
Java design patterns have many benefits and use cases, specifically when it comes to building an application, like web-based, SDK, application services, etc. The Chain of Responsibility (CoR) is one of the most commonly used behavioral design patterns in Java. In this article, I will take a look at a problem and its relation with the CoR design pattern.

Tile Flooring Problem

Situation: There is a room (rectangular in size) floor that needs to be completely covered with tiles on the floor. So, the two variables are x and y, which are the dimensions of the room.

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In today’s software world, everything’s changed when it comes to operational (non-functional) requirements. We have applications running on thousands of cores, producing petabytes of data, and, of course, users expect to have a response time under 100ms. Several years ago, we used to build systems that blocked certain operations because programming models used back then didn’t allow many asynchronous things to happen in code. Unfortunately, these systems aren’t as responsive as we expect them to be, they cannot be scaled that easily, and they use processor time waiting for operations to complete when they could do something else (processing another request, doing some background calculations, etc.).

The Reactive Manifesto was created in order to define the properties of a system that’s able to respond to the aforementioned challenges. Systems that are reactive are Message Driven, Responsive, Resilient, and Elastic (Image 1). In this blog post, I’ll focus on how the Axon Framework helps us build reactive systems.

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Microsoft aurait récemment discuté avec GitHub d’une acquisition dont l’officialisation serait imminente. GitHub était valorisé 2 milliards de dollars en 2015.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

L’affaire a débuté en 2010 et s’est soldé par plusieurs victoires pour Google. Mais en appel, le géant américain subit un important revers qui pourrait lui coûter très cher.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

L’affaire a débuté en 2010 et s’est soldé par plusieurs victoires pour Google. Mais en appel, le géant américain subit un important revers qui pourrait lui coûter très cher.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet