
Gloo Edge is our Kubernetes native API gateway based on Envoy.

It provides Authentication (OAuth, JWT, API keys, JWT, …), Authorization (OPA, custom, …), Web Application Firewall (based on ModSecurity), function discovery (OpenAPI based, Lambda, …), advanced transformations, and much more.

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Hybrid cloud architectures are the new black for most companies. A cloud-first is obvious for many, but legacy infrastructure must be maintained, integrated, and (maybe) replaced over time. Event Streaming with the Apache Kafka ecosystem is a perfect technology for building hybrid replication in real-time at scale.

App Modernization and Streaming Replication With Apache Kafka at Bayer

Most enterprises require a reliable and scalable integration between legacy systems such as IBM Mainframe, Oracle, SAP ERP, and modern cloud-native applications like Snowflake, MongoDB Atlas, or AWS Lambda.

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Project Lambda is an effort to bring Java into the world of functional programming. 

Lambda is a function without a name. It is an implementation of functional interfaces. A functional interface is an interface that has only a single custom abstract method that isn’t inherited from the object class. In Java, interfaces such as Runnable, Comparable, and many others are the example of Functional Interfaces. It defines an anonymous implementation for one-time use and significantly streamlines your code.

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Convenience is the key take away from AWS and Azure, because out of the box, they give you all the stuff you need to get started with your application development. However, creating your own cloud doesn’t need to be that difficult. If you create your own cloud you’ll also get rid of dozens of lockin technologies, such as Azure Functions, Lambda Functions, Cosmos DB, etc. These « features » provides you with few necessities besides the usual lockin. An acquaintance of me once compared these features to « the heroin marketing model, where the first doze is always free. »

If you want to create your own cloud, you’ll need the following features to get started.

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BitCoin is basically a digital ledger system, allowing for keeping transactions based upon cryptographic signatures in a decentralised database, ensuring the transaction was initiated by the person owning the private key. From a philosophical point of view, it’s simply authentication and authorisation based upon a private asymmetric key, period! What if I told you the same idea could easily be transferred to code in general. As in, keeping a ledger of invocations towards some HTTP endpoint, where the client decides what code the server should execute? The obvious example can be found below.

Plain Text





You’d have to be pretty stupid to not see the use case for the above snippet, especially considering it’s arguably (probably) the foundation of Revolut, a FinTech company, threatening to driver every single European bank out of business these days.

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Normally when we create an HTTP REST endpoint, we add code to our server endpoint, and assume the client provides the arguments to our code. What if we could reverse this responsibility, such that the client provides the code the server executes?

Among other things, this implies we can have one endpoint doing "everything". We wouldn’t need to create dozens of endpoints to expose our API, and we could get away with creating a single endpoint, that clients invokes, regardless of what they want to do. If the client wants to create a record in our database, read records from our database, or count records in our database is irrelevant – He’d still use the same endpoint for all of these tasks. In addition, the client could become much more creative in regards to how he interacts with our API, and do things we couldn’t even imagine as we created our API. The latter of course sums up the problem, which is that clients could inject malicious code into our server.

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Hyper implies web, and lambda implies function – Hence, Hyperlambda translates into "web functions", and this is a fairly accurate description. However, hyper also implies "super fast", and by super fast here, I mean super fast! 1 minute and 45 seconds was what I needed to create CRUD endpoints wrapping my database table, manually creating my endpoints in the following video, while explaining how I did it simultaneously.

According to modern studies in the subject, the number of lines of code your project consists of, is directly proportional to the amount of energy and resources you’ll need to spend maintaining it. Hence, the fewer lines of code, the fewer resources are required to maintain it. In the video above, I copy and paste 50 lines of code, and I end up with 4 HTTP REST CRUD endpoints. Comparing this to C# is arguably unfair. Simply the boiler plate code for my Controller, would probably end up exceeding this number. You can find my code for all endpoints below.

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This article is for Scala programmers who know at least these essential concepts: what a method is and how to define a function value (lambda). Here we’ll discuss the topic of eta-expansion and partially-applied functions, which are often loosely covered and piecemeal.

You can read this article over at the Rock the JVM blog in its original form or watch as video on YouTube or in the video below:

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Having a lightweight protocol which delivers messages over low bandwidth or unreliable networks is the foundation for a system that can facilitate the transports of data in near real time.

MQTT is one such protocol which designed to overcome following limitations:

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AWS Lambdas provide a convenient environment in which to run short-lived applications without having to worry about provisioning the underlying hardware or manage operating systems. In this post, we’ll look at a simple Java application that can run as a Lambda.

The source code for this application is available on GitHub.

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