
Après avoir adopté l’ERP SAP S/4HANA, METEX NØØVISTAGO a souhaité améliorer son processus d’élaboration budgétaire. Une tâche confiée à SAP Analytics Cloud Planning, déployé par le Groupe KPC.

METEX NØØVISTAGO est un acteur industriel à la pointe de la bio-industrie.L’entreprise produit des ingrédients fonctionnels (principalement des acides aminées à ce jour) par fermentation pour le marché de la nutrition animale et bientôt de la cosmétique : 1 usine, 100KT d’acide aminées par an, 200M€ de CA annuel, et 350 salariés.

En juin 2020, METEX NØØVISTAGO a déployé un nouveau système d’information en mode greenfield, comprenant l’ERP intelligent SAP S/4HANA, un data warehouse SAP BW/4HANA et l’outil d’analyse de données SAP Analytics Cloud. « Un changement de taille pour METEX NØØVISTAGO,qui avait travaillé pendant 35 ans sur IBM AS/400 », explique Paul Stoffaes, DSI de l’entreprise.

Reste un processus qui n’avait pas été refondu : la planification budgétaire. « Le processus de forecast était réalisé sur Excel, ce qui était long, laborieux et source de nombreuses erreurs. Le contrôle de gestion passait plus de temps à consolider les données qu’à les analyser. Quant au processus d’élaboration budgétaire, il était encore plus fastidieux ».

METEX NØØVISTAGO a donc décidé de mettre en place une solution capable de livrer des prévisions au mois, à l’année et sur plusieurs années, avec une agilité permettant l’intégration aisée de nouveaux produits ou de nouveaux processus. L’objectif est de libérer du temps au contrôle de gestion, afin qu’il puisse se focaliser sur son cœur de métier, l’analyse et le pilotage.

SAP Analytics Cloud Planning déployé sur l’élaboration budgétaire

La société a confié la modélisation de son processus à l’un des modules de SAP Analytics Cloud, le module de Planning. « L’utilisation de SAP Analytics Cloud Planning permet de faciliter l’intégration avec l’ERP SAP S/4HANA, constate Paul Stoffaes. Il y a également une certaine logique à l’utiliser, car nos collaborateurs connaissent déjà SAP Analytics Cloud dans le cadre de la Business Intelligence. »

Le déploiement de la brique Planning de SAP Analytics Cloud a été confié à KPC : « Ils ont bien compris nos enjeux et ont su proposer un déroulé de projet et une méthodologie adaptés, ainsi qu’un chiffrage lisible. Leur capacité à s’engager au forfait sur un planning serré a également été une des raisons du choix de KPC. » METEX NØØVISTAGO avait en effet fixé comme contrainte une réalisation du projet dans un délai restreint de 5 mois.

Le cœur fonctionnel de la solution mise en place est un P&L présenté par produit, accompagné de plusieurs modèles de simulation. Chaque équipe dispose de son propre accès à la solution, afin d’y faire remonter ses données et prévisions : commerciaux, production, achats, logistique… Les informations sont synchronisées chaque jour – dans les deux sens – entre les référentiels SAP S/4HANA, SAP BW/4HANA et SAP Analytics Cloud, au travers de SAP Data Hub.

Voici le détail du processus mis en place :

  • L’équipe de vente fait remonter ses informations : volumes, prix, commissions…
  • L’équipe en charge des achats définit les prix moyens pondérés.
  • L’équipe de production travaille en parallèle sur la définition des nomenclatures.
  • Le contrôle de gestion pilote l’ensemble du processus, en intervenant lorsque nécessaire.

Un projet réussi, qui renforce l’adoption de SAP Analytics Cloud

« De notre point de vue, le projet est une réussite, résume Paul Stoffaes. Il a été mené à bien dans les délais, avec un budget maîtrisé. KPC a su faire preuve d’une solide expertise fonctionnelle et technique. Nous avions séparé le projet sous forme de lots, permettant de dispatcher les livrables tout au long du développement, ce qui s’est avéré très confortable. »

Quels bénéfices a identifié METEX NØØVISTAGO?

  • Des gains de productivité, avec une réduction de la durée du processus et une plus grande autonomie des parties prenantes.
  • Des gains en fiabilité, les données étant extraites puis remontées directement depuis et vers l’ERP SAP S/4HANA.
  • Des gains de flexibilité : « Auparavant, évaluer chacune des hypothèses pouvait tourner rapidement au cauchemar. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes beaucoup plus sereins. »

Le tout avec comme résultat global une amélioration des prévisions. Mais aussi un bénéfice inattendu : un intérêt renouvelé des collaborateurs pour SAP Analytics Cloud. « L’utilisation de SAP Analytics Cloud Planning a poussé certains utilisateurs à se pencher sur SAP Analytics Cloud BI », confirme Paul Stoffaes. La DSI s’attendait à une adoption rapide de SAP Analytics Cloud Planning par les utilisateurs de SAP Analytics Cloud BI. La fertilisation a finalement aussi été constatée dans l’autre sens !

The post L’industriel METEX NØØVISTAGO s’appuie sur SAP Analytics Cloud Planning pour son élaboration budgétaire appeared first on SAP France News.

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As a good DBA, it is critical to backup your data. However, sometimes, we have the backup, and the backup is corrupt. If that happens to a mission-critical environment, you could be fired because of the error.

This article will talk about the different ways to find out if a SQL Backup file is corrupt, automate the backup process, and some advice to test and avoid this problem.

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Much like running up bills on your credit card, technical debt can easily get out of hand. To avoid this happening, you need to keep track of how much debt you’re building up.

Technical debt metrics are designed to help you make sense of all the data you collect. There are many different metrics to choose from nowadays, and plenty of tools for recording the data.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Think of a world where you don’t need a separate testing environment, where you can test everything in production and capture valuable data that helps you improve along the way. The secret ingredient: feature flags.

What Are Feature Flags?

Features flags is a software engineering technique that lets developers integrate code constantly into the main trunk. It involves shipping incomplete features into production, which remain dormant until ready. Feature flags also take part in software delivery; when the feature is complete, the code can be activated at the flick of a switch.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Happy New Year, fabulous new website design trends!

This month’s design trends are a collection of the somewhat unexpected – from NFT website design to large text to illustrations; you won’t see a single photo or video here. Here’s what’s trending in design this month.

NFT Websites

This website design trend has more to do with the greater trends in digital marketplaces and commerce but has value in the design space as well. NFT websites are popping up everywhere.

Marketplaces for non-fungible tokens use modern design effects to draw users in and help them make purchases and view available images. If you haven’t delved into the world of NFTs, they are data units – often in the form of gifs – stored on a blockchain digital ledger. You can buy, sell, and trade these digital nuggets on various marketplaces.

The designs of NFTs could be explained as a trend of their own. Here, we’re focusing on the look and feel of the websites surrounding them. While some designs are relatively primitive, the best marketplaces have a full e-commerce feel with easy-to-use interfaces and a modern design.

Each of these three NFT marketplaces does it a little differently.

Styllar puts a focus on NFT avatars with a minimal aesthetic that gives plenty of room to individual NFTs. Sit on the website too long, though, and hundreds of options begin to cover the screen. Each visual element has a small text element to match that explains each image. It feels like a modern e-commerce experience that instills trust with users because of clean visual patterns. The site itself is just a gateway to a more traditional marketplace, but the calls to action are large, clear, and easy to follow.

OpenSea treats the NFT marketplace more like an art gallery with card-style buttons to look at different elements and images. Everything about the website design is tailored for the mobile user and quick browsing with large areas to click in the card format and easy-to-read headers that help you find your way through the NFT space, whether you want to buy, create, or sell. The site also does one more thing that’s not as common with e-commerce – it explains how to get started in this new digital territory with plenty of resources.

Rarible has an almost social media feel with lots of small blocks showing different NFTs. Digestible content in a grid-based design helps you navigate from images to rankings to what’s trending in NFTs. This site design is set up for high interaction and engagement, also featuring card-style elements and the ability to favorite items before bidding.

The key commonality with NFT website designs is that they are made for mobile users. These sites look good on desktops, but they are highly focused on a mobile, instant gratification user.




Text-Based Hero Headers

A trend in website design from 2021 is bleeding into 2022 with a lot of popularity: Hero headers that are mostly text. These designs have background texture and color, but for the most part, they don’t have a lot of other visuals.

These designs often rely on powerful language or messaging to help get user engagement. A secondary theme is the use of bright colors to help add focus and attention to the typography.

Font choices seem to be fairly neutral, with a lot of thicker sans serifs for the main headline and something a little lighter for secondary text options.
WeTransfer uses a smaller text block with multiple lines to create weight. The off-center placement draws the eye and is interesting even with the neutral background. Stacking elements create a nice focal area that encourages reading.

Halborn Blockchain Security goes with a less traditional font option and flips the color to the text to enhance the visual display. This design also uses an off-center, asymmetrical approach to create focus on the text element. The dark counterweight on the screen is an excellent guide to draw you back to the main hero headline.

FWD goes with giant oversized text elements to create a strong visual focus with this design. Other than the faint animation of the arrows next to “Here’s what they said,” everything is still and static. The color and blocky depth of the background help draw the eye through the text and to clickable elements so that you know what to do next.



Intricate Illustrations

Another trending design element is the use of intricate illustrations on homepages. These highly detailed images can tell a visual story, help add meaning to messaging, or serve as a remarkable visual element when you don’t have a photo or video.

The great thing about this trend is that the only limitation is your imagination.

Once you find someone to create the illustration (if you can’t do it yourself), the world is open to interpretation.

We are seeing three major themes within this trend, as showcased in the examples.

Multi-layer illustrations with hints of animation, such as the one from Highvibe Network. This illustration used lots of colors, layers, unexpected elements within outlines, and a little animation to pull it all together. The effect is rather stunning and provides a lot of interest for the user.

Realistic, painting-style illustrations, such as the one from Healthline, bring the content to life without real people or images. This technique is especially nice for industries where you may want to anonymize people in images. (Perfect for a healthcare website design because you don’t know if the illustrations are of real people or not.)

Detailed geo shapes and lines, such as the design from Radio Meuh Circus Festival. With great color and lines that draw the eye, this design can keep you looking and finding new depth for a long time. Color also helps draw you into the striking imagery.




What’s nice about all these design trends is that they have flexible elements that you can use and replicate across industries and projects. The common factor is that they lack traditional dominant imagery, which works exceptionally well.

These trends are likely a result of the worldwide pandemic as well. With less social contact, creating without conducting photo or video shoots is an ideal situation. Good luck trying some of these trending design elements on your own.


The post 3 Essential Design Trends, January 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Paris, le 10 janvier 2022 – Gémo se dote aujourd’hui de nouvelles solutions technologiques centrées sur la data, avec l’offre de migration RISE with SAP. Objectif : développer une approche omnicanale de pointe, conjuguant parfaitement ses lieux de ventes physiques et son commerce en ligne. Le maillage de ses entrepôts et de ses magasins représente en effet un atout clé pour l’enseigne familiale du groupe Eram, qui entame, grâce à SAP S/4HANA, une stratégie d’accélération de sa transformation numérique pour en faire un véritable levier de croissance.

SAP, Google Cloud et delaware, trois acteurs au service de la simplification

SAP, fidèle à ses ambitions, démontre une fois de plus sa capacité à apporter tous les outils nécessaires pour s’adapter aux évolutions du marché et notamment à celui du prêt-à-porter. Fort de son expertise de leader des logiciels de gestion d’entreprise sur de multiples industries, SAP a en effet toutes les cartes en main pour accompagner Gémo dans le challenge que l’enseigne souhaite relever à horizon 2025.

Le choix de Google Cloud s’inscrit dans une logique de capital technologique. A travers cette migration dans le cloud, réfléchie, progressive et déterminée, Gémo souhaite valoriser la stratégie de big data déjà engagée avec Google. Pouvoir intégrer parfaitement les données SAP, tout en bénéficiant de la sécurité, de la flexibilité, des capacités d’analyses et de la résilience de l’infrastructure, a été décisif dans la sélection de Google Cloud.

Pour intégrer SAP S/4 HANA et ses modules spécialisés, Gémo s’adosse à un acteur local et international reconnu sur le marché SAP. delaware, est un expert de l’intégration SAP dans l’industrie du retail / fashion et est notamment présent à Nantes près du siège de Gémo. Il a su démontrer la valeur ajoutée de la solution SAP pour Gémo et déployer les équipes d’experts nécessaires pour accompagner cette transformation.

Avec 440 magasins, 4 000 collaborateurs et plus de 12 000 références produits, l’enseigne Gémo habille aujourd’hui 1 français sur 5, et ambitionne d’entrer dans le top 5 des acteurs du marché de l’équipement de la personne. La modernisation des outils, basée sur un cœur SAP, doit permettre de répondre aux ambitions de croissance omnicanale, en France et à l’international, en intégrant de nouveaux modèles de business.

Une transformation numérique engagée pour soutenir la croissance à venir

Les technologies proposées aujourd’hui par l’offre « Business Transformation as a Service » de RISE with SAP ont été bâties dans le but de soutenir cette croissance et d’apporter les solutions innovantes afin :

  • d’accélérer le Time To Market de l’ensemble des projets : les distributeurs producteurs se doivent d’être rapides pour répondre immédiatement aux demandes des consommateurs ;
  • de tenir les engagements dans le taux de service ;
  • de personnaliser l’expérience client ;
  • d’assurer la fluidité et l’efficacité de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et de distribution ;
  • d’apporter le meilleur sur la disponibilité des collections selon les saisons et sur la centralisation de l’offre ;
  • et de garantir la pérennité de l’entreprise et préserver sa rentabilité.

« L’accompagnement de la stratégie de transformation de Gémo est la raison d’être de ce partenariat  à haute valeur ajoutée avec SAP, Google Cloud et delaware. C’est en effet en trouvant de nouveaux relais de croissance avec une approche omnicanale, en améliorant l’expérience de nos clients et en garantissant l’excellence opérationnelle de nos chaînes logistiques que nous assurerons à notre groupe une place de leader dans le secteur hautement compétitif de l’équipement de la personne en France, et à l’international, pour les prochaines décennies », annonce Philippe Thirache, Directeur Général Gémo.

« Accompagner l’enseigne Gémo dans sa transformation numérique est une grande fierté pour nous aujourd’hui. D’autant que nous avançons avec la même vision, toujours tournée vers le client et avec l’ambition d’améliorer et de simplifier la vie de chacun. Nous avons hâte de constater le fruit de ce nouveau partenariat et de permettre à Gémo de déployer sa stratégie omnicanale.» précise Frédéric Chauviré, Directeur Général SAP France

« Nous sommes fiers d’accompagner une marque comme Gémo et un groupe comme Eram, fleurons de la distribution française, dans leur accélération numérique, et de démontrer notre pertinence technologique dans leur stratégie de croissance, de soutenir l’enrichissement constant de leur expérience et de leur satisfaction client. » explique Anthony Cirot, Directeur général de Google Cloud France.

« Gémo est une entreprise engagée, ancrée sur son territoire, et fait partie des leaders sur son marché. Nous sommes ainsi particulièrement fiers de participer à la transformation de cette enseigne française reconnue. Les experts et la direction de delaware sont mobilisés pour faire de ce projet une réussite à la hauteur des ambitions de Gémo. A travers ce programme et avec le concours du groupe Eram, nous continuerons de favoriser la démarche invest in digital people en faveur de la reconversion professionnelle dans le secteur du numérique » complète Aymeric Fosset, associé delaware.


The post SAP, Google Cloud et delaware accompagnent la marque de prêt-à-porter Gémo dans sa stratégie omnicanale appeared first on SAP France News.

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Man on the computer.


Relational databases distribute their data across many tables by normalization or according to business entities. This makes maintaining a growing database schema easier. Real-world queries often span across multiple tables, and hence joining these tables is inevitable.

PostgreSQL uses many algorithms to join tables. In this article, we will see how joins work behind the scenes from a planner perspective and understand how to optimize them.

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In this article, you will learn how SQL aggregate functions can represent an easy way to significantly improve your application’s performance. Mainly, you will see how they were a game-changer in a real-world scenario based on a data-driven application developed for a startup operating in the sports industry.

Let’s now delve deeper into this scenario and learn why you can’t ignore SQL aggregate functions in data science.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

There are a lot of factors that contribute to a better user experience on a website. Pages need to load quickly to give users peace of mind and efficiency. Navigation must be clear and straightforward, with direct pathways for visitors to follow when finding your contact pages, blog posts, and products. Your colors need to work seamlessly together while providing just enough contrast in the areas that need it most.

Excellent user experience needs to be considered for every part of your website that acts as a touchpoint with a potential customer or user.

One of the most significant touchpoints of all is your forms.

All websites need some form of interactive content to thrive. Users need to be able to do something with the site, whether it’s looking for information with a search bar, contacting a team for a quote, making a booking, or completing a purchase. Forms power the majority of the interactive activities available on websites.

If you know how to master great UX on a form, you can contribute to more meaningful interactions between your brands and their customers. But not all web forms are the same. Here are some of the top types of forms you need to master and how you can optimize them.

The “Opt-In” Form

The Opt-in Form is probably the best-known form in the digital landscape. It’s essentially a form that asks visitors to “opt-in” to a specific offer. Sometimes, this means signing up for a webinar; other times, it’ll be agreeing to an email newsletter or a regular series of blog updates.

Opt-in forms grab attention quickly and ask for something specific from the audience. For instance, this example from HuffPost encourages visitors to “Subscribe to the Morning Email.”

Opt-in forms are all about generating action.

Sometimes, they’re placed at the bottom of a landing page after a company has had a chance to explain precisely what they’re offering. Other times, you’ll find the opt-in form situated on a sidebar of a website, constantly enticing people to “sign up” if they like what they see on a blog post or article.

It’s also common for opt-in forms to appear as pop-ups and exit pop-ups on modern websites. For example, a brightly colored opt-in form that promises an immediate benefit to a customer could encourage them to hand over their details before they abandon your website.

How to Design a Great Opt-In Form

So what kind of best practices go into an excellent opt-in form?

  • Start with simplicity: If you’re asking your visitors to do something, don’t overwhelm them with too big of a request straight away. Keep the form short and simple, so it doesn’t seem like too much extra work for the visitor. Something like “Subscribe to our newsletter” should ask for nothing more than an email. 
  • Highlight the benefits: Most customers won’t want to give you a place in their inbox or the opportunity to interact with them further unless you can offer something in return. Even if you’re asking for something small, like an email address, let the customer know what’s in it for them. In the HuffPost example above, the company highlights that you can wake up to the day’s “most important news.” 
  • Give the visitor the power: Let your visitor know they’re in control here. They want to see that they’re getting exactly what they need from you in exchange for their contact details. This means reassuring them that their email address won’t be used for spam, like H&B Sensors does here: 

The Contact Form 

The Contact Form is another crucial part of building an effective UX for your website – but it’s also an element that web designers and business owners often overlook. When customers decide they want to learn more about a business, they need a quick and easy way to get in touch.

Contact forms need to be easy to find and use on any website. Usually, your user will expect to see a link to the contact form situated somewhere at the bottom of your webpage. It might be called “Contact Us” or “Customer Support.” Avoid anything that would go over the user’s head.

Aside from being easy to track down, your contact form also needs to reassure an audience that they’re making the right decision by getting in touch. Therefore, the content needs to be short, sweet, and authoritative—highlight why the user might contact your company and how they can do so.

Avoid any unnecessary information in the contact form. For example, you don’t need to know your client’s age and their job to answer a question about where their nearest physical branch is. Keep form fields to the point, or you’ll chase customers away.

How to Design a Great Contact Form

Design something personalized but straightforward to make the most of your contact form. Use features like smart content and conditional logic, if possible, to adapt the page to the user’s needs. Dynamic content is becoming increasingly valuable these days. Other best practices include:

  • Set the right expectations: Let your customers know how active you are and how quickly they can expect to hear back from you. Imagery and the right fonts can also set expectations about the kind of communication your audience can expect. For example, this contact page from the Marvel app is fun and playful, like the company itself:

  • Provide multiple options: If your customer doesn’t want to use your contact form, give them another way to get in touch. Ensure the contact page includes information like where to find you on social media and your professional phone number. 
  • Simplify things on your end: To ensure that you can contact your audience as quickly as possible, allow your customers to choose a specific subject that their query is connected to. Allowing them to choose “Sales” or “Order issues” means you can automatically direct the message to the right team member on the back-end. 

The Online Payment Form 

Sometimes, when your customers have seen what you have to offer and they’ve checked out the competition, they decide to go ahead with their purchase. To facilitate this, you’re going to need an online payment form. Online forms ensure that your customers can safely enter their credit or debit card details to purchase whatever you have to offer.

Most payment processing companies like PayPal, Square, and Stripe come with payment forms included, so you can easily embed them into a website in minutes. However, there’s always the option to customize those payment forms.

For instance, ideally, you’ll need a payment form that keeps your customer on the same page, so they don’t have to log into another browser to make their purchase. The fewer transitions your client has to make, the safer they’ll feel.

How to Design a Great Payment Form

When designing any payment form, simplicity and security are the two most important factors. Your customer should be able to enter their information quickly and easily and get through the transaction process without worrying about their details.

Remember to:

  • Keep it simple: The fewer fields the visitor has to fill out, the better. Customers still feel uncomfortable sharing personal information and payment details online. Make the experience as painless as possible. If your client already has an account with your business, you might create a system that automatically fills some of the fields, such as their email address, name, and billing address. 
  • Offer the right integrations: The proper payment forms will integrate with the payment services your customers prefer to use. Options include PayPal, Stripe, Square, Verified by Visa, and Mastercard. Get a developer to integrate the right APIs with your form to give your customers the broadest range of options. 
  • Ensure security: Give customers peace of mind by providing as much security evidence as possible. An SSL certificate that places the padlock on the top of the browser next to the URL is a great way to make customers feel more secure. Integrating verification options so your customers can avoid fraud issues is another significant step. Sometimes just putting logos from the card types you accept on the page will make a customer feel more secure. 

Support Forms

Some companies bundle the contact form and the support form together. Others have a separate support form to get their queries routed directly to the people most capable of helping them. If you want to take the second route, it might be a good idea to design a “help” section on your website where you can locate the support form.

The “Help” section on a site often appears alongside other links on the footer. For instance, it could appear alongside “About” links and “Contact” options. Here’s an example of Hubspot’s Customer Support options:

The best customer support pages come with various ways for clients to help themselves and find answers to their most pressing questions. For example, you might have a search bar where your audience can search for the answers to their queries or a knowledge base full of helpful blogs.

Hubspot allows users to choose between a blog, knowledge base, academy training center, community forum, developer discussion board, and assistance from a certified partner.

How to Design a Great Customer Support Form

Designing a good customer support form is about getting your audience the information they need as quickly as possible. Once again, you’ll need to stick to as few form fields as possible here to avoid angering an already frustrated customer. Also, remember to:

  • Ask for the right information: Find out what the query is about by giving the customer a drop-box menu full of possible topics to choose from. If you need a product reference number or something similar, ask for that at the top of the form, then allow the customer to provide extra information about their query underneath. 
  • Set expectations: Let your customers know when they can expect to get a response to their concerns and provide them with advice on what to do next. For instance, you could invite them to check out your knowledge base while they wait for a response. 
  • Keep it simple: Avoid using technical jargon on your support request forms. Be direct in your requests for summaries of the issue at hand, contact information, and other supplemental data. 

Customer Feedback Forms

According to Microsoft, around 96% of customers say that customer service is crucial in determining their loyalty to a specific brand. Another 52% of global customers believe that companies need to respond to the feedback provided by customers.

To ensure your customer service strategies are on-par with what your customers expect, you need to get feedback from your audience. That’s where a feedback form comes in. Customer feedback forms often appear after a client has finished purchasing on the “thank you” screen. They may also occur after a customer has completed a service interaction online.

Here’s an example of an Apple feedback form:

How to Design a Great Customer Feedback Form

By leaving you feedback, your customer is doing you a massive favor. They’re giving you a chance to learn from your mistakes and improve the service you can give next time around. Feedback is one of the best tools for any business that wants to grow and thrive.

If you want your customers to use your feedback forms, you’ll need to make them as simple as possible. Your customers don’t have time to waste on a complex form.

  • Don’t make any fields mandatory: Don’t stop your customers from submitting a form unless they’ve completed every field. Allow them to enter the information they consider to be the most important, and that’s it. You can even fill some of the form out for your customer, if possible, by entering their name and email address if they’re already a member of your site.
  • Make it mobile responsive: Remember there are around 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide. You can’t afford to lose feedback because your form isn’t responsive. Every form should look and feel incredible on any device. 
  • Include a rating option: If your customers don’t have much to say about your service, or they’re not wordsmiths, they might prefer a rating option instead. A one-to-five rating system that allows your customer to judge your product or service on a scale of poor to wonderful is a great way to gain quick information. Check out the Uber Engineering example here:

Though you can pre-enter some information on a feedback form to make your customer’s life easier, don’t overstep your bounds. Adding your customer’s email address to the form is fine if they’re already a customer with you. Pre-selecting the “very satisfied” rating above would look presumptuous.

Top Tips to Improve Every Form Design

The online form is an essential part of any web design project, but it’s also frequently overlooked. Unfortunately, without a good set of forms, your customers will struggle to interact with your company in a meaningful way.

When creating any form, remember:

  • Reduce friction: Reduce the friction for your customers by asking as few questions as possible. The less your customer has to answer, the better. If you can pre-populate forms with information like your customer’s name and email address, this could help. 
  • Keep it simple: Make sure that the form is clean and easy to use. Your customers shouldn’t be confused about where to click or how to submit their information. A single-column design is often better than a multi-column option.
  • Be clear in error messages: Don’t just tell your visitors that something has gone wrong. Let them know what they need to do to submit the form successfully. If possible, use inline validation with real-time feedback to let your audience know that you recognize the information they’ve submitted.
  • Keep data secure: Make sure your audience feels safe by letting them know how you will use this information and why you’re asking for it. If you’re asking for an email address, make the benefits of entering that information clear. 
  • Make fields optional: Allow your audience to add more information to a form if they want to – but don’t demand it. Give some freedom to the visitor. 

The better your forms are, the more effective your interactions with customers will be. Remember, it’s not just the face-to-face interactions that your customers judge when making decisions about your business and whether to trust you. Today’s digital world has prompted a new demand for more meaningful virtual experiences.

Your form could be the first interaction you have with a client, whether it’s a contact form, a booking form, or something else entirely. Get that right, and you can improve your chances of your customers coming back to interact with you again later.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post The Top 5 Form Types to Use in Your Web Design  first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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