I’ve been practicing Agile methodologies for some time now. The most common ceremony that I’ve seen Agile teams do is stand-up also known as daily Scrum meeting.

I’ll not go into what a stand up or daily Scrum is and the value it brings. I appreciate the value it brings and would encourage teams to follow this ceremony religiously.

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The upcoming release on BigML keeps pushing the envelope for more people to gain access to and make a bigger impact with Machine Learning. This release features a brand new resource providing a novel way to combine models: BigML Fusions.

In this post, we’ll do a quick introduction to Fusions before we move on to the remainder of our series of 6 blog posts (including this one) to give you a detailed perspective of what’s behind this new capability. Today’s post explains the basic concepts that will be followed by an example use case. This will be followed by three more articles focused on how to use Fusions through the BigML Dashboard, API, and WhizzML in an automated fashion. Finally, we will complete this series of posts with a technical view of how Fusions work behind the scenes.

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Le boulot d’analyste des données, comme celui de data scientist, fait rêver. Il n’est pourtant pas si facile selon une étude. Ce spécialiste ne pourrait consacrer que 27 % de son temps à l’analyse des données. Une data de qualité ?
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What is User Experience Design? Why does it matter? Many people have absolutely no idea about what a UX Designer really does. Some have an idea, but they’re wrong about the function of UX and UI. That’s why we asked Maria, our UX Designer, to explain a few essential things about the field.

What does it mean to you to be a UX Designer?

Well, for me personally, it’s the satisfaction of the work that drives me. UX Design means interesting projects, learning new things every day as well as the possibility to meet new interesting people.

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In this article, I’ll give a simple introduction to the idea of Semantic Modeling for Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Semantic Modeling (or Semantic Grammar) is often compared to Linguistic Modeling (or Linguistic Grammar), and it is probably best to begin by defining both and understanding Semantic Modeling in a contrast.

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Writing good code in accordance with all the best practices is often overrated. But is it really? Writing good and clean code is just like good habits which will come with time and practice.
We always give excuses to continue with our patent non-efficient bad code, reasons like no time for best practices, meeting the deadlines, angry boss, tired of the project, etc. Most of the time we try to procrastinate by saying will make it efficient and clean later but that time never comes.
Bad code is not problematic for us to understand but for the other developers who will handle that after us.

So, let me get you to the points by Robert C. Martin in his captivating book Clean Code.

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The accountability of algorithms is something that I’ve touched on a number of times as a growing number of reports have emerged examining the topic. For instance, at the start of the year, a new report from Omidyar Networks examined whether automated systems currently experience enough public scrutiny, either in terms of civil society or in terms of official laws and regulations.

"There is a growing desire to "open the black box" of complex algorithms and hold the institutions using them accountable. But across the globe, civil society faces a range of challenges as they pursue these goals," the authors explain.

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When your heroes start acting weird, you reexamine their influence on your life. I’ve long been learning, demonstrating and teaching clean code through TDD, patterns, and so on. But when I look back, I am now worried that the ideas negatively influence my life and my work and that of others.

Many who know me consider me an exceptionally skilled programmer. I got that way because I have often spent my evenings practicing programming techniques and technologies. I often leave the office 1-2 hours later than my co-workers after polishing some piece of ultimately meaningless code. This is time I don’t spend with my family. Because I’ve learned to care about Clean Code.

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In 1965, Gordon Moore made a famous observation in the field of semiconductor development, one that the world now recognizes as Moore’s Law. His prediction about the integrated circuits (IC) becoming smaller and faster have proved to be true so far. The smartphones that we use today have way more computing power than what the systems had on moon landing missions in the early 1960s and 1970s.

Breaking Moore’s Law

However, in the recent times, the race to shrink ICs seems to be coming to an abrupt end. The improvement in CPU performance has not been like what it used to be in the past. Chip makers are now gradually discarding the practice of shrinking ICs by increasing transistor counts and clock speeds. Instead, they are focusing more on power efficiency and component integration.

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Virtual collaboration is an excellent alternative to time-sucking in-person meetings, but few people recognize it as a viable option. That’s a shame – because people love to hate meetings.

“Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything.” – Canadian economist John Kenneth Galbraith

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