
It was great speaking with Torsten Zube, Head of Blockchain at SAP, about their new services that help customers integrate blockchain and the two new consortia that accelerate industry-specific blockchain co-innovation with customers and partners.

Network Extensibility for Open Business Collaboration        

The new network extensibility services enable customers and partners to integrate different blockchain infrastructures seamlessly. By providing equal functionalities irrespective of their environment, it supports the interplay between:

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In this article, I will explain how to execute a Java method once or on Mulesoft Application Startup. With this approach, we can add or execute some needed tasks before a Mule Application fully deployed such as User Notification or Data Clean-Up (Truncation of Database Tables or purging of files from the temporary storage within the server).

First, we need to create a Custom Java Class that implements the interface MuleContextNotificationListener<MuleContextNotification> and override the onNotification() method. We also need to make sure that our startup logic should run after the Mule Context started.

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MongoDB is always one step ahead of other database solutions in providing user-friendly suplog port with advance features rolled out to ease operations. The OpLog feature was used extensively by MongoDB connectors to pull out data updates and generate stream. OpLog feature banked on MongoDB’s internal replication feature. While the feature was highly useful, it was complex and necessarily mean tailing of logs.

To simplify things, Change Streams as subscriber to all insert, update, delete MongoDB collection operations was introduced, which should go well with Node.js event-based architecture. 

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In this article, I will explain how to create a global function that can be access or reuse by other Transform Message Component within a Mule Application.

First, We need to create a Dataweave File (.dwl) and save it in src/main/resources/modules/. Now,we can define our global custom functions here by using the fun directive and global variable by using var directive. Also note thatthis dwl file should not contain an output directory, body expression, or the separator (—) between header and body sections.

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This article is featured in the new DZone Guide to API Management: Comparative Views of Real World Design. Get your free copy for more insightful articles, industry statistics, and more!

I remember the final commit like it was yesterday, even though it was several years ago. Six months of work building our application, and we were ready to launch. It followed all of the best practices, the code was perfect (OK, maybe adequate), and it was just in time for the big release. Like an episode of Silicon Valley, we waited to for the numbers— numbers that never came. Instead, after six months of work, we watched as customers expressed interest and then just walked away.

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In this article, I will explain how to implement a logic in Mule ESB that will avoid parallel processing or simultaneously running of the same mule application. 

This Mule Application is triggered via HTTP GET Request. Once there’s a new request, it will create a variable #[flowVars.correlationId], which the value came from #[message.rootId]. This ID is a unique identifier of a particular Mule process and in this application, it will be stored inside the Cache Scope as a payload using the Transform Message { correlationId: flowVars.correlation } (Map Object Data Type). Then after that scope, we have a Choice Router that will determine if there’s an existing running process or not by checking if the #[payload.correlationId == flowVars.correlationId] (TRUE means there’s no cached data yet) response an HTTP status 200, if FALSE return HTTP status 409 Conflict.

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