
L'IA et l'IA générative : le voyage et le fonctionnement.

L’IA et l’IA générative sont des technologies qui offrent de nouvelles possibilités de voyage et de fonctionnement. Découvrons ensemble leurs avantages et leurs limites.

Ces dernières années, les technologies et services de pointe ont considérablement changé leurs directions, dynamiques et cas d’utilisation. Il est clair que la dernière vague d’adoption technologique mondiale par les industries est submergée par l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et ses différentes formes. L’IA s’intègre de plus en plus dans le tissu de notre vie quotidienne, changeant la façon dont nous vivons et travaillons. Cet article discute des bases de l’IA / ML, de son utilisation, de l’évolution de l’IA générative, de l’ingénierie prompte et de LangChain.

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI that uses algorithms to learn from data and make predictions. ML algorithms are used to identify patterns in large datasets and then use those patterns to make predictions about future data. ML algorithms can be used to identify customer preferences, detect fraud, and recommend products.

L’intelligence artificielle et l’apprentissage automatique

L’intelligence artificielle (IA) est la capacité de simuler l’intelligence humaine et les processus de pensée tels que l’apprentissage et la résolution de problèmes. Il peut effectuer des tâches complexes qui historiquement ne pouvaient être effectuées que par des humains. Grâce à l’IA, un système non humain utilise des approches mathématiques et logiques pour simuler la raisonnement que les gens utilisent pour apprendre de nouvelles informations et prendre des décisions.

L’apprentissage automatique (ML) est un sous-ensemble de l’IA qui utilise des algorithmes pour apprendre des données et effectuer des prédictions. Les algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique sont utilisés pour identifier des modèles dans de grands ensembles de données et ensuite utiliser ces modèles pour effectuer des prédictions sur des données futures. Les algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique peuvent être utilisés pour identifier les préférences des clients, détecter la fraude et recommander des produits.

L’évolution de l’intelligence générative et le LangChain

L’intelligence générative (GI) est une forme avancée d’IA qui permet aux systèmes informatiques d’apprendre à partir de données et de générer des résultats sans être explicitement programmés pour le faire. Les systèmes GI peuvent apprendre à partir de données complexes et générer des résultats qui peuvent être utilisés pour prendre des décisions ou même créer des produits. Les systèmes GI sont utilisés pour la recherche, le développement de produits, la prise de décision et la gestion des bases de données.

Le LangChain est une technologie basée sur l’IA qui permet aux systèmes informatiques d’analyser les données textuelles et de les transformer en informations utiles. Le LangChain peut être utilisé pour extraire des informations à partir de documents, d’articles, de messages et même de conversations. Il peut également être utilisé pour générer des rapports, des recommandations et des prédictions basés sur les données textuelles.

En conclusion, l’IA et l’apprentissage automatique sont en train de révolutionner le monde numérique. Les technologies telles que l’intelligence générative et le LangChain offrent aux entreprises une variété de possibilités pour tirer parti des données et améliorer leurs opérations. Ces technologies sont en train de transformer radicalement la manière dont les entreprises interagissent avec leurs clients et leurs bases de données.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

15 Meilleures Pratiques de Sécurité API pour Développeurs

Les développeurs doivent connaître les 15 meilleures pratiques de sécurité API pour protéger leurs applications et leurs données. Apprenez-en plus sur ces pratiques essentielles !

Pourquoi les développeurs devraient-ils prioriser la sécurité des API ?

1. Utiliser une base de données sécurisée: Les bases de données sont un élément essentiel des API, et elles doivent être sécurisées pour éviter les attaques. Les développeurs doivent utiliser des bases de données sécurisées et configurer des contrôles d’accès pour limiter l’accès aux données sensibles.

2. Authentification forte: Les API doivent utiliser une authentification forte pour s’assurer que seuls les utilisateurs autorisés peuvent accéder aux données et aux fonctionnalités. Les développeurs doivent utiliser des méthodes d’authentification robustes, telles que l’authentification à deux facteurs, et mettre en place des contrôles d’accès pour limiter l’accès aux API.

3. Utiliser des mots de passe complexes: Les mots de passe complexes sont essentiels pour protéger les API contre les attaques par force brute. Les développeurs doivent exiger des mots de passe complexes et les renouveler régulièrement pour réduire le risque de compromission.

En tant qu’informaticien enthousiaste, je comprends l’importance de la sécurité des API et je m’efforce d’appliquer ces meilleures pratiques pour protéger mes applications et mes données. La sécurité des API est essentielle pour protéger les données sensibles et les ressources des organisations, et je suis convaincu que ces pratiques peuvent aider à réduire le risque de compromission.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Data is becoming increasingly crucial for success in the digital economy. You might ask, why do organizations rely so much on data? Well, a majority of organizations rely on data for multiple processes, from product management and fraud detection to HR, finance, and manufacturing. Data analytics allow users to use pre-made reports to track performance metrics on demand. Research shows that 94% of organizations believe that data and analytics solutions are critical for growth. Not a surprising statistic since it offers several benefits, including an increase in productivity and efficiency, faster and more effective decision making, and financial gains!  

Before we dive into the ins and outs of data analytics, it is important to understand the two terms, namely ‘data science’ and ‘data analytics. Data science lays emphasis on finding meaningful correlations between large datasets, while data analytics is a branch of data science designed to uncover specifics of extracted insights 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

There are a lot of factors that contribute to a better user experience on a website. Pages need to load quickly to give users peace of mind and efficiency. Navigation must be clear and straightforward, with direct pathways for visitors to follow when finding your contact pages, blog posts, and products. Your colors need to work seamlessly together while providing just enough contrast in the areas that need it most.

Excellent user experience needs to be considered for every part of your website that acts as a touchpoint with a potential customer or user.

One of the most significant touchpoints of all is your forms.

All websites need some form of interactive content to thrive. Users need to be able to do something with the site, whether it’s looking for information with a search bar, contacting a team for a quote, making a booking, or completing a purchase. Forms power the majority of the interactive activities available on websites.

If you know how to master great UX on a form, you can contribute to more meaningful interactions between your brands and their customers. But not all web forms are the same. Here are some of the top types of forms you need to master and how you can optimize them.

The “Opt-In” Form

The Opt-in Form is probably the best-known form in the digital landscape. It’s essentially a form that asks visitors to “opt-in” to a specific offer. Sometimes, this means signing up for a webinar; other times, it’ll be agreeing to an email newsletter or a regular series of blog updates.

Opt-in forms grab attention quickly and ask for something specific from the audience. For instance, this example from HuffPost encourages visitors to “Subscribe to the Morning Email.”

Opt-in forms are all about generating action.

Sometimes, they’re placed at the bottom of a landing page after a company has had a chance to explain precisely what they’re offering. Other times, you’ll find the opt-in form situated on a sidebar of a website, constantly enticing people to “sign up” if they like what they see on a blog post or article.

It’s also common for opt-in forms to appear as pop-ups and exit pop-ups on modern websites. For example, a brightly colored opt-in form that promises an immediate benefit to a customer could encourage them to hand over their details before they abandon your website.

How to Design a Great Opt-In Form

So what kind of best practices go into an excellent opt-in form?

  • Start with simplicity: If you’re asking your visitors to do something, don’t overwhelm them with too big of a request straight away. Keep the form short and simple, so it doesn’t seem like too much extra work for the visitor. Something like “Subscribe to our newsletter” should ask for nothing more than an email. 
  • Highlight the benefits: Most customers won’t want to give you a place in their inbox or the opportunity to interact with them further unless you can offer something in return. Even if you’re asking for something small, like an email address, let the customer know what’s in it for them. In the HuffPost example above, the company highlights that you can wake up to the day’s “most important news.” 
  • Give the visitor the power: Let your visitor know they’re in control here. They want to see that they’re getting exactly what they need from you in exchange for their contact details. This means reassuring them that their email address won’t be used for spam, like H&B Sensors does here: 

The Contact Form 

The Contact Form is another crucial part of building an effective UX for your website – but it’s also an element that web designers and business owners often overlook. When customers decide they want to learn more about a business, they need a quick and easy way to get in touch.

Contact forms need to be easy to find and use on any website. Usually, your user will expect to see a link to the contact form situated somewhere at the bottom of your webpage. It might be called “Contact Us” or “Customer Support.” Avoid anything that would go over the user’s head.

Aside from being easy to track down, your contact form also needs to reassure an audience that they’re making the right decision by getting in touch. Therefore, the content needs to be short, sweet, and authoritative—highlight why the user might contact your company and how they can do so.

Avoid any unnecessary information in the contact form. For example, you don’t need to know your client’s age and their job to answer a question about where their nearest physical branch is. Keep form fields to the point, or you’ll chase customers away.

How to Design a Great Contact Form

Design something personalized but straightforward to make the most of your contact form. Use features like smart content and conditional logic, if possible, to adapt the page to the user’s needs. Dynamic content is becoming increasingly valuable these days. Other best practices include:

  • Set the right expectations: Let your customers know how active you are and how quickly they can expect to hear back from you. Imagery and the right fonts can also set expectations about the kind of communication your audience can expect. For example, this contact page from the Marvel app is fun and playful, like the company itself:

  • Provide multiple options: If your customer doesn’t want to use your contact form, give them another way to get in touch. Ensure the contact page includes information like where to find you on social media and your professional phone number. 
  • Simplify things on your end: To ensure that you can contact your audience as quickly as possible, allow your customers to choose a specific subject that their query is connected to. Allowing them to choose “Sales” or “Order issues” means you can automatically direct the message to the right team member on the back-end. 

The Online Payment Form 

Sometimes, when your customers have seen what you have to offer and they’ve checked out the competition, they decide to go ahead with their purchase. To facilitate this, you’re going to need an online payment form. Online forms ensure that your customers can safely enter their credit or debit card details to purchase whatever you have to offer.

Most payment processing companies like PayPal, Square, and Stripe come with payment forms included, so you can easily embed them into a website in minutes. However, there’s always the option to customize those payment forms.

For instance, ideally, you’ll need a payment form that keeps your customer on the same page, so they don’t have to log into another browser to make their purchase. The fewer transitions your client has to make, the safer they’ll feel.

How to Design a Great Payment Form

When designing any payment form, simplicity and security are the two most important factors. Your customer should be able to enter their information quickly and easily and get through the transaction process without worrying about their details.

Remember to:

  • Keep it simple: The fewer fields the visitor has to fill out, the better. Customers still feel uncomfortable sharing personal information and payment details online. Make the experience as painless as possible. If your client already has an account with your business, you might create a system that automatically fills some of the fields, such as their email address, name, and billing address. 
  • Offer the right integrations: The proper payment forms will integrate with the payment services your customers prefer to use. Options include PayPal, Stripe, Square, Verified by Visa, and Mastercard. Get a developer to integrate the right APIs with your form to give your customers the broadest range of options. 
  • Ensure security: Give customers peace of mind by providing as much security evidence as possible. An SSL certificate that places the padlock on the top of the browser next to the URL is a great way to make customers feel more secure. Integrating verification options so your customers can avoid fraud issues is another significant step. Sometimes just putting logos from the card types you accept on the page will make a customer feel more secure. 

Support Forms

Some companies bundle the contact form and the support form together. Others have a separate support form to get their queries routed directly to the people most capable of helping them. If you want to take the second route, it might be a good idea to design a “help” section on your website where you can locate the support form.

The “Help” section on a site often appears alongside other links on the footer. For instance, it could appear alongside “About” links and “Contact” options. Here’s an example of Hubspot’s Customer Support options:

The best customer support pages come with various ways for clients to help themselves and find answers to their most pressing questions. For example, you might have a search bar where your audience can search for the answers to their queries or a knowledge base full of helpful blogs.

Hubspot allows users to choose between a blog, knowledge base, academy training center, community forum, developer discussion board, and assistance from a certified partner.

How to Design a Great Customer Support Form

Designing a good customer support form is about getting your audience the information they need as quickly as possible. Once again, you’ll need to stick to as few form fields as possible here to avoid angering an already frustrated customer. Also, remember to:

  • Ask for the right information: Find out what the query is about by giving the customer a drop-box menu full of possible topics to choose from. If you need a product reference number or something similar, ask for that at the top of the form, then allow the customer to provide extra information about their query underneath. 
  • Set expectations: Let your customers know when they can expect to get a response to their concerns and provide them with advice on what to do next. For instance, you could invite them to check out your knowledge base while they wait for a response. 
  • Keep it simple: Avoid using technical jargon on your support request forms. Be direct in your requests for summaries of the issue at hand, contact information, and other supplemental data. 

Customer Feedback Forms

According to Microsoft, around 96% of customers say that customer service is crucial in determining their loyalty to a specific brand. Another 52% of global customers believe that companies need to respond to the feedback provided by customers.

To ensure your customer service strategies are on-par with what your customers expect, you need to get feedback from your audience. That’s where a feedback form comes in. Customer feedback forms often appear after a client has finished purchasing on the “thank you” screen. They may also occur after a customer has completed a service interaction online.

Here’s an example of an Apple feedback form:

How to Design a Great Customer Feedback Form

By leaving you feedback, your customer is doing you a massive favor. They’re giving you a chance to learn from your mistakes and improve the service you can give next time around. Feedback is one of the best tools for any business that wants to grow and thrive.

If you want your customers to use your feedback forms, you’ll need to make them as simple as possible. Your customers don’t have time to waste on a complex form.

  • Don’t make any fields mandatory: Don’t stop your customers from submitting a form unless they’ve completed every field. Allow them to enter the information they consider to be the most important, and that’s it. You can even fill some of the form out for your customer, if possible, by entering their name and email address if they’re already a member of your site.
  • Make it mobile responsive: Remember there are around 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide. You can’t afford to lose feedback because your form isn’t responsive. Every form should look and feel incredible on any device. 
  • Include a rating option: If your customers don’t have much to say about your service, or they’re not wordsmiths, they might prefer a rating option instead. A one-to-five rating system that allows your customer to judge your product or service on a scale of poor to wonderful is a great way to gain quick information. Check out the Uber Engineering example here:

Though you can pre-enter some information on a feedback form to make your customer’s life easier, don’t overstep your bounds. Adding your customer’s email address to the form is fine if they’re already a customer with you. Pre-selecting the “very satisfied” rating above would look presumptuous.

Top Tips to Improve Every Form Design

The online form is an essential part of any web design project, but it’s also frequently overlooked. Unfortunately, without a good set of forms, your customers will struggle to interact with your company in a meaningful way.

When creating any form, remember:

  • Reduce friction: Reduce the friction for your customers by asking as few questions as possible. The less your customer has to answer, the better. If you can pre-populate forms with information like your customer’s name and email address, this could help. 
  • Keep it simple: Make sure that the form is clean and easy to use. Your customers shouldn’t be confused about where to click or how to submit their information. A single-column design is often better than a multi-column option.
  • Be clear in error messages: Don’t just tell your visitors that something has gone wrong. Let them know what they need to do to submit the form successfully. If possible, use inline validation with real-time feedback to let your audience know that you recognize the information they’ve submitted.
  • Keep data secure: Make sure your audience feels safe by letting them know how you will use this information and why you’re asking for it. If you’re asking for an email address, make the benefits of entering that information clear. 
  • Make fields optional: Allow your audience to add more information to a form if they want to – but don’t demand it. Give some freedom to the visitor. 

The better your forms are, the more effective your interactions with customers will be. Remember, it’s not just the face-to-face interactions that your customers judge when making decisions about your business and whether to trust you. Today’s digital world has prompted a new demand for more meaningful virtual experiences.

Your form could be the first interaction you have with a client, whether it’s a contact form, a booking form, or something else entirely. Get that right, and you can improve your chances of your customers coming back to interact with you again later.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post The Top 5 Form Types to Use in Your Web Design  first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Since there are so many CMS plugins out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the best ones for your website. We’ve done the research for you; this list contains the top new CMS plugins for November 2020. You’ll find useful plugins for WordPress, Craft, Shopify, and Joomla.

Let’s get started…


404 Page Editor

404 Page Editor is a simple WordPress plugin that helps you add custom text to the default 404 page on your website. The plugin comes with seasonal and industry-related 404 templates. One useful feature of the plugin is that it backups your current 404 page before changing it. So you can restore the backup page anytime you choose. The plugin duplicates your current 404.php page to wp-content/uploads/404-page-editor/ so you can easily find it. You can also change the text on the plugin to fit your local dialect. 

UnusedCSS Power-Up

Most WordPress themes and plugins load their CSS in the wrong areas of your website. This can slow down your site. A slow website will reduce user experience and lead to increased bounce rates.

UnusedCSS will help reduce the size of your website’s CSS files by up to 95%. The best part is that the plugin works automatically. It will remove any unused CSS when visitors view any page on your website. UnusedCSS will automatically reduce your website’s load times by reducing your CSS files and page size. The plugin also optimizes the performance of other WordPress plugins and extensions. UnusedCSS also works with WooCommerce themes and plugins.

Simple Redirects

Simple Redirects is a WordPress plugin that helps you to automatically redirect requests to another page on your site or any other place on the web. The plugin allows you to easily redirect users from your old web pages to new pages using 301 or 302 redirects. You don’t have to worry about losing backlinks or page rank. Any incoming links to the old web page will be automatically passed along to the new page. The page rank on the old page is also transferred to the new page. The plugin is useful when migrating a WordPress site when don’t want to retain the URL structure. 

HTML Validation

HTML Validation plugin helps you identify any HTML validation errors on your website. The plugin works automatically in the background of your website and will send you regular reports. There is a progress bar on the report screen to show you the progress of the scan. The plugin uses WordPress Cron to scan the content of your website. There is also an option for the plugin to automatically fix any HTML validation issues on your website. You can also choose to fix the issues manually. 

Just Highlight

Just Highlight is a simple WordPress plugin that helps you highlight text in your posts or pages. You can use this plugin to highlight any portion of the page you want to draw the reader’s attention to. You can highlight the background of the page and also add animation to the highlighted text. In the WordPress admin area, you can change the speed and color of the animation. The plugin is compatible with Gutenberg, and the WordPress classic editor. 

DeviantArt Embed

DeviantArt Embed is a simple plugin that helps you embed any work from Deviant Art into a post. The plugin provides a block for the WordPress block editor so you can easily embed the image. It uses a DeviantArt oEmbed API to pull the images and their descriptions, and creates an embedded image. 

Static Optimizer

Static Optimizer is a static file optimization plugin that serves and optimizes static files on your website. The plugin will help you increase your website speed by automatically compressing your static files. It is easy to set up, you just need an API key to get started. Other useful features that the plugin offers include automatic JS and CSS minification, automatic image optimization, and processing of responsive images. You don’t have to worry about losing your files if their server is down. The plugin automatically backs up your files and will load your original files when their servers are down (either because of an upgrade, maintenance, or outage).  By default, only images are compressed when you activate the plugin; you can also choose to optimize fonts, CSS, and JS files. 


RankBear is a keyword rank tracker plugin that helps you analyze your SEO efforts. With RankBear, you can track the keywords for each of the posts and pages on your site. While the plugin has a paid plan, you can track up to five keywords for free. On the free plan, you will receive weekly reports on each keyword you are tracking. You can search for the rank and volume of a keyword in every location supported by the Google search engine. RankBear is a lightweight software-as-a-service plugin hosted by Amazon Cloud Services. The plugin also offers the option to download the keyword reports to CSV. 

Table of Contents Block

Table of Contents Block is a plugin that allows you to easily create a Table of Contents for your WordPress posts. The plugin is lightweight and will automatically add a Table of Content in your website’s posts and pages. You can select the heading tags you want to add to the Table of Content. It also has a dedicated support team to assist you. The plugin works fine with all standard WordPress themes. 

Markease For WooCommerce

Markeaze is an all-in-one communication plugin that allows you to add live chat to your online stores. The plugin will help you improve your customer service by decreasing your response times. With the plugin, you can collect your visitor’s contact information via a widget. This feature is useful in building a subscriber database. You can also use the plugin to track customer behavior on your site, inform customers about new products, help customers with active orders, and collect customer feedback. You can also use the auto-reply function to answer commonly asked questions. 

Craft CMS

Image Toolbox

Image Toolbox is a Craft CMS plugin that offers image-related tools for your templates. The plugin will automatically create a WebP variant of the images you upload. It also has a fallback for browsers that do not support WebP images. Other useful features the plugin offers include automatic creation of placeholder images and generation of responsive images with multiple variants. The plugin also supports Imager-X (or old Imager). 

Element Panel

Element Panel plugin allows you to add elements and an eager-loading panel to the debug toolbar. This feature will help you benchmark your templates in Craft CMS. For elements, the panel has a dashboard that shows how many elements are populated. It also shows how many elements are duplicates. The plugin also shows you how many eager-loading elements are detected. Duplicate elements are grouped by field name. 


VStore Shoppable Videos

VStore Shoppable Videos is a Shopify plugin that allows your customers to shop directly from your videos. The plugin allows you to embed your products into any video. Since videos have a high engagement rate, this plugin will significantly improve your store’s conversion rates. 

ProofMotion Video Testimonials

ProofMotion Video Testimonials plugin helps you to easily collect video testimonials. The plugin sends an automated email or SMS requests to customers asking for their satisfaction feedback after making a purchase. The responses are analyzed to determine whether the customer had a negative or positive experience. Customers that offer negative feedback are sent to customer care to help them with the problem they encountered. Happy customers are prompted to make video testimonials of their positive shopping experience. ProofMotion guides the customer through the interview so they can give the best testimonial. They also offer an on-site widget so you can easily share your testimonials. 

Real ID

Real ID is a Shopify plugin that allows you to verify customers’ real identity using a photo ID and facial biometrics. The plugin is perfect for orders that have an age restriction, verifying flagged fraud goods, and selling expensive goods. Real ID will help you identify whether a government-issued-ID is fake during fulfilment. All the customer needs to do is take a selfie on their phone. This way, even if a customer has access to a stolen physical ID, they won’t still be able to make any purchase. The plugin can verify documents such as passports, visas, national IDs, driver licenses, and more. Real ID will help you handle GDPR compliance. The plugin is available in hundreds of countries around the world. 



Accessibility is a Joomla plugin that allows your website visitors to easily access your website content. The plugin will remove any barrier between the visitor and your Joomla site. There is no coding required and you can customize the plugin directly from the module manager. The plugin has a useful feature called Dyslexic Readability; this feature allows your visitors to set the entire document font to a dyslexic-friendly font. Visitors can also grayscale the page, resize the fonts, and resize the word space. From the backend module, you can add any custom CSS and JS. The plugin is also available in 12 different languages. 

Reading Time

Reading Time is a simple plugin that will help you easily show the reading time of your Joomla articles. The plugin is easy to set up and does not require any coding. You can customize every parameter, including the text, in minutes. You can also choose to exclude categories, articles, and menu items. Reading Time also allows you to easily add custom CSS code from the plugin parameters. 


Featured image via Pexels.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Vous pourriez supposer que, lorsqu’il s’agit de faire son choix de garder leurs organisations en cours d’exécution en douceur et sur le budget, les financiers, les décideurs sont de faire ces choix sur la base de données claires et leur confiance dans les données. Comme il s’avère, ce n’est pas toujours exacte hypothèse.

Une récente enquête menée par SAP d’Accord et Kelton Mondiale a montré que 59 pour cent des financiers décideurs de travail dans l’etat, la ville et le gouvernement local et de l’enseignement supérieur croire les outils financiers et les systèmes utilisés dans leurs organisations sont sujettes à l’erreur, et 68% d’avoir à prendre des décisions sans une visibilité complète sur les informations nécessaires. Beaucoup de ces dirigeants admettre que la fraude, le gaspillage et les abus sont les défis à relever leurs organisations face et que leur vulnérabilité à ces types de risques est à la hausse:

  • Les deux tiers des répondants admettent que la fraude, le gaspillage et les abus sont les défis de leur organisation est actuellement confrontée.
  • Plus du quart des répondants déclarent que leur vulnérabilité aux risques de fraude et d’abus augmenté dans la dernière année.
  • Environ un tiers-dire le nombre d’inexactitude des rapports de dépenses et les factures soumises a augmenté au cours de la dernière année.

Inexacte de Prise de Décision Conduit à des Risques

La vérité est, il est arrivé aux meilleurs d’entre nous. Nous pouvons tous susceptibles souviens d’une fois où nous avons pris une décision sans avoir les informations de base nécessaires pour le faire, et que la décision peut ne pas avoir produit le plus de résultats favorables.

Pourquoi? Afin de prendre de bonnes décisions d’affaires et d’éviter de regrettables erreurs, nous avons besoin d’accéder à toutes les informations optimal de sorte que nous n’avons pas à l’aveuglette.

Les dommages à la réputation de mauvais de prise de décision peut être catastrophique pour un secteur public de l’organisation potentiellement conduisant à une diminution du financement et de la confiance.

Une récente étude de l’Association of Certified fraud Examiners (ACFE) a identifié le haut de la fraude dépenses que les entreprises et les organismes gouvernementaux à engager. Elles comprennent:

  • Cinq pour cent d’une organisation typique, les revenus annuels sont perdus à cause de la fraude
  • Quatre-vingt-neuf pour cent des cas de fraude impliquer le détournement de fonds, y compris rembourrage de voyage et des demandes de remboursement de frais
  • Annuel médian de la perte de US$114 000 de détournement de fonds

En dépit de ces menaces, de l’etat, la ville et le gouvernement local et de l’enseignement supérieur les décideurs sont confrontés à ces défis chaque jour. Environ un quart des répondants affirment que leur organisation a involontairement signalé incorrecte des données de budget, en raison d’inexactitudes dans les rapports de dépenses ou des factures. Et, 26% disent que leur organisation involontairement ressources allouées là où il ne devrait pas avoir à cause de l’prévoyant plus de budget qu’il a eu réellement.

Pour l’enseignement supérieur, des organisations, ces types d’erreurs peuvent avoir des effets négatifs directs sur les élèves. L’Université du Texas (UT) à Tyler récemment trouvé ses calculs pour l’ensemble de trajet de quatre ans de recherche. D’autres ont été accordées que ne l’étaient réellement prévu, et l’université a répondu par la révocation entre 50 et 60 ces bourses – longtemps après que les élèves avaient accepté à l’UT Tyler et les autres collèges, les délais ont expiré. De nombreuses admissions dirigeants estiment que ces actions contraires à l’éthique et des étudiants ont pris aux médias sociaux pour partager leurs malheureuses histoires.

Les risques liés à la réputation éprouvée par l’UT Tyler sont juste un exemple de pourquoi la précision, la visibilité et la conformité sont de la plus haute importance pour toute organisation.

La lutte contre la Fraude et l’Atteinte de la Conformité avec l’IA et l’Engagement des Employés

Pour ceux qui travaillent dans le secteur public, en ne respectant pas les règles et règlements gouvernementaux n’est pas une option. La bonne nouvelle est qu’il existe de nombreuses façons dont ces petites organisations peuvent commencer à s’éloigner de cette question – y compris par une meilleure formation des employés, une réglementation plus stricte des processus internes, et une étroite collaboration avec les chefs de l’information. En fait, le gouvernement et l’enseignement supérieur, les organisations mettent en œuvre diverses initiatives pour rester au courant.

Selon les Kelton Mondial de l’enquête, près des deux tiers (69%) ont demandé à leurs employés pour en savoir plus sur cette information ou procéder régulièrement à des vérifications (65 pour cent) pour recueillir le plus actuel de la réglementation de l’information. Plus de la moitié aussi regarder au-delà des murs de leur organisation – en particulier les pairs dans le secteur public – pour trouver les meilleures pratiques pour le respect de la conformité à la réglementation.

Dans le même temps, de mettre les technologies qui permettent simultanément d’automatiser les tâches fastidieuses et sujettes à erreur de processus comme l’audit des charges et de la facture de données, mais l’apprentissage et deviennent de plus en plus efficace au fil du temps — est la plus efficace à long-terme de la stratégie.

J’ai vanté les avantages de l’automatisation avant, mais ceux sur les lignes de front: La majorité (55%) des répondants au sondage qui ont entièrement automatisé, outils pour les notes de frais, factures, ou la gestion des déplacements à différents stades de mise en œuvre affirment que leur organisation est d’une meilleure gestion de la fraude, le gaspillage et les abus au sein de leurs organisations.

Plus loin encore, ceux qui ont complètement automatisé le processus de facturation sont environ deux fois plus susceptibles que ceux qui n’ont pas 39 pour cent contre 21 pour cent — à-dire qu’il y a eu moins d’erreurs dans ces rapports. Pima Community College à Tucson, en Arizona, est un excellent exemple d’un établissement d’enseignement supérieur qui a récolté les avantages de l’automatisation. Son processus de gestion de voyage, les dépenses et les factures utilisé pour être très manuel – avec du papier à base de demandes et remboursements étant la norme. On peut imaginer le potentiel de la marge d’erreur avec cette approche. En introduisant de nouvelles technologies et de l’automatisation de la vérification des règles, Pima pour réduire les erreurs et les violations de conformité, et à son tour augmenté l’adhésion à la politique.

Sur le Kelton Enquête Mondiale

Le Kelton Mondiale étude a recueilli les réponses de 313 financiers décideurs de travail dans l’etat, la ville et le gouvernement local et de l’enseignement supérieur pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont ces organisations sont la réduction des risques, le maintien de la conformité, et d’optimiser l’efficacité de ce qui fonctionne bien, ce que d’autres pourraient apprendre de ce que certaines organisations sont en train de faire, et où l’application de nouveaux systèmes et processus pourrait régler le temps et la précision des questions.

David Ballard est vice-président senior du Secteur Public chez SAP, d’Accord.
Cette histoire est initialement paru sur le SAP Accord des salles de rédaction.

Source de l’article sur SAP News Center