At Loodse, we’re using to host our various Docker repositories. Over the last few years, cruft accumulated and we noticed that keeping team memberships up-to-date as employees and customers change became a hassle.

For Github we already make use of Peribolos, a wonderful tool to manage your Github organization declaratively. For quay we unfortunately did not find an equivalent solution, so we made our own.

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Azure App Service on Linux has several prefabricated Docker images that support applications written in languages such as .NET core, PHP, and Node.js. App Service also supports using your own Docker image to spin up a container for your application. A useful configuration feature of App Service on Linux is the Startup File configuration that you can set as part of configuring the runtime stack. The value that you specify for the configuration overrides the CMD instruction of the Dockerfile that creates the runtime of the application. If you are not aware of this configuration option, we will soon deploy an application that uses this configuration option soon, so keep reading.

The Docker documentation states that if your Dockerfile has both CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions, then CMD arguments are appended to the end of the command generated by the ENTRYPOINT instruction. A necessary condition for this feature to work is that you must use the exec form of the ENTRYPOINT instruction in your Dockerfile. In simple terms, assume that your Dockerfile has the following instructions.

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API-First is an approach of defining your API specification before jumping into the development phase. With an API-first approach, instead of starting with code, you could start with design, planning, mocks, and tests.

By choosing an API-First approach, teams can crystallize their vision before development, removing the unnecessary complexity in implementation to deliver a resourceful, smart API that can no only keep R&D costs low, but has the ability to meet today’s modern IT landscape where a single operation to query several systems and components to get the job done. The specification is shared internally, as a general to-do list for the project teams to work on independently.

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The previous article in this series is here.

In this post, we will explore The 3 Ways of DevOps. But first, a definition.

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The benefits of building a DevOps culture in software companies are clear. DevOps practices integrate once-siloed teams across the software development lifecycle, from Dev to QA to Ops, resulting in both faster innovation and improved product quality. As a result, most software development teams have deployed tools to enable DevOps practices across their workflow. 

The topic of database DevOps is trending right now and most Snowflake customers are asking about it, especially those who want to build a modern data platform in the cloud. But actually doing DevOps for a database environment is difficult and has some unique challenges compared with doing DevOps for applications.

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Managing a remote engineering team may not have topped your list of skills to acquire in 2020. However, the global pandemic made other plans for us this year. Remote work is now the new norm for software organizations, which is sending engineering managers scrambling to figure out what works best for communicating, collaborating, and coordinating from home. 

As luck would have it, I’ve become something of an expert at managing remote employees. My experience began in the early days of Bugsnag when my cofounder and I needed to hire engineers for our fledgling company. As San Francisco transplants, we had many roles to fill and wanted to take advantage of our networks back in the UK. In the end, we decided to build our company with an ocean and an eight-hour time difference between two offices.

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Today everything that can be agile is going agile. Agility has become a bonafide IT mantra for every process in the software development life cycle. Localization, as an essential part of product creation, is no exception.

Localization is often treated as an after-thought. Only when the development and testing are finished do teams start to think about localizing their software. However, when you relegate the localization step to the last minute you risk missing deadlines and, worse, releasing a product not quite ready for worldwide launch. 

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Even if you’re not even interested in the automatic CRUD possibilities that Magic gives you, choosing it simply because you need a DSL engine for .Net Core, should probably be enough arguments for you to want to check it out for your enterprise software development requirements. Previously Hyperlambda has suffered from extreme lack of documentation, but today I released a huge new release of the the goods, where one of its most important features is just that – Documentation.

So what is Hyperlambda. Well, instead of me waiving my arms around, arguably trying to explain what a UFO is to a cavemen, let’s have the thing speak for itself. Because I guarantee you that you have never ever ever seen anything even closely resembling it, and I also guarantee you that you will be amazed by it.

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With the recent downturn on public stock markets due to COVID-19, a recession or depression is almost inevitable. It’s likely we see mass failures across retail, travel, entertainment, and other industry sectors. The spillover from coronavirus disease and the following shelter-in-place can have drastic consequences in the startup world. Small brick and mortar businesses that were shuttered due to shelter-in-place rules will no longer are spending money on Facebook or Yelp to promote their business nor will they maintain their SaaS subscriptions. Large enterprises will pull back spending in sales and marketing in anticipation of a recession. This could cause reduction in seat counts or usage for SaaS contract.s Similarly, sales teams may find CFOs and financial controllers are blocking many more purchases than before forcing deals to be stuck in procurement or legal review.

The good news is that many developer platforms and APIs have tricks that make them more resilient to a recession. However, if you’re not doing these items today, now is the time to reconsider to ensure the longevity of your product and/pr company.

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TL;DR: I share everything I’ve learned about what makes my favorite conference experiences so great and meaningful, and try to understand which elements are universal, applying to both physical and virtual events, and which ones can be changed. I share the experiences of having run an incredible three-day virtual event for 50 people, and share why I’m now incredibly confident that we’ll be able to replicate the magic of the best conferences at the upcoming Virtual DevOps Enterprise Summit — our goal is to make it one of the best programs we’ve ever done and to leverage the virtual format to achieve things that cannot be done in a physical conference.

Why I’m Writing This

Great physical conferences are magical. You learn from incredible talks, you’re exhilarated by being surrounded by the best in the game, you find fellow travelers who share similar goals and experience similar struggles that you hope to conquer together, and so much more. The connections you make at conferences often lead to lifelong friendships and can maybe even change your career.

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