What are the secrets of really good API design?

The way we build software is changing.

Now, companies are going to market faster and building features at unprecedented rates all thanks to the surge in API platforms.

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It’s time to move to the Azure Cloud.

Extended Support for SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 ended in July 2019, and Extended Support for Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 will end in January 2020. Upgrading the software to the latest versions is always an option, of course, but for a variety of reasons, that may not be viable or cost-effective for some legacy applications. Another option is to pay an additional fee to continue receiving Extended Security Update support for three more years. But for most organizations, the best option will be to get continued support for free by moving the databases to the Azure cloud.

This article highlights the considerations and challenges involved when migrating mission-critical SQL Server 2008/R2 databases to the Azure cloud and offers some useful suggestions to help avoid common pitfalls.

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The GraalVM compiler is a replacement to HotSpot’s server-side JIT compiler, widely known as the C2 compiler. It is written in Java with the goal of better performance compared to the C2 compiler. New changes, starting with Java 9, mean that we can now plug in our own hand-written C2 compiler into the JVM thanks to JVMCI. The researchers and engineers at Oracle Labs have created a variant of JDK8 with JVMCI enabled, which can be used to build the GraalVM compiler. The GraalVM compiler is open source and is available on GitHub (along with the HotSpot JVMCI sources needed to build the GraalVM compiler). This gives us the ability to fork/clone it and build our own version of the GraalVM compiler.

In this post, we are going to build the GraalVM compiler with JDK8 on CircleCI. The resulting artifacts are going to be:

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Let’s work with index advisor for query workload.


As the second feature of Index Advisor released in Couchbase server 6.5 (Developer Preview), the Advisor function extends the scope from advising on a single query to providing index recommendations for query workload and support on session handling. In this article, we look at a brief review of how it works in these two different ways.

You may also like: Indexing Best Practices

Advisor Function On Workload

Advisor function works in the following steps:

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Also called endpoint protection in the world of network security, endpoint security describes the practices and methodologies adopted for the safeguarding of corporate computer systems and networks that can be remotely accessed via wireless gadgets (called client devices), such as laptops, mobiles, desktops, tablets, notebooks and the like.

General components of an endpoint security system include client software and security software. The former is installed separately on every wireless device that is employed to access the corporate network from a remote location. Security software, on the other hand, is a part of the security system that is positioned on a gateway or server and which can be accessed and managed centrally.

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Sure, waterfall and agile may appear similar; both do end with software products, after all. But how they get there is vastly different.

Everything changes over time. From music to clothes to cars, the list is endless.

Software development has followed the same evolution. For most of its history, software development was dominated by the Waterfall methodology. There just wasn’t a better alternative.

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Build progressive web applications in minutes

Progressive web applications (PWAs) quickly gained popularity because they are web performance applications based on fast performance, streamlined to provide a mobile app-like experience. PWAs are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a level of availability and performance equivalent to that of native mobile applications. They respond quickly, consume less data, store more space, and support push notifications and offline use in the browser.

Building a progressive web application has now become the web development trend that every business wants to follow. Significant players like Twitter and Flipboard have recently rolled out their progressive web apps to provide a mobile experience for users, without requiring them to install the app. In this article, you will learn how to build a progressive web application using React. Let’s get started.

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A critical PostgreSQL client contains valuable data, and PostgreSQL databases should be backed up regularly. Its process is quite simple, and it is important to have a clear understanding of the techniques and assumptions.

SQL Dump

The idea behind this dump method is to generate a text file from DataCenter1 with SQL commands that, when fed back to the DataCenter2 server, will recreate the database in the same state as it was at the time of the dump. In this case, if the Client cannot access the primary server, they can have access to the BCP server. PostgreSQL provides the utility program pg_dump for this purpose. The basic usage of this command is:  pg_dump dbname >backupoutputfile.db.

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Let’s look at a Couchbase N1QL query.

A data construct that often appears in business applications is the hierarchical data structure. Hierarchy captures the parent-child relationship often between the same object. For instance, a company structure captures the reporting line between employees. A business organization captures the relationship between parent companies and subsidiaries. Territory hierarchies in Sales. Book of accounts in financial applications.

Due to the self-referencing nature of hierarchy, querying the structure efficiently along with its associated data can be a challenge for RDBMSs, particularly from a performance perspective. In this article, I will discuss how a traditional RDBMS handles hierarchical queries, the challenges that it has to deal with, and how this issue can be similarly addressed with Couchbase N1QL and Couchbase GSI.

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Through Spring Aware interfaces, you can access Spring bean lifecycle events.

Spring Aware interfaces allow you to look into the inner workings of the Spring Framework. Through Spring Aware interfaces, you can access the Spring context, or Spring bean lifecycle events.

Your Spring beans might require access to framework objects, such as ApplicationContext, BeanFactory, and ResourceLoader. To gain access, a bean can implement one of the many Aware interfaces of the Spring Framework.

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