L’idée ? Proposer aux annonceurs de nouveaux outils pour contacter les utilisateurs du réseau social. Se maquiller, essayer une paire de lunettes, tester des nouveautés de décoration intérieure ; autant de possibilité que pourront exploiter les marques.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

I recently built a Twitter Bot that plays Blackjack. Here are my previous posts so far if you are catching up:

Since interaction with the Bot is via Twitter, there will be an unknown length of time between when a player chooses to reply and interact with the bot, which could be seconds, minutes, or days. Therefore, we need to store the gameplay state for each player, retrieve it on the next interaction from the user, and store it again after the response from the bot while we wait for the next player interaction.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

« Ce n’est certainement pas quelque chose que vous voulez découvrir dans un magasin RDP clandestin russe » avertissent les chercheurs.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Le cabinet de conseil en propriété intellectuelle Touroude & Associates orchestre l’extension européenne de son service en ligne de dépôt de brevets YesMyPatent.
Source de l’article sur ITEXPRESSO

Selon Gartner, pour la première fois depuis 6 ans, le marché mondial des PC a dégagé de la croissance (1,4%). Ce n’est cependant pas grâce à un regain d’intérêt des consommateurs, mais à la demande des entreprises et aux migrations Windows 10.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Learning something new requires the right mindset or attitude. If you believe that you lack talent or are not smart enough, then you make it hard — if not impossible — for yourself to acquire new knowledge, skills, and behaviors. For example, I never used to think of myself as somebody who is good at writing, and I wasn’t particularly good at it at school. But with effort, resilience, and patience, as well as the guidance from others, I have managed to become a reasonably skilled writer.

The same is true for my product management expertise: acquiring it has taken me many years, making plenty of mistakes, learning from other product people, and reading more books and articles than I can remember. I certainly don’t feel that I am done yet. I continue to learn new things and deepen my understanding.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Earlier in this TypeScript tutorial series, we learned about the TypeScript configuration file, variable declaration, and basic data types. I hope I made it neat and clear to understand the very basics of TypeScript.

Today, in this article, we will learn how to define a class and instantiate a class object. Continue reading to learn more.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Google has by default enabled a security feature called « Site Isolation » in its web browser with the release of Chrome 67 for all desktop users to help them protect against many online threats, including Spectre and Meltdown attack. Site Isolation is a feature of the Google Chrome web browser that adds an additional security boundary between websites by ensuring that different sites are always

Source de l’article sur The Hacker News

Lancement acté pour la version commerciale de la blockchain Corda, portée par un consortium composé essentiellement d’organisations du secteur financier.
Source de l’article sur ITEXPRESSO

Des chercheurs suggèrent que votre trajet pourrait être réduit de 20 % en utilisant ce nouveau système de feux rouges et de feux verts virtuels.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet