
Last week kicked off the Red Hat Summit 2020 virtual event. It’s amazing to imagine that so many people decided to sign up and attend this free event over the next two days.

For me it’s a chance to share some ideas that my friend Christina Lin and I have been working on for some time, advanced integration blueprints.

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With the release of Red Hat Decision Manager 7.3, I’ve started updating my free online workshop, a beginners guide to building an online retail web shop.

The previous article covered installing the tooling and setting up a project. This update is the for the third lab in this workshop, with more to follow. Learn how to create a domain model with Red Hat Decision Manager.

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Ask any developer to estimate how long it will take for them to finish a project. You will see the loathing in their eyes. And for good reason. Estimates have been wrongly used for decades by a lot of managers who then hold the team accountable to their estimate as if it were the actual deadline. Even more frustrating, in many cases, those managers only act on the lowest number they hear from you! It’s as if they had a min() function, and they just keep trying to get the number lower. But engineering is not magic!! No wonder the hashtag #NoEstimates has become famous.

For this to happen, we (well…especially managers) need to abide by a few rules. Then we’ll see how estimates can improve the quality of your software. Yup, you read that right. Well, in my opinion, obviously.

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A community is only as strong as its contributors. Whether you’re at the top when it comes to user engagement, or you’re at the bottom struggling to excite your users to participate, here are 13 tips to help you improve engagement and foster a mentality of sharing. 

1. Create Exclusivity

Who doesn’t like being rewarded for their work? (obviously a rhetorical question!) Everyone likes to be rewarded for their work, and your community is no different. To successfully run a community your members need to be engaged, sharing, and collaborating. To encourage participation, create exclusivity for your best users. Options to do so could be sending them a swag pack, creating a beta preview of your upcoming software release, sending them conference tickets, or inviting them to your headquarters. The opportunities are endless, so be creative. 

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In my previous blog post, I had a look at some of the award winners of DeveloperWeek 2018. In today’s post I will continue to overview them and the latest trends in development and modern IT world.




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