
In previous blog articles, we have successively introduced the deletion, bitset, and compaction functions in Milvus 2.0. To culminate this series, we would like to share the design behind load balance, a vital function in the distributed cluster of Milvus.


Milvus 2.0 supports automatic load balance by default. But you can still trigger load balance manually. Please note that only sealed segments can be transferred across query nodes.

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In this article, we will look at the detailed steps to install Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. We will cover the Azure DevOps release pipeline and configure service connection to the Kubernetes cluster using temporary kubeconfig. After that, we will expose the application in Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes using Ingress.

High-level steps:

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This is an article from DZone’s 2021 Kubernetes and the Enterprise Trend Report.

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Read the Report

In the modern technology landscape, Kubernetes is a widely adopted platform that enables organizations to deploy and manage applications at scale. The container orchestration platform simplifies infrastructure provisioning for microservice-based applications, which empowers efficient workload management through modularity. Kubernetes supports various deployment resources to help implement CI/CD pipelines using updates and versioning. While Kubernetes offers rolling updates as the default deployment strategy, several use cases require a non-conventional approach to deploying or updating cluster services. 

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This is an article from DZone’s 2021 Kubernetes and the Enterprise Trend Report.

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Read the Report

As more organizations have begun to embrace cloud-native technologies, Kubernetes adoption has become the industry standard for container orchestration. This shift toward Kubernetes has largely automated and simplified the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, providing numerous benefits over legacy management protocols for traditional monolithic systems. However, securely managing Kubernetes at scale comes with a unique set of challenges, including hardening the cluster, securing the supply chain, and detecting threats at runtime. 

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I was lucky. I already had extensive knowledge of Docker before starting the certification for Kubernetes developer (CKAD), and I have an employer (Ordina) that gives me the space and time to invest in myself.

So I claimed a week of preparation and did the whole Kubernetes for Developers (LFD259) course. To follow this course, you have to prepare a practice environment, and you are given instructions on how to do that on AWS or Google Cloud (which can result in extra costs). It is also very possible to create a cluster on your local machine. To make my life easier (and cheaper) I opted for the last option and created a vagrant set up with instructions for it here.

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PostgreSQL is an open-source, versatile, and most popular database system around the world. However, it does not have any features for high availability.

Enter Patroni.  Patroni is a cluster manager tool used for customizing and automating deployment and maintenance of high availability PostgreSQL clusters. It is written in Python and uses etcd, Consul, and ZooKeeper as a distributed configuration store for maximum accessibility. In addition, Patroni is capable of handling database replication, backup, and restoration configurations.

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The monitoring and alerting stack is a crucial part of the SRE practices. That’s where BotKube helps you monitor your Kubernetes cluster and send notifications to your messaging platform or any other configured sink. In this blog post, we will be configuring BotKube to watch the Kubernetes cert-manager certificates CustomResources.

What is BotKube?

BotKube is a messaging tool for monitoring and debugging Kubernetes clusters. BotKube can be integrated with multiple messaging platforms like – Slack, Mattermost, or Microsoft Teams to help you monitor your Kubernetes cluster(s), debug critical deployments, and gives recommendations for standard practices by running checks on the Kubernetes resources.

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Local storage volumes remain the preferred choice when it comes to the control of managing cluster services and achieving higher performance.

In this article, we highlight how Vadim Tkachenko, CTO, Percona, deployed a Percona Kubernetes Operator using OpenEBS Local Persistent Volumes for enhanced database efficiency. 

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CockroachDB is a cloud-native SQL database that features both scalability and consistency. The database is designed to withstand data center failures by deploying multiple instances of symmetric nodes in a cluster consisting of several machines, disks, and data centers. Kubernetes’ built-in capabilities to scale and survive node failures make it well suited to orchestrate CockroachDB’s databases. This is particularly for the reason that Kubernetes simplifies cluster management and helps maintain high-availability by replicating data across independent nodes. 

This guide focuses on how OpenEBS LocalPV devices can be used to persist storage for Kubernetes-Hosted CockroachDB clusters. 

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