
SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) is used to create high-level aggregated views of data, allowing users to quickly create dynamic reports and dashboards to centralize business measurable values like Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

In this article, we’ll cover how a user continued their analytics in SSAS after transferring terabytes of data into a Snowflake data warehouse.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The rise of data in motion in the insurance industry is visible across all lines of business, including life, healthcare, travel, vehicle, and others. Apache Kafka changes how enterprises rethink data. This blog post explores use cases and architectures for event streaming. Real-world examples from Generali, Centene, Humana, and Tesla show innovative insurance-related data integration and stream processing in real-time.

Digital Transformation in the Insurance Industry

Most insurance companies have similar challenges:

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Quand on parle de solutions dans le cloud, ou le ‘nuage’, on évoque principalement l’utilisation de ressources informatiques mises à disposition par le biais d’Internet. Cette technique offre davantage de flexibilité et de rapidité. Elle se révèle également plus économique qu’une installation locale des composants et logiciels. Dans les solutions de Cloud Computing, les clients ne paient que pour les services basés dans le cloud qu’ils utilisent effectivement. En d’autres termes, vous pouvez grâce à cette technologie de pointe réduire vos coûts d’exploitation, faire fonctionner votre infrastructure informatique de manière optimale et efficace, et surtout, la faire évoluer en fonction de vos besoins. Mais au fait : qu’est-ce que le cloud ?

Qu’est-ce que le cloud ?

Le cloud, ou nuage en français, renvoie à une nouvelle conception de l’informatique. Les ressources de stockage, les logiciels d’analyse ou les applications sont basés sur Internet. Il s’agit donc de solutions dématérialisées, qui remplacent l’installation sur un réseau d’entreprise, en local. Le cloud constitue une infrastructure virtuelle sur laquelle des ressources accessibles depuis un navigateur ou une application dédiée sont mises à disposition. C’est le fournisseur des solutions de cloud computing qui se charge de la maintenance et de l’entretien de l’architecture sous-jacente.

Le terme ‘cloud’ est apparu dans les années 1990, pour désigner les parties d’une architecture dédiée à l’information et à son échange. On l’utilise couramment pour décrire les domaines informatiques dans lesquels des systèmes numériques comme des

ordinateurs de bureau, des serveurs, les smartphones ou les tablettes échangent des données. L’image du ‘nuage’ s’explique d’une part par le fait que cette architecture demeure pour une grande part voilée pour l’utilisateur, d’autre part par la dimension dématérialisée des ressources. L’histoire du cloud débute à proprement parler en 2006, lorsque Amazon décide de louer des capacités de stockage aux entreprises.

Depuis lors, l’offre croissante de services de cloud computing permet de délocaliser plus aisément à des prestataires externes des questions telles que le stockage des données ou la sécurité informatique. Les systèmes ERP cloud, par exemple, sont moins sensibles aux défaillances qu’un réseau local, dans la mesure où les données sont certes stockées sur un serveur, mais généralement de manière redondante, à plusieurs emplacements, ce qui limite le risque de perte. Les collaborateurs de l’entreprise peuvent alors se connecter par le biais d’Internet au stockage en ligne. Il leur suffit d’un PC, d’une tablette ou d’un smartphone pour accéder aux données dont ils ont besoin. L’accès peut se faire quel que soit l’endroit où ils se trouvent, au bureau, chez eux ou en déplacement.

Solutions de cloud computing : les avantages

Utiliser un ERP cloud présente pour les entreprises de nombreux avantages. Souvent, elles choisissent de passer à une solution cloud pour des raisons de coût. En effet, un ERP cloud permet de réduire l’investissement pour l’achat de matériel et de logiciels ou pour la mise en place de centres de données. De même, l’entreprise n’a pas besoin d’engager un expert en informatique pour gérer l’infrastructure locale, puisque celle-ci se trouve dans le cloud . Installer un centre de données local entraîne de nombreux frais pour une PME. S’y ajoutent des frais de gestion et le temps qu’il faut y consacrer, afin d’appliquer les mises à jour logicielles et de configurer le matériel. L’utilisation de logiciels cloud permet donc aux équipes informatiques en entreprise de se consacrer à d’autres missions et sur la stratégie commerciale. 

Le cloud computing est aussi plus rapide que les ressources locales. S’agissant d’offres à la demande, en libre-service, les PME et les ETI peuvent disposer en quelques minutes d’une puissance importante, mise à disposition par le prestataire. Il en résulte une meilleure flexibilité. L’entreprise n’a plus besoin de se soucier de la planification de ses capacités. C’est d’autant plus vrai que les services informatiques en cloud s’appuient sur un réseau puissant de centres de données. Il est régulièrement mis à niveau avec du matériel informatique rapide et efficace. La latence réseau est donc bien plus faible. 

Enfin, les solutions de cloud computing offrent des avantages en termes de fiabilité et de sécurité. Le cloud ERP simplifie la protection des données, la restauration en cas de problème et la continuité des activités. Le cloud permet en effet la mise en miroir des données, stockées à plusieurs endroits différents. Concernant la sécurité, c’est le prestataire de solutions cloud qui met à disposition les technologies de pointe. Il effectue également les contrôles indispensables. De cette manière, l’environnement informatique des PME et ETI est mieux sécurisé. Les données sont protégées et les applications résistent mieux aux menaces potentielles. 

Les différents types de solutions de cloud computing

L’un des avantages du cloud est, comme nous avons pu le voir, la flexibilité. Selon l’organisation des entreprises, les habitudes de travail et le fonctionnement des équipes, un type donné de cloud computing est plus adapté qu’un autre. Votre prestataire étudie votre cahier des charges et vous propose un ERP basé sur le cloud convenant réellement à vos besoins et à ceux de votre activité. Autrement dit, les solutions de cloud computing sont taillées sur mesure pour les différents utilisateurs. 

La première différence réside dans l’architecture du cloud sur lequel mettre en œuvre vos ressources. Il existe trois options pour la fourniture de services en cloud  : le cloud public, le cloud privé et le cloud  hybride. Dans le cas du cloud public, les ressources informatiques comme les serveurs et les supports de stockage se trouvent sur Internet. Le fournisseur donne accès aux logiciels et applications. Dans le cloud privé, à l’inverse, les ressources informatiques sont dédiées à une seule entreprise. Le cloud peut néanmoins être hébergé par un prestataire externe, pour les raisons que nous avons examinées ci-dessus. Enfin, le cloud hybride combine les deux solutions. 

Les services et les logiciels cloud, quant à eux, appartiennent aux catégories suivantes : 

  • IaaS, ou Infrastructure as a service
  • Paas, ou Platform as a service
  • Saas, ou Software as a service. 

Ces catégories peuvent évidemment se combiner pour fournir aux entreprises un service intégralement externalisé dans le cloud.

À quel moment une entreprise devrait-elle avoir recours à un ERP cloud ?

Vous vous demandez si des solutions de cloud computing sont faites pour vous ? Voici quelques éléments de réponse, sachant qu’aujourd’hui, environ un quart des entreprises a recours à un ERP cloud

La réponse à cette question est relativement simple. L’utilisation du cloud computing apporte un plus indéniable dès lors que les données de l’entreprise doivent être disponibles à partir de plus d’un terminal numérique. Lorsque les collaborateurs de la PME utilisent des terminaux mobiles comme le smartphone ou les tablettes, le recours au cloud s’impose. Le cloud permet, comme nous l’avons vu, l’accès décentralisé aux données. Vos collaborateurs peuvent y accéder de partout, et pas seulement depuis le siège de l’entreprise.

Les solutions en cloud sont intéressantes pour les entreprises qui sont basées sur plusieurs sites différents, d’où elles doivent pouvoir consulter une base de données commune. C’est aussi le cas lorsque l’entreprise connaît une croissance rapide et qu’il lui faut des capacités informatiques supplémentaires. Le cloud est par ailleurs une solution de mobilité par excellence, incontournable à l’heure du télétravail. Grâce au cloud  privé, la PME peut évoluer de manière flexible, en fonction de ses besoins en capacité de stockage et de calcul.  L’accès aux données est accordé de manière sécurisée uniquement à ceux qui doivent pouvoir s’en servir. Le plus souvent, l’investissement dans une solution de cloud computing est rentabilisé rapidement, en une année environ. 

Contrairement à ce qu’on pense souvent, les ERP cloud offrent une sécurité améliorée par rapport à la plupart des solutions locales. Le scepticisme que l’on rencontre parfois à l’égard des solutions en cloud n’est donc en aucun cas justifié. Le cryptage des données, en particulier, peut être mis en œuvre dans le cloud  comme sur un serveur local. Il est important que le prestataire fournisse une solution de cryptage adaptée, auquel cas le stockage en cloud ne pose pas de problème particulier. Pour une sécurité optimale, nous vous conseillons évidemment le recours à des solutions de cloud computing dans le cloud  privé. 

Le cloud pour quelles utilisations ?

Le cloud computing permet de nombreuses utilisations. En voici quelques exemples, parmi les plus intéressants pour les PME / ETI. Le cloud  permet tout d’abord de créer des applications et de les faire évoluer. On peut s’en servir aussi bien pour les applications sur ordinateur que pour les applications mobiles. Le cloud est particulièrement adapté aux applications API. Il est non seulement possible de les créer, mais aussi de les tester dans le cloud, de manière optimisée.

L’utilisation la plus courante est cependant le stockage de données, et leur restauration en cas de problème informatique. Le cloud contribue donc à la protection des données de l’entreprise. Ces données sont accessibles de partout. Il est facile de les analyser, en les partageant entre les membres de vos équipes et les différents services. Les services d’intelligence artificielle basés dans le cloud aident les dirigeants à prendre les meilleures décisions stratégiques. 

La puissance des solutions basées dans le cloud vous permettra aussi d’offrir des supports audio et vidéo à vos clients. Ils pourront les consulter depuis n’importe quel emplacement, et sur n’importe quel terminal. Enfin, ce type d’hébergement est aujourd’hui incontournable pour y stocker des logiciels cloud, avec utilisation à la demande, ce qu’on appelle SaaS pour Software as a service. 

Choisir les solutions de cloud computing SAP

SAP est spécialisé dans les solutions de cloud computing. Ce sont aujourd’hui plus de 200 millions d’utilisateurs du cloud qui les ont choisies comme support pour leur activité. SAP met en œuvre des technologies intelligentes depuis plus de 40 ans et accompagne les entreprises comme les PME / ETI. Aujourd’hui, SAP est la société de logiciels cloud leader dans le monde. Elle fournit en particulier des ERP cloud pour faciliter l’organisation de travail au quotidien et optimiser les processus de gestion. Tous les outils SAP peuvent être basés dans le cloud et sont conçus dans ce but. 

Nous avons développé en particulier différentes solutions pour les PME / ETI afin de les aider à gérer leur trésorerie, leurs stocks, le télétravail, les missions des différents collaborateurs ou encore les opérations financières. Grâce aux solutions SAP, votre entreprise répond de manière plus agile à l’évolution du marché. De plus, elle améliore son indice de satisfaction client. Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur nos solutions de cloud computing ou nos ERP cloud ?

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter, par téléphone, par courriel ou par le chat. Notre service de support analysera précisément vos besoins et vous orientera vers les solutions les mieux adaptées à votre entreprise.

The post Solution Cloud Computing : maitrisez le Big Data et accélérez l’innovation de votre PME/ETI appeared first on SAP France News.

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The best free online coding websites for beginners are hubs of education and insight, designed to take your knowledge and career to the next level.

For years, technical careers have been gaining more attention among innovative individuals. In a digital world, people capable of speaking computer language often have the widest selection of job opportunities. However, before you can start leveraging the blossoming job market, you need to hone your skills. That’s where free coding websites come in.

A free online coding website is an environment where you can develop your understanding of various kinds of code, update your programming prowess, and even earn certifications. Today, we’re going to be looking at some of the most impressive coding websites on the market.

Coding Careers: Opportunities in 2021 and Beyond

Before we leap into our overview of the best free coding websites, let’s examine why it’s so important to invest in your coding role. Looking at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, we see that coders earn an average of $89,190 per year.

Elsewhere, CompTIA notes that technology hiring has accelerated since the end of 2020, with up to 391,000 new positions opening in the US during December.

Though coding careers have been popular for some time now, they have particularly high value following the pandemic, as companies worldwide adapt to the changes associated with remote workforces, digital customer service, and ecommerce. The pandemic has made us more reliant on technology than ever before, as a result:

  • Coding skills are in high demand: Coding skills are essential for the newly digital world. Studies find that the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation by around 7 years. Companies need coding professionals to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Coding knowledge is becoming more versatile: Companies are looking for coding skills in more than just programmers. They want their data analysts, IT workers, artists, designers, and other professionals to have these talents too.
  • People with coding talent can earn more: Jobs requiring coding skills tend to pay more than those that don’t. This reveals the growing need for coding knowledge in the digital ecosystem.

Coding skills provide an avenue to tech professionals for higher-income jobs, and these careers are growing faster on average than other job opportunities.

The Best Websites for Learning to Code

Learning to code or developing your existing coding skills can help you to unlock a host of new opportunities. Today, you can learn coding online for free, just by visiting the right websites.

Even a basic knowledge of coding can drive a range of results, such as helping to support the better management of websites, reducing reliance on outside developers, and opening the door to app development. So whether you want to start a new career or upgrade your existing knowledge, these sites will help:


BitDegree is a wonderful website for anyone interested in web development, coding, data science, and programming. There are various courses to choose from, depending on the career path you want to take. For instance, you can learn about the AWS cloud or start your journey into gaming development. For coding, BitDegree covers languages like:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery

The best thing about BitDegree is how it makes learning so fun. There are gamified courses and sections where you can really dive into the essentials of coding. In addition, the online coding course collection often features hundreds of discounted options for people on a budget.


One of the most popular sites for learning how to code for free, CodeAcademy is home to over 24 million students who have built their skills. The interactive learning approach lets you apply what you’ve learned immediately. Over 300 million hours of free coding content are available to check out at your leisure. Like most coding platforms, you can learn languages such as:

  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • jQuery
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Ruby

CodeAcademy is particularly effective for beginners because you get instant feedback after submitting your coding efforts. When you make mistakes, you’ll find out exactly where you went wrong, allowing you to avoid similar mistakes in the future.


Codewars by Qualified is definitely one of the most versatile free platforms for learning how to code. There are dozens of languages you can learn – too many to list right here. Options range from C++ and C# to Ruby, Python, Lean, Java, PHP, Scala, and countless others.

Codewars teaches you your programming language in-depth by selecting challenges designed to put your mind to the test. The goal for each challenge is to help you sharpen your knowledge over time, with tasks that get progressively more difficult over time.

The cool thing about Codewars is it allows you to see how you respond to challenges compared to how other coders have tackled the same issues.


Designed for a younger community of would-be coders, is an engaging and highly accessible introduction to coding. With around 60 million students worldwide, the platform gives you access to a wide range of different learning opportunities intended to suit different needs and learning levels.

The environment is built on a desire to bring coding into the standard curriculum. You can dive into full one-hour tutorials, or you can experiment with a more structured approach to learning, which is ideal for people with different learning styles. There’s also a huge catalog of courses extending from basic coding for younger kids all the way to University-level education.

Free Code Camp

A diverse option in our free coding website list, Free Code Camp is all about developing your coding knowledge while simultaneously networking with other like-minded people in the industry. The solution allows you to learn coding by participating in challenges – which is ideal if you want to put your skills to the test as soon as possible.

To help you jump in, you’ll have access to a range of courses and tutorials designed to help you understand and overcome each challenge. You can even code for non-profits on the platform and build tradeable projects in languages like:

  • HTML5
  • Javascript
  • Node.JS
  • CSS3
  • React.JS
  • Databases
  • Git

If you’re a little nervous about the concept of coding alone, you’ll have a full community to work within the Free Code Camp. You might even meet someone you can work with in the years ahead.

Code Conquest

Code Conquest is less of a course website and more of a comprehensive guide for beginners diving into the world of code. This amazing platform will help you understand all of the basics of coding in no time – even if you’re brand-new to the landscape. You can find out what coding is all about, learn which languages are best to learn for your needs, and more.

The website is full of resources for all kinds of coders, including comprehensive tutorials, reviews, a knowledge center, training packs, and more. You can even choose from a range of languages like:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • jQuery
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • MySQL

To help you figure out where you should get started, the Code Conquest website also gives you recommendations on which tutorials to take next.


One of the better-known free websites for coding on the market today, W3Schools is an environment packed full of example codes, resources, tutorials, exercises, and libraries to help you learn how to code. The site is one of the largest in the world for developers.

To begin coding with W3 Schools, you’ll need to choose the programming language that’s right for you, then either jump into the program immediately or select from a range of learning options. The site comes with a handy quiz to help you define your knowledge level.

Languages range from CSS to SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Python, Java, C++, and many more.

Code Avengers

Code Avengers offers a fun and interactive approach to learning how to program and code. There are various course options to teach you how to create everything from games and apps to entire websites. The good thing about the Code Avengers website is you don’t need a lot of spare time to start learning. Each course takes around 12 hours to complete.

You can choose from languages like HTML, CSS, Python, jQuery, JavaScript, and more, and connect with a wide selection of similar coding enthusiasts, just like you. The biggest downside is that the free trial only lasts for seven days before you’ll need to pay to use the full program.

The Code Player

A simple and effective website for learning how to code and building your existing skills. There are tons of videos and demos to walk you through the process of learning how to code from scratch. All you need to do is click on one of the things you want to learn how to do, like creating a simple web page, and the site will give you a video walkthrough.

Though a little simple compared to other coding resources, the Code Player still has a lot of great video guidance to help beginners jump into various languages. For example, you can learn about CSS and HTML or check out various tools to help you make a more effective website.


If you’re particularly interested in learning about Java, the CodeGym is probably the website for you. This online Java programming course teaches you the basics of Java by allowing you to dive into various tasks. You can get involved with various exercises depending on your existing skill level and play around with games designed to teach you more about the coding landscape.

This website is fantastic for people in all stages of the coding journey. Whenever you suggest a solution to a challenge, the website will give you immediate feedback to learn from. There are more than 500 hours of Java coding exercises and educational resources to explore.

The Odin Project

One of the better-known free coding websites on the market, the Odin Project aims to take the headaches and frustration out of learning web development. If you’re a beginner looking to develop a career in coding, then the Odin Project will give you all the pieces of the puzzle required to decide exactly where you want to go and build the appropriate skills.

This site offers a full-stack curriculum of coding education options, with tons of challenges, tasks, and exercises to help you put your newly gained knowledge to the test. You’ll learn how to program in languages like CSS and HTML, explore the basics of JavaScript and Ruby, and even get tips on how to get hired when your skills are maxed out.

Plural Sight

Previously known as Code School, Plural Sight is a fantastic online learning platform that allows you to build your knowledge through a range of paid and free courses. The comprehensive platform is organized into a wide selection of different learning paths. You can choose how you want to develop your skills based on your chosen language and your existing skillset.

You choose an education path created by professional instructors to achieve specific outcomes, and Plural Sight gives you all the material you need. You can also practice what you’ve learned during the course in your browser and get immediate feedback on what you need to work on. There’s even a gamification aspect that allows you to earn points for every course level you complete.

MIT Open Courseware

Imagine how amazing it would be to get accepted to MIT to learn your new coding skills? What if you didn’t have to go through the headache of an official application. If you have a computer and internet access, you can explore MIT’s course material easily through the MIT Open Courseware website. This dedicated website gives you an insight into all of the courses and materials learned by students at MIT.

You can browse through all the courses available in the programming landscape and filter through results based on things like course features. For instance, you might specifically look for courses with their own online textbook, lecture notes, and videos. It’s a great way to get an insight into how one of the most reputable universities in the world offers coding education.

Web Fundamentals

We’ve already looked at a website offering coding resources specifically for Java, now let’s take a look at one designed for HTML5. Launched about 11 years ago as HTML5 Rocks, the Web Fundamentals website is packed full of tutorials, resources, and insights into the most recent updates to HTML5. This open-source environment allows developers and programmers to really get active with their skills.

You can play around with some of the code already available on the website, and explore tutorials authored by a range of amazing individuals. Although these courses are very comprehensive, it’s worth noting that they might not be the perfect choice for true beginners, as the tutorials can be more complex than most.

Dash General Assembly

If you’re keen to learn the essentials of coding in some of the most popular languages, like CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, then Dash General Assembly is the site for you. This website offers fun and free courses which will guide you through the basics of web development. You even get interactive tasks and challenges you can leverage within your browser, with no downloads required.

Users learn how to do a range of amazing things with this website, including how to code HTML5, build a beautiful website, and balance your layouts for aesthetic appeal and usability. You can even design dynamic interfaces where you can add aminations and effects. Dash General Assembly is a fantastic tool for anyone keen to get started in the world of coding.

Finally, promises beginners a fast and simple way to start learning how to code, while having plenty of fun. This exciting website immerses you within a digital story which takes you on an adventure through the basics of coding. You’ll need to learn real-life coding skills to navigate your way through the rest of the story, which means you can develop your C# knowledge as you go.

This is one of the more unique tools for learning how to code that we’ve found so far. It’s a great way to discover the basics of C# without being bogged down in boring lectures. Remember, though, this website is intended for complete beginners, so you might find it a little basic if you already know some of the coding essentials.

Free Websites for Learning to Code

Free coding websites are an excellent way to develop your skills and unlock new opportunities in the world of coding. If you’re keen to jump into a new career as a programmer or coding developer, make sure you check out some of the options above. There’s no doubt you’ll find a site capable of giving you the boost you need.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 16 Free Websites for Learning to Code in 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

By now you’re likely aware of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Heck, I’d be willing to bet that there’s even a good chance that you’ve used it for one reason or another. And, honestly, I’m sure that reason was a good one. JSON has become ubiquitous in the software industry because it provides developers with a simple and flexible way of managing data.

In the context of databases, JSON was often thought of as something you’d use with NoSQL solutions. However, over the past few years, JSON integrations have made their way into the relational world. And for good reason. The ability to store JSON documents within a relational database allows you to create hybrid data models, containing both structured and semi-structured data, and enjoy all of the benefits of JSON without having to sacrifice the advantages of relational databases (e.g. SQL and all things data integrity).

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Craft CMS is increasing in popularity, and as it does, the previously relatively scant range of plugins is growing rapidly.

There are plugins for Craft ranging from simple field utilities to the full ecommerce solution provided by Pixel & Tonic — the makers of Craft.

An early decision that has borne fruit for Craft has been the plugin licensing model. Paid plugins for Craft charge an initial license fee and then a reduced annual renewal price for updates. This ongoing payment structure ensures plugin maintenance is economically viable for developers, and as a result, Craft plugins tend to be updated more often and are abandoned less.

The best plugins depend very much on the site you’re developing and what you’re trying to achieve. However, some are so universally useful that I install them on virtually every site I build; here’s a list.

1. Redactor

Installing Redactor is a no-brainer when it comes to picking your plugins. Maintained by Pixel & Tonic, it’s a rich text field that extends Craft‘s basic text input. It’s so useful it may as well be part of the core Craft code.

One of the best features is the ease with which Redactor can be customized. Just duplicate the settings file inside the config directory and edit its contents to alter what editing options are available; it’s simple to create anything from a field with a bold option to a full rich text editor. In addition, each Redactor field can be set to use any of the settings files.


2. Retcon

When you’re outputting code from a rich text field like Redactor, you’ll get clean HTML output — which most of the time is what you want. However, if you’re using something like Tailwind, those classes are non-negotiable. I’m not a fan of Tailwind, but I am a fan of using classes in my CSS selectors instead of element names.

Retcon is an invaluable plugin that extends Twig filters to supply a host of options when you’re outputting content. It can add classes to elements, insert attributes, modify the element type, and tons more.


3. Venveo Bulk Edit

During the life of a site, there’s a good chance that you’re going to have to alter fields and sections after the content is in. It’s a common problem if you’re importing data from another platform using FeedMe, or if you have an indecisive client, or even if the site is simply growing.

Venveo Bulk Edit is a plugin that integrates closely with the Craft UI and allows you to edit the contents of multiple entries at once. This plugin has saved me hundreds of hours that would otherwise have been spent painstakingly editing entries one at a time.


4. Super Table

At some point, you’re going to need a configurable list of inputs. Maybe you’re creating a list of documents to download, building a directory, or even your site navigation. You could create a new channel and then add the entries as an entry field, or even set it up with a matrix field, but this is awkward to edit even with Craft 3.7’s new editing experience.

I’m a big fan of opting for the simplest solution, and in this case, the simplest option is a table field. Unfortunately, Craft’s built-in table field has limited field type support. Super Table, on the other hand, supports almost anything, giving you a powerful, orderable set of fields.


5. No-Cache

Craft has a really powerful caching system. It allows you to cache whole or partial templates, and it‘s intelligent enough to know when you’ve edited content that has been cached so that it can be re-cached.

Understanding Craft’s caching is vital; as a very general guide, dynamic content benefits from caching, but static content does not.

However, you will regularly encounter situations where you want to opt out of the caching. A blog post, for example, could be cached, but the time since it was posted must not be, or every post would appear to have been published “today” until the cache is refreshed.

The No-Cache plugin adds a couple of Twig tags that allow you to temporarily opt-out of the cache. This means that you can cache larger sections of your templates, simplifying your caching decisions considerably while still being able to fine-tune what is cached.


6. Retour

Sooner or later, you’re going to have users hitting 404 errors. If you’re restructuring a site and changing the architecture, it will be sooner. To avoid breaking the UX and SEO, you need to add redirects.

Retour is a helpful plugin that sits in your dashboard side menu. Anytime a user triggers a 404, Retour will flag it up, so you can decide how to redirect the URL in the future.

$59 for the first year; $29/year for updates after that

7. Sherlock

One of Craft’s big strengths is its security. A lot of attention has gone into making sure that the core installation uses best practices. However, as with any CMS, potential security vulnerabilities start to creep in as soon as you introduce 3rd-party code (WordPress’ biggest vulnerability by far is its plugins).

You only need to look at the size of the vendor directory in your installation to see how many 3rd-party dependencies your site has. Even a small site is a house of cards.

Sherlock is a security scanner that performs a number of different tasks to help you stay secure, from checking on security threats in 3rd-party scripts to checking directory permissions. The paid version will even let you limit IP addresses if your site comes under attack — although your hosting company may well do this for you.

Lite: Free
Plus: $199 for the first year; $99/year for updates after that
Pro: $299 for the first year; $149/year for updates after that

8. Imager X

Craft’s built-in image transforms are a little limited. For example, they only work with actual assets, not remote images.

Imager X is an excellent plugin that, among many benefits, allows you to transform remote images. In addition, its refined syntax is perfect for coding complex art direction.

Imager X isn’t cheap, but considering the enormous importance of image optimization, unless you have a straightforward set of images to manipulate, it’s an investment you’ll be glad you made.

Lite: $49 for the first year; $29/year for updates after that
Pro: $99 for the first year; $59/year for updates after that

9. SEOMatic

SEOMatic is the SEO solution most Craft developers default to, including Pixel & Tonic themselves.

You’ll need to define the basics in its settings, and you may find yourself creating extra fields specifically for it to pull data from, but the handy progress bars on its dashboard page will give you an overview of what’s set and what needs to be done.

SEOMatic is another premium plugin, but implementing it is far simpler and cost-effective than digging through all those meta tags and XML files yourself.

$99 for the first year; $49/year for updates after that

Must-Install Craft CMS Plugins

The Craft ecosystem is rapidly growing, and the diversity of the plugins available increases as Craft is utilized for more and more sites.

But despite the lure of shiny new plugins, there are some tools that I return to again and again either because they elegantly fill a gap in the core Craft feature set or because I’ve tried them, and I trust them to be robust.

These are the plugins that I have found most useful in the last couple of years, and installing them is the first thing I do when I set up a new Craft installation.


The post 9 Must-Install Craft CMS Plugins first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Vaadin Dev Day is an event that provides in-depth technical topics and insights to the Vaadin community. In the latest edition of the event, we learned about data providers for high-performance data access, advanced JavaScript and TypeScript integrations, and the future of Vaadin Flow. Here’s a recap of the event.

High-Performance Data Access With Vaadin

In this talk, Simon Martinelli explains how to efficiently connect Vaadin Flow applications to databases using JPA and the DataProvider implementations that are available in the framework.

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In this tutorial, we will learn how to manage tweet activity using the official Twitter API and generate a heat map from tweets using Arctype. To achieve this, we will be tracking some very popular celebrities’ tweets to create a heatmap like the one in the image above.


To fully understand this tutorial, you should have the following:

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If you have a WordPress website, you’re obviously aware of the benefits this premier open-source website-building platform brings to the table.

But are you aware of the legion of website and business enhancement tools lying in wait among the thousands of cool WordPress plugins currently on the market; one or more of which could easily take your site or business to the next level?

What’s out there? Quite a bit, obviously. 

Which useful WordPress plugins are “must-haves” for me? It could take you a ton of time to find the answer to that one. 

That’s what we’re here for.

10 essential WordPress plugins are admittedly a small sample size. But these are 10 of the very best, and we’re guessing that one or more of them could be just what you’ve been looking for.

1. Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin

This game-changing booking plugin fully automates your business’s interaction with existing and potential clients and allows you to focus on key business operations instead of having to constantly interrupt your workflow to manage appointments.

  • Installing and configuring Amelia can be done with just a few clicks. You don’t have to know anything about coding.
  • Amelia can manage an unlimited number of appointments for an unlimited number of clients, an unlimited number of employees, and at multiple locations.
  • Clients can book appointments 24/7 and manage their own appointments as well as their profiles from the front end.
  • Amelia accepts deposit payments, sends out appointment reminders, and can charge different rates for different appointments.
  • If you have a global clientele, Amelia takes into account customer time zones as well as manages translated notifications if you have a multilingual site.
  • Amelia also manages event bookings, whether they are recurring or one-time.

In the unlikely event you encounter a problem with Amelia, the customer support team stands ready to help.

2. wpDataTables

The wpDataTables WordPress plugin allows users to quickly and easily create responsive, interactive, and highly customizable tables and charts from large amounts of data.

Key features include:

  • The ability to create tables that allow front-end editing, whether they are created manually or are MySQL-based
  • Advanced filtering capabilities that enable front-end users to filter table data by single or multiple column values
  • Automatic syncing of created and published Google Sheets
  • Simple wpDataTables wizards to access the HighCharts, Chart.js, and Google free charts libraries

wpDataTables’ many other features include:

  • Connection support to MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases
  • Responsive design from any data source
  • Creating tables from CSV, JSON, MySQL, and Excel and Google spreadsheet data
  • Formidable Forms plugin support
  • Sorting by single or multiple columns
  • Data color-coding using conditional formatting

More than 50,000 companies and individuals have placed their trust in wpDataTables.

3. Visual Composer Website Builder

Visual Composer is a new, ReactJS-based intuitive drag and drop website builder that enables you to create a website quickly, easily, and hassle-free.

This website-building popular plugin:

  • Enables business owners to showcase their brand online with its drag and drop editor and professional templates.
  • Its feature-rich design controls enable designers to achieve pixel-perfect perfection as they bring their projects to life.
  • Its top-of-the-line marketing content elements give its users the ability to create high-conversion landing pages, integrate with social platforms, and more.
  • Makes building a beautiful WooCommerce-based online store a piece of cake.
  • Features a library of 500+ content elements and templates that is downloadable from the cloud
  • Offers free and premium versions for business owners to start easily and scale their online presence

Your site will be SEO-friendly, fast, and responsive, and the support is terrific. Free and Premium versions (Starting at $49) are available.

4. Slider Revolution

Slider Revolution can do more than create sliders. A lot more.

  • It can add impressive (read that WOW) effects to an already notable website design.
  • It can give you new and unusual visual editing capabilities without requiring any coding on your part.
  • With its collection of hero blocks, sliders, WooCommerce carousels, and more, it brings beauty to any WordPress website.

5. Logic Hop

Logic Hop lets you customize your site’s content for individual customers or customer types.

  • Logic Hop supports personalizing your site in response to dozens of criteria so you can tailor your content to address a unique audience.
  • Logic Hop works with Gutenberg, Divi, Elementor, Beaver Builder, and every other page builder.

Any design or content element you can customize in WordPress can be customized in Logic Hop in minutes.

6. Stacks

The Stacks drag and drop native mobile app builder offers a full package of features to help you design your website or mobile app without coding.

  • Stacks works perfectly with WooCommerce and WordPress
  • Certificates required for Google Play Store or Apple Appstore are automatically generated
  • It takes but a single click to generate and upload the Android & iOS Application Package (APK & IPA)
  • Notifications to customers are easy to generate and send, and Stacks utilizes WooCommerce payment gateways.

7. Heroic Inbox

The Heroic Inbox plugin enables a business to manage all of its emails in shared inboxes right inside WordPress.

  • Customer data is presented on the sidebar next to your ongoing chat or message.
  • Key performance metrics are tracked so the team and overall company performance can be assessed.
  • Zero Inbox status can be quickly achieved and maintained.

8. Tablesome

This powerful WordPress table plugin allows you to quickly create a table and embed it in a post or page.

  • Tables can be imported from CSV and XLSX files.
  • Types of tables that can be created include large data tables, product catalogs, comparison tables, sports statistics, and more.
  • A shortcode builder for table and table element customizing is included

Tablesome is performance-optimized and SEO friendly and works smoothly with any WordPress theme.

9. Ads Pro Plugin – Multi-Purpose WordPress Advertising Manager

Ads Pro is the best ad manager for WordPress you are likely to come across.

Ads Pro features:

  • An intuitive backend Admin Panel that allows you to manage an unlimited number of ad spaces
  • A frontend User’s Panel from which you can control access to manage ads
  • 25+ user-friendly and responsive Ad Templates in 8 categories
  • 20 ad display options
  • 3 Billing Models (CPC, CPM, CPD) and 4 Payment Methods (PayPal, Stripe, Bank Transfer, WooCommerce)

10. Static Pages

Static pages/sites do not require any web programming or database design.

  • The Static Pages plugin allows you to publish any static page on a WordPress website in a matter of seconds.
  • You can improve sales by adding a beautiful landing page to your existing shop or blog or add a page with a Mailchimp subscribe form.
  • Or use Static Pages as an easy way to test something quickly and easily.

Have you been searching for a top-of-the-line WordPress plugin that will help you take your business to the next level?

There are 58,000+ useful WordPress plugins for you to choose from. That would be good news, except you could easily be overwhelmed trying to find just the right plugin for your website.

This post features a collection of top plugins for WordPress websites. Chances are good, you’ll find something here that will make your day.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of BAW media –]


The post 10 Cool WordPress Plugins You Should Check Out first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Kotlin is great: it’s more concise and expressive than Java, it allows for safer code, and offers seamless interoperability with Java. The latter allows developers to migrate their projects to Kotlin without having to rewrite the entire codebase. Such migrations are one of the reasons why we might have to work with JPA in Kotlin. Picking JPA for a fresh Kotlin application also makes sense, as it is a mature technology familiar to the developers.

There is no JPA without entities, and defining them in Kotlin comes with some caveats. Let’s look at how to avoid the common pitfalls and make the most of using Kotlin. Spoiler alert: data classes are not the best option for entity classes.

This article will be mostly focused on Hibernate as it is undoubtedly the leader among all JPA implementations.

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