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Creating a chatbot that can understand and use a language other than English can be an ambitious task. Chatbots are still in their early days and even though there are many NLP libraries available, most of them support only the English language. From stopwords and POS taggers to pretrained word2vec models, it can be time-consuming to work on an NLP problem in a different language.

We at SmartCat tried a bit of a different approach in creating a bot that uses the Serbian language. Using a large dataset of unlabeled sentences written in Serbian and performing ML methods, we were able to create a chatbot that resulted in a very decent performance. It was able to return an expected response 9/10 times. Interested in how we did it? Keep on reading.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

I don’t have a classic project management background, so I spend a lot of time thinking about ways non-traditional project managers can offer up great ideas to people with more traditional backgrounds.  Sometimes I find that easy.  Sometimes I find that rather difficult. I a…

Source de l’article sur Voices on PM

Visant clairement l’hégémonie d’Intel, le nouveau processeur serait doté de 16 Go de RAM et serait intégré dans de nouvelles machines Windows 10.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Le PDG d’Intel a dû démissionner pour une relation qui avait pourtant pris fin des années plus tôt, avant sa nomination en tant que PDG. Les fondateurs de Google et d’autres dirigeants de la Silicon Valley seraient sans emploi si les règles d’Intel s’appliquaient à eux.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

C’est pour juin 2019. Soit plus de cinq ans après la fin du support de ce système d’exploitation par Microsoft. Ces sont des questions de sécurité informatique qui préoccupent les autorités indiennes.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Conçu par l’université du Michigan, ce micro ordinateur qui mesure à peine 0,3mm de côté pourrait loger dans l’extrémité d’un grain de riz.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Après des mois de polémique, Apple a enfin décidé de reconnaître l’existence d’un problème sur un “faible pourcentage” des claviers à mécanisme papillon qui équipent les MacBook et MacBook Pro.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

When professional motorcycle stuntwoman turned developer Leah Petersen switched from Jenkins to GitLab, she was a bit nervous to say the least. Having only worked in tech for nine months, the Samsung SDS engineer was not enthused about the prospect of having to learn a new application after feeling like she had "just started to get competent" with Jenkins.

After a self-described mini pity party, she dove into GitLab head first, jumping into a few big-ticket projects to get a handle on the landscape. Within a few short months, Petersen was so impressed by her GitLab CI/CD experience that she felt the need to shout her newfound "love" for continuous integration and continuous delivery from the virtual mountaintop of her blog.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Le trublion est passé en mode Apple afin d’empêcher toute fuite autour de sa nouvelle box attendue en septembre. La surveillance est drastique.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Powershell-RAT – Gmail Exfiltration RAT

Powershell-RAT is a Python-based Gmail exfiltration RAT that can be used a Windows backdoor to send screenshots or other data as an e-mail attachment.

This RAT will help you during red team engagements to backdoor any Windows machines. It tracks the user activity using screen capture and sends the information to an attacker as an e-mail attachment.

It claims to not need Administrator access and is not currently detected by Anti-virus software.

Read the rest of Powershell-RAT – Gmail Exfiltration RAT now! Only available at Darknet.

Source de l’article sur Darknet