
Azure Functions

As part of Microsoft’s offer in the Platform-as-a-Service model, Azure Functions is one of Azure’s Serverless alternatives. Launched in late 2016, currently, it has two versions of runtimes available, although the version 2.x is still in preview mode. This new version is adding Java as a programming language to those supported by version 1.x — C#, JavaScript, and F#.

Azure Functions is the on-demand execution of functions or small fragments of code based on events. As the cost is associated with the execution, if the function is not executed, there are no charges to pay. And if the event that triggers the execution occurs faster than the function, the platform executes the code in multiple threads without obstacles.

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You can find all my .Net core posts here.

I am adding a new post after a long break because I recently joined a new company called AttachingIt. It is an awesome security-related company, and now, I am going to work on this awesome product.

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This is a guest post to the Sensu Blog by Michael Eves, member to the Sensu community. He offered to share his experience as a user in his own words, which you can do too by emailing . Learn all about the community at .

Considering Sensu

When people look for metrics collection for their environment they often look towards the same few solutions like Collectd, Telegraf, etc. This is for good reason: those options provide flexible & extensible metrics collection…and so can Sensu.

Sensu works quite well for metrics. I’d like to show you how to set it up.

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It’s a fairly common task for a Java developer to convert a list to an array or from an array to a list. Like many things in Java, there is often more than one way to accomplish a task. In this post, I’ll discuss the various approaches to converting data between list objects and arrays.

Converting List to Array

The list interface comes with the toArray() method that returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence (from the first to last element). The type of returned array is that of the array that you pass as the parameter.

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In my previous post, Rule Execution with SHACL, I have looked at how SHACL rules can be utilized to make inferences. In this post, I consider a more complex situation where SHACL rules are used to classify baked goods as vegan friendly or gluten free based on their ingredients.


In my discussion, I will only concentrate on the definition of vegan friendly baked goods since the translation to gluten free baked goods is similar. Gluten free baked goods are included to give a more representative example.

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As mentioned in the previous article, Vert.x is an event-driven, non-blocking toolkit. It was designed for asynchronous communications. In most cases, you need to work with multiple verticles in your applications. You also need communication between these verticles in these cases. In this article, I will attempt to explain how you can do this — let’s get started!

Use of Multiple Verticles

An important note to remember is that a verticle is a unit of deployment. It allows you to encapsulate your code for different needs. In addition, they can be run independently of each other. Verticles are communicated with each other by sending messages on the event bus. For this example, we have developed two verticles. One is the sender and the other is the receiver. You can access code for this example from this repository. The start method in the SenderVerticle class is as follows:

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My previous posts discussed why you need automated database deployments and tips for getting started down that path. Enough talk, it is time for action! This article will walk through setting up an automated database deployment pipeline using the state-based approach for Redgate’s SQL Change Automation. I picked this tool to start with because it is easy to set up, integrates with SSMS, and…well…I already had a demo set up. I’m also a little biased towards Redgate’s tooling. So there’s that.

The end goal of this article is for you to have a working proof of concept for you to demo.

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