
: Utilisation et applicationConception de modèles: Utilisation et application

des modèles sont des méthodes essentielles pour comprendre et prédire le comportement des systèmes complexes. Découvrons comment ces modèles peuvent être appliqués.

Les modèles de conception fournissent une base fondamentale pour la construction de logiciels maintenables et évolutifs. Comprendre comment fonctionnent les modèles, pourquoi ils offrent un avantage et quand les utiliser permet de s’assurer que le logiciel est construit à partir de composants orientés objet réutilisables. Dans cette Refcard, nous plongerons dans les concepts qui sous-tendent les modèles de conception, examinerons les 23 modèles Gang of Four (GoF) qui ont entraîné la prolifération des modèles de conception et examinerons certains modèles courants qui ont évolué depuis la publication des modèles GoF.

Les modèles de conception offrent une base fondamentale pour la construction de logiciels maintenables et évolutifs. Comprendre comment fonctionnent les modèles, pourquoi ils offrent un avantage et quand les utiliser permet de s’assurer que le logiciel est construit à partir de composants orientés objet réutilisables. Dans cette Refcard, nous plongerons dans les concepts qui sous-tendent les modèles de conception, nous examinerons les 23 modèles Gang of Four (GoF) qui ont entraîné la prolifération des modèles de conception et nous examinerons quelques modèles communs qui ont évolué depuis la publication des modèles GoF.

Le codage est une partie importante de la conception des modèles. Les concepteurs doivent comprendre comment le code peut être décomposé en composants réutilisables et comment ces composants peuvent être combinés pour créer des solutions plus complexes. Les modèles de conception fournissent des moyens pour structurer le code et le rendre plus facile à maintenir et à modifier à l’avenir. Les modèles de conception peuvent également aider à réduire les dépendances entre les composants, ce qui permet aux concepteurs de modifier un composant sans affecter les autres composants.

Le codage est également important pour l’implémentation des modèles de conception. Les concepteurs doivent comprendre comment le code peut être structuré pour implémenter un modèle de conception et comment le code peut être optimisé pour réduire la complexité et améliorer les performances. Les concepteurs doivent également comprendre comment le code peut être testé pour s’assurer qu’il fonctionne correctement et qu’il est conforme aux spécifications. Les outils de test automatisés peuvent aider à vérifier que le code est conforme aux spécifications et à détecter les bogues avant la mise en production.

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Outils et technologies CI/CD : libérez le pouvoir de DevOps.

Les outils et technologies CI/CD sont essentiels pour libérer le pouvoir de DevOps et optimiser votre cycle de développement. Découvrez comment!

Dans le monde trépidant du développement logiciel, l’intégration et le déploiement continus (CI / CD) sont devenus des pratiques indispensables dans les services DevOps.

Continuous Integration (CI)

Continuous Integration is a practice that enables developers to integrate code into a shared repository frequently. This allows teams to detect and fix errors quickly, as well as identify potential conflicts between different branches of code. Jenkins is the most popular CI tool, offering a wide range of features such as automated builds, tests, and deployments. Additionally, Jenkins integrates with a variety of other tools, allowing developers to create complex pipelines for their CI/CD process.

Continuous Delivery (CD)

Continuous Delivery is the practice of automating the process of delivering software updates to production. This ensures that software updates are released more quickly and reliably. To achieve this, developers rely on tools like Ansible and Chef for configuration management and deployment automation. These tools allow developers to define the desired state of their infrastructure and automate the process of provisioning and configuring servers. Additionally, they enable teams to deploy applications to multiple environments with minimal effort.


In conclusion, CI/CD is an essential practice in DevOps services that enables teams to deliver software updates more frequently and reliably. To achieve this, developers rely on a range of cutting-edge tools and technologies such as version control systems, continuous integration tools, and continuous delivery tools. By leveraging these tools, teams can streamline their workflows and automate various stages of the development process, ensuring smooth and reliable software delivery.

Système de contrôle de version (SCV)

Une base solide pour tout processus CI / CD dans les services DevOps est un système de contrôle de version robuste. Git est le SCV le plus utilisé, offrant des capacités puissantes de branchement et de fusion. Les développeurs peuvent collaborer sans heurts, suivre les modifications et résoudre les conflits efficacement, ce qui garantit que le code reste stable et sécurisé. GitHub, GitLab et Bitbucket sont des plateformes populaires qui intègrent Git et offrent des fonctionnalités supplémentaires telles que le suivi des problèmes, les revues de code et la gestion de projet.

Intégration continue (CI)

L’intégration continue est une pratique qui permet aux développeurs d’intégrer fréquemment du code dans un dépôt partagé. Cela permet aux équipes de détecter et de corriger rapidement les erreurs, ainsi que d’identifier les éventuels conflits entre différentes branches de code. Jenkins est l’outil CI le plus populaire, offrant une gamme étendue de fonctionnalités telles que des builds automatisés, des tests et des déploiements. De plus, Jenkins s’intègre à une variété d’autres outils, permettant aux développeurs de créer des pipelines complexes pour leur processus CI / CD.

Livraison continue (CD)

La livraison continue est la pratique qui consiste à automatiser le processus de livraison des mises à jour logicielles en production. Cela garantit que les mises à jour logicielles sont publiées plus rapidement et plus fiablement. Pour y parvenir, les développeurs s’appuient sur des outils tels qu’Ansible et Chef pour la gestion de la configuration et l’automatisation du déploiement. Ces outils permettent aux développeurs de définir l’état souhaité de leur infrastructure et d’automatiser le processus de mise en place et de configuration des serveurs. De plus, ils permettent aux équipes de déployer des applications sur plusieurs environnements avec un effort minimal.


En conclusion, CI / CD est une pratique essentielle dans les services DevOps qui permet aux équipes de livrer des

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Révolutionner le Web: Tendances et innovations en développement web

Le développement web évolue à un rythme rapide et les tendances et innovations sont en constante évolution. Découvrez comment la révolution du web peut transformer votre entreprise!

Le développement web est devenu vital pour les entreprises et les organisations à l’échelle mondiale dans l’écosystème numérique en constante évolution d’aujourd’hui. L’importance de rester à jour avec les nouveaux développements en matière de développement web ne peut pas être surestimée. De nouveaux cadres, langages et approches sont souvent introduits dans l’industrie du développement web, qui évolue constamment.

Coding is a key component of web development. It involves writing code in a language such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or Python to create websites and applications. Coding is the foundation of web development and is essential for creating a successful website or application.

Aujourd’hui, le développement web est devenu essentiel pour les entreprises et les organisations à l’échelle mondiale dans un écosystème numérique en constante évolution. L’importance de rester à jour avec les nouveaux développements en matière de développement web ne peut pas être surestimée. De nouveaux cadres, langages et approches sont souvent introduits dans l’industrie du développement web, qui est en constante évolution.

En restant à jour avec ces changements, les développeurs peuvent appliquer les outils et techniques les plus récents pour améliorer l’expérience des utilisateurs, accélérer les sites Web et rester toujours un pas devant la concurrence.

Le codage est un composant clé du développement web. Il consiste à écrire du code dans une langue telle que HTML, CSS, JavaScript ou Python pour créer des sites Web et des applications. Le codage est la base du développement Web et est essentiel pour créer un site Web ou une application réussis. La programmation est une partie importante du codage et elle implique l’utilisation de différentes méthodes pour créer des programmes informatiques. Les développeurs peuvent utiliser des outils tels que des bibliothèques et des frameworks pour faciliter le codage et accélérer le processus de développement.

Le codage est un processus complexe qui nécessite une bonne compréhension des langages de programmation et des principes de base du développement Web. Les développeurs doivent être conscients des normes et des meilleures pratiques en matière de codage afin de créer des sites Web et des applications efficaces et sécurisés. Les développeurs doivent également être à l’aise avec la gestion de projet et la communication afin de garantir que le projet est livré à temps et selon les spécifications.

Les compétences en codage sont essentielles pour les développeurs Web. Les développeurs doivent être capables de comprendre le code et d’utiliser les outils appropriés pour créer des sites Web et des applications qui répondent aux besoins des utilisateurs. Les développeurs doivent également être à l’aise avec la résolution de problèmes et la prise de décisions afin de garantir que le projet est livré à temps et selon les spécifications.

Le codage est un domaine en constante évolution et il est important que les développeurs restent à jour avec les dernières technologies, outils et techniques. Les développeurs doivent également être conscients des normes et des meilleures pratiques en matière de codage afin de créer des sites Web et des applications efficaces et sécurisés.

Le codage est un domaine passionnant qui offre aux développeurs la possibilité de créer des sites Web et des applications innovants qui peuvent améliorer l’expérience utilisateur et aider les entreprises à atteindre leurs objectifs commerciaux. Les compétences en codage sont essentielles pour les développeurs Web et il est important que les développeurs restent à jour avec

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Utiliser GPT-3 dans nos applications.

GPT-3 est une technologie révolutionnaire qui peut être intégrée dans nos applications pour améliorer leurs performances et leur fonctionnalité. Découvrons comment l’utiliser !

Bienvenue à un nouvel épisode sur l’intelligence artificielle. Comme je l’ai expliqué dans mon précédent article, GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3) est un modèle de traitement du langage de pointe développé par OpenAI. Il a été entraîné sur une grande quantité de données et peut générer du texte similaire à celui des humains sur une large gamme de sujets. L’une des façons d’accéder aux capacités de GPT-3 est via son API, qui permet aux développeurs d’intégrer facilement GPT-3 dans leurs applications.

Dans cet article, nous fournirons un guide détaillé sur la façon d’utiliser l’API GPT-3, y compris comment configurer votre clé API, générer des réponses et accéder au texte généré. À la fin de cet article, nous aurons une base pour savoir comment utiliser GPT-3 dans nos propres projets et applications.

## Guide détaillé pour utiliser l’API GPT-3

Bienvenue dans un nouvel article sur l’intelligence artificielle. Comme je l’ai expliqué dans mon précédent article, GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3) est un modèle de traitement du langage de pointe développé par OpenAI. Il a été entraîné sur une grande quantité de données et peut générer du texte similaire à celui des humains sur une large gamme de sujets. L’une des façons d’accéder aux capacités de GPT-3 est via son API, qui permet aux développeurs d’intégrer facilement GPT-3 dans leurs applications.

Dans cet article, nous fournirons un guide détaillé sur la façon d’utiliser l’API GPT-3, y compris comment configurer votre clé API, générer des réponses et accéder au texte généré. À la fin de cet article, nous aurons une base pour savoir comment utiliser GPT-3 dans nos propres projets et applications.

En tant qu’informaticien enthousiaste, je voudrais partager mon expérience avec l’API GPT-3. Pour commencer, vous devez créer un compte OpenAI et obtenir votre clé API. Une fois que vous avez votre clé API, vous pouvez l’utiliser pour accéder à l’API GPT-3 et générer des réponses à partir de données textuelles. Vous pouvez également spécifier des paramètres supplémentaires pour contrôler le type de réponse que vous souhaitez obtenir. Par exemple, vous pouvez spécifier le nombre de mots que vous souhaitez générer, le type de langage à utiliser et le type de contenu que vous souhaitez obtenir.

Une fois que vous avez généré des réponses à partir de l’API GPT-3, vous pouvez les afficher dans votre application ou les enregistrer dans un fichier pour une utilisation ultérieure. Vous pouvez également utiliser ces réponses pour entraîner un modèle personnalisé qui peut être utilisé pour générer des réponses plus spécifiques à des questions spécifiques. Enfin, vous pouvez également utiliser ces réponses pour créer des applications plus intelligentes qui peuvent comprendre et répondre aux questions des utilisateurs.

En conclusion, l’API GPT-3 est un outil puissant qui peut être utilisé pour créer des applications plus intelligentes et plus interactives. Il offre aux développeurs une façon simple et rapide d’accéder aux capacités de GPT-3 et de générer des réponses à partir de données textuelles. En utilisant cette API, les développeurs peuvent créer des applications plus intelligentes et plus interactives qui peuvent comprendre et répondre aux questions des utilisateurs.

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The most important task in any machine learning model is finding or building a dataset that perfectly accommodates your algorithm. Without the correct foundation, your machine learning model may not perform in its intended way.

While well-known sites such as Kaggle allow you to download and utilize thousands of adequate datasets, a few other dataset providers are increasing in popularity. In this article, we will cover one known as Hugging Face.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

In the early days of the internet, security was little but an afterthought. Then as hackers started to exploit businesses’ lax security postures, things gradually started to change. At first, nonprofits like the Electronic Frontier Foundation started pushing web users to embrace HTTPS Everywhere. In response, certification authorities began offering free SSL certificate variations to any site admin that wanted one. As a result, at least 79.6% of all active websites now use SSL.

That was only the beginning. In the ensuing years, developers and web application administrators gradually started to harden their apps against all manner of attacks. They rolled out more complex password requirements. They started to add two-factor authentication as a default measure. They even started putting public-facing services behind high-performance web application firewalls.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Personalized marketing is when you attune your marketing efforts based on customer data. This data can be anything from the first and last name to purchase intent, concerns, and history.

Personalized marketing has revolutionized the way businesses market their product and service to their audience. It brings value to people’s lives, spiking the sales graph for brands and businesses. So it’s a win-win situation for both the company and the consumer.

Even big companies do this for their campaigns. They do so because it gives them great results and ROI for their marketing initiatives. If these multinational businesses do this, it’s a good idea to incorporate this strategy and learn from a top resource on digital marketing.

This article aims to explain every nook and cranny of personalized marketing. By the end of this 5-minute read, you will know the impact of personalized marketing on our lives. And how you can integrate this into your marketing strategy to benefit your business.

What Is Personalized Marketing?

Have you ever encountered a business that knows what you’re going through? Or did you see an ad online that you closely relate to? Chances are, you were one of the target markets of those marketing materials. And if you could associate yourself with the ad, their marketing strategy worked.

That is what personalized marketing does to your audience, market, or particular demographic. This style of advertising leverages personalization in your marketing materials. The details of your marketing content are tailored to a specific audience and address the issues or real-time problems of a particular segment in your market.

Personalized marketing has become popular because more people demand it from businesses. Once the people have experienced what it felt like, they want to feel more of it.

To objectively see the demand for personalization, here are some statistics to back it up.

Accenture reported that 91% of consumers are likelier to shop with businesses that offer them relevant content. This shows that the right product recommendations can increase the chances of shopping with you.

Salesforce mentioned that 66% of consumers expect companies to understand their individual needs. This statement proves that a generalized way of marketing isn’t as effective as before. The consumer mindset has already developed, and they demand more personalization from businesses.

A striking piece of data from Statista showed that 90% of consumers in the US find the idea of personalization appealing. If that figure is accurate, almost all businesses should start incorporating this into their strategies. There’s no reason for them not to try this out.

Given the high positive demand for personalized marketing, it’s no secret why more and more businesses are doing this. However, not every company out there is doing this right. A wrong way of doing this can bring a loss of clients and a negative ROI.

To help you go on the right track of using personalization in your marketing, read up on the next section of this article.

Know These 6 Tips To Correctly Do Personalized Marketing

You’d agree that knowing your customer’s first and last name is essential. But with the dynamically changing strategies, personalized marketing is going beyond that. It’s actually about understanding what your targeted consumers need, merging with a way to convey the message that your business is the solution.

To help you achieve this, take note of the things below:

1. Leverage Your Customer Data

The foundation of personalized marketing is laid on customer data. The best marketing professionals and strategists emphasize gathering relevant data if you want to scale. Excellent digital marketing courses will teach you that customer data will help you build a solid foundation for your content and campaigns.

Consumer behavior has always been the most important detail for target marketing. With every click, it has become easier to gather data about individual customers, their interests, hobbies, purchase history, buying behavior, and more.

You’ll be able to get this information if you’ve practiced data management and collecting customer data throughout the years of your operation. However, it’s not too late to begin if you haven’t started with this yet. There is a lot of marketing automation software that aids marketing teams in doing this. For example, many businesses use lead scoring software to gain insight into their clients’ needs and categorize them appropriately.

For your personalization efforts, you can use questionnaires, surveys, and feedback forms to capture personal data on the internet. A customer will happily fill out a survey form if a reward in return entices him. This reward can be in any form– a voucher, a first buy discount, free shipping, or more.

This initiative will help you get more data in a shorter time frame.

2. Understand Your Customer’s Needs

Hoarding data will be a complete waste of marketing efforts, capital, and efficiency if you do not extract consumer behavior from it. When you have access to a rich set of data, you have the privilege to understand your customers’ trending needs deeply. After gaining insights from the data, create a marketing strategy based on those findings to target your audience.

Doing this doesn’t just apply to B2C; it also works for B2B companies, which is why the demand for custom software development, tailored services, personalized packages, and B2B data providers have been on the rise in these recent years.

It is a two-way road. While you are on the lookout for your target market, at the same time, the customers expect businesses to know what they need. The market you’re currently serving expects you to know what products or services are fit for them.

So this is where it gets crucial: you have to dig deeper into your niche and find the specs of your audience’s needs. Having a general idea about the needs of your target audience and personalized marketing usually don’t go harmoniously.

Planning a better-personalized marketing strategy will not be a piece of cake but will be much more rewarding for every aspect of your business. May it be sales, return on investments, customer relationships, or personalized marketing campaigns.

3. Personalize Every Stage Of The Customer Journey

The first rule of business is convincing the customer that you are their best friend. Now that you know what they want, you pledge to provide them with whatever best you can. Limiting personalization to marketing is not the solution. You have to be vigilant in meeting these individual requirements at every stage. And remember that consistency is the name of the game. That is how you bring your business into the running.

You can integrate CRM automation, email marketing tools and deploy other content marketing strategies to help make this process a lot simpler. Personalized live chat and chatbots, such as those offered by ThriveDesk, allow businesses to personalize their offerings and build their brand reputation.

As a customer, my requirement would be reading content, browsing, and experiencing products that would hit home. A personalized experience is what every consumer demands. And this is what makes them want to go back and do business with you again.

By creating helpful and relevant content, recommending the right products to them, and giving out convenient payment options, you are setting your business apart from the rest. Doing this allows you to have personalized every touchpoint that your customers do with your business.

4. Present In An Engaging Way

Consider customer engagement as absolutely necessary. Having the best data set and knowing what your customers want is not enough. In the competitive space of business and marketing, everyone is trying to get the attention of one another. And this is what you are supposed to do. This helps in building consumer-brand relations.

When a consumer engages, meaningful things happen. Engaging content pushes the consumer through the funnel and hence promotes conversions. Your content should be creative and eye-catching.

Engaging content blended with personalization boosts the brand experience. Increased loyalty, trust-building, and improved customer experience enhance the conversion and sales speed.

A great way to use personalization in an engaging manner that most businesses overlook would be through exit-intent popups.

5. Be Where Your Customers Are

This is an element that some businesses miss out on. They have created excellent social media marketing content but only distributed it on the wrong channel. For personalized marketing to be effective, it needs to be seen by people.

Are you questioning your marketing techniques because all you see is stagnancy? You have set up an engaging online store on Shopify or Wix, collected all the relevant data, your content is engaging enough, and your marketing strategy is top-notch. But you are still unable to reach your clientele.

You start wondering what you are missing out on. Your content and your strategies will not be prolific if you are on the wrong channel. Remember: the message of your content has to reach the right people for it to be effective.

Should you be on social media? If so, which one? Do you get more traction with email campaigns? Or do you have more engagements on forums?

Find out where your market is, then spend your focus there. Now the next step is how to know where they spend most of their time?

This is where we go back in the loop. And hence we again emphasize that data collection is the foundation of any great marketing strategy.

6. Improve Marketing Content

Don’t rest on your laurels when you’ve gotten everything down to a tee and have attained your desired marketing analytics behind your personalized marketing content. Always think of ways how you can improve.

Evolving at every step will keep you in the running. Don’t be misguided into thinking that your work is done if you feel like you have reached the pinnacle. Keep looking for ways to get better. Set bigger goals and status for your business.

Always go back to the drawing board and brainstorm with your team on how you can change and strive with the dynamically changing world and mindsets. In the end, all you want is to build better relationships with your customers, new and existing.

For enhanced productivity, your marketing team should always look for new strategies. This is how fresh and great marketing ideas are made.

See How You Can Benefit From Personalized Marketing

Irrelevant information can waste energy and time for both customers and the business. Personalized marketing hits the bull’s eye 99% of the time. It brings immeasurable value to the company as well as the customer.

Here are some of the top benefits of personalized marketing:

1. Better Engagement

The first target personalized marketing aims at is grabbing an individual’s attention. And this results in better engagement eventually. If you are presenting your customer with something that wows them, needless to say, it will grab their attention.

This will help bridge the gap between your customer and your brand. Identifying customers’ needs and then giving them what they want will help improve customer interaction with your brand.

It can even be enough for them to follow your call to action. The next thing you know, they will be checking your website, signing up for a list, or even purchasing a product right then and there.

2. Higher Conversions

Are you there for your customer at the right time and place? One-on-one marketing provides easy solutions to customers because you hit them with just what they are looking for at the right time.

When potential customers realize that you understand what they’re going through and provide the solution, most won’t hesitate to try your business out.

Personalization isn’t just focused on content. It can also be integrated into your processes. This results in aiding the increase of higher conversion rates.

3. Improved Customer Experience

Offering personalization will significantly improve the user experience. Once you provide the products, services, and content that meet their needs, their opinion of your business automatically improves.

Considering the statistics about personalized experiences, it is evident that consumers demand personalization strategies from companies. And if you offer such an experience, you increase the chance of making them do more business with you. Personalization helps businesses in reducing cart abandonment rates, better customer journey, increased customer satisfaction, and many more.

4. Customer Retention

Retaining persisting customers is equally important to your business as bringing new ones. Most businesses face low customer retention. It’s also a factor that some companies overlook. You must understand that it’s not all about converting prospects into paying customers. Your focus should also be on retaining those customers to make them loyal advocates of your brand.

One of the major benefits of consistent personalization is an improved customer retention rate. Consumers tend to stay with a business that understands their needs and provides solutions to their problems.

Once you can transfer a customer to a loyal advocate, you can also receive a ton of benefits. These are people that are going to defend your brand from critics. These are the same people who will give you free marketing via word of mouth and positive reviews.

5. Better Customer Relationships

Personalized experience leads to customer retention, eventually building better relationships with your nurtured customers. These entities are connected in a loop.

Customer relationships are an aspect of business that significantly helps with scalability and higher revenue. So connecting with your customers and building a relationship with them is as important as the product you are selling. This is why strengthening customer relationships should be a top priority for businesses.

Personalization makes you an expert on your target market trends. You get to know your audience deeper, which helps you build a foundation for creating a great customer relationship. And this requires marketing and customer experience teams to work together in a symphony.

For this, you can use team collaboration software which aids in the optimization of content and your approach toward the market. You’ll have a better strategy in getting their attention, providing what they want, and recommending things they’ll be interested in.

All of these things help in building customer rapport. When a customer feels that you treat them as more than just a paying customer, their customer loyalty goes to your business.

Best Examples Personalization Marketing

To inspire you to integrate this marketing strategy into your operations, below are different personalization marketing campaigns done exceptionally by various businesses. Grab inspiration, ideas, and motivation from these examples.

1. Coca-Cola

We all know the most basic form of personalization is addressing your customers’ names, but Coca-Cola took this simple idea into a massive global campaign. Their “Share a Coke” campaign started in 2011, wherein they printed different popular names on their Coke bottles and cans.

It seemed like a regular campaign at first, but it started getting traction as more customers wanted to get the name of their family, friends, and themselves. Coca-Cola said the campaign’s purpose was “to create a more personal relationship with consumers and inspire shared moments of happiness.”

The soft drinks giant used personalization and tied such a strategy with its mission: to bring memories and happiness to its consumers. You, too, can do the same – combine your mission and personalization strategy to create a unique campaign.

2. Spotify

Spotify leverages user data in its marketing strategy. They have several campaigns that make users want to use their application more often because it gives out a more tailored experience.

Other than their year-end campaign( #spotifywrapped), where they show the most played songs and podcasts their users listen to (which was a viral hit), they now also have an #OnlyYou campaign that shows your unique listening taste partnered with a musical astrology reading.

3. Nike

Nike has consistently been recognized for authentic, personalized, and heartfelt ad campaigns. This personalization always makes them capture an audience who can relate and those who start connecting to the brand. So Nike isn’t new to personalization. Their aim is robust community engagement.

Their highly inspirational campaigns with real-life heroes induce inspiration in their audience. Nike is great at converting people because of its excellent storytelling ability while adding personalization to the mix.

Nike’s just launched a new app that offers personalized content and rewards for committed fans. They tackle challenges and issues head-on, but they always make their marketing messages relatable to their audience. That is why they “just do it.”


Personalized marketing is the secret sauce to thriving businesses in the world today. However, incorporating this marketing strategy and finding success is not as simple as you might think. You will face challenges, but with enough perseverance and brainstorming, you can surpass them and successfully create a great campaign.

Remember, this marketing approach can be a hit or a miss. The first step to making it a success is relevant data collection followed by judicious implementation. This isn’t an overnight activity that you can do. It requires months of diligence in the right direction with the proper guidance. And you can gain valuable insights into this guidance via the content marketing strategies outlined in this article. But remember, once you start rolling, there is no looking back.


The post The Complete Guide To Personalized Marketing first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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WordPress 6.0 has been released, and another niche jazz musician will be enjoying extra Spotify royalties next month.

WordPress 6, named for latin-jazz musician Arturo O’Farrill, is the realization of a change of direction the WordPress Foundation adopted several years ago.

All versions of WordPress now power around 42% of the web. That’s approximately 810,000,000 sites. If you looked at each site for a single second, without pausing to blink, it would take you over 25 years to see the home page of each one — of course, if you factor in how long a typical WordPress site takes to load it would take well over a century.

Some people (i.e., me) have been predicting the decline of WordPress for so long that sooner or later, we were bound to be correct. And, despite its astonishing reach, there are some signs that its market share may now be in decline. Even the W3C abandoned it in favor of Craft.

Of the 1,930,000,000 sites that currently make up the web, only around 400,000,000 are active. WordPress’s long-term dominance, coupled with a stalling market share, means that a disproportionate number of abandoned sites are WordPress. With site builders like Wix, Squarespace, and Shopify taking huge chunks of WordPress’ share of new sites, WordPress is facing something of a cliff edge.

What the ill-informed naysayers (i.e., me) hadn’t counted on was that WordPress had already seen the writing on the wall and formulated a plan…

WordPress’s problem has always been its legacy code; supporting out-of-date ideas and a spaghetti-like codebase has meant a great deal of work to do anything new. As a result, the last few releases have seen great ideas stifled by labored implementation. Even the most loyal WordPress user has to admit that Gutenberg, while filled with potential, doesn’t work the way it should. However, with WordPress 6, all the work may be starting to pay off.

With version 6, the block editor in WordPress is starting to feel like a design tool that, if not perfect, is at least usable. Editing content no longer feels like you’re fighting against the UI. Most importantly, the bar for creating a site is much, much lower. WordPress 6 also offers improved performance and accessibility, both areas that have traditionally been lacking. Security is still something of an issue, but that is mainly due to the ROI for hackers that massive market shares generate.

WordPress, it seems, has arrived at two conclusions: its main competition isn’t other CMS but other site builders. To maintain its market dominance, it needs to cater not to professionals but to amateurs.

Don’t get me wrong; the WordPress ecosystem will benefit from WordPress 6, at least reputationally. New sites run by amateurs eventually become established sites run by, if not professionals, then at least knowledgeable amateurs.

OK, so WordPress probably isn’t a good choice for enterprise sites. And there are certainly better options for ecommerce. And as for SEO, well, probably best not mentioned.

But in WordPress 6, we have a free, open-source site builder that lowers the bar for making a new site. It’s a credit to the community that has persevered to produce it.


The post WordPress 6.0 Lives Up To The Hype first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Todoist is a to-do list app that 25 million people rely on every day to keep their lives organized. As part of the Doist design team’s goals for 2021, we aimed to redesign the Todoist Android app to take advantage of the latest Google Material Design guidelines.

In this post, we cover the design decisions and processes behind redesigning the Todoist Android app for Material Design. We explore the Design and Android team’s collaboration practices that brought the app update to life, which resulted in winning the Material Design Award 2021 in the large screen category. Let’s get started!


When we started the project, our design implementation on Android was ready for a major overhaul. The last milestone redesign on Android was initiated after the release of the first Material Design guidelines in 2016. Since then the team successfully worked on continuous improvements to the Android app, but we saw the opportunity to improve Todoist on Android on a more holistic level.

We set out to clean up instances of older UI components, colors, and text styles and update them with the latest Material Design components. We observed that some interactions and navigational patterns had become inconsistent with what users were expecting on newer Android devices and were eager to modernize this experience. With new hardware and software changes in mind, we set out to make the experience on larger phones and tablets even better, so Todoist could take full advantage of the latest generation of devices. Material 2 and 3 provided an incredible new framework to rethink the current app experience. With this in mind, we set out to challenge what a modern Android app should look like and innovate on top of the default user experience.


The team set itself the goal of redesigning our Todoist Android app and aspiring to make it the best-designed productivity app on Android. The project was ambitious and scheduled to take several months to complete. We set ourselves the following targets while working on the project:

  • Review the current implementation and older design specs.
  • Study the latest Material Design Guidelines and assess what is relevant for our project.
  • Research great Material Design apps and case studies and learn from their execution.
  • Define the new Todoist Android app design language and document the changes.
  • Design and development work together to assess the proposed solution and implementation.
  • Test an early version of the new app internally to gather feedback and make adjustments.
  • Invite beta testers to the new app to gather feedback and make adjustments.
  • Refine the app and address core issues before launching to the public.


The project was kicked off by reviewing the current Todoist Android app implementation, noting down what areas needed to be fixed and what was up to date. While reviewing, we took screenshots of the app implementation for reference. This way we could easily see the current state of the app and compare it to the new design proposals that would be created. Once the review process was finalized, we had a comprehensive overview of the current state of the app and the layout, component, and styling changes we wanted to make.


We continued the project by studying the latest Material Design Guidelines, assessing the components and practices that were most relevant to Todoist.

When the project kicked off in February 2021, Material 2 was the most recent version of their design system. Since Material 2 had already been released for quite some time, we anticipated that design changes to Material would be announced soon at the Google I/O event in May 2021. Rather than wait, because we expected the changes to be iterative, we pushed ahead with our work.

We identified 25 components and UI patterns that we wanted to change across the app. The changes included buttons, forms, menus, sheets, navigation drawer, app bar, system bars, text and color styles, and more. We started by creating a table view in a Dropbox Paper document with the component changes and references links to Google’s Material Design Guidelines.

This components list was a starting point for discussion to plan the scope and complexity of the changes. Close async discussions between the design and development team in Twist and Dropbox Paper comments helped us make decisions about scope and complexity early on and set a solid foundation for the project.


In the initial Material Design study, we also researched inspiring Material Design apps, Material studies, Play Store apps, and Google Workspace apps to learn from their execution.

We started out by studying the Material Design Award Winners 2020 and tested out the products that were showcased. The showcased winners struck a good balance between implementing the Material Design Guidelines while maintaining their own product’s brand within the system. This balance between Google’s guidelines and the Todoist brand was also key for us to get right and so we strived to find this mix across the work we created and implemented in the project.

Along with the MDA winners, we researched the Material Studies that Google produced to showcase what apps could look like with branding and Material Design guidelines applied. It was a great reference to see how far components could be customized while maintaining the core platform principles. The Reply case study in particular offered valuable insight to us as its content type and layout came closest to Todoist. It showcased how components like the app bar, navigation drawer, and large screen layouts worked while being customized.

We continued our research by searching the Google Play store for inspiring app examples. Google Tasks, Press, Periodic Table, and Kayak stood out to us as the level of polish and quality of the apps were on par with the experience we were aspiring to create.

Sometime later in the project when Material You was released (more on that later), we stumbled upon the Google Workspace apps blog post which previewed Material 3 changes that Google was introducing to their own products. It offered a great glimpse at what was to come before the Material 3 Design Guidelines were officially released. This post sparked new internal discussions and further design explorations that we considered for future Todoist Android updates.

Design Spec

As we started to define the new Todoist Android app design language and document the changes, we opted to create a design framework, focusing on creating components rather than designing every screen in the app. This allowed us to consistently apply the design system in the app. We did so by using the previously defined component list that we created during the review and study process.

Core screens from different areas of the app were chosen to demonstrate how the components could be applied. We chose to mock up the Todoist project view, navigation drawer menu, project view edit screen, settings, and project detail view, among others. These screens gave us a good overview of how buttons, forms, drawers, lists, and other components would work together and in different states; selected, pressed, disabled, etc.

During the project, we were transitioning our Doist design system to Figma and started creating our first components in the new Doist Product Android Library. We started by using some components from the Material Design UI kit – Components library from the official Google Figma resource file and added them to our Doist design system. We then continued to build up the Product Android Library file with our Todoist-specific components such as task list & board views, detail views, sheets, colors, typography, etc.

We continued by documenting color and typography changes that were based on the Material Design guidelines. The design team opted to implement a new Design Token framework that would share the same values between our design system and the development implementation. The development team would output the values they had in the current implementation and the design team would analyze which values were needed and which could be merged, changed, or deleted. This informed the new Design Token color and typography system which we then documented and discussed with the team to implement. Later in the project, we were happy to see a similar token system introduced by Material 3 in the latest guidelines which validated our thinking and principles behind the new design system.

The design documentation expanded to hold other edge-case mockups that could sit alongside the design system. We documented different responsive screen experiences between phones and tablets against the previous implementation. Additional sections were created to document the motion that should be used for certain components and screens by referencing existing Material Design guidelines examples or prototyping custom motion in Principle and After Effects. The design spec also touched on haptic feedback that should appear on touch targets, how dark mode should work across the new components, documenting Todoist themes within the new design language, and more.

Design Implementation

At Doist, the benefit of the squad is that cross-team collaboration is built into the make-up of the team. Designers, developers, support, and product managers work together in a squad to deliver the project. This close collaboration from the start is key to bridging the gap between scope, estimations, design, development, and delivery. The squad discussed their findings on a daily basis and came up with the best plan of action together.

Designers started by creating components in Figma and shared them with developers in Dropbox Paper. We used screenshots to document the current implementation next to the new designs and linked to the default Google Material Design components. This allowed the team to compare all references in one place. Developers shared their feedback, adjustments would be brainstormed together as the designs were iterated.

Designers on the project would share their work in progress on a weekly basis with the rest of the design team in a design review Twist thread. Here details about the designs were discussed, alternatives mocked up and bigger picture plans made. Design reviews brought up topics like FAB (Floating Action Button) placement, theme options, accent color usage on components, consistency with other platforms, navigation options, and shadow elevation. After thorough discussions and alternative mockups were presented, the design team aimed to find the right balance between Material Design and Todoist brand guidelines. The development team, also part of the design reviews, gave their feedback on the solution and raised technical complexities early on.

Eventually, the design was stabilized and consistencies updated across components and mockups. The design spec was kept up to date so the development team could always review the latest designs in Figma.


As soon as the development process started, the Android team provided early screenshots and videos in Twist threads while they were implementing the design spec. This practice allowed us to review the app implementation early and often. Designers could review the development work and share feedback in Twist, which resulted in getting the implementation to a high quality. Alongside Twist discussions, the team set up a Todoist project to track ongoing issues and fix bugs. Designers logged new issues, developers would solve them and share the new implementation for designers to review.

When the team had the first stable version of the Android app, we shared it internally at Doist to get more insight and feedback. Other Doisters could access the redesign via a feature flag that could be turned on in the app settings and test the new version for however long they wanted. The feature flag system allowed people to give us early feedback on the design decisions we made and report bugs. Feedback was submitted by the wider team through a dedicated Twist thread and designers and developers could discuss how best to address the feedback during the active project implementation.

After we refined the app implementation further and addressed early feedback we opened up the app update to our beta users. Here users had access to the new Android redesign and were able to give us feedback. Our support team gathered feedback and shared it with us in a dedicated Twist thread. The squad aimed to analyze every comment and looked for patterns where we could make tweaks and improvements to the user experience.

As part of these tweaks, we made changes to how the bottom bar and navigation drawer worked. Some users reported frustrations with the way the new bottom navigation and menu drawer worked. In its first implementation, the drawer was half raised when opened and had to be swiped up to be raised again to see the full content list. This was an issue for some users as it was slower to get to the content below the list. So we decided to fully raise the drawer by default when opening. We also made it easier to open the navigation drawer by sliding up from the bottom app bar. This was a small shortcut but it enabled users to get to their content faster.

Material You

While we were in the testing phase and about to wrap up the project, Google unveiled Material You, and sometime later the Material 3 Guidelines were published. With the newly announced resources, we went back to study the latest guidelines and references we could find to see where the Todoist Android app redesign fits in and which adjustments we might need to make now or in the future.

Dynamic Color was a big new feature that was announced as part of the Material You update. As Todoist supports many different themes the Material You Dynamic Color feature seemed like a good fit for our product. We decided to prioritize this feature and implement Dynamic Color light and dark themes as part of our Todoist theme settings options.

To implement Dynamic Color, the development team started off by creating a demo prototype that utilized the Dynamic Color system and showcased how we could select from a range of color choices that the system defined based on the wallpaper choice. From there, we tried to incorporate system behavior in our design mockups. We designed a range of different color mockups and components to see which ones could fit with which components. We then came up with a color system that worked for the Todoist app and the new themes. These new Dynamic Color themes would sit alongside our current theme options in the Todoist app settings. From here users could choose between Dynamic Color Light and Dark themes.

Along with Dynamic Color, the team also created a customizable bottom app bar, allowing users to set up the app in a way that’s most convenient to their workflow. The location of the Dynamic Add Button can be changed to the center, left, or right corner of the screen. The order of the Menu, Search, and Notification buttons can be rearranged to best fit the ergonomics of the user’s dominant (left or right) hand and optimize their navigation patterns.


As critical beta feedback was addressed and stability tweaks were made, the squad felt ready to release the new Todoist Android app to the public. The team logged the issues that could not immediately be addressed for future reviews and updates.

The design and marketing team readied the launch by creating What’s New banner artwork and copy that are displayed within the app when launching the update. The Doist marketing team also created release notes and shared the app update announcements on our social channels. The brand and product design team worked together to create custom image assets and copy that summarised the project work in a simple and beautiful way.

What’s Next: Material 3

After a successful launch of the redesigned Todoist for Android app, Google contacted Doist to announce that Todoist was selected as the Material Design Award 2021 winner in the Large Screen category. The team was excited to be recognized for their hard work and it felt like we achieved the goal we had set out to accomplish.

Internally, designers and developers continued to study and discuss the Material 3 updates. The design team started exploring mockups and design changes inspired by Material 3 and Google’s Workspace app updates. Some of our current Todoist explorations include changing the FAB styling, updating the app bar, further removing elevation shadows, and more. Here is a preview of what a future Todoist update could look like.

We hope these insights into Doist’s design process and collaboration practices have sparked your interest. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for future design updates!


  • Study the Material guidelines, Material Design winners, Material studies, and Google Workspace apps to make informed design decisions when designing your next product or app update.
  • Evaluate which Material Design components and practices are right for you and implement them into your product.
  • Carefully balance the Material Design guidelines with your brand guidelines to create a unique and consistent experience between your product and the platform it lives on.
  • Collaborate with your Android developers early and often to ship app updates efficiently and increase the design implementation quality.
  • Use design components and build a design system along with practical mockups to create an efficient design spec.
  • Consider how the latest Android features fit into your product and which have the most impact on your users before deciding to implement them.
  • Test and review builds with your internal team and external beta users to get valuable feedback and make adjustments before releasing them to the public.
  • Create announcement artwork to showcase your latest app or feature update along with a clear description to share in-app and on social media.


The post Case Study: Redesigning Todoist for Android first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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