Big data is the new competitive advantage and it is necessary for businesses. With the growing proliferation of data sources such as smart devices, vehicles, and applications, the need to process this data in real-time and to deliver relevant insights is more urgent than ever. The 2019 Guide to Big Data will explore tools and ecosystems for analyzing big data and relevant use cases ranging from sustainability science to autonomous vehicles.
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Over the past decade, we have witnessed the emergence of revolutionary innovation, of which the evolutionary significance is yet to be fully recognized. Of course, we’re referring to the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and, more generally, the phenomenon that we describe as the Internet of Value. Blockchain and related technologies have the opportunity to transform the world of finance and other value systems, in exactly the manner by which the Internet has transformed the way we exchange information.

There have been some key milestones leading up to this point: the launch of Bitcoin in 2008; the emergence of altcoins from 2011 onwards; the launch of Ethereum in 2015. We call this Layer 1 — the foundational level — with the economic function of value creation and the technical one of ensuring the basic functionality of accounting and transfer of crypto assets. All of this is implemented on the basis of distributed registries and with the conditions of interaction strictly regulated at the code level.

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Despite the fact that an ETL task is pretty challenging when it comes to loading big data sets, there’s still the scenario in which you can load terabytes of data from Postgres into BigQuery relatively easily and very efficiently. This is the case when you have a lot of immutable data distributed in tables by some timestamp. For example, a transactions table with a created_at timestamp column. BigQuery and Postgres have great tools in order to do this pretty quickly and conveniently.

Preparing Postgres Tables

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Low-code is a bit of a misleading classifier. Rather than not coding at all, low-code platforms allow developers to take shortcuts to begin tackling major problems such as legacy modernization projects. Learn how low-code tools can supplement your software development and what capabilities you should look for.
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In part one of this series on Best Practices for Building and Designing Containers for Kubernetes, we looked at how to separate config from code in Kubernetes and why you need to do that. Specifically, we examined how config maps and environment variables are defined and configured. In this post, we continue that important discussion with a look at secrets management, what secrets are, and how you manage them.

Managing Public Configuration Information in Kubernetes

Not all configuration information is safe to keep out in the “public” and many, if not most, Kubernetes-hosted workloads need usernames/passwords, tokens, keys or other private information to securely connect to other services. There are a variety of options worth exploring here, each with its own set of positives and negatives.

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Welcome to the third and final part of this Python functions series! If you missed Part 1 or Part 2, follow those links to check them out. 

Python Recursive Functions

What Is Recursion in Python?

Recursion is the process of defining something in terms of itself.

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In this series, I’ll be discussing the phases of a project encompassing a non-trivial set of Ethereum smart contracts and the React/Redux application that communicates with them. The project, called In-App Pro Shop, aims to help Ethereum developers easily support in-app purchases, and it was written over the last half of 2018 as a way of learning about the Ethereum development ecosystem. This project revealed many aspects of the power and constraints of Ethereum and its programming language Solidity. I hope to pass as much of that on to you as possible in this series.

The Goal

I wanted to create a system wherein developers of Ethereum-based apps or games with in-app purchases could mint the items they sell as ERC-721 tokens (like CryptoKitties). It would handle most of the heavy lifting so that those developers could get on with the business of writing a kick-ass product.

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In this article, we will learn how to make our Angular app available in different languages using i18n and localization. We will create an Angular application and configure it to serve the content in three different languages. We will also deploy our app to Google Firebase and see how localization works in real-time.

We will use Angular 7 and VS Code to develop our application. Take a look at the application output.

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As we said in our introductory post, we’re going to do several posts about Zoomdata microservices. This one covers a brief overview of microservices and the Zoomdata web application.

Zoomdata Microservices, In General

The Zoomdata platform is architected as a set of loosely-coupled Java microservices. Unlike traditional BI, which is deployed as a monolithic application (or possibly entwined in an old-school enterprise service bus), a microservices architecture allows for:

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In this post, we’ll see how to stream the data in ASP.NET Core SignalR. With ASP.NET Core 2.1 released, SignalR now supports streaming content.

What Is a Stream?

Streaming or media streaming is a technique for transferring data so that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream. –

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