There is no denying the fact that we are more connected than ever today and this connectivity only seems to increase by the day. The world today has shrunk within a small handheld mobile device, hasn’t it? Smarter technology is bringing not only the world but the future closer.

Alongside, this trend has exponentially increased the rate of data generation. Servers are not the only high-volume data-sources anymore. Mobile devices and internet of things (IoT) are churning out a copious amount of information each second. As the number of smartphones and connected devices grows, this inflow of data multiplies too. It should be noted that this data is multiplying with each second and getting more and more massive in size.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

Fibre optique et micro-LED permettraient d’améliorer à termes ces dispositifs qui permettent aux personnes touchées par une surdité d’entendre sons et conversations. Reste qu’un peu de manipulation génétique devrait être nécessaire pour faire fonctionne le tout.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Microsoft alerte ses utilisateurs sur l’évolution des futures mises à jour de Skype : à compter du mois de septembre, il ne sera plus possible d’utiliser la branche 7.x du logiciel de visioconférence et tous les utilisateurs Windows seront invités à passer sur la version 8.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Google has been hit by a record-breaking $5 billion antitrust fine by the European Union regulators for abusing the dominance of its Android mobile operating system and thwarting competitors. That’s the largest ever antitrust penalty. Though Android is an open-source and free operating system, device manufacturers still have to obtain a license, with certain conditions, from Google to

Source de l’article sur The Hacker News

Mettre à jour un réseau WLAN en entreprise pour répondre aux nouveaux besoins professionnels est compliquée. Voici quelques instructions pour vous assurer que votre réseau sans fil fournit une connectivité fiable et sécurisée
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Microsoft today launched a new bug bounty program for bug hunters and researchers finding security vulnerabilities in its « identity services. » Hacking into networks and stealing data have become common and easier than ever but not all data holds the same business value or carries the same risk. Since new security today depends on the collaborative communication of identities and identity data

Source de l’article sur The Hacker News

I hesitated as my mouth hung open a bit. A senior leader in a development organization had just asked, "Why is product important?"

Why Product?

We’d been discussing an evolution in thinking in our industry — the movement from being process-focused to being progress-focused and now, the need to be product-focused. He innocently asked the question as he attempted to process the idea that what we build is more important than how quickly and efficiently we build it.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

In today’s software world, everything’s changed when it comes to operational (non-functional) requirements. We have applications running on thousands of cores, producing petabytes of data, and, of course, users expect to have a response time under 100ms. Several years ago, we used to build systems that blocked certain operations because programming models used back then didn’t allow many asynchronous things to happen in code. Unfortunately, these systems aren’t as responsive as we expect them to be, they cannot be scaled that easily, and they use processor time waiting for operations to complete when they could do something else (processing another request, doing some background calculations, etc.).

The Reactive Manifesto was created in order to define the properties of a system that’s able to respond to the aforementioned challenges. Systems that are reactive are Message Driven, Responsive, Resilient, and Elastic (Image 1). In this blog post, I’ll focus on how the Axon Framework helps us build reactive systems.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

The adoption of virtual assistants is trending greatly. It’s highly impossible to overlook the AI-controlled assistants being used in gadgets. From arranging days, booking, and ordering, technology has transformed to showcase amazing progress. The trend concedes to be in its initial phase and requires time to figure out the facts from the hype to understand the exact worthiness of the technology.

Some of the most popular AI assistants racing for attention: 1) Amazon (Alexa), 2) Apple (Siri), 3) Google (Google Assistant) and 4) Microsoft (Cortana).

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)