
7 Habitudes des Testeurs Efficaces

Les testeurs efficaces ont des habitudes qui leur permettent d’atteindre leurs objectifs. Découvrez les 7 habitudes qui font la différence!

Les sept habitudes sont discutées dans cet article, qui les encadre pour des testeurs très réussis. Voici les sept habitudes :

  • Develop a plan of action for the project.
  • Create a database of the project’s requirements.
  • Make sure everyone on the team is aware of the project’s objectives.
  • Begin With the End in Mind

    Before beginning a project, it is important to have a clear understanding of what the end result should be. This will help you to focus on the tasks that need to be completed in order to achieve the desired outcome. It is also important to consider the stakeholders involved in the project, as their expectations should be taken into account when creating the plan. Additionally, it is beneficial to create a timeline for the project and set deadlines for each task. This will help to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget. Here are three suggestions for approaching upcoming undertakings with a clear goal in mind:

    • Create a list of objectives for the project.
    • Develop a timeline for the project.
    • Create a database of the project’s stakeholders.
    • Put First Things First

      In order to ensure that a project is completed on time and within budget, it is important to prioritize tasks. This means that tasks that are most important should be completed first, while those that are less important should be completed last. It is also important to consider the resources available when prioritizing tasks. For example, if there are limited resources available, tasks that require those resources should be completed first. Here are three suggestions for approaching upcoming undertakings with prioritization in mind:

      • Create a list of tasks in order of importance.
      • Develop a timeline for the project.
      • Create a database of the project’s resources.
      • Les sept habitudes pour les testeurs très réussis

        Cet article discute les sept habitudes qui sont nécessaires pour les testeurs très réussis. Ces sept habitudes sont :

        1. Être Proactif
        2. Commencer par la fin en tête
        3. Mettre les choses importantes en premier
        4. Penser Gagner/Gagner
        5. Chercher à comprendre avant d’être compris
        6. Synergiser
        7. Aiguiser la scie
        8. Être Proactif

          Dans chaque projet de logiciel, l’objectif d’un testeur est de garantir qu’un produit de haute qualité est produit. Vous avez deux options lorsque vous déterminez ce qui s’est mal passé dans les projets de logiciels qui échouent en raison d’une qualité faible : vous pouvez être proactif ou réactif. Les personnes réactives ont tendance à attribuer des difficultés ou des obstacles aux autres personnes et aux facteurs externes. Être proactif vous permettra d’accepter la responsabilité des erreurs et de trouver des solutions pour les initiatives futures. Après la fin d’un projet, votre équipe devrait faire un « post-mortem » ou une « rétrospective » dans laquelle vous discutez franchement des succès et des échecs du projet. Voici trois suggestions pour aborder les prochaines entreprises avec initiative :

          • Élaborer un plan d’action pour le projet.
          • Créer une base de données des exigences du projet.
          • Assurez-vous que tous les membres de l’équipe sont conscients des objectifs du projet.
          • Commencer par la fin en tête

            Avant de commencer un projet, il est important

            Source de l’article sur DZONE

            Expliquer les modèles d'apprentissage machine: renforcer la confiance et la compréhension des systèmes IA


            Comprendre comment fonctionnent les modèles d’apprentissage machine est essentiel pour renforcer la confiance et la compréhension des systèmes IA. Découvrons ensemble comment ces modèles fonctionnent!

            ## Expliquer la signification de l’explicabilité des modèles d’apprentissage automatique

            L’explicabilité des modèles est devenue un domaine de recherche très important ces dernières années, car elle permet de comprendre comment fonctionnent les systèmes d’intelligence artificielle et de machine learning. Elle est également essentielle pour garantir la transparence et la responsabilité des systèmes d’IA. Cet article explore la signification de l’explicabilité des modèles, ses applications à divers domaines et l’influence qu’elle a sur la fiabilité des systèmes d’intelligence artificielle.

            L’explicabilité des modèles est particulièrement importante pour les domaines qui traitent des questions sensibles ou critiques, tels que le secteur de la santé, où les prises de décision doivent être fondées sur des données fiables et compréhensibles. La capacité des systèmes d’IA à fournir des explications compréhensibles par les humains est essentielle pour garantir la confiance et l’adoption responsable des systèmes d’IA.

            Les chercheurs ont mis au point plusieurs méthodes pour améliorer l’explicabilité des modèles d’intelligence artificielle et de machine learning. Ces méthodes peuvent être classées en trois catégories : l’analyse de l’architecture du modèle, l’analyse des poids et l’analyse des résultats. L’analyse de l’architecture du modèle consiste à étudier la structure du modèle et à déterminer comment les différents composants interagissent entre eux. L’analyse des poids consiste à examiner les poids assignés aux différents composants du modèle pour comprendre leur influence sur les résultats. Enfin, l’analyse des résultats consiste à étudier les résultats du modèle et à déterminer quelles variables sont les plus importantes pour expliquer le comportement du modèle. Ces méthodes peuvent être utilisées pour améliorer la transparence et la responsabilité des systèmes d’IA.

            Source de l’article sur DZONE

            Like it or not, we’re slowly edging towards a two-tier web: those sites that are secure, and…everything else.

            There was a time on the web, when we didn’t have SSL certificates, and lots of people’s data got stolen. To address the problem, and regain users’ trust SSL certificates were introduced to secure sites handling sensitive data. And because they were initially a niche technology, you paid through the nose for them.

            (An SSL certificate, for those that don’t know, is the difference between http:// and https://)

            Then, thanks in part to privacy initiatives, and in part to high-profile data breaches, a few big players decided that all data should be protected. And the next thing you know, Google’s using SSL certificates as a ranking factor. And then suddenly browsers are warning people that non-SSL certified sites are insecure and they should “Get Out of Here!” And before long your hobby blog about cat-friendly board games is being billed hundreds of dollars a year just to be seen on the web.

            Choosing whether to jump on the SSL bandwagon is simple: you have to have one. Finding an affordable SSL certificate, now that’s a challenge.

            Most hosting companies will provide you with an SSL certificate as an add-on, and they’ll charge you anything up to $200 per year for it.

            That’s why we’re blown away by ZeroSSL, because ZeroSSL is the first practical opportunity to grab an SSL certificate for your site, for free!

            Get an SSL Certificate for Free

            Now, it must be said that ZeroSSL isn’t the first place to offer a free SSL certificate. Plenty of hosts offer a “free” SSL certificate for the first year, when you pay for premium hosting. And there’s Let’s Encrypt which offers free certificates if you can work out how to access them.

            ZeroSSL is just the first place to offer a genuinely free SSL certificate that you don’t need a post-grad degree in server engineering in order to use.

            Get a Free SSL Certificate from ZeroSSL

            Using ZeroSSL’s free-forever plan you can register three 90-day certificates entirely free. You’ll never need to pay for them, just renew every few months.

            ZeroSSL also offers a variety of packages for simplifying your SSL management. The Basic package for example starts at $8/month and offers unlimited 90-day certificates, and even three 1-year certificates so you can renew annually and forget about them the rest of the time.

            ZeroSSL also scales; if you need unlimited 1-year certificates — because you have, erm, unlimited websites? — that’s possible too.

            Where ZeroSSL Excels

            ZeroSSL offers a number of benefits over its competitors.

            Firstly there’s the full-featured management console, that makes SSL management transparent. It sounds like a little thing, but with many other suppliers the first thing you know about your SSL certificate expiring is your site breaking.

            ZeroSSL…makes managing your certificates…insanely easy.

            ZeroSSL has an easy-to-use REST API, which can be used with the language of choice: PHP, Ruby, ASP, anything. It makes managing your certificates for multiple sites insanely easy.

            Verifying SSL certificates can be confusing, and technically difficult. But ZeroSSL streamlines the process with automatic CSRs and one-step email validation (even for multiple domains) — considerably faster and easier than industry standard DNS validation. There’s even a one-click check to make sure your certificate is installed correctly.

            Most importantly, ZeroSSL offers superb technical support on all of its paid plans. So if you’re one of the many people who started reading this post without fully understanding what an SSL certificate is, you can be confident that if you run into difficulties getting set up, there’s someone available 24/7 to dig you out of the hole.

            Getting Started with ZeroSSL

            If by now you’re planning to try ZeroSSL, the best place to start is the free-forever plan. ZeroSSL allows you to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time, so it makes sense to start with the no-credit-card option and upscale if you need it.

            Using ZeroSSL’s dashboard you can create a free 90-day SSL certificate in minutes, and the step-by-step installation instructions will guide you all the way through.

            ZeroSSL’s 1-year certificates are the gold-standard of SSL protection

            ZeroSSL auto-generates certificates in different formats depending on your choice of platform, to speed up installation.

            You can register certificates for multiple domains — you will have to verify each domain individually, but it’s simple to setup. Premium plan users can even use wildcards, allowing you to secure a site with multiple sub-domains, from a single certificate.

            ZeroSSL’s 1-year certificates are the gold-standard of SSL protection and are the option that most site owners will come to rely on.

            If you’re running an agency and you’re responsible for maintaining multiple client sites, ZeroSSL is made for you. ZeroSSL’s dashboard gives you one central location to monitor the status of all of your SSL certificates, and you can set expiry reminders to notify you by email when a certificate is about to expire.

            Automated SSL Renewal with ZeroSSL

            If that sounds too much work, and you’d like to automate your SSL certificates, ZeroSSL has you covered.

            ZeroSSL works with both its own dedicated ACME Certbot, and more than ten other third-party ACME clients to fully automate your SSL certificates absolutely free, on a rolling 90-day schedule.

            If you really know what you’re doing, you might even consider the ZeroSSL’s REST API. It enables certificate creation, validation, renewal, and management using HTTPS Get calls and JSON responses. The API handles millions of requests per month using 256-bit bank-level HTTPS encryption. You can access the API for free, and the Pro plan offers unlimited access.

            Go Get Certified

            There are millions of sites that drop traffic every month because they lack an SSL certificate.

            Whatever your site, it’s not a question of whether you need an SSL certificate, it’s how you can affordably manage to create, install, and monitor a certificate.

            ZeroSSL solves all of the problems of SSL certificate management, and for the majority of users, its free-forever plan is all you’ll ever need.

            Head over to today to boost your traffic with a free SSL certificate.


            [– This is a sponsored post on behalf of ZeroSSL –]


            Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot