Grâce à ce nouveau tour de table, le principal concurrent d’Uber aux Etats-Unis voit sa valorisation doubler en un an à plus de 15 milliards de dollars.
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In the previous part, I explained message flows in detail by implementing inbound and outbound messaging with Spring Integration’s AMQP support. I briefly mentioned that data handler adapters are loaded dynamically, and they’re plugged into the message flow. In this third part, we’ll explore one of those technical challenges in detail that the application’s modular design raise and how it can be tackled by using Spring Boot 2’s new property Binder API.

What Will You Learn After Reading This Part?

For most of the use cases, having a predefined, static message flow is sufficient. However, that’s not the case for the forget-me app, as multiple data handlers can be configured which will carry data erasure out. One major challenge to address is to decide whether or not a particular data handler needs to be initialized and plugged into the main message flow. I can tell you beforehand that Spring’s conditional configuration will be used to do that.

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Des chercheurs japonais du Tokyo Institute of Technology utilisent un oscillateur local pour diriger les faisceaux. Ces oscillateurs locaux, en combinaison avec un mélangeur, peuvent modifier la fréquence du signal. De quoi construire de nouveaux émetteurs-récepteurs.
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Working in the design business taught me to pay attention to the organization, the system, the country — the “Big.” At the same time to have an ear for the individual, the person — the “Small,” To work successfully, I have to harmonize what the “Big” wants and what the “Small” wants. I believe, that bringing together the Small helps facilitate and create the Big. And that’s what microinteractions are all about.

Design can solve small, universal and overlooked problems and these really little things have a huge amount of impact. Microinteractions are the small moments in UX that can be boring and easy to forget, or exciting and engaging. They are everywhere: in the gadgets we carry, the appliances in our house, in the apps on our phones and desktops.

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L’autorité des transports de la capitale britannique avait retiré sa licence à Uber en septembre en raison de son laxisme dans le contrôle des antécédents judiciaires de ses chauffeurs.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Des données appartenant aux utilisateurs du site FlightRadar24 ont pris la fille de l’air. Une fuite d’information pouvant devenir très sensible à la vue d’une partie des utilisateurs de ce site de contrôle aérien. Le site web FlightRadar24 est un peu particulier. Son but, suivre l…

Cet article Fuite de données clients pour le site FlightRadar24 est apparu en premier sur ZATAZ.

Source de l’article sur Zataz

L’intelligence artificielle et, plus particulièrement l’analyse sémantique, permet d’industrialiser les phases d’identification et de classification des données personnelles. Elle interdit aussi la saisie de termes prohibés.
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Adobe annonce être en train de travailler sur un algorithme de machine learning afin de détecter les images ayant été retouchées. Pour l’instant, il ne s’agit que d’un projet de recherche mené en coordination avec l’université du Maryland.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the Cambridge Analytica Scandal and Mark Zuckerberg’s statements about the worldwide changes Facebook is making in response to European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If your business is not yet in Europe, you may be taken aback by the statement from U.S. Senator Brian Schatz that "all tech platforms ought to adopt the EU approach to (data protection)." This, despite the fact that 45% of U.S. citizens think that there is already "too much" government regulation of business and industry.

So yes, GDPR is a big deal indeed. When it became the law in European Union on May 25, 2018, it improved data protection for EU citizens dealing with companies not only in Europe but all around the world. In other words, whether your company is based in EU or not, as long as you have EU citizens as customers or users and you process their data, GDPR is very much relevant for your business.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Excel est non seulement un tableur, mais également un outil simple pour mettre en image les données chiffrées. Il existe toutefois des solutions alternatives parfois plus performantes ou moins onéreuses que ce dernier.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet