
Hybrid cloud architectures are the new black for most companies. A cloud-first is obvious for many, but legacy infrastructure must be maintained, integrated, and (maybe) replaced over time. Event Streaming with the Apache Kafka ecosystem is a perfect technology for building hybrid replication in real-time at scale.

App Modernization and Streaming Replication With Apache Kafka at Bayer

Most enterprises require a reliable and scalable integration between legacy systems such as IBM Mainframe, Oracle, SAP ERP, and modern cloud-native applications like Snowflake, MongoDB Atlas, or AWS Lambda.

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Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) is built on the power of Oracle’s industry-leading business intelligence tool Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE). This allows users to build powerful data visualization with real-time data that highlights data patterns and encourages data exploration instead of delivering static flat reports. OTBI provides users a wide variety of data visualization options from standard graphs to advanced visuals such as trellis, treemaps, performance tiles, KPIs, and others.

Introducing a CI/CD Solution for OTBI

FlexDeploy has an innovative CI/CD solution for managing the build and deployment of OTBI WebCatalog objects across the pipeline. Using FlexDeploy’s partial deployment model, developers can assemble related catalog objects into packages, build them from source control or a development environment, and deploy them into the target environments.

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If you were paying close attention to your IT department around the 8th of December, you might have heard some quiet sobbing and the occasional wail of, “Why? Why?! WHY?!” Now, it was the year 2020, so this might have seemed normal to you, but it’s actually something of a problem that could affect your business: CentOS is pretty much dead.

For the non-total-nerds among us, here’s the skinny: CentOS is a Linux-based operating system, typically used on servers. CentOS has been incredibly popular, and quite a few businesses run on it. But now, that’s changing.

CentOS is a Linux-based operating system, typically used on servers…But now, that’s changing

CentOS used to be released in thoroughly tested versions, the latest being CentOS 8. CentOS 8 was released in September of 2019 and was supposed to be supported for ten years. Now, it’s been decided that CentOS will no longer have versioned releases, opting for a rolling-release style of updates. That means there’ll be one version that constantly gets new software.

That’s cool in theory, but it means the operating system will be less stable overall. Essentially, it’s going to be used as a development branch of / testing ground for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and is no longer its own OS. If you have CentOS-based servers, you should migrate to another OS sooner rather than later.

And I just got my own CentOS-based VPS set up the way I wanted it.

Wait, What Does Red Hat Have To Do With This?

Here’s the short, short version of the history of CentOS: Red Hat (an OS developer) has two Linux distributions of its own and has had for a long time. There’s the free and community-focused Fedora and the business-focused highly expensive Red Hat Enterprise Linux (AKA RHEL).

Funny story: RHEL, despite its expensive licenses, is still mostly made from open source code, which anyone can access and use. And it’s a good OS, particularly for people who like stability.

In 2004, some smart people took all the open-source parts of RHEL and made a brand new, nearly identical operating system with it: the Community Enterprise Operating System, or CentOS. Basically, people could download and use an enterprise-level server OS for free. All the documentation for RHEL was compatible, and you could get support from the community.

It was the perfect alternative for anyone who didn’t have the budget for expensive software licenses.

In 2014, Red Hat offered to partner with the CentOS community. The idea was basically this: “It’s pretty much the same software. If our company and your community work together, both our products will be better! We make our money from enterprise customers, anyway.”

Most importantly, with Red Hat doing a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of updates and support, the CentOS community could focus on growing in other ways.

Red Hat pinky swore [citation needed] that they were in this for the long haul, and CentOS did continue to flourish. You know, until 2020.

Well, So Much For Pinky Swearing

Red Hat must have eventually decided that having a popular free version of its own enterprise software and managing it themselves no less — wasn’t that good for business. So they all but shut the project down.

Well, technically, they just changed how it operated. Instead of producing tested, production-ready versions, CentOS is merely a testing ground for RHEL. It is no longer, in my opinion, a good option for anyone who wants to run a stable server.

Current and Future CentOS Alternatives

So if you jumped on the CentOS 8 bandwagon, what should you put on your physical and virtual servers now? Well, you’ve got options.

Debian / Ubuntu

For those who don’t mind going to a very different kind of Linux, Debian has been the picture of OS stability and sysadmin-friendliness for a long time. If you want more frequent software updates, the Debian-based Ubuntu Server is popular and pretty good.

Oracle Linux

Yes, that Oracle has a RHEL-compatible Linux distribution of its own. But it’s not a clone, exactly. I mean, this is Oracle. It’s set up to use their tools and ecosystem, so I hope you like Oracle products. But hey, the OS itself is free!


ClearOS is another RHEL-compatible OS that’s mostly doing its own thing, though I’m not entirely sure what that thing is. Does the company have some deal with Hewlett-Packard? Anyway, they do have a free community edition and paid editions for home and business use.

The CloudLinux RHEL Fork

This is an upcoming release from the makers of CloudLinuxOS. It looks like they intend to load the new RHEL-based OS with some of their own tools, such as reboot-less server update tech. The first release is intended to be a more or less drop-in replacement for CentOS 8.

Rocky Linux

So the community that made and loved CentOS in the first place is, to say the least, ticked. They are so ticked that Greg Kurtzer (a co-founder of CentOS) has decided to do it all over again by making Rocky Linux and keep it in the community this time.

Again, the goal is to make a re-build of RHEL, a drop-in replacement for CentOS (at least for now). Eventually, the goal is to migrate from CentOS to Rocky Linux as easy as using a single, one-line command. The ETA for initial release isn’t quite set in stone, but I can personally vouch for how hard the community is working.

[See, full disclosure here… after writing this article, I joined the Rocky Linux documentation team.]

So Yeah, You Have Options

Some are out now, and others will be soon. Again, CentOS 8 will be supported until the end of 2021. CentOS 7, weirdly, will be supported until June 2024.

Migration shouldn’t be too complicated. Still, a pain in the rear that we have to do this at all, though.


The post How CentOS Became 2020’s Final Victim first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Dynamo accelerated the NoSQL revolution that’s driving the database industry.

Recently, Amazon announced PartiQL – A SQL-Compatible Query Language for their flagship NoSQL database Amazon DynamoDB. This has brought the NoSQL “re:evolution” full circle. It’s wonderful to see the collaborative research from UCSD and Couchbase enabling the industry to move forward.

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Le 20 octobre 2020, Oracle a publié plusieurs correctifs de sécurité concernant Oracle Weblogic. Parmi les vulnérabilités corrigées, la CVE-2020-14882 permet à un attaquant non authentifié de provoquer une exécution de code arbitraire à distance.

Déclarée comme très simple à …
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State Design Pattern — a behavioral design pattern that allows an object to change its behavior when its internal state changes.

State Design Pattern

  • The State Design Pattern is a Behavioral Design Pattern and one of the Gang of Four design patterns
  • The State allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes.
  • The State pattern is similar to the concept of finite-state machines.
  • The State pattern is also similar to the Strategy Design Pattern which provides a way to switch a strategy through invocations of methods defined in the pattern’s interface.
  • The State pattern encapsulates varying behavior for the object based on its internal state change.
  • The State pattern provides a cleaner way for an object to change its behavior at runtime.
  • By using the State pattern, the object changes its behavior when its internal state changes.
  • If we implement State-Specific behavior directly in the class, then we will not be able to change it without modifying the class.
  • In-State pattern, State-specific behavior should be defined independently because adding new states should not affect the behavior of existing states.
  • The context class delegates state-specific behavior to its current state object instead of implementing state-specific behavior directly.
  • This allows us to make our context class independent of how state-specific behavior is implemented. New state classes can be added without modifying context class.
  • The context class can change its behavior at run-time by changing its current state object.
  • To implement the State Design Pattern, we create a State interface to define some action. And then concrete classes that represent various states and a context object whose behavior varies as its state object changes.
  • The mixer in the kitchen is a good example of a state pattern, which has a motor and a control interface. Using the knob we can increase/decrease the speed of the mixer. Based on the speed state the behavior changes.
  • The TV which can be operated with a remote controller is another example of a State pattern. We can change the state of the TV by pressing buttons on the remote. But the state of TV will change or not, it depends on the current state of the TV. If the TV is switched OFF then only possible next state can be switch ON. And if TV is ON, we can switch it OFF, mute, or change aspects and source. But if TV is OFF, nothing will happen when we press the remote buttons. 
  • Java Threads are another good example of State pattern since they have defined states as New, Runnable, Blocked, Waiting, Timed Waiting and Terminated

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In this article, we will talk about what a PDO is, why is it necessary, and how to work with it.
Let’s start with the fact that for a long time php-programmers have been discussing the fate of the native functions to work with the database: mysql_connect, mysql_query, and others. The fact is that in upcoming versions of PHP data will be erased, these functions will go "Obsolete". Thus PHP developers should force on other tools to work with the database.
Currently, there are two alternatives solutions; mysqli extension and expansion of PDO. In this article, we will discuss PDO.
PDO – PHP Data Objects – is a layer that offers a versatile way to work with multiple databases.
This layer has several advantages:
  • PDO allows you to work with different databases, such as: MYSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and many others.
  • PDO allows you to work with a prepared statement
Now let’s talk about all this in more detail.

Connecting to a Database Using PDO

Before you start working with PDO, you must make sure that you have the correct extension – php_pdo_mysql.dll. This can be verified through the function phpinfo(). If everything is okay, you are good to go.
First we need to connect to the database:






/ / MuSQL



   $Database = new PDO ("mysql: host = $ host; dbname = $Databasename", $username, $password); 



/ / PostgreSQL



   $Database = new PDO ("pgsql: host = $ host; dbname = $Databasename", $username, $password);



/ / MS SQL



   $Database = new PDO ("mssql: host = $ host; dbname = $Databasename", $username, $password); 



/ / SQLite



   $Database = new PDO ("sqlite: my / database / path / database.db");

As you can see from the example, each database connection string is slightly different from each other
You should always use try/catch when you are trying to connect to the unit, so that on exception we do not disclosed any data to the user.





try {


   $Database = new PDO ("mysql: host = $ host; dbname = $Databasename", $username, $password); 




catch (PDOException $ e) { 


   echo "Unable to connect to database"; 



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Extra panel below: :)

Image title 

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Le 18 juin 2019, Oracle a publié un avis de sécurité hors de son cycle habituel de correctifs pour une vulnérabilité jugée critique.
Cette faille d’identifiant CVE-2019-2729 affecte les serveurs WebLogic et peut conduire à une exécution de code arbitraire à distance sans qu’une …
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[Mise à jour du 29 avril 2019] Oracle a publié un correctif de sécurité le 26 avril 2019. Le CERT-FR recommande son application dans les plus brefs délais (cf. section Documentation).


Le 21 avril 2019, l’équipe de chercheurs Knownsec 404 Team a annoncé …
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