
Développement Dirigé par l'Observabilité pour LLMs

Le développement dirigé par l’observabilité (DDO) est une approche innovante pour améliorer le développement et le déploiement des logiciels à base de microservices et de logiciels légers (LLMs).

Notre industrie est à ses débuts d’une explosion dans le logiciel utilisant les MLM, ainsi qu’une (séparée, mais liée) révolution dans la façon dont les ingénieurs écrivent et exécutent du code, grâce à l’intelligence générative.

Data is the key to unlocking the potential of this new world. Without data, LLMs and generative AI are nothing more than empty promises. Data is the fuel that powers the engine of ML-driven software development. It is the lifeblood of our industry, and it is essential that we understand how to use it effectively.

Nous sommes à l’aube d’une explosion du logiciel utilisant des modèles d’apprentissage automatique (MLM) et d’une révolution de la façon dont les ingénieurs écrivent et exécutent le code, grâce à l’intelligence artificielle générative.

De nombreux ingénieurs logiciels rencontrent pour la première fois les MLM, tandis que de nombreux ingénieurs en apprentissage automatique sont directement exposés pour la première fois aux systèmes de production. Ces deux types d’ingénieurs se retrouvent plongés dans un nouveau monde déroutant – un monde où un problème de production particulier qu’ils ont peut-être rencontré occasionnellement dans leur carrière est maintenant au centre de l’attention.

Les données sont la clé pour déverrouiller le potentiel de ce nouveau monde. Sans données, les MLM et l’intelligence artificielle générative ne sont rien de plus que des promesses vides. Les données sont le carburant qui alimente le moteur du développement logiciel basé sur l’apprentissage automatique. C’est le sang vital de notre industrie et il est essentiel que nous comprenions comment l’utiliser efficacement.

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Fargate vs Lambda : Qui sera le vainqueur ?

Fargate et Lambda sont deux technologies très populaires parmi les développeurs cloud. Quel est le meilleur pour votre projet ? Découvrons qui sera le vainqueur !

## Comparaison Fargate vs Lambda dans l’espace sans serveur

Quelles sont les différences entre Fargate et Lambda ?

Fargate et Lambda sont deux options de calcul sans serveur populaires disponibles dans l’écosystème AWS. Bien que les deux outils offrent un calcul sans serveur, ils diffèrent en ce qui concerne les cas d’utilisation, les limites opérationnelles, les allocations de ressources d’exécution, le prix et les performances. Fargate est une moteur de calcul sans serveur proposé par Amazon qui vous permet de gérer efficacement les conteneurs sans les tracas de la mise en provision des serveurs et de l’infrastructure sous-jacente. Lambda, quant à lui, est une plateforme de calcul sans serveur qui vous permet d’exécuter du code sans avoir à gérer des serveurs. Lambda est conçu pour prendre en charge des charges de travail à courtes durées et à faible consommation de ressources.

Quelle est la meilleure option pour l’architecture ?

Lorsqu’il s’agit de choisir entre Fargate et Lambda, il est important de comprendre leurs différences et leurs avantages. Pour les applications à longue durée et à haute consommation de ressources, Fargate est la meilleure option car il offre une gestion des conteneurs plus efficace et une meilleure performance. Cependant, pour les applications à courtes durées et à faible consommation de ressources, Lambda est la meilleure option car il offre une exécution plus rapide et une meilleure utilisation des ressources. En fin de compte, le choix entre Fargate et Lambda dépend des exigences spécifiques de votre application et de votre architecture. Il est important de prendre en compte le coût, la performance et les fonctionnalités avant de prendre une décision finale.

Quelle que soit l’application ou l’architecture que vous souhaitez mettre en place, Fargate et Lambda sont tous deux des outils puissants qui peuvent vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs. En tant qu’informaticien enthousiaste, je trouve que ces outils sont très utiles pour créer des applications modernes et évolutives. Fargate et Lambda offrent tous les deux des fonctionnalités avancées qui peuvent être utilisées pour créer des architectures robustes et flexibles. Les deux outils sont faciles à utiliser et peuvent être intégrés à d’autres services AWS pour offrir une expérience utilisateur optimale. En fin de compte, le choix entre Fargate et Lambda dépendra des exigences spécifiques de votre application et de votre architecture.

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Optimisation de clusters GKE: 14 tactiques pour un déploiement K8s plus fluide

Découvrez comment optimiser vos clusters GKE et améliorer la fluidité de votre déploiement K8s grâce à ces 14 tactiques simples !

Comment s’assurer que votre cluster Google Kubernetes Engine est prêt pour les tempêtes à venir ?

Premièrement, l’optimisation de la sécurité. En tant qu’ingénieur informatique enthousiaste, je sais que la sécurité est une priorité absolue. Vous devez donc veiller à ce que votre cluster GKE soit protégé contre les menaces extérieures. Pour ce faire, vous devez configurer la sécurité des nœuds, définir des règles de pare-feu et utiliser des certificats TLS pour vous assurer que votre cluster est sûr et sécurisé. Vous devez également mettre en œuvre des contrôles d’accès et des stratégies de sécurité pour vous assurer que vos données et vos applications sont protégées.

Deuxièmement, l’optimisation de la disponibilité. Pour assurer une disponibilité maximale de votre cluster GKE, vous devez configurer le nombre de nœuds et leurs tailles pour répondre aux exigences de votre application. Vous devez également configurer des réplicas pour vos services et définir des règles de mise à l’échelle pour vous assurer que votre application est toujours disponible. Enfin, vous devez mettre en place des outils de surveillance pour vous assurer que votre cluster est toujours opérationnel.

Enfin, l’optimisation des coûts. Pour optimiser les coûts liés à votre cluster GKE, vous devez configurer le nombre de nœuds et leurs tailles pour répondre aux exigences de votre application. Vous pouvez également utiliser des outils tels que le codage pour réduire les coûts en réutilisant le code existant et en automatisant certaines tâches. Vous pouvez également utiliser des outils tels que Kubernetes pour optimiser les performances et réduire les coûts en répartissant les charges de travail sur plusieurs nœuds.

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Have you been searching in vain to find a great WordPress theme that you can use to create a website that will perfectly match your brand and vision?

Building a top-of-the-line website is no longer the complicated process you had to contend with only a few short years ago. More often than not, it was something best left to the developers. The WordPress platform has changed all that with its thousands of quality WordPress themes to choose from.

Finding the best WordPress theme to fit your needs is still not easy. The search to find that ideal WordPress theme can put your patience to the test.

We’ve tried out best to simplify your search. We believe we have succeeded with this listing of 11 Best WordPress themes.

1. Be – Multipurpose WordPress Theme

This big, beautiful, and powerful multipurpose WordPress theme is among the best in the business. 250,000+ satisfied users attest to its popularity. With respect to size, which readily translates into flexibility, BeTheme’s 40+ core features take care of that issue.

Those core features include a 650+ pre-built website library, a host of design elements and options, and the most advanced page and website-building tools on the market.

Powerful website-building tools BeTheme places at your fingertips include –

  • Be Builder is a fast, light, and super-intuitive website builder for WordPress. One of the Builder’s most practical page-building capabilities is viewing an element as you customize it.
  • Be Builder Blocks is a growing library of time-saving pre-built sections.
  • Be Builder Woo offers a quick and convenient way to design an online store with customer-centric shopping features like product previews, cart, checkout, etc.
  • Be Theme’s Header Builder 2.0 features 14 pre-build headers, including mobile-ready and interactive titles.

A setup wizard and helpful tutorial are included. You’ve been invited to test the stunning Be Builder’s capabilities in this Live Demo.

2. Total WordPress Theme

“Build it your way.” could serve as Total’s slogan. Flexibility rules in terms of providing users everything they could ask for to build attractive, engaging, and performant websites.

Total accomplishes this with its multiplicity of design options, customizer settings, layout choices, navigation options, dynamic template functionality, and the popular WPBakery frontend drag-and-drop page builder.

  • Total’s page builder blocks and extra modules, post entry cards, animations, layout options, and custom backgrounds make building a website a quick and easy undertaking.
  • Total fully integrates with WooCommerce, it features clean, developer-friendly code, and is RTL and translation ready.
  • The popular Slider Revolution plugin is included, and Total is compatible with many other popular plugins, including bbPress, Uber Menu, Easy Digital Downloads, and WPML, to name a few.

Click on the banner to learn more about everything that has delighted Total’s 48,000 users.

3. Blocksy Free Ecommerce WordPress Theme

Blocksy’s prioritization of flexibility, extensibility, and speed has resulted in a WordPress theme that gives you complete control to create and customize your website’s appearance and functionality as you build it.

These major Blocksy priorities find their way into this theme’s key features, which consist of –

  • an easy-to-use options interface and integration with WooCommerce, Gutenberg, Elementor, Brizy & Beaver, and Tutor LMS will provide you with a wealth of design approaches and options.

Blocksy’s other features of note include –

  • a Header Builder with a host of customized elements
  • a Footer Builder complete with a menu, social icons, and a widget area.
  • Five types of Content Blocks

And not to forget, Blocksy is free! Click on the banner to check it out. There is a Pro version of Blocksy, but the free version offers plenty.

4. Avada WordPress Theme

The fact that Avada, with more than 750,000 users, is the #1 best-selling WordPress theme of all time should be reason enough to give it a closer look.

  • This ultimate WordPress theme was created with speed and exceptional performance in mind.
  • Its WooCommerce builder is just what you need to create a shop, cart, checkout, and product layouts customized to match your brand.
  • features include 400+ pre-built web pages and 120+ design and layout elements.

5. Uncode – Creative & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

There is no limit to what you can build in the way of attractive and engaging websites and online stores when you have Uncode’s Creative and WooCommerce theme at your back.

Uncode places at your fingertips –

  • its advanced Drag & Drop Product Builder, high-performance Ajax product filters, swatches, and outstanding shop layouts
  • 70+ professionally designed pre-made designs you can mix and match, and 500+ Wireframes carefully designed section templates.

6. TheGem – Creative and WooCommerce WordPress Theme

TheGem creative WordPress theme is a Swiss Army knife of web design tools with its creative modern layouts, super-fast loading times, and easy-to-use tools for building a professional website that will leave the competition in the dust.

Key features include –

  • Theme Builder for building headers, footers, products, popups, etc., in Elementor or WPBakery
  • 400+ pre-built importable websites and TheGem Blocks collection of 600+ pre-built page sections  
  • Extended WooCommerce tools for building pixel-perfect online shops.

7. Woodmart Woocommerce WordPress Theme

If building an online store is on your mind, you won’t go wrong with WoodMart, ThemeForest’s highest-rated eCommerce theme. Woodmart’s customization options are virtually unlimited, while its drag-and-drop builder can reduce your workflow to a minimum.

WoodMart design features include –

  • 80+ pre-built websites
  • Elementor shop and product page builders with a multiplicity of product page display options and Elementor’s custom checkout
  • An AJAX shop complete with AJAX shop filters and product swatches.

8. Rey WordPress WooCommerce Theme

The Rey WooCommerce theme takes building a WooCommerce site to an exciting new level with its powerful Elementor and WooCommerce integrations coupled with WordPress’s sophisticated engine.

Rey’s other key features include:

  • A valuable selection of pre-made designs
  • A selection of Elementor widgets designed to cover most website design situations
  • Ajax Navigation and Filters designed to simplify your site’s page browsing and navigation functionality.

Rey is performance-oriented, responsive, developer, and SEO-friendly. 

9. Litho – WordPress Elementor Theme

Litho is creative and modern, and it’s highly customizable. This WordPress Elementor theme is totally integrated with Elementor, the world’s #1 free page builder.

  • With Litho, you have the tools to easily create any type of business niche, portfolio, blog, or eCommerce website.
  • Litho’s design features include 37+ ready home pages, 200+ creative elements, 300+ templates, and the popular Slider Revolution plugin.
  • Online detailed documentation is also included.

10. Vault – Multi-Purpose Elementor WordPress Theme

Vault’s multiplicity of design tools and design options packed into a single framework make website building as simple as one-two-three.

  • Start with selections from Vault’s 50+ full websites, 1200+ template blocks, and 230+ premium widgets.
  • Put into play the next-generation Theme Options Panel with its beautiful interactions and animations.
  • Pull everything together with Vault’s interactive design tools and customization options.

And you’ll end up with a modern, engaging, high-performance website.

11. KnowAll – WordPress Knowledge Base Theme

KnowAll is simply the most powerful WordPress Knowledge Base theme on the market. All the tools are there to help you build a high-performance and easy-to-use knowledge base.

  • KnowAll’s advanced analytics will give you an excellent awareness as to how visitors use your knowledge base.
  • KnowAll’s visitor feedback will give you a better grasp as to which content visitors find to be valuable and engaging and which articles may be less helpful.


Each of the 11 best WordPress themes listed here are noted for their high-quality designs. Also, for their impressive selections of demos, pre-built layouts, and templates. Each offers a wealth of customization settings, options, and other genuinely useful features. They are designed to make your website serve its purpose effectively and efficiently.

These highly popular WordPress themes were selected for a reason. No matter which one you choose, you’ll be well on the way to creating an outstanding product.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of BAW Media –]


The post 11 Best WordPress Themes for 2023 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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As we move into 2023, there are an increasing number of ways companies can engage with their customers. And as the number of apps, browser extensions, social media feeds, newsletters, vlogs, and podcasts grows, you can be forgiven for thinking that websites are a little less essential than they were in say, 2021.

However, the truth is that websites remain an irreplaceable part of the digital landscape and they will continue to be into 2023 and beyond.

Websites, as the keystone of a centralized, privately run digital experience couldn’t be more relevant. Unlike competing technologies, websites allow almost total control of their source code, and that provides an opportunity for skilled designers and developers to compete against the biggest names in their clients’ industries in a way that simply isn’t possible in tightly governed systems like social media.

Not only does quality web design help businesses increase their traffic, but it can increase the quality of that traffic; an attractive and user-friendly web page will encourage web users to stay on the page longer, and explore more of the content it links to.

Websites vs. Social Media

For many brands, the option they turn to for connecting with customers is social media. Particularly platforms like Facebook and Instagram. While billions of us are happy to while away our free time on social media, it’s not a great platform for informed decision-making or task fulfillment. For any form of productivity, websites are superior:

  • Flexibility: Websites can be customized to suit a company’s vision and values, whereas social media tends to magnify accounts that reflect its own values.
  • Ownership: When you publish on your website you own your content, when you post to social media the platform tends to own your content.
  • Investment: As we’ve seen recently with a certain bird-themed social network, you can spend years investing time in your social media channel only to have it canceled by an individual with his own agenda.
  • Findability: Websites are discoverable on search engines, and although algorithms govern these search engines, competition across different search engines keeps search algorithms honest. Social media networks each use a single algorithm making them free to skew browsing any way they choose.
  • Scaleability: Websites can take advantage of the latest technologies to improve user experience, on social media user experience is governed by the network’s decisions.

Websites vs. Apps

When it comes to owning a piece of the internet, a connected app feels like ownership. However, websites have a number of benefits over an app, from a superior user experience to lower development costs. And ultimately, apps are also controlled by 3rd parties.

  • Accessibility: Websites are universally accessible, while apps are usually limited to certain operating systems or platforms. If you want to distribute to devices, you’ll need to be approved by the store owner who can (and will) change the terms and conditions of store distribution without consulting you.
  • Flexibility: Websites provide a greater level of flexibility and scalability than apps.
  • Cost-effective: A simple website can be created and launched in a weekend, they are considerably more cost-effective to develop and maintain than apps.
  • Findability: Search engines have evolved around website technologies, and it is far easier to create a discoverable website than an app that ranks high in an app store.
  • Universality: Websites have lower entry costs for users, and there aren’t any downloads or purchases required.
  • 3rd-party features: Websites can integrate 3rd-party content like chatbots, payment gateways, and forms, that generally require licensing to include in an app.

Websites vs. Podcasts and Vlogs

There’s no question that podcasts and vlogs are engaging types of content. However, they are very limited when it comes to different kinds of experience. These tend to be passive, linear experiences. Even if your podcast opens itself up to listener interaction, your customers are still passive consumers.

  • Cost-effective: Websites can be set up very cheaply, podcasts and vlogs on the other hand require high-production values to compete.
  • Longevity: Well-written website content can remain relevant for years, the lifespan of a vlog or podcast is often just a few months.
  • Flexibility: Websites can embed podcasts and vlogs, as well as virtually any other content; podcasts and vlogs can only ever be podcasts and vlogs. Websites will continue to evolve long after podcasts are obsolete.
  • Simple: There is now a range of no-code options for creating a reliable website, meaning it can be done with little to no skills or experience. Podcasts and vlogs require a great deal of technical knowledge to produce.
  • Findability: As with other technologies, podcasts and vlogs can’t compete with websites when it comes to search engine optimization.
  • Faster: A well-designed website is much smaller than a podcast or vlog, making it cheaper and easier to access, especially on a cellular network.

Websites in 2023 and Beyond

In 2023 websites will still be a critical part of a successful business strategy and web designers will continue to be essential members of any team.

Websites continue to offer numerous benefits over other technologies including increased flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and superior search engine opportunities.

Unlike social media platforms that allow you to customize a few assets like avatars and colors, websites can be completely customized to fit the tone and style of a brand. Additionally, websites have a far lower barrier to entry than podcasts, vlogs, or apps. While apps may offer a richer set of features than a website, that is offset by the restrictions on platform and device capabilities that apps impose.

Websites will continue to evolve as the tech landscape changes. New ideas for consuming digital media will appear over time, offering unique new experiences — for example, mass adoption of AR (Augmented Reality) is just around the corner. However, the website is perfectly evolved for the types of simple customer interaction that businesses rely on, and will continue to matter in 2023 and beyond.


Featured image by fullvector on Freepik


The post Why Web Design Still Matters in 2023 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Finding a good web design agency is challenging, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. With so many options, it’s challenging to determine which best meets your needs.

The obvious place to start looking for a web design agency is by asking friends, family, and colleagues for personal recommendations, but bear in mind that they may not be qualified to judge your options objectively, and you’ll need to carry out due diligence on any web design agency recommended to you.

The process of researching and evaluating different design agencies can be time-consuming and complex. To make it easier, you must start with a clear understanding of your goals and expectations.

Begin by making a long list of web design agencies and freelance designers that might fit the bill. Then whittle it down to a shortlist by discounting anyone whose portfolio you don’t like — while design is about more than just subjective opinions, it’s also vital that you end up with a website you like and are proud to show off as part of your brand identity.

Now you have your shortlist, there are several key questions to pose to each potential candidate to ensure that they are the right fit for you. Here are the ten questions you should be asking to put you on track to finding your perfect website design partnership.

1. What types of website design services do you offer?

The first thing to realize is that there are many different kinds of websites, and as such, there are also many different kinds of website design services.

The types of website design services offered by web design agencies range from basic site creation to complex ecommerce solutions.

Basic web design services usually include developing and implementing a CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress, Joomla, or Craft. Agencies may also provide more advanced services such as custom website design, SEO optimization, and web hosting.

Different agencies and freelancers specialize in various types of sites, so you must compare their solutions with your requirements.

2. Do you have any case studies of past projects I can review?

Experience matters when choosing a web design agency. Ask potential candidates about the years they have been in business and the types of projects they’ve worked on. New doesn’t necessarily mean low quality — plenty of great agencies are founded by experienced designers whose portfolios are owned by their previous employers.

However, it is easier to ensure a web design agency is a good fit for your project if you can review case studies of previous jobs. Case studies will provide valuable insights into their approach and techniques and how successful their clients have been.

3. Where are you based?

When it comes to web design agencies, there are pros and cons to hiring a local or remote team. On the one hand, working with a local agency can provide many advantages, such as in-person interaction and access to their resources. On the other hand, working with a remote team may offer greater flexibility, cost savings, and access to a global talent pool.

It’s essential to ask about an agency’s location to understand their services’ advantages and disadvantages.

Effective team communication is essential for any project, so you should check the working hours of any agency you select — you don’t want to wait overnight for answers to urgent queries.

4. Do you specialize in any particular industries or platforms?

Web design agencies may specialize in various industries and platforms, depending on the specific needs of their clients. For example, some might specialize in ecommerce solutions such as Shopify or WooCommerce, while others might focus on frameworks such as Vue or React.

Additionally, web design agencies may specialize in creating custom websites for specific industries, such as healthcare or finance.

Suppose you can locate a web design agency with previous experience developing websites for clients similar to you. In that case, they will be better placed to anticipate challenges specific to your project.

5. What is your process for designing websites?

Before hiring a web design agency, it’s essential to understand their approach to website design. For example, some agencies may take a more traditional “design and build” approach where they create the entire site from start to finish, while others may prefer to work with an existing template and make customizations.

Some design agencies use a traditional waterfall approach, while others adopt an agile methodology. Waterfall is a sequential process in which each step happens in isolation, whereas agile is an interactive approach with frequent testing and feedback.

Knowing how an agency prefers to work will help you establish realistic expectations about how they will integrate into your company culture.

5. Do you offer any additional services, such as SEO or hosting?

Website design agencies may offer a range of additional services, depending on the needs of their clients. Beyond website design and development, many agencies also provide SEO (search engine optimization) and web hosting services.

All reputable web design agencies will ensure that your website meets the minimum standard for technical SEO. But some agencies will also adapt your content to incorporate keywords and phrases related to your industry to help you increase website traffic once the site is launched.

When it comes to web hosting, your web design agency will help you choose the best type of hosting for your needs, but some agencies also provide hosting and will set up and manage a server for you.

6. How will the project be managed, and what is your timeline for completion?

When it comes to website design projects, timeline management is critical to ensure that your new website is delivered on time and within budget. Managing a website project requires careful planning and execution to keep everything on track.

You should also ask how the project will be managed throughout its lifecycle so that you can schedule your in-house timetables.

7. What type of maintenance can I expect after launching the website?

Launching your new website begins a long-term relationship with your web design agency. It’s essential to ask about their post-launch support process to ensure you have all the help and guidance you need. The agency should be able to provide comprehensive maintenance services such as bug fixing, content updates, and security checks.

Additionally, you should understand the process for making changes and requests after the website launch. Find out how quickly they can respond to your inquiries and the cost of any needed updates. This will help you plan your budget accordingly and avoid any unexpected fees.

9. How much will the project cost?

Speaking of costs, it’s vitally important to establish ballpark figures before you shortlist an agency. Like any industry, there is a wide range of different price points, dependent not just on the project but the marketability of the web design agency.

Make sure you ask for a comprehensive quote that outlines all the costs involved. Ask for a payment schedule so you know how much you’re expected to pay upfront. Check on any additional fees, such as maintenance or hosting.

Never adjust your project to secure a web design agency outside your budget. If you can’t afford a particular provider, strike them off your shortlist and move on to the next candidate.

10. What do you need from me?

As a client, there are several steps you need to take to ensure that your website design project runs smoothly. You will need to supply a detailed brief if nothing else.

You should be prepared to schedule regular feedback sessions so your agency can stay on track. You’ll probably need to supply brand materials such as logos, style guides, and any text, images, and videos you want to be included. The agency may want you to sign a contract, agree on a payment schedule, and pay an initial deposit.


Hiring a web design agency is challenging, especially if you don’t have the technical knowledge to assess an agency’s past work objectively.

By asking the questions above, you’ll get a solid sense of what the company is like to work for, how well they fit your corporate culture, and whether their proposed solution is within your budget.

The more questions you ask, the better informed you’ll be, and the more likely your website design project will succeed. Good luck!


Featured image via Pexels.


The post 10 Questions You Must Ask Before Hiring a Web Design Agency first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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This article will demonstrate the heterogeneous systems integration and building of the BI system and mainly talk about the DELTA load issues and how to overcome them. How can we compare the source table and target table when we cannot find a proper way to identify the changes in the source table using the SSIS ETL Tool?

Systems Used

  • SAP S/4HANA is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software package meant to cover all day-to-day processes of an enterprise, e.g., order-to-cash, procure-to-pay, finance & controlling request-to-service, and core capabilities. SAP HANA is a column-oriented, in-memory relational database that combines OLAP and OLTP operations into a single system.
  • SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT) Replication is a trigger-based data replication method in the HANA system. It is a perfect solution for replicating real-time data or schedule-based replication from SAP and non-SAP sources.
  • Azure SQL Database is a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) database engine that handles most of the management functions offered by the database, including backups, patching, upgrading, and monitoring, with minimal user involvement.
  • SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and transformation solutions. SSIS is used to integrate and establish the pipeline for ETL and solve complex business problems by copying or downloading files, loading data warehouses, cleansing, and mining data.
  • Power BI is an interactive data visualization software developed by Microsoft with a primary focus on business intelligence.

Business Requirement

Let us first talk about the business requirements. We have more than 20 different Point-of-Sale (POS) data from other online retailers like Target, Walmart, Amazon, Macy’s, Kohl’s, JC Penney, etc. Apart from this, the primary business transactions will happen in SAP S/4HANA, and business users will require the BI reports for analysis purposes.

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