
Vulnérabilités de sécurité dans CasaOS

Les vulnérabilités de sécurité sont un problème majeur dans CasaOS. Nous allons examiner les différentes façons dont ces problèmes peuvent être résolus.

## Dans le cadre de notre effort continu pour améliorer notre technologie Clean Code et la sécurité de l’écosystème open-source, notre équipe R&D est toujours à l’affût de nouvelles vulnérabilités de sécurité 0-day dans des logiciels populaires.

To ensure the security of our users, we conducted a thorough testing process to identify and fix the vulnerabilities. We followed the industry standard for testing and security protocols, including static and dynamic analysis, fuzzing, and penetration testing. We also collaborated with the CasaOS team to ensure the security of their product.

Dans le cadre de nos efforts continus visant à améliorer notre technologie Clean Code et la sécurité de l’écosystème open-source, notre équipe R&D est toujours à la recherche de nouvelles vulnérabilités de sécurité 0-day dans les logiciels les plus répandus.

Récemment, nous avons découvert deux vulnérabilités critiques dans une solution de cloud personnelle nommée CasaOS. CasaOS peut être installé sur n’importe quelle machine grâce à Docker et est livré avec des périphériques NAS pour les utilisateurs finaux tels que le ZimaBoard ou le X86Pi. Les utilisateurs déploient CasaOS pour stocker leurs données personnelles sur des appareils qu’ils peuvent faire confiance et y accéder depuis n’importe où.

Pour assurer la sécurité de nos utilisateurs, nous avons mené un processus de test approfondi pour identifier et corriger les vulnérabilités. Nous avons suivi les normes de l’industrie pour les tests et les protocoles de sécurité, y compris l’analyse statique et dynamique, le fuzzing et les tests d’intrusion. Nous avons également collaboré avec l’équipe CasaOS pour assurer la sécurité de leur produit.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Créer un plugin ChatGPT To-Do List pour Cassandra.

Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter le plugin ChatGPT To-Do List pour Cassandra : une solution simple et intuitive pour gérer vos tâches quotidiennes !

Les plugins ChatGPT offrent une façon d’étendre les fonctionnalités de ChatGPT d’OpenAI en intégrant des fonctionnalités personnalisées directement dans l’interface d’intelligence conversationnelle. Ces plugins permettent aux utilisateurs d’interagir avec des fonctionnalités spécialisées, transformant ChatGPT en un outil polyvalent pour diverses tâches. Pensez à un plugin ChatGPT comme à une ceinture d’outils pratique qui équipe ChatGPT d’OpenAI de super-pouvoirs spécialisés. Tout comme l’ajout d’un nouveau gadget à votre arsenal, un plugin permet à ChatGPT d’effectuer des tâches spécifiques de manière transparente au sein de la conversation. 

L’architecture des plugins ChatGPT offre une façon d’étendre les fonctionnalités d’OpenAI ChatGPT en intégrant des fonctionnalités personnalisées directement dans l’interface d’intelligence conversationnelle. Ces plugins permettent aux utilisateurs d’interagir avec des fonctionnalités spécialisées, transformant ChatGPT en un outil polyvalent pour diverses tâches. Pensez à un plugin ChatGPT comme à une ceinture à outils pratique qui équipe OpenAI ChatGPT de super-pouvoirs spécialisés. Tout comme l’ajout d’un nouveau gadget à votre arsenal, un plugin permet à ChatGPT de réaliser des tâches spécifiques de manière transparente au sein de la conversation.

Dans ce blog, nous plongerons dans la mise en œuvre du plugin de liste de tâches Cassandra ChatGPT, qui agit comme un assistant personnel virtuel pour gérer votre liste de tâches. C’est comme avoir un organisateur de tâches dédié à vos côtés pendant vos conversations alimentées par l’IA. Avec ce plugin, vous pouvez créer, afficher et supprimer des tâches sans effort, apportant un nouveau niveau de productivité et d’organisation à vos interactions basées sur le chat avec ChatGPT.

En plus de cela, l’architecture des plugins ChatGPT offre une grande flexibilité et une facilité d’utilisation. Les plugins peuvent être facilement intégrés à l’interface d’OpenAI ChatGPT et configurés pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des utilisateurs. Les plugins peuvent également être facilement mis à jour pour prendre en charge les nouvelles fonctionnalités et les correctifs. Les développeurs peuvent également créer leurs propres plugins personnalisés pour étendre les capacités de ChatGPT.

Enfin, l’architecture des plugins ChatGPT offre une grande sécurité et une protection contre les attaques. Les plugins sont conçus pour être sûrs et sécurisés, ce qui permet aux utilisateurs de se sentir en sécurité lorsqu’ils interagissent avec leur assistant personnel virtuel. Les plugins sont également conçus pour être faciles à utiliser et à comprendre, ce qui permet aux utilisateurs de tirer le meilleur parti de leur assistant personnel virtuel.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Taxonomie des anti-modèles Scrum

La taxonomie des anti-modèles Scrum est une classification des pratiques qui sont contraires à l’approche Scrum. Découvrons comment ces pratiques peuvent nuire à l’efficacité de votre équipe.

TL; DR : Taxonomie des anti-patterns Scrum

TL; DR: Taxonomie des anti-patterns Scrum

Alors que le processus d’édition du Guide des anti-patterns Scrum est sur le point de se terminer, il est temps de passer à l’étape suivante. Le tout nouveau Guide des anti-patterns Scrum offre plus de 180 anti-patterns organisés par rôles, événements, artefacts et engagements. Cependant, le guide ne crée pas une taxonomie d’anti-patterns Scrum de niveau métal ou abstrait. Par conséquent, le guide ne fournit pas de stratégie globale pour contrer ou éviter les anti-patterns Scrum à un niveau personnel, culturel, structurel ou organisationnel. La question est de savoir s’il est possible de créer une telle taxonomie.

Lisez la suite et en apprenez plus sur les premières étapes de la finalisation du grand tableau des anti-patterns Scrum.

La taxonomie des anti-patterns Scrum est un outil précieux pour les développeurs et les équipes qui cherchent à améliorer leur processus de développement et à éviter les erreurs courantes. Une taxonomie des anti-patterns Scrum peut être utilisée pour identifier les problèmes courants et les solutions possibles. Elle peut également être utilisée pour comprendre comment les différents aspects du développement peuvent interagir et affecter le processus global. Une taxonomie des anti-patterns Scrum peut également aider à identifier les bonnes pratiques et à définir des objectifs pour améliorer le processus de développement.

Une taxonomie des anti-patterns Scrum peut être divisée en quatre catégories principales : le code, le processus, l’organisation et la culture. Chaque catégorie peut être divisée en sous-catégories plus spécifiques. Par exemple, la catégorie « code » peut être divisée en sous-catégories telles que le codage, la documentation, la qualité et la sécurité. La catégorie « processus » peut être divisée en sous-catégories telles que la planification, l’estimation, le suivi et la gestion des changements. La catégorie « organisation » peut être divisée en sous-catégories telles que la structure organisationnelle, la communication et la collaboration. Enfin, la catégorie « culture » peut être divisée en sous-catégories telles que l’apprentissage, l’innovation et l’amélioration continue.

Une fois que les différentes catégories et sous-catégories sont identifiées, il est possible de créer une taxonomie des anti-patterns Scrum. Cette taxonomie peut être utilisée pour identifier les problèmes courants et les solutions possibles. Elle peut également être utilisée pour comprendre comment les différents aspects du développement peuvent interagir et affecter le processus global. Enfin, elle peut aider à identifier les bonnes pratiques et à définir des objectifs pour améliorer le processus de développement.

La taxonomie des anti-patterns Scrum est un outil précieux pour les développeurs et les équipes qui cherchent à améliorer leur processus de développement et à éviter les erreurs courantes. En créant une taxonomie des anti-patterns Scrum, il est possible d’identifier les

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Welcome to our annual guessing game of what the next twelve months will bring.

As ever, the design world isn’t isolated from the world in which it exists, so when events shape our lives, they impact our work, the work clients ask for, and the work that inspires us. According to Collins Dictionary, the word of the year for 2022 was permacrisis. And frankly, 2023 doesn’t look any less turbulent, with some good and some bad things already on the horizon.

Russia seems all but certain to retreat to Crimea and claim its objectives in Ukraine have been achieved; Ukraine may not accept that end, but it will probably be enough to end sanctions against Russia, which will significantly impact the economy worldwide. Brazil may have been forced to watch Argentina lift the FIFA World Cup, but it has a new (old) president and fresh hope for the survival of the Amazon rainforest. Crypto has weathered a series of storms (although there may be more to come), and historical precedence suggests the bear market has run its course; 2023 will see stagnation, with an upward trend taking hold toward the end of the year. The former Pope has died, potentially paving the way for the retirement of the current Pope and the election of a new Pope, bringing with it either renewed liberalism or renewed conservatism to the world’s largest religion. Oh, and the IMF thinks a third of the world will be in recession at some point in 2023; the UK and Russia already are, and policymakers in the US are looking nervous.

And that’s just the obvious. Of course, there will be surprises, too, because there always are.

Against this backdrop, designers must not only navigate a problematic jobs market but produce designs that respond to the needs and desires of their clients’ users.

How Did I Do in 2022?

Before diving into this year’s predictions, let’s take a look at how I thought 2022 would play out.

I predicted that 2022 would be the year of blockchain, with decentralized data storage taking over. Well, I got the decentralized part right, but not so much the blockchain aspect (feel free to tell me I’m wrong on Mastodon because I’m not checking Twitter anymore). I’ll call that half a point.

I said design would be positive, playful, and accessible. I think design did emerge from its obsession with corporate minimalism, but positive and playful? Unfortunately, I’m calling that a miss.

I said everything would be green. Again, that’s a miss. If there was a color for 2022, it was a pink-purple gradient.

I predicted hero text would replace hero images, and in the third quarter of 2022, that’s exactly the trend we saw; tick.

Finally, I suggested that illustration would adopt a grainy texture. Well, some designers did, but it was hardly a dominant trend, so I’m going to have to call that a miss.

So for my 2022 predictions, I scored 30%. Way worse than last year’s clean sweep. Let’s see if we can’t beat that in 2023…

1. We’ll Stop Freaking Out Over AI

By now, you’ve probably tried AI, freaked out, and Googled how to start a small holding in the mountains.

The truth is that AI is just a tool. And a good one at that. AI is really good at derivative work. But it’s entirely incapable of improvising, holding opinions, having an agenda, or thinking outside the box.

AI will not replace your job — unless your job is deleting the background from photos, in which case it already has. Since when did Stephen King get replaced by a spellchecker?

If you haven’t tried an AI tool yet, I’d encourage you to try it. It does the small repetitive tasks well.

2. We’ll Embrace the Real World

One of the reasons AI can’t be creative is that it doesn’t have the same number of input sensors we have. We can smell, hear, feel, and experience the world in a multitude of different ways.

Most of us spent a year in lockdown working remotely. Then rushed back to the office, only to discover that our teamwork didn’t actually improve. With the worsening economic outlook, big companies are looking to budget, and the simplest way to cut costs is to ask staff to work remotely.

When your commute is a five-second walk to the spare bedroom, you find yourself with more free time. Sure, you could probably learn Python, but wouldn’t you be happier learning to paddleboard?

As we open ourselves to new experiences, our design work will inevitably become more diverse and natural.

3. We’ll Reject Brutalism

It had a good run, but Brutalism isn’t a good fit for most UI projects. The trend of 2021–22 will vanish as quickly and as unexpectedly as it arrived.

4. We’ll Reject Darkmode

It has had a good run, and dark mode is a perfect fit for most UI projects. But we’re all kinda sick of it.

I hope I’m wrong about this one; not only is dark mode genuinely better for both your eyes and the environment, but the rich, warm blackness is the perfect antidote to sterile white corpo-minimalism.

Dark mode options are built into our OS, so it’s doubtful that it’s going to vanish anytime soon. However, dark mode as a design trend for its own sake is probably on the wane.

Typically trends come and go in symmetrical waves. Dark mode has been a dominant trend for years, so it should take as long to vanish completely.

5. We’ll Embrace Personal Retro

Every year we get the exciting job of guessing which decade the zeitgeist will rip off next. Will 2023 be the year of ’80s retro, ’90s retro, ’00s retro, or maybe (somebody shoot me) ’10s retro?

The retro trends we’ve seen over the last few years have been poor pastiches of their associated decades. If last year’s ’90s retro was inspired by the ’90s, it was a ’90s someone else was living.

In 2023 we’ll move beyond someone else’s ideas of what the past was like, to a personal vision of what came before. One in which the sunbleached colors of eternal Summers in the suburbs dominate.

6. We’ll Fall For Borecore

We’re all guilty of designing with our egos from time to time, and there is a tendency to hit users between the eyes with the biggest type, the loudest gradient, and the flashiest animation.

If you truly want to impress users in 2023, stop inserting pop-ups, adverts, cookie notices, and the other extraneous detritus that stops them from doing whatever it is they arrived on your site for. Impressing users in 2023 means clean typography, low-distraction art direction, and helpful content. Boring design just isn’t as boring as it used to be.

In 2023, the best thing designers can do for their users is get out of the way.

Happy New year! We hope it’s a good one.


Featured image by myriammira on Freepik


The post 6 Predictions for Web Design in 2023 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Finding a good web design agency is challenging, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. With so many options, it’s challenging to determine which best meets your needs.

The obvious place to start looking for a web design agency is by asking friends, family, and colleagues for personal recommendations, but bear in mind that they may not be qualified to judge your options objectively, and you’ll need to carry out due diligence on any web design agency recommended to you.

The process of researching and evaluating different design agencies can be time-consuming and complex. To make it easier, you must start with a clear understanding of your goals and expectations.

Begin by making a long list of web design agencies and freelance designers that might fit the bill. Then whittle it down to a shortlist by discounting anyone whose portfolio you don’t like — while design is about more than just subjective opinions, it’s also vital that you end up with a website you like and are proud to show off as part of your brand identity.

Now you have your shortlist, there are several key questions to pose to each potential candidate to ensure that they are the right fit for you. Here are the ten questions you should be asking to put you on track to finding your perfect website design partnership.

1. What types of website design services do you offer?

The first thing to realize is that there are many different kinds of websites, and as such, there are also many different kinds of website design services.

The types of website design services offered by web design agencies range from basic site creation to complex ecommerce solutions.

Basic web design services usually include developing and implementing a CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress, Joomla, or Craft. Agencies may also provide more advanced services such as custom website design, SEO optimization, and web hosting.

Different agencies and freelancers specialize in various types of sites, so you must compare their solutions with your requirements.

2. Do you have any case studies of past projects I can review?

Experience matters when choosing a web design agency. Ask potential candidates about the years they have been in business and the types of projects they’ve worked on. New doesn’t necessarily mean low quality — plenty of great agencies are founded by experienced designers whose portfolios are owned by their previous employers.

However, it is easier to ensure a web design agency is a good fit for your project if you can review case studies of previous jobs. Case studies will provide valuable insights into their approach and techniques and how successful their clients have been.

3. Where are you based?

When it comes to web design agencies, there are pros and cons to hiring a local or remote team. On the one hand, working with a local agency can provide many advantages, such as in-person interaction and access to their resources. On the other hand, working with a remote team may offer greater flexibility, cost savings, and access to a global talent pool.

It’s essential to ask about an agency’s location to understand their services’ advantages and disadvantages.

Effective team communication is essential for any project, so you should check the working hours of any agency you select — you don’t want to wait overnight for answers to urgent queries.

4. Do you specialize in any particular industries or platforms?

Web design agencies may specialize in various industries and platforms, depending on the specific needs of their clients. For example, some might specialize in ecommerce solutions such as Shopify or WooCommerce, while others might focus on frameworks such as Vue or React.

Additionally, web design agencies may specialize in creating custom websites for specific industries, such as healthcare or finance.

Suppose you can locate a web design agency with previous experience developing websites for clients similar to you. In that case, they will be better placed to anticipate challenges specific to your project.

5. What is your process for designing websites?

Before hiring a web design agency, it’s essential to understand their approach to website design. For example, some agencies may take a more traditional “design and build” approach where they create the entire site from start to finish, while others may prefer to work with an existing template and make customizations.

Some design agencies use a traditional waterfall approach, while others adopt an agile methodology. Waterfall is a sequential process in which each step happens in isolation, whereas agile is an interactive approach with frequent testing and feedback.

Knowing how an agency prefers to work will help you establish realistic expectations about how they will integrate into your company culture.

5. Do you offer any additional services, such as SEO or hosting?

Website design agencies may offer a range of additional services, depending on the needs of their clients. Beyond website design and development, many agencies also provide SEO (search engine optimization) and web hosting services.

All reputable web design agencies will ensure that your website meets the minimum standard for technical SEO. But some agencies will also adapt your content to incorporate keywords and phrases related to your industry to help you increase website traffic once the site is launched.

When it comes to web hosting, your web design agency will help you choose the best type of hosting for your needs, but some agencies also provide hosting and will set up and manage a server for you.

6. How will the project be managed, and what is your timeline for completion?

When it comes to website design projects, timeline management is critical to ensure that your new website is delivered on time and within budget. Managing a website project requires careful planning and execution to keep everything on track.

You should also ask how the project will be managed throughout its lifecycle so that you can schedule your in-house timetables.

7. What type of maintenance can I expect after launching the website?

Launching your new website begins a long-term relationship with your web design agency. It’s essential to ask about their post-launch support process to ensure you have all the help and guidance you need. The agency should be able to provide comprehensive maintenance services such as bug fixing, content updates, and security checks.

Additionally, you should understand the process for making changes and requests after the website launch. Find out how quickly they can respond to your inquiries and the cost of any needed updates. This will help you plan your budget accordingly and avoid any unexpected fees.

9. How much will the project cost?

Speaking of costs, it’s vitally important to establish ballpark figures before you shortlist an agency. Like any industry, there is a wide range of different price points, dependent not just on the project but the marketability of the web design agency.

Make sure you ask for a comprehensive quote that outlines all the costs involved. Ask for a payment schedule so you know how much you’re expected to pay upfront. Check on any additional fees, such as maintenance or hosting.

Never adjust your project to secure a web design agency outside your budget. If you can’t afford a particular provider, strike them off your shortlist and move on to the next candidate.

10. What do you need from me?

As a client, there are several steps you need to take to ensure that your website design project runs smoothly. You will need to supply a detailed brief if nothing else.

You should be prepared to schedule regular feedback sessions so your agency can stay on track. You’ll probably need to supply brand materials such as logos, style guides, and any text, images, and videos you want to be included. The agency may want you to sign a contract, agree on a payment schedule, and pay an initial deposit.


Hiring a web design agency is challenging, especially if you don’t have the technical knowledge to assess an agency’s past work objectively.

By asking the questions above, you’ll get a solid sense of what the company is like to work for, how well they fit your corporate culture, and whether their proposed solution is within your budget.

The more questions you ask, the better informed you’ll be, and the more likely your website design project will succeed. Good luck!


Featured image via Pexels.


The post 10 Questions You Must Ask Before Hiring a Web Design Agency first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Christmas is just around the corner, and these free Xmas patterns are a great way to get into the Christmas spirit!

There are so many different ways to enjoy these Christmas patterns, from cards to ornaments, and everything in between. Why not design your own custom wrapping paper, or print garlands to hang throughout the house?

These illustrated Christmas patterns are also the perfect way to add some holiday cheer to your business’ marketing. Create a festive email signature, add banners to your website, or just post a message of peace and goodwill on your social media. The happy snowmen and cheerful Santa characters are sure to bring a smile to the face of the staunchest Grinch, so download them now.

You may use these patterns for personal and commercial purposes. You MUST add a link to our site wherever you use these patterns online. If you use them for print, you must clearly credit us somewhere in your product with written text crediting our website If you can’t or don’t want to add a link to our site, please contact us for a special commercial license that doesn’t require any kind of linking or attribution. Licensing fees start at only $15 but may be more expensive in certain situations. Please reach out for more details. These files cannot be distributed in any shape or form on their own.


The post Download Free Xmas Patterns first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

As we head into the final month of 2022, plenty of new ideas and website design trends are still emerging. The evolution throughout the year has been exciting and designed to help website designers and developers create greater engagement and interactivity while pushing the envelope. These trends are no exception.

Here’s what’s trending in design this month.

1. Video Game Inspiration

That space where reality and virtual reality merge is popular for website design. Trending are design elements and themes with a pseudo-video game style that looks interactive, somewhat real, and much imagined.

These websites can have a variety of looks and themes but have a few key elements in common:

  • Plenty of animation
  • Interactive elements, real or perceived
  • Fast motion that puts the user in the scene
  • ”Unreal elements” such as the bat-skull for Mythical Games
  • Dark color schemes
  • Often lack traditional navigation or calls to action so that the “game” is the whole screen
  • Leading text or design elements to help you move through interactions

Each of these examples takes a similar but different approach with their video-game-inspired design styles.

Adidas uses a three-dimensional trio of people in flight to get you interested in jobs at their animation studio. The point of view makes you feel part of the action, but traditional design elements, such as navigation, help you know what to do next.

Mutant Stand looks like an old-school video game and moves between a home screen with navigational elements to more of an in-game experience. The motion creates an interactive feel even before you dive into the design.

Mythical Games is an actual gaming website design, so you would expect video game inspiration here. Interestingly, this site takes the most subtle approach, although the design elements of fantasy are strong here.

2. Difficult Typography

Sometimes website design trends can be tough to explain. That’s the case with this one, where designers are experimenting with very difficult typography styles. What’s difficult about the text in these projects is readability.

Difficult typography is somewhat subjective but is emphasized by designs that have a lot of words. The reading challenge extends to mobile design, particularly when these fonts are smaller and can present even greater readability issues.

There are a lot of different styles and combinations of typefaces that can cause readability challenges. Some of the most common for website design include:

  • Condensed or thin typefaces
  • Unusual character styles or strokes
  • Modern or thick serifs
  • Old world styles
  • Scripts or cursive styles

All of this, though, is somewhat in the eye of the beholder. While these examples all present some reading challenges, the designs are still interesting and visually sound. Whether to make these font choices is a personal choice, but you should pay attention to your audience base and website analytics to make sure it works for you.

Here’s where you probably see a lot of this trend outside of website design. Pay attention to the typefaces used for World Cup broadcasts. Difficult typefaces are paired for all on-screen text elements.

Kakeru Yagou uses an interesting modern serif with a bit of a tilted style. As a logotype, the typography works pretty well. It is when there’s a lot to read that the challenge comes into play.

Abymes Numerique uses a condensed typeface in an all-caps style. Either of these options alone might create less of a readability concern than when paired.

Think Dance uses an incredibly interesting but difficult typeface for the two keywords on its website. They do an excellent job by using only two words and pairing them with easy-to-read options everywhere else. But it still takes a minute to think about and comprehend the words, so you can argue the effectiveness of the font choice.

3. Avatars

Already popular on social media platforms such as Snapchat and Facebook, avatars are having a pretty big moment in website design as well. The big difference is that website avatars aren’t just cartoon heads, they can include full-body designs and animated effects.

Avatars can have an extremely personal look and feel, such as when they are used for portfolio websites or be more character-oriented. Both are an excellent way to use faces and incorporate somewhat of a personal element when you don’t have the right photography for the job or want a greater element of whimsy in the design.

Simona Nikolova uses an oversized avatar for her portfolio site. She pairs it with her name to create a connection with users, and the style shows her creativity as well. An avatar is a good way to “show yourself” in a portfolio without the privacy concerns that might come with an actual photo.

Byte Trading uses “Lego-style” avatars to get you interested enough to “enter” the website. Each avatar moves and changes clothing to get you ready to enter the website for the crypto marketplace. Avatars are a popular option for crypto and NFT websites.

Pomelo Paradigm uses three-dimensional avatars to create scenes throughout its website. These created characters help explain what the company does and interactions people should have with the design. They have very human looks, and you almost don’t miss that they aren’t actual photographs.


As we head into a new year, what website design trends are you most excited for? Do you plan to try new things with projects in the new year? Hopefully, these trends give you some ideas and jumpstart that inspiration heading into 2023.


The post 3 Essential Design Trends, December 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Tis (almost) the season to be jolly, and with Christmas Day just one month away, it’s high time to start putting together your Winter holiday promotions.

Today, we want to share some incredible free Xmas illustrations. There are several greetings card-style designs that are just perfect for sending to customers as part of an email campaign. You’ll also find dozens of Christmas-themed items that can be combined to create your own seasonal illustrations for websites, emails, and print promotions.

It’s never too late to spread some goodwill by wishing your contacts the compliments of the season. So download these illustrations for free and get started today.

You may use these illustrations for personal and commercial purposes. You MUST add a link to our site wherever you use these illustrations online. If you use them for print, you must clearly credit us somewhere in your product with written text crediting our website If you can’t or don’t want to add a link to our site, please contact us for a special commercial license that doesn’t require any kind of linking or attribution. Licensing fees start at only $15, but may be more expensive on certain situations. Please reach out for more details. These files cannot be distributed in any shape or form on their own.

Download the WDD Xmas illustrations for free.


The post Download Free Xmas Illustrations Today first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot