Publications relatives aux achats, reventes et situation d’entreprises

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.

The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.

Elevator.js – A “back to Top” Button that Behaves like a Real Elevator


Redesigning Airbnb for the New Normal – a UX Case Study


My Experience Making an App Using a No-Code Tool


Simple Design is Dead. Welcome to Apple’s Era of Customization


Making the Brand: Redesigning Spotify Design


Neon Mode: Building a New Dark UI


The Return of the 90s Web


Design Roundup June 2020


Google Quietly Launches an AI-powered Pinterest Rival Named Keen


Apple’s Siri Gets First Major Redesign in Years


Perfection will Kill your Design


Using 6 Google Analytics Features to Improve UX and Website Metrics


Yale Rebrands for Warmth and a Digital Future


3 Awesome Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost your Web Presence


Onboarding is Dead, Here Comes Noboarding


User Experience (UX) Testing: 4 UX Best Practices


8 Ways to Promote your Business Without a Marketing Budget


10 Interaction Design Rules You Must Never Break


On Racism and Sexism in Branding, User Interface, and Tech


Staying Creative During Hard Times


Serious UX Mistakes that Might Be Sabotaging your Sales


10 Key Things a Small Business Website Must Have


22+ Horizontal Timeline CSS Examples


How to Write an Effective Design Brief in 9 Easy Steps


Creative Exercises to Help You Through your Anxiety


Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.


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La DSI du Centre hospitalier ANNECY GENEVOIS a annoncé avoir attribué à l’agence ALPES ANKAA PMO son contrat de 4 ans portant sur des prestations d’expertise autour de son infrastructure de bases de données ORACLE.

Cette prestation consiste à apporter un support (en remote) de maintien en conditions opérationnelles et de supervision des instances en production.
Il va sans dire que dans le secteur médical, la performance et la continuité de service sont des indicateurs primordiaux.
Etait donc particulièrement attendu une forte expérience de tuning des environnements existants et une parfaite maîtrise des opérations de migration en conditions Zero Downtime.

Autant décrire le job quotidien de notre DBA ORACLE Sénior Rony qui, après plus de 20 années dédiées aux SGBDR ORACLE, assure ce type de prestations pour le compte de notre centre de service.

Le CHANGE dispose actuellement de bases de données sous Oracle 10g, 11g, 12c stockées en ASM et d’un système de réplication multi-maîtres Oracle Golden Gate 12.
Les OS sont de type AIX, LINUX, Windows 2008 à 2019, virtualisation VMWARE.

Along with AI, IoT is changing the expectations of consumers. With that, this growing technology will forever change the way that businesses operate. The initial uptake of interconnected smart devices was slower than anticipated. But, the demand for the technology is now developing at a rapid pace. That demand will implement new pressures on businesses. It will also provide businesses with new opportunities. Here are some of the ways that the Internet of Things will impact business.

What Is the Internet of Things?

The simple definition of the Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of devices over the Internet. It allows devices to communicate with us, with applications, and with other devices. The technology has been demonstrated with the advent of smart home appliances. It’s the Internet of Things that now allows us to control our home heating, lighting, sprinklers, and other appliances from our phones with solutions like Apple’s HomeKit.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Businesses have always been at the forefront as early adopters of new technologies. Advancements in computing like Machine Learning have already made a notable impact on the business world. With business operations and processes spread across varying levels, the inclusion of a Machine Learning framework can prove worthwhile in increasing efficiency, productivity, and speed.

Machine Learning has found widespread acceptance among enterprises. MIT Technology Review and Google Cloud recently published a report based on their studies in Machine Learning and its adoption. The reports state that about 60 percent of the respondents have already implemented Machine Learning into their business.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

Protonmail se fait étriller par un concurrent qui, dans un long poste de blog, accuse la société de messagerie chiffrée d’être à la botte d’une société de datamining. Une accusation étayée par une démonstration un peu légère, et que Protonmail est venue démentir.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

À la suite d’un accident mortel en mars dernier, Uber continue de freiner ses activités de conduite autonome, licenciant 100 employés à Pittsburgh et à San Francisco où des tests étaient menés sur route.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Si le nom de l’hébergeur ne change pas, les services seront rassemblés sous l’ombrelle OVH cloud. Dans un podcast au JDN, Octave Klaba revient également sur la méga-panne de novembre dernier.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet