab characters. It might be hard to find an application for this one, but it is too fun not to share.


Dotuku is a dingbats font with a back to school theme. The limited character set features filled and outline styles that are perfect for classrooms.


Margin is a fun retro style typeface with a 1970s vibe. It’s a “chubby serif” with 60 characters and 58 glyphs.


Rollanda is a signature-style script with a thicker weight and rough stroke. The character set is pretty robust.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.

The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.

Stroke Text CSS: The Definitive Guide


Code Snippets for Easier Coding


Textdb – A Simple Way to Share Small Amounts of Data


10+ Favicon Generators to Make your Brand Stand Out


12 CSS Grid Layouts


Applying Disney’s Basic Principles of Animation to UI Design


Curiosity Creates


Previewed – Beautiful Mockups & Graphics for your Next App


We’re in a Golden Age of UX. Why is Video Chat Still Stuck in the ’90s?


18+ CSS Book Effect


How to Promote a Mobile App with an Animated Explainer Video


Hyperlog – Portfolios for Developers


Site Design: Looks like You Need to Let it Out


Doing Stupid Stuff with GitHub Actions


Is it Good Design? Well, Yeah.


15 Free Adobe XD UI Kits for Web and Mobile App Designers


The Office as You Know it is Gone


How Interactive Content will Increase your Visitor’s Time on Page


What do Web Design Clients Need from Designers?


Truthmark is a Photography Database Aiming to Stop Misuse in Fake News


200+ NoCode Tool List by WeLoveNoCode


Designing for ‘Why?’


10 Tips Before You Buy a Domain Name


Making Memories to Last (August 2020 Wallpapers Edition)


Design Constraints are not Restraints – They Stoke Creativity


Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

In today’s Quality Sense episode, Federico Toledo sits down for a chat with a colleague and friend, Sofia Palamarchuk. She’s a Director and Board Member of Abstracta and the co-founder and CEO of Apptim, a tool that helps you to test and analyze native mobile app performance.

After beginning her career as a performance engineer at Abstracta, she led our expansion to the United States – heading up business development. After seeing the challenges that mobile development teams face, in 2019, she embarked on a mission to transform the way global mobile teams create quality apps.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Les nombreux chatbots aujourd’hui disponibles, en particulier sur Facebook Messenger, ne constituent que les prémisses d’un nouveau type d’interface appelée à essaimer. Avec des enjeux économiques majeurs pour les entreprises.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet