truffleHog – Search Git for High Entropy Strings with Commit History

truffleHog is a Python-based tool to search Git for high entropy strings, digging deep into commit history and branches. This is effective at finding secrets accidentally committed.

truffleHog previously functioned by running entropy checks on git diffs. This functionality still exists, but high signal regex checks have been added, and the ability to surpress entropy checking has also been added.

truffleHog –regex –entropy=False


truffleHog file:///user/dxa4481/codeprojects/truffleHog/

truffleHog will go through the entire commit history of each branch, and check each diff from each commit, and check for secrets.

Read the rest of truffleHog – Search Git for High Entropy Strings with Commit History now! Only available at Darknet.

Source de l’article sur Darknet

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