
Ktor is an asynchronous web framework written in and designed for Kotlin, leveraging coroutines and allowing you to write asynchronous code without having to manage any threads yourself.

Here is a bit more background information on Ktor. It is backed by Jetbrains, who are also the creators of Kotlin itself. Who better to make a Kotlin web framework than the people that work on the language?

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The introduction of the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) process has strengthened the software release mechanism, helping products go to market faster than ever before and allowing application development teams to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably. Regression testing ensures no new mistakes have been introduced to a software application by testing newly modified code as well as any parts of the software that could potentially be affected. The software testing market size is projected to reach $40 billion in 2020 with a 7% growth rate by 2027. Regression testing accounted for more than 8.5% of market share and is expected to rise at an annual pace of over 8% through 2027, as per reports from the Global Market Insights group.

The Importance of Regression Testing

Regression testing is a must for large-sized software development teams following an agile model. When many developers are making multiple commits frequently, regression testing is required to identify any unexpected outcome in overall functionality caused by each commit. The CI/CD setup identifies that and notifies the developers as soon as the failure occurs and makes sure the faulty commit doesn’t get shipped into the deployment. 

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Vercel allows you to host your project as fast as possible with little or no setup. When Vercel is used with GitHub for project deployment, things get more fascinating. When a new update is pushed to GitHub, this enables automated code deployment, streamlining your CI/CD workflow.

What Is Github Actions?

GitHub Actions is a CI/CD platform for automating your build, test, and deployment workflows. You can build and test every pull request in your repository using workflows, or you may deploy merged pull requests to the production repository.

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As more and more organizations making the shift to cloud-native technologies, Kubernetes has become the de facto choice to orchestrate container-based applications. As applications grow in size, the number of microservices increases and so does the data they process. Hence, handling data, especially sensitive data becomes critical. Out of the box, Kubernetes supports « Secrets » objects to store sensitive information — like passwords, tokens, ssh keys, and so on — securely.

Kubernetes secret eliminates the need to hard-code sensitive data in the application code. Secrets provide this sensitive information as data mount or expose them as environment variables.

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We wanted to share our findings and experiences from creating our first GitHub Action. In this article, you’ll learn how to write a simple GitHub Action in Python.

Brief Overview of GitHub Actions

In 2019, GitHub released its own CI tool called GitHub Actions. According to GitHub, Actions make it easy for developers to automate tasks within the software development life cycle (SDLC). The native ecosystem integration enables projects to be automated from the moment developers commit code for deployment into production.

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Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

How to Create Simple CSS Grid System

Why are You Running?

15+ VS Code Extensions for Web Developers

10 of the Biggest SEO Mistakes [Infographic]

SVG Loading Animations

AI Pixel Art Human Face

VSLook – Customize the Look of your VSCode

One Line of CSS to Add Basic Dark/light Mode

Basicons – Basic Icons for Product Design & Development

Touch-first Cursor: Round Pointers Vs Mouse Arrows

7 UX Laws You’re Probably Getting Wrong

“Google” Programmers – How One Idiot Hired a Couple More Idiots

Bunny Fonts – Privacy Respecting Drop-in Replacement for Google Fonts


The post Popular Design News of the Week: June 20, 2022 – June 26, 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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This is an article from DZone’s 2022 Low Code and No Code Trend Report.

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Many companies are looking to low-code and no-code platforms to build apps in the visual environment. They provide the opportunity for faster app development and reduce the dependence on highly skilled developers. Companies may hire less experienced or only minimally trained staff (I’ll call them citizen developers) to meet service gaps and to respond to skills shortages, ensuring their larger dev team can focus on more advanced projects. 

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This is an article from DZone’s 2022 Low Code and No Code Trend Report.

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Yes, engineering is a science, but it’s more and more an art, too. Developers must be at least as creative as the next hacker — and they need to cultivate user empathy. That’s why organizations benefit from automating the minutia, allowing devs to focus on novel problem-solving. This is where the promise of no-code and low-code development comes in — not to replace developer jobs, but to transform them into knowledge worker roles. Read on to learn about the no-code/low-code movement, how it fits into your work as a developer, and where it’s heading. 

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Over the years, I’ve been in various discussions regarding the benefits of clean architecture, best practices, techniques such as code reviews, unit tests, etc., and I think to some degree, most of us are aligned on the reasons behind it. Having a clean architecture or code-base not only makes your development team happier, but it has a far-reaching impact on the business itself.

In this post, we will learn about NDepend, which is described on their website as the following:

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Web3 and smart contracts are growing in popularity. In fact, a recent analysis of public code repositories has shown that over 18,000 developers are regularly contributing to open source crypto and Web3 projects on a monthly basis. Some of the keys to this growth are blockchains like NEAR and developer platforms like Infura.

This article will look at the NEAR blockchain, its benefits, and how to build on NEAR using Infura. Then we’ll use the NEAR Rust SDK to mint in three steps and then interact using Infura. You’ll need a NEAR account, an Infura account, and some Rust skills and tools to get up and running quickly.

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