
Outils et technologies CI/CD : libérez le pouvoir de DevOps.

Les outils et technologies CI/CD sont essentiels pour libérer le pouvoir de DevOps et optimiser votre cycle de développement. Découvrez comment!

Dans le monde trépidant du développement logiciel, l’intégration et le déploiement continus (CI / CD) sont devenus des pratiques indispensables dans les services DevOps.

Continuous Integration (CI)

Continuous Integration is a practice that enables developers to integrate code into a shared repository frequently. This allows teams to detect and fix errors quickly, as well as identify potential conflicts between different branches of code. Jenkins is the most popular CI tool, offering a wide range of features such as automated builds, tests, and deployments. Additionally, Jenkins integrates with a variety of other tools, allowing developers to create complex pipelines for their CI/CD process.

Continuous Delivery (CD)

Continuous Delivery is the practice of automating the process of delivering software updates to production. This ensures that software updates are released more quickly and reliably. To achieve this, developers rely on tools like Ansible and Chef for configuration management and deployment automation. These tools allow developers to define the desired state of their infrastructure and automate the process of provisioning and configuring servers. Additionally, they enable teams to deploy applications to multiple environments with minimal effort.


In conclusion, CI/CD is an essential practice in DevOps services that enables teams to deliver software updates more frequently and reliably. To achieve this, developers rely on a range of cutting-edge tools and technologies such as version control systems, continuous integration tools, and continuous delivery tools. By leveraging these tools, teams can streamline their workflows and automate various stages of the development process, ensuring smooth and reliable software delivery.

Système de contrôle de version (SCV)

Une base solide pour tout processus CI / CD dans les services DevOps est un système de contrôle de version robuste. Git est le SCV le plus utilisé, offrant des capacités puissantes de branchement et de fusion. Les développeurs peuvent collaborer sans heurts, suivre les modifications et résoudre les conflits efficacement, ce qui garantit que le code reste stable et sécurisé. GitHub, GitLab et Bitbucket sont des plateformes populaires qui intègrent Git et offrent des fonctionnalités supplémentaires telles que le suivi des problèmes, les revues de code et la gestion de projet.

Intégration continue (CI)

L’intégration continue est une pratique qui permet aux développeurs d’intégrer fréquemment du code dans un dépôt partagé. Cela permet aux équipes de détecter et de corriger rapidement les erreurs, ainsi que d’identifier les éventuels conflits entre différentes branches de code. Jenkins est l’outil CI le plus populaire, offrant une gamme étendue de fonctionnalités telles que des builds automatisés, des tests et des déploiements. De plus, Jenkins s’intègre à une variété d’autres outils, permettant aux développeurs de créer des pipelines complexes pour leur processus CI / CD.

Livraison continue (CD)

La livraison continue est la pratique qui consiste à automatiser le processus de livraison des mises à jour logicielles en production. Cela garantit que les mises à jour logicielles sont publiées plus rapidement et plus fiablement. Pour y parvenir, les développeurs s’appuient sur des outils tels qu’Ansible et Chef pour la gestion de la configuration et l’automatisation du déploiement. Ces outils permettent aux développeurs de définir l’état souhaité de leur infrastructure et d’automatiser le processus de mise en place et de configuration des serveurs. De plus, ils permettent aux équipes de déployer des applications sur plusieurs environnements avec un effort minimal.


En conclusion, CI / CD est une pratique essentielle dans les services DevOps qui permet aux équipes de livrer des

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:Architecture Cloud-Nomade : bien comprendre

ses avantages

Découvrez les avantages de l’architecture cloud-nomade et comment elle peut améliorer votre productivité !

## Une révolution silencieuse s’est produite dans l’industrie du logiciel, avec de nombreuses organisations qui se détournent du cloud computing et des microservices. Ces décisions sont principalement influencées par le contrôle des coûts et les performances.

  • The benefits of testing
  • How testing can help reduce costs
  • The importance of testing for performance
  • Testing is an essential part of any software development process. It helps to ensure that the software is of high quality and meets the requirements of the customer. Testing can also help to identify potential problems before they become major issues. This can save time and money in the long run.

    Une révolution silencieuse a eu lieu dans l’industrie du logiciel, avec de nombreuses organisations qui se détournent du cloud computing et des microservices. Ces décisions sont principalement influencées par le contrôle des coûts et les performances.

    Le test est une partie essentielle de tout processus de développement de logiciel. Il aide à garantir que le logiciel est de haute qualité et répond aux exigences du client. Le test peut également aider à identifier les problèmes potentiels avant qu’ils ne deviennent des problèmes majeurs. Cela peut économiser du temps et de l’argent à long terme.

    Dans cet article, nous examinons : les avantages du test, comment le test peut aider à réduire les coûts et l’importance du test pour les performances. Les tests peuvent aider à réduire les coûts en identifiant et en résolvant les problèmes avant qu’ils ne deviennent trop coûteux. Les tests peuvent également aider à améliorer les performances en identifiant et en corrigeant les problèmes avant qu’ils ne deviennent trop complexes. Les tests peuvent également être utilisés pour vérifier la qualité et la cohérence du code, ce qui peut aider à améliorer la qualité globale du logiciel.

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    Trois étapes du processus de développement de produit

    Le développement d’un produit peut être divisé en trois étapes principales : conception, production et commercialisation. Découvrez comment chaque étape contribue à la réussite du produit !

    Rôle du gestionnaire de produit

    Product Development Process

    The product development process is a continuous cycle of research, design, development, testing, and launch. The product manager is responsible for ensuring that the product is built according to the product vision and that it meets the needs of the customer. The product manager will also need to ensure that the product is tested thoroughly before launch.


    Frameworks are useful for product managers to remember the overall product development process. Some popular frameworks include Lean, Agile, and Scrum. Each of these frameworks has its own set of principles and practices that can be used to guide the product development process. The product manager should be familiar with the different frameworks and be able to apply them to their product development process.

    Le rôle du Product Manager

    Les Product Managers ne sont pas des managers de quiconque, à l’exception des stagiaires qui aspirent à devenir eux-mêmes des Product Managers. Le PM agit comme un noeud central dans le processus de développement du produit et est en fin de compte responsable du succès du produit. Le rôle réunit tous les points de vue et est conçu sans rapports directs afin que l’équipe d’ingénierie/design puisse établir une relation de communication ouverte pour exprimer leurs idées et leurs préoccupations.

    Processus de développement du produit

    Le processus de développement du produit est un cycle continu de recherche, de conception, de développement, de test et de lancement. Le Product Manager est responsable de s’assurer que le produit est construit conformément à la vision du produit et qu’il répond aux besoins du client. Le Product Manager devra également s’assurer que le produit est bien testé avant son lancement.


    Les cadres sont utiles pour que les Product Managers se souviennent du processus de développement du produit dans son ensemble. Certains cadres populaires incluent Lean, Agile et Scrum. Chacun de ces cadres a ses propres principes et pratiques qui peuvent être utilisés pour guider le processus de développement du produit. Le Product Manager devrait être familier avec les différents cadres et être en mesure de les appliquer à son processus de développement du produit.

    Le test est une étape importante du processus de développement du produit. Il est essentiel que le produit soit testé avant son lancement afin d’identifier et de corriger les bogues et les problèmes techniques avant qu’ils ne deviennent des problèmes pour les clients. Les tests peuvent être effectués manuellement ou automatiquement, en fonction des exigences du produit et des ressources disponibles. Les tests manuels peuvent être effectués par des humains ou par des robots, tandis que les tests automatisés peuvent être effectués à l’aide d’outils logiciels spécialisés. Les tests peuvent également être effectués à l’aide d’outils d’analyse des performances pour vérifier la qualité et la stabilité du produit.

    Le rôle du Product Manager est crucial pour le succès d’un produit. Il est responsable de veiller à ce que le produit soit construit selon la vision du produit et réponde aux besoins des clients. Il doit également s’assurer que le produit est bien testé avant son lancement. Les cadres tels que Lean, Agile et Scrum peuvent être utilisés pour guider le processus de développement du produit. Enfin, les tests

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    4 meilleurs frameworks dApp pour les développeurs Ethereum débutants

    Les développeurs Ethereum débutants peuvent facilement créer des applications décentralisées grâce aux 4 meilleurs frameworks d’app: Truffle, Embark, Dapp et Dapple.

    ## Qu’est-ce qu’une dApp ?

    L’Ethereum a connu une croissance fulgurante ces dernières années. Selon YCharts, la blockchain programmable compte désormais environ 220 millions d’adresses uniques. Liée à l’augmentation des utilisateurs est une explosion du nombre de dApps. Des entreprises et des startups du monde entier, de la finance, des ventes, des RH, de la comptabilité, de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et de la fabrication, utilisent des dApps pour rationaliser les processus et intégrer de nouveaux clients. Plusieurs cadres existent qui simplifient le processus de développement de dApp pour les développeurs Web2 qui souhaitent participer à Web3. Ce post examine quatre des plus populaires. Mais tout d’abord, qu’est-ce qu’une dApp?

    Qu’est-ce qu’une dApp?

    Une dApp, ou application décentralisée, est un logiciel sans serveur qui s’exécute sur un réseau décentralisé et utilise une blockchain programmable pour la sécurité, la transparence et l’immuabilité. Une dApp combine des contrats intelligents avec une interface utilisateur frontale (HTML5, React, Angular). Les dApps peuvent être utilisées dans une variété d’industries et de services, des médias sociaux à la gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, au suivi des paiements, à la résolution des plaintes et à toutes sortes de services comptables et financiers (décentralisés).

    Les frameworks pour le développement de dApps sont essentiels pour permettre aux développeurs Web2 de participer à Web3. Les frameworks fournissent une architecture commune pour le développement et le déploiement de dApps. Ils fournissent également des outils et des bibliothèques qui facilitent le processus de développement et permettent aux développeurs Web2 de se familiariser avec les technologies Web3. Quatre des frameworks les plus populaires sont Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, EOS et Corda. Chacun offre des caractéristiques uniques qui répondent aux besoins des développeurs Web2.

    Les frameworks pour le développement de dApps sont essentiels pour permettre aux développeurs Web2 de participer à Web3. Ethereum est le framework le plus populaire et le plus mature pour le développement de dApps. Il offre une architecture modulaire qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications complexes avec des contrats intelligents. Ethereum fournit également une variété d’outils et de bibliothèques qui facilitent le processus de développement et permettent aux développeurs Web2 de se familiariser avec les technologies Web3. Hyperledger Fabric est un autre framework populaire pour le développement de dApps. Il offre une architecture modulaire qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications complexes avec des contrats intelligents. Hyperledger Fabric fournit également une variété d’outils et de bibliothèques qui facilitent le processus de développement et permettent aux développeurs Web2 de se familiariser avec les technologies Web3. EOS est un autre framework populaire pour le développement de dApps. Il offre une architecture modulaire qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications complexes avec des contrats intelligents. EOS fournit également une variété d’outils et de bibliothèques qui facilitent le processus de développement et permettent aux développeurs Web2 de se familiariser avec les technologies Web3. Enfin, Corda est un framework populaire pour le développement de dApps. Il offre une architecture modulaire qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications complexes

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    Software testing is the process of evaluating a software product to detect errors and failures and ensure its suitability for use. It can be performed manually (where testers use their skill, experience, intuition, and knowledge) or automatically (where the tester’s actions are guided by a test script).

    The fundamental objective of the test process is to ensure that all specified requirements of a software system have been met by the development process and that no undetected errors remain in the system. However, the overall aim of testing is to provide customer or end-user value by detecting defects as early as possible.

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    The MERN stack is becoming increasingly popular and could be a powerful stack to figure in. Therefore having the ability to build and deploy good MERN applications, greatly helps career prospects as a developer.

    What Is the MERN Stack?

    The MERN stack is a JavaScript stack that is designed to make the development process smoother. MERN includes four open-source components: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. These components offer an associate end-to-end framework for developers to work in.

    Source de l’article sur DZONE

    Many firms’ design and development decisions are increasingly oriented toward human-centered innovation. Instead of rushing goods to market, these firms are using a user-centered design approach.

    Design and development teams build high-performing digital products or websites that uniquely meet customers’ demands by concentrating on the user experience. After all, a good web design is helpful in boosting the business reputation or user experience.

    This post will define user-centered design, discuss its fundamental principles, and describe the user-centered design process.

    What Is User-Centered Design?

    To create an enjoyable solution to a problem, user-centered design is a collection of iterative design processes concentrating on the user’s needs at each step. In UCD, the expectations, objectives, and preferences of the user significantly impact design decisions.

    Additionally, users are actively involved in the entire process from start to finish. User-centered design principles encourage designers to create products with users rather than just for them. This strategy typically includes user research, interviews, usability testing, and a massive amount of feedback gathering.

    UCD Requires Four Fundamental Components:

    • Visibility: Can people see what your website is about and how to utilize it the moment they land on your page?
    • Availability: Is your website user-friendly? Can they swiftly locate information? They should be able to find call-to-action buttons, menus, filters, and search choices with ease.
    • Legibility: Is the text simple to read for users?
    • Language: Is the language simple to grasp for users? Do you avoid using industry jargon in your UX authoring, which might lead to confusion and hesitation?

    What Is The Significance Of UCD?

    User experience is important in product design, especially in digital products such as app design, web and interface design, and marketing. Customers want their lives to be simplified. A website, app, or product exists to fulfill a consumer. Hence its success is determined by their interaction with it.

    The following are some of the advantages of a user-centered design strategy for a business:

    • Customers keep coming back for more
    • There would be an increase in sales
    • Creating polished, efficient, and widely available goods
    • Understanding challenges thoroughly to provide suitable solutions
    • Customers and teams working together
    • Avoiding typical blunders
    • Enhancing Competitiveness
    • Assisting them in comprehending their market

    It offers consumers the following advantages:

    • Making their life easier
    • Fulfilling their desires
    • Companies making them feel heard and understood
    • Making them feel important in the creation of things they use
    • Providing answers to challenges they were unaware they had or could not imagine solutions to

    Let’s dig in to learn more about the advantages of UCD.

    Businesses can benefit from using the user-centered design approach in various ways. As you incorporate this into your web development, you can enjoy the following four main advantages.

    1. Prevent Project Failure

    Your company might find it simpler to incorporate improvements and ensure your product is in line with actual user needs if you have a continuous feedback process assessing how customers react to your product, like a website.

    Customers feel like their needs are better represented in the finished product, which can increase engagement and strengthen the bond with the company.

    2. Improve ROI

    This method produces products that more accurately reflect user expectations. The procedure also lessens mistakes made by website users, for instance. When combined, these factors motivate users to convert from leads to paying clients, boosting return on investment.

    3. Increase Development Efficiency

    In user-centered design, the objectives of the various team members are aligned. This can help clarify the best course of action for all parties involved. A more targeted, goal-oriented development process may be encouraged by the regular evaluation process.

    Additionally, businesses can engage stakeholders and explain how their efforts and methodologies will improve customer interactions by using an iterative life cycle during product development.

    4. Up The Level Of Competition

    Customers will more fully appreciate what you offer, improve their engagement with your product or website, and be more likely to purchase from you if your product is created with their needs and expectations in mind.

    As a result, this may increase your ability to compete in your sector.

    5. KPIs Are Included

    Given your user needs and business objectives, how do you move from the first to the second? You can measure key performance indicators with this in mind once you know what user needs are essential for the overall goals.

    For instance, productivity may be the focus of office software, shopper activity may be the focus of sales tools, and retention rates may be the focus of other apps. All of these are necessary steps toward achieving business values like profit and revenue.

    Human-Centered Design Versus User-Centered Design

    There is a significant difference between humans and users. Simply put, all users are humans; however, not all humans will use your product. Therefore, you must thoroughly understand your target market to produce a successful user-centered design.

    Detailed research should be done on the problems and goals of your users. Then, talk to them and give them several chances to offer feedback. By doing this, you’ll create a user persona that is complete and that you can use to determine the priorities for your design.

    It’s critical to understand that different user groups may have additional requirements, levels of technical expertise, and expectations for using products like the one you’ve made.

    What crucial guidelines or principles should designers consider when adopting a user-centric design?

    The Process Of User-Centered Design

    Certain fundamental principles underpin user-centered design. While the development process is always iterative, no explicit methods for implementation are specified. The approach can be implemented in either a waterfall or an agile environment.

    1. Contextualization

    The first step is to analyze the environment in which users will use the product. What are the intended applications of the product for future users? Teams working on projects can get answers by watching and talking to potential users.

    2. Outlining The Prerequisites

    Specifying the requirements for the new product is the second step. In this step, user requirements are described while considering corporate needs.

    3. Design

    Once the requirements are established, the actual design process can begin. Designers typically start by producing a straightforward prototype, like one made of paper, then move on to digital wireframes and a finished prototype.

    4. Analysis

    The project team solicits feedback from potential users after creating a prototype. This is typically done for digital applications through in-depth user testing and qualitative research.

    Do surveys and tests evaluate user satisfaction, effectiveness, and efficiency? With the new information, the project team goes back to step 2 or step 3 of the design process to improve the product. Once the user feedback is satisfied, these iterations continue while taking into account corporate frameworks (time and costs).

    Top 10 User-Centered Design Principles

    Principles of user-centered design attempt to guarantee that usability is the primary priority throughout the development process. These principles, if successfully followed, will ensure that user experience is fulfilled not just during the initial introduction of a product but also during its use.

    Furthermore, each of the following principles may be tailored to match the specific requirements and interaction demands of any product.

    1. Use Simple Language

    Professional Web Designer strives to provide the most readable discourse for the user while creating a product. This involves clarifying vocabulary, eliminating jargon, and simply providing information pertinent to the work.

    Presenting users with irrelevant information throughout their use of the product taints its usefulness. Furthermore, basic language helps the user finish the work without being overwhelmed or confused.

    2. Feedback

    Users expect a reaction to all of their actions. This might involve modifying the look of the screen after completing an activity. If the job is finished after some time, it should display a loading page to notify the user that the task is in process.

    Keeping the user informed throughout the process reassures them and keeps them on track with their job.

    3. Maintaining Consistency

    Keeping the product consistent is essential in ensuring an ideal user experience. Consistency affects how customers approach a product, and the time it takes to learn how to use it.

    From the start of the project until its completion, the consistent philosophy underpinning the UCD process should be maintained. If the interface design needs to be updated, it is critical to maintaining consistency across new features to stay beneficial to the user.

    4. Give The Complete User Control

    Consumers are already aware of their requirements. They should be able to use a product with minimal effort and depend on the product’s help to accomplish the rest.

    By removing the effort from the job, the user can do it quickly while keeping control of their activities.

    5. Describe The Situation

    Before developing a product, the designer must first investigate the ideal user and their wants. The designers can gain a comprehensive sense of some of the issues these people experience by studying their lifestyles.

    Many of these observations are conducted through interviews. These interviews provide the designer with information on the exact goals that users want to attain and how they want to achieve them.

    6. Examine the Design

    Designers undertake usability testing with actual users of their product at this stage in the UCD process. This stage provides designers with insight into how consumers will interact with the product and how to modify it to suit them better.

    It is advised that this stage be completed as quickly as feasible. The sooner customers provide input, the faster designers can comprehend their product from the user’s perspective.

    7. Create Designs That Are Specific To The Needs Of The User

    The design team must examine the distinctive features of their intended demographic as well as frequent real-world activities while beginning the design process. Furthermore, the product should be appropriate for the environment in which it will be utilized the most.

    Making a product that needs a lot of work from the user reduces its usability and usefulness, ultimately defeating the objective of UCD.

    8. The Design Process Is Iterative

    Because user-centered design is based on putting the user first, the product team should constantly be working to improve the user experience. By introducing changes gradually, you will gain a better understanding of your target audience.

    9. Adequate Navigational Tools

    An essential component of the user experience is the capability to navigate between pages of your website and return to the previous one. Make sure users know where they are on your website and how to leave any pages they don’t want to see.

    Customers can better understand how to navigate your page by giving them features like a navigation map, for instance. Make it simple for customers to change their order without leaving the current page if they buy clothing and discover they need a different size once they reach the checkout page.

    10. Unflawed System

    Customers should find it easy to navigate between your website’s pages and accomplish their goals. If they make a mistake, be there to help them fix it so they can achieve their goal.

    The form may ask for specific, essential fields, such as the square footage, and may also include a gentle reminder or an alert that appears if the user accidentally leaves a required field blank.

    Customers may feel more comfortable responding to your prompts and participating in a conversation if you ask questions one at a time and offer automated responses for each response.

    Wrapping Up

    User-centered design is more than just making a good product. It goes further than that. You demonstrate your motivations and intentions by putting your users in the spotlight. You’re demonstrating that it’s not all about meeting deadlines or turning a profit. Instead, you’re telling your users that you understand what they want and prioritize their needs.

    It should come as no surprise that the most effective teams are user-centric. Knowing your customer is essential for success in any industry, including design. Create products that put the user first, and you will create products that people will love.

    You can build a more robust, user-friendly website that is better equipped to respond to user needs and expectations by incorporating the User Centered Design process into your product design. However, it’s crucial to collaborate with a specialist who can apply these techniques and produce the result you’ve envisioned.


    Featured image by pch.vector on Freepik


    The post 10 Key Principles of User-Centered Design first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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    Learning how to design an MVP webpage or website could be one of the best things you can do as a site creator in today’s digital world.

    In a fast-paced landscape, where customer preferences and technology are constantly changing, most companies don’t have time to dedicate months or years to each web project. The longer you take to complete your website, the more likely your creation will be outdated by the time you hit “publish.” That’s why countless creators are beginning to take a different approach.

    To avoid wasting time, money, and effort on something that doesn’t deliver a significant return on investment, designers are now building “Minimum Viable Products,” or “MVPs.”

    Here’s what you need to know about creating your MVP webpage.

    What is MVP Web Design?

    Typically, the “MVP” development process is most common in the app or software creation world. It refers to when a developer builds the simplest version of a technology capable of achieving specific goals. For instance, if a company wanted to create an ecommerce app, they would design a simple tool capable of listing products, enabling payments, and tracking orders.

    After launching the MVP product, the company or developer would check to ensure it had the right impact on the target market and generated positive results. Using feedback and analytics, the developer would then begin to add new features one at a time.

    MVP design aims to ensure you’re developing the best, most valuable product for your audience while getting your solution to market as quickly as possible.

    The same strategy in MVP app and software design can also apply to website creation. Rather than building a highly complicated website with multiple features straightaway, the designer would focus on creating a single page equipped with the essential elements.

    For instance, instead of building an entire site for your online course, you may develop a single-page website where customers can learn about the system, sign up, and pay for their membership. The great thing about an MVP web page is it allows companies to start advertising their solution, product, or service quickly, with the minimum initial investment.

    How to Create an MVP Web Page

    Creating an MVP web page is similar to designing any Minimum Viable Product. Throughout the project, the focus will be on keeping the development process simple while collecting as much feedback as possible.

    Here’s how you’d get started with an MVP web page.

    Step 1: Planning

    Planning is an important stage in any web design project. It’s particularly crucial in the MVP landscape, where you need to define the most critical features of your webpage or website to ensure it’s “viable” for your needs. The initial planning stage can sometimes be the lengthiest part of the process, depending on the amount of research you need to do.

    For the most part, web designers and companies will begin by conducting market research. This means examining crucial concepts intended to drive your strategy, such as:

    • Your target audience: Who are you trying to target with this web page, and what will they need from your site? A user persona can be helpful if you don’t already have one.
    • Competitors: Who are your main competitors in this space, and what do their web pages offer? Which features do you need to replicate or avoid?
    • Goal setting: What is the main objective of this web page? What do you need it to do, and what might it need to accomplish in the future?

    The key to MVP web page planning is ensuring you look holistically at your project without thinking too far ahead. The site you create should be capable of scaling and expanding in the future, but it shouldn’t have too many features from day one.

    Step 2: Creating Your Feature List

    Once you’ve done your research and formed the foundations of your plan, it’s time to list all the features your MVP web page needs to have. Unfortunately, this is where the process can get a little complicated. It’s easy to start adding capabilities and components that aren’t necessary to make your site more exciting or competitive.

    As worrying as it can feel to release a very basic web page, remember your focus is on rapid growth and development. With this in mind, concentrate on narrowing your feature lists down into:

    • Initial must-have capabilities: First, decide what your web page can’t thrive without. If the primary goal of your page is to sell software subscriptions, then you’ll need to implement tools for collecting member information and payments.
    • Next stage functionality: Consider the features you might add once you’ve confirmed your webpage is effective. This will allow you to ensure you’re creating a platform that can expand to suit future needs.
    • Possible future requirements: You can also list features that might be helpful in the future but don’t necessarily need to be implemented immediately. For instance, if you’re selling an online course, you might create a separate page where people can sign up to learn about future lessons.

    Step 3: Finding the Right Software

    Next, you’ll need to decide how to build your web page. There are several options available to today’s designers. An open-source solution is usually the best route for designers who need to create something specific from scratch. However, if the factor that makes your solution “viable” is unique, you may need access to code to bring your idea to life.

    Alternatively, if you’re building a basic webpage capable of something like collecting customer email addresses or facilitating transactions, you might be able to use an off-the-shelf tool. CMS services for web designers can reduce the work and expense involved in creating a minimum viable product.

    For instance, you might use a tool like Wix or Squarespace to edit a pre-existing template and simply drag-and-drop the features you need into the right places. On the other hand, if you’re planning on adding more functionality to your site down the line, it’s worth checking if any builder you will use has the right level of flexibility. Many tools will allow you access to code, advanced features, and essential module-based building functions.

    Step 4: Implement Your Analytics

    One of the essential parts of an MVP workflow is feedback. When you roll out your MVP, you’ll be looking for insights, guidance, and analytics to help you decide what your next steps are going to be. As a result, MVP workflows are based heavily on experimentation.

    This means you’re going to need the right analytical tools in place to track crucial information. You can implement tools for collecting customer feedback directly. It’s also worth having a system in place for tracking metrics like:

    • Conversion rate;
    • Traffic numbers;
    • User behavior;
    • Most used/least used features;
    • Technical site performance;
    • Bounce rate;
    • Average time spent on the page.

    While Google Analytics is one of the most popular tools for collecting insights in the MVP website design world, various other options are available. You can even find tools with in-built heatmaps to see how people navigate your site more effectively.

    It’s also worth having A/B testing components in place. This will allow you to test the different “new” features you add to your web pages over time and examine how they influence your conversions and support your goals. For example, you can use A/B testing to explore the impact of everything from CTA button colors to webpage copy and offers.

    Creating Your MVP Web Page

    In the fast-paced web development and design world, the old-fashioned and slow approach to designing web pages is growing increasingly less common. Instead, an MVP strategy may be the best bet for companies looking to go to market faster, collect insights from their target audience, and accelerate growth.

    Though getting used to this design strategy initially can be challenging, it can save you significant time, resources, and money in the long term.


    HTML vector created by vectorjuice –


    The post How to Design an MVP Web Page first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

    Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

    E-commerce storefronts have been slow to offer crypto payment methods to their customers. Crypto payment plug-ins or payment gateway integrations aren’t generally available, or they rely on third-party custodians to collect, exchange, and distribute money. Considering the growing ownership rate and experimentation ratio of cryptocurrencies, a « pay with crypto » button could greatly drive sales.

    This article demonstrates how you can integrate a custom, secure crypto payment method into any online store without relying on a third-party service. Coding and maintaining smart contracts needs quite some heavy lifting under the hood, a job that we’re handing over to Truffle suite, a commonly used toolchain for blockchain builders. To provide access to blockchain nodes during development and for the application backend, we rely on Infura nodes that offer access to the Ethereum network at a generous free tier. Using these tools together will make the development process much easier.

    Source de l’article sur DZONE

    Todoist is a to-do list app that 25 million people rely on every day to keep their lives organized. As part of the Doist design team’s goals for 2021, we aimed to redesign the Todoist Android app to take advantage of the latest Google Material Design guidelines.

    In this post, we cover the design decisions and processes behind redesigning the Todoist Android app for Material Design. We explore the Design and Android team’s collaboration practices that brought the app update to life, which resulted in winning the Material Design Award 2021 in the large screen category. Let’s get started!


    When we started the project, our design implementation on Android was ready for a major overhaul. The last milestone redesign on Android was initiated after the release of the first Material Design guidelines in 2016. Since then the team successfully worked on continuous improvements to the Android app, but we saw the opportunity to improve Todoist on Android on a more holistic level.

    We set out to clean up instances of older UI components, colors, and text styles and update them with the latest Material Design components. We observed that some interactions and navigational patterns had become inconsistent with what users were expecting on newer Android devices and were eager to modernize this experience. With new hardware and software changes in mind, we set out to make the experience on larger phones and tablets even better, so Todoist could take full advantage of the latest generation of devices. Material 2 and 3 provided an incredible new framework to rethink the current app experience. With this in mind, we set out to challenge what a modern Android app should look like and innovate on top of the default user experience.


    The team set itself the goal of redesigning our Todoist Android app and aspiring to make it the best-designed productivity app on Android. The project was ambitious and scheduled to take several months to complete. We set ourselves the following targets while working on the project:

    • Review the current implementation and older design specs.
    • Study the latest Material Design Guidelines and assess what is relevant for our project.
    • Research great Material Design apps and case studies and learn from their execution.
    • Define the new Todoist Android app design language and document the changes.
    • Design and development work together to assess the proposed solution and implementation.
    • Test an early version of the new app internally to gather feedback and make adjustments.
    • Invite beta testers to the new app to gather feedback and make adjustments.
    • Refine the app and address core issues before launching to the public.


    The project was kicked off by reviewing the current Todoist Android app implementation, noting down what areas needed to be fixed and what was up to date. While reviewing, we took screenshots of the app implementation for reference. This way we could easily see the current state of the app and compare it to the new design proposals that would be created. Once the review process was finalized, we had a comprehensive overview of the current state of the app and the layout, component, and styling changes we wanted to make.


    We continued the project by studying the latest Material Design Guidelines, assessing the components and practices that were most relevant to Todoist.

    When the project kicked off in February 2021, Material 2 was the most recent version of their design system. Since Material 2 had already been released for quite some time, we anticipated that design changes to Material would be announced soon at the Google I/O event in May 2021. Rather than wait, because we expected the changes to be iterative, we pushed ahead with our work.

    We identified 25 components and UI patterns that we wanted to change across the app. The changes included buttons, forms, menus, sheets, navigation drawer, app bar, system bars, text and color styles, and more. We started by creating a table view in a Dropbox Paper document with the component changes and references links to Google’s Material Design Guidelines.

    This components list was a starting point for discussion to plan the scope and complexity of the changes. Close async discussions between the design and development team in Twist and Dropbox Paper comments helped us make decisions about scope and complexity early on and set a solid foundation for the project.


    In the initial Material Design study, we also researched inspiring Material Design apps, Material studies, Play Store apps, and Google Workspace apps to learn from their execution.

    We started out by studying the Material Design Award Winners 2020 and tested out the products that were showcased. The showcased winners struck a good balance between implementing the Material Design Guidelines while maintaining their own product’s brand within the system. This balance between Google’s guidelines and the Todoist brand was also key for us to get right and so we strived to find this mix across the work we created and implemented in the project.

    Along with the MDA winners, we researched the Material Studies that Google produced to showcase what apps could look like with branding and Material Design guidelines applied. It was a great reference to see how far components could be customized while maintaining the core platform principles. The Reply case study in particular offered valuable insight to us as its content type and layout came closest to Todoist. It showcased how components like the app bar, navigation drawer, and large screen layouts worked while being customized.

    We continued our research by searching the Google Play store for inspiring app examples. Google Tasks, Press, Periodic Table, and Kayak stood out to us as the level of polish and quality of the apps were on par with the experience we were aspiring to create.

    Sometime later in the project when Material You was released (more on that later), we stumbled upon the Google Workspace apps blog post which previewed Material 3 changes that Google was introducing to their own products. It offered a great glimpse at what was to come before the Material 3 Design Guidelines were officially released. This post sparked new internal discussions and further design explorations that we considered for future Todoist Android updates.

    Design Spec

    As we started to define the new Todoist Android app design language and document the changes, we opted to create a design framework, focusing on creating components rather than designing every screen in the app. This allowed us to consistently apply the design system in the app. We did so by using the previously defined component list that we created during the review and study process.

    Core screens from different areas of the app were chosen to demonstrate how the components could be applied. We chose to mock up the Todoist project view, navigation drawer menu, project view edit screen, settings, and project detail view, among others. These screens gave us a good overview of how buttons, forms, drawers, lists, and other components would work together and in different states; selected, pressed, disabled, etc.

    During the project, we were transitioning our Doist design system to Figma and started creating our first components in the new Doist Product Android Library. We started by using some components from the Material Design UI kit – Components library from the official Google Figma resource file and added them to our Doist design system. We then continued to build up the Product Android Library file with our Todoist-specific components such as task list & board views, detail views, sheets, colors, typography, etc.

    We continued by documenting color and typography changes that were based on the Material Design guidelines. The design team opted to implement a new Design Token framework that would share the same values between our design system and the development implementation. The development team would output the values they had in the current implementation and the design team would analyze which values were needed and which could be merged, changed, or deleted. This informed the new Design Token color and typography system which we then documented and discussed with the team to implement. Later in the project, we were happy to see a similar token system introduced by Material 3 in the latest guidelines which validated our thinking and principles behind the new design system.

    The design documentation expanded to hold other edge-case mockups that could sit alongside the design system. We documented different responsive screen experiences between phones and tablets against the previous implementation. Additional sections were created to document the motion that should be used for certain components and screens by referencing existing Material Design guidelines examples or prototyping custom motion in Principle and After Effects. The design spec also touched on haptic feedback that should appear on touch targets, how dark mode should work across the new components, documenting Todoist themes within the new design language, and more.

    Design Implementation

    At Doist, the benefit of the squad is that cross-team collaboration is built into the make-up of the team. Designers, developers, support, and product managers work together in a squad to deliver the project. This close collaboration from the start is key to bridging the gap between scope, estimations, design, development, and delivery. The squad discussed their findings on a daily basis and came up with the best plan of action together.

    Designers started by creating components in Figma and shared them with developers in Dropbox Paper. We used screenshots to document the current implementation next to the new designs and linked to the default Google Material Design components. This allowed the team to compare all references in one place. Developers shared their feedback, adjustments would be brainstormed together as the designs were iterated.

    Designers on the project would share their work in progress on a weekly basis with the rest of the design team in a design review Twist thread. Here details about the designs were discussed, alternatives mocked up and bigger picture plans made. Design reviews brought up topics like FAB (Floating Action Button) placement, theme options, accent color usage on components, consistency with other platforms, navigation options, and shadow elevation. After thorough discussions and alternative mockups were presented, the design team aimed to find the right balance between Material Design and Todoist brand guidelines. The development team, also part of the design reviews, gave their feedback on the solution and raised technical complexities early on.

    Eventually, the design was stabilized and consistencies updated across components and mockups. The design spec was kept up to date so the development team could always review the latest designs in Figma.


    As soon as the development process started, the Android team provided early screenshots and videos in Twist threads while they were implementing the design spec. This practice allowed us to review the app implementation early and often. Designers could review the development work and share feedback in Twist, which resulted in getting the implementation to a high quality. Alongside Twist discussions, the team set up a Todoist project to track ongoing issues and fix bugs. Designers logged new issues, developers would solve them and share the new implementation for designers to review.

    When the team had the first stable version of the Android app, we shared it internally at Doist to get more insight and feedback. Other Doisters could access the redesign via a feature flag that could be turned on in the app settings and test the new version for however long they wanted. The feature flag system allowed people to give us early feedback on the design decisions we made and report bugs. Feedback was submitted by the wider team through a dedicated Twist thread and designers and developers could discuss how best to address the feedback during the active project implementation.

    After we refined the app implementation further and addressed early feedback we opened up the app update to our beta users. Here users had access to the new Android redesign and were able to give us feedback. Our support team gathered feedback and shared it with us in a dedicated Twist thread. The squad aimed to analyze every comment and looked for patterns where we could make tweaks and improvements to the user experience.

    As part of these tweaks, we made changes to how the bottom bar and navigation drawer worked. Some users reported frustrations with the way the new bottom navigation and menu drawer worked. In its first implementation, the drawer was half raised when opened and had to be swiped up to be raised again to see the full content list. This was an issue for some users as it was slower to get to the content below the list. So we decided to fully raise the drawer by default when opening. We also made it easier to open the navigation drawer by sliding up from the bottom app bar. This was a small shortcut but it enabled users to get to their content faster.

    Material You

    While we were in the testing phase and about to wrap up the project, Google unveiled Material You, and sometime later the Material 3 Guidelines were published. With the newly announced resources, we went back to study the latest guidelines and references we could find to see where the Todoist Android app redesign fits in and which adjustments we might need to make now or in the future.

    Dynamic Color was a big new feature that was announced as part of the Material You update. As Todoist supports many different themes the Material You Dynamic Color feature seemed like a good fit for our product. We decided to prioritize this feature and implement Dynamic Color light and dark themes as part of our Todoist theme settings options.

    To implement Dynamic Color, the development team started off by creating a demo prototype that utilized the Dynamic Color system and showcased how we could select from a range of color choices that the system defined based on the wallpaper choice. From there, we tried to incorporate system behavior in our design mockups. We designed a range of different color mockups and components to see which ones could fit with which components. We then came up with a color system that worked for the Todoist app and the new themes. These new Dynamic Color themes would sit alongside our current theme options in the Todoist app settings. From here users could choose between Dynamic Color Light and Dark themes.

    Along with Dynamic Color, the team also created a customizable bottom app bar, allowing users to set up the app in a way that’s most convenient to their workflow. The location of the Dynamic Add Button can be changed to the center, left, or right corner of the screen. The order of the Menu, Search, and Notification buttons can be rearranged to best fit the ergonomics of the user’s dominant (left or right) hand and optimize their navigation patterns.


    As critical beta feedback was addressed and stability tweaks were made, the squad felt ready to release the new Todoist Android app to the public. The team logged the issues that could not immediately be addressed for future reviews and updates.

    The design and marketing team readied the launch by creating What’s New banner artwork and copy that are displayed within the app when launching the update. The Doist marketing team also created release notes and shared the app update announcements on our social channels. The brand and product design team worked together to create custom image assets and copy that summarised the project work in a simple and beautiful way.

    What’s Next: Material 3

    After a successful launch of the redesigned Todoist for Android app, Google contacted Doist to announce that Todoist was selected as the Material Design Award 2021 winner in the Large Screen category. The team was excited to be recognized for their hard work and it felt like we achieved the goal we had set out to accomplish.

    Internally, designers and developers continued to study and discuss the Material 3 updates. The design team started exploring mockups and design changes inspired by Material 3 and Google’s Workspace app updates. Some of our current Todoist explorations include changing the FAB styling, updating the app bar, further removing elevation shadows, and more. Here is a preview of what a future Todoist update could look like.

    We hope these insights into Doist’s design process and collaboration practices have sparked your interest. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for future design updates!


    • Study the Material guidelines, Material Design winners, Material studies, and Google Workspace apps to make informed design decisions when designing your next product or app update.
    • Evaluate which Material Design components and practices are right for you and implement them into your product.
    • Carefully balance the Material Design guidelines with your brand guidelines to create a unique and consistent experience between your product and the platform it lives on.
    • Collaborate with your Android developers early and often to ship app updates efficiently and increase the design implementation quality.
    • Use design components and build a design system along with practical mockups to create an efficient design spec.
    • Consider how the latest Android features fit into your product and which have the most impact on your users before deciding to implement them.
    • Test and review builds with your internal team and external beta users to get valuable feedback and make adjustments before releasing them to the public.
    • Create announcement artwork to showcase your latest app or feature update along with a clear description to share in-app and on social media.


    The post Case Study: Redesigning Todoist for Android first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

    Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot