
At a previous job (I won’t tell you which), I had responsibility for a platform of 250,000 lines of C# code and 6 developers as the main architect. Our system was built in its entirety around Azure Functions and Cosmos DB. This was a huge company, with some 30,000 employees around the world, and our CEO got a deal with AWS. At that point we were paying 8,000 EUROs per month for our development environment – Seriously!

Our CEO was smart though, and struck a deal with AWS, probably due to that the company as a whole (I can only imagine) paid millions of EUROs per month for their cloud services in total, and was able to significantly reduce this number by porting « everything » to AWS. At this point we started pondering how to « port » our Azure Functions and Cosmos DB to something we could run in AWS. And yes, we even considered running the Azure Function debugger executable locally in servers inside of AWS – Needless to say, but this was simply suicide, and the whole idea was canned, the project had to be scrapped, and a « brand new AWS lockin project » was initiated – The irony … :/

Source de l’article sur DZONE

I am trying to develop a base API pricing formula for determining what my hard costs are for each API I’m publishing using Amazon RDS, EC2, and AWS API Gateway. I also have some APIs I am deploying using Amazon RDS, Lambda, and AWS API Gateway, but for now I want to get a default base for determining what operating my APIs will cost me, so I can mark up and reliably generate profit on top of the APIs I’m making available to my partners. AWS has all the data for me to figure out my hard costs, I just need a formula that helps me accurately determine what my AWS bill will be per API.

Math isn’t one of my strengths, so I’m going to have to break this down, and simmer on things for a while, before I will be able to come up with some sort of working formula. Here are my hard costs for what my AWS resources will cost me, for three APIs I have running currently in this stack:

Source de l’article sur DZONE