
One of the fascinating aspects of Adobe Document Generation is how incredibly flexible it is. One aspect of the API that can enhance the final result is the ability to include images in your template. In a typical use case, you would provide a static image defined in your data used with the API. In this blog post, I will demonstrate a more advanced example — dynamically generating images, in our case, charts, on the fly.

The Basics

Before we get into a more advanced demo, let’s quickly cover the basics. (My coworker has an intense look into Document Generation and images you should check out.) As our docs describe, using a dynamic image in your Word template requires a few steps.

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Hello folks! It’s tough competition these days, and we need to get the right kind of skills from the best resources possible. When it comes to front-end development, ReactJS and Angular are still king and queen, but Vue.js is quickly making its way up to fill the gap.

Vue.js, as you may know, is an open-source view model of the JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. You can also use Vue.js to develop single-page applications. If you are self-teaching Vue.js yourself or want to become a VueJS developer and looking for the best Vue.js resources like free online courses, books, and tutorials then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share Vue.js online courses and tutorials you can join for FREE, but before that, let’s learn a bit more about what Vue.js is and what benefits it offers.

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Sometimes on Linux/UNIX computers, you will want to do a search for any files containing a particular string within it. This can be particularly useful when searching for specific things for a CI/CD pipeline.

On Linux or Mac, if we want to search a set of files for a specific string in a terminal, we use the grep.

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The glass morphism effect is popping up all over the web at the minute. Although in the past it was generated mostly with images, we can now achieve the same result using CSS. The CSS glass morphism effect is pretty widely supported as well. Below, I’ve created a generator so you can make your own CSS glass morphism effects and add them to your applications and websites.

CSS Glass Morphism Generator

A little while ago I used the CSS glass morphism effect to create some apple UI elements. To show how this effect works a little better, I’ve created a CSS glass morphism generator below. You can change the options, and generate your own glass morphism along with code.

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In computer science, there is nothing more fundamental and intuitive than control structures. Every student learned about them in the first few weeks of any computer science program. We could not code without them, period. But they are not set in stone: we did get rid of the infamous GOTO in the 80s!

At the pre-ALGOL meeting held in 1959 Heinz Zemanek explicitly threw doubt on the necessity for GOTO statements; at the time no one paid attention to his remark, including Edsger W. Dijkstra, who later became the iconic opponent of GOTO.[3] The 1970s and 1980s saw a decline in the use of GOTO statements in favor of the « structured programming » paradigm, with goto criticized as leading to « unmaintainable spaghetti code« 

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When you are a developer newbie, the realistic start may seem more like a bumpy ride to build the next great app which is still far from a Silicon Valley story. What do you do then? 

There are now tons of great low code or no-code development tools like drag and drop app builders that empower experts and people with little to no technical background to enter the digital market and transform it entirely. 

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The Adobe PDF Embed API provides a simple way for web developers to display PDFs on their web pages. While browsers provide good support for rendering PDFs, they do so in an « out of context » manner that takes over the entire screen. The PDF Embed API however lets you place a PDF within your site’s layout, providing much better control over the position and size of the rendered document. This improved experience also provides deeper integration into the PDF viewer, letting developers listen for events and perform operations on the document. In this article, I’m going to demonstrate a simple, but hopefully really useful example of this.

Imagine a large document covering many pages, for example, a textbook. Your website users, potentially students, could work with the document over many weeks while school is in session. If the document is a few hundred pages long, it would be incredibly useful to remember where they were in the document when they start reading again. While a large PDF may have bookmarks, even then they could only be for chapters or other sections, not the exact page the user last read. Luckily, the Embed API provides a method to help with this. Let’s take a look!

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3D buttons

Recently I was toying with the idea of a 3D button that moves as the user moves their mouse around it. To further this effect, I added some 3D shadows which move in tandem to give the illusion of a 3D button that is sitting off the page and moves with the user’s mouse movements.


How Does It Work?

The fundamental concept behind these buttons is that we need to track when the user mouses over the button, moves, and mouses out. On mouseover, we will move the button so it appears 3D. On mouse out, we will reset it.

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In this article, we will discuss how we can enable the CORS filter with Quarkus. This is very well described at Quarkus Documentation. As per the documentation:

Quarkus comes with a CORS filter which implements the javax.servlet.Filter interface and intercepts all incoming HTTP requests. It can be enabled in the Quarkus configuration file, src/main/resources/

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Are you facing problems while trying to find XPath in Selenium? Well, you are not alone! This is among the most common challenges most developers face while using Selenium for web testing. But not anymore, as we have picked 10 of the best Chrome extensions to make it easier for you to find XPath in Selenium.

Before we begin, we think it’s a good idea to point out what XPath in Selenium is.

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