
‘java.lang.System.getProperty()’ is a common API used by Java developers to read the System properties that are configured during application startup time. i.e. when you pass “-DappName=buggyApp” as your application’s startup JVM argument, the value of the ‘appName’ system property can be read by invoking the ‘java.lang.System.getProperty()’. Example:



public static String getAppName() { String app = System.getProperty("appName");   return app;

Source de l’article sur DZONE

One of the core things I’ve been working on for the past 10 years is APIs — everything from simple APIs that are used by one client to multi-device and multi-purpose APIs. During those years, I’ve also had the opportunity to work with many third-party APIs like Stripe, Twilio, and others who are less popular and glamorous. Almost all of those APIs were REST-based and unique in some way. 

There are many reasons why REST is so popular. It’s simple to understand, it’s flexible, it works on any scale, it has a great community and tools built around it. But besides those, I’d also say that a lot of popularity came from the fact that’s its oldest rival, SOAP, is just horrible.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Both Angular 2 and AngularJS are great for e-commerce, but which one you use for e-commerce depends on your needs. AngularJS is good for building small-scale e-commerce applications fast while Angular 2 is good for complex, scalable solutions that are high-performing and mobile-ready. 

Today, over a quarter of developers use AngularJS and Angular 2. Thirty-two percent use them for user interfaces, according to StackOverflow, and many of the respondents in that study worked in e-commerce development.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Paris, le 7 octobre – À l’occasion de la convention USF, le rendez-vous annuel de l’écosystème SAP France, qui s’est déroulé les 6 et 7 octobre à Lille, le leader des logiciels d’application d’entreprise a annoncé avec ses partenaires un plan de recrutement majeur de plus de 3000 experts sur les 3 années à venir.

La convention USF marque le lancement officiel de ce plan de recrutement

Lieu de partage, de savoir-faire et d’échange de connaissances, cette édition 2021 sur le thème de « L’hybridation du SI, une tendance inéluctable ? » fut le lieu idéal pour SAP France de renouveler ses engagements dans l’accompagnement de ses clients vers de nouveaux enjeux de transformation digitale.

Plus que jamais placé au cœur de la stratégie de développement des entreprises depuis la crise sanitaire de 2020, le digital est un enjeu de plus en plus prégnant. L’écosystème se mobilise donc aujourd’hui massivement pour répondre à ce besoin.

Une croissance attendue et soutenue par l’embauche de nouveaux talents 

Cette annonce fait également écho à l’actualité en participant activement à la relance de l’activité en France, et notamment aux embauches prévues sur le territoire dans les prochains mois. En effet, pour soutenir un élan de croissance de marché évalué à 8% sur trois ans, catalysé par un besoin croissant des partenaires, l’écosystème a besoin plus que jamais de faire éclore et de développer ses talents.

C’est pourquoi SAP et ses partenaires vont lancer des programmes de recrutement de près de 3 000 postes. Cette large campagne a pour objectif de transformer en atout les besoins des entreprises de l’écosystème SAP et de faire progresser d’un même élan la Tech en France.

Avec ce plan de recrutement, le leader des logiciels de gestion démontre une fois encore sa capacité à répondre aux besoins et enjeux d’aujourd’hui, tout en étant capable de s’adapter à la croissance de demain.

La notion de “compétence” au cœur de la stratégie

Des profils divers et qualifiés sont aujourd’hui recherchés par l’écosystème SAP France, qui mise avant tout sur le déploiement des compétences :

  • Des jeunes diplômés, particulièrement impactés durant la crise sanitaire.
  • Des consultants métiers
  • Des spécialistes métiers en reconversion

Pour cette dernière catégorie, SAP France vient renforcer une philosophie mise en place depuis plusieurs mois déjà, qui considère qu’une personne peut exercer successivement différents métiers. Ainsi, le management valorise les trajectoires professionnelles différentes et riches en expériences.

« Le besoin de recrutement est aujourd’hui décisif. Portés par un contexte qui a plus que jamais accéléré la mutation digitale des entreprises, nous sommes déterminés à faire rayonner l’écosystème SAP France et inciter de nouveaux profils à rejoindre l’aventure. Ce projet s’inscrit parmi nos principaux enjeux sur les années à venir. » Frédéric Chauviré – Directeur Général SAP France.


À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

Contacts presse SAP

Mathilde Thireau :

Robin Legros :

SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter : @SAPNews.

Veuillez tenir compte de notre politique de confidentialité. Si vous avez reçu cette alerte de presse dans votre courriel et que vous souhaitez vous désabonner de notre liste d’envoi, veuillez communiquer avec et écrire Désabonnement dans la ligne Objet.

The post SAP France et son écosystème de partenaires ambitionnent de recruter 3000 experts sur 3 ans appeared first on SAP France News.

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User experience is one of the most important principles of web design. There’s no doubt that you focus on UX with every page you design on the web, whether it’s a portfolio, a profile page, or an entire website. 

Unfortunately, what many experts forget is that UX doesn’t just apply to digital pages. That means that you need to discover the right UX strategies for everything from your website homepages to your email marketing messages and even your listings on Google. 

Today, we’re going to explore ways you can apply UX principles to your client’s image on search engines. 

Why Your Search Engine Listing Matters

Let’s start with the basics…

89% of customers start their purchasing process with a search engine. 

That means that whether you’re creating a portfolio to sell your services or building a website for a client, the first connection a customer has with your design isn’t on the homepage.

Developers and designers know that first impressions count when it comes to succeeding online. However, they assume that those first impressions happen on a social media channel, a landing page, or a home page. 

The truth is that most of the time, you’re driving a specific experience for an end-user before you even realize it. Before you can wow an audience with a beautiful site design or a fantastic CTA offer, you need to convince them to click on your Google link.

Just as UX on a website is all about giving your audience what they need in an informed and strategic manner, UX in search engine results works the same way. 

How to Make Your Search Listing Stand Out with UX

So, how do you begin to apply the principles of UX to your Google Search results?

It’s much easier than you’d think. 

Step 1: Show Immediate Value 

Delivering an excellent experience on a website often means providing end-users with the information they need as quickly as possible. Imagine designing a landing page; you wouldn’t want your audience to scroll forever to find what they need. Instead, you’d make sure that the value of the page was immediately apparent. 

When creating an image for your search engine listing, you’ll need to take the same approach. This often means thinking carefully about two things:

  • Your headline
  • Your meta description

Around 8 out of 10 users say that they’ll click a title if it’s compelling. That means that before you do anything else to improve your SEO strategy, you need to make sure that the title of your web page is going to grab the audience’s attention. 

The best titles deliver instant value.

Immediately, these titles tell the audience exactly what they’re going to get when they click onto the page. The promise drives action, while clarity highlights the informed nature of the brand. 

The great thing about using an excellent title for a page is that it doesn’t matter where you’re ranked on the search results. Whether you’re number 2 or number 5, your customers will click if they find something they want. 

It’s just like using a CTA on a landing page. Make sure your titles are:

  • Informative: Show your audience value immediately
  • Optimized for mobile: Remember, your audience might not see your full title on some screens. That means that you need to make the initial words count.
  • Easy to read: Keep it short, simple, and straightforward. Speak the end-user’s language

Step 2: Build Trust with Your URLs

Trust factors are another essential part of good UX

When designing a website for a new brand, you know that it’s your job to make visitors feel at ease. Even in today’s digital world, many customers won’t feel comfortable giving their money or details to a new company. 

Within the website that you design, you can implement things like trust symbols, reviews, and testimonials to enhance brand credibility. In the search engines, it all starts with your URL. 

Search-friendly URLs that highlight the nature of the page will put your audience’s mind at ease. When they click on a page about “What is SEO” in the SERPs, they want to see an URL that matches, not a bunch of numbers and symbols

Use search-friendly permalink structures to make your listing seem more authoritative. This will increase the chances of your customer clicking through to a page and make them more likely to share the link with friends. 

Once you decide on a link structure, make sure that it stays consistent throughout the entire site. If a link doesn’t appear to match the rest of the URLs that your audience sees for your website, they may think they’re on the wrong page. That increases your bounce rate. 

Step 3: Be Informative with Your Meta Description

To deliver excellent UX on a website, you ensure that your visitor can find all the answers to their most pressing questions as quickly as possible. This includes providing the right information on each page and using the correct navigational structure to support a visitor’s journey. 

In the SERPs, you can deliver that same informative experience with a meta description. Although meta descriptions often get ignored, they can provide a lot of value and help you or your client make the right first impression. 

To master your meta descriptions:

  • Use the full 160 characters: Make the most of your meta description by providing as much useful information as you can within that small space. 
  • Include a CTA: Just as CTAs help guide customers through the pages on a website, they can assist with pulling in clicks on the SERPs. A call to action like “read about the” or “click here” makes sense when you’re boosting your search image. 
  • Focus on value: Concentrate on providing your customers with an insight into what’s in it for them if they click on your listing.

Don’t forget that adding keywords to your meta description is often helpful too. Keywords will boost your chances of a higher ranking, but they’ll also show your audience that they’re looking at the right result. 

Step 4: Draw the Eye with Rich Snippets

You’ve probably noticed that the search engine result pages have changed quite a bit in the last couple of years. As Google strives to make results more relevant and informative, we’ve seen the rise of things like rich snippets. Rich snippets are excellent for telling your audience where to look. 

On a website, you would use design elements, like contrasting colors and animation, to pull your audience’s attention to a specific space. In search engines, rich snippets can drive the same outcomes. The difference is that instead of telling a visitor what to do next on a page, you’re telling them to click on your site, not a competitor’s. 

When Google introduced rich snippets, it wanted to provide administrators with a way of showcasing their best content. Rich snippets are most commonly used today on product and contact pages because they can show off reviews. 

Install a rich snippet plugin into your site if you’re a WordPress user or your client is. When you enter the content that you need into the website, use the drop-down menu in your Rich snippet tool to configure the snippet.

Ideally, you’ll want to aim for the full, rich snippet if you want to stand out at the top of the search results. Most featured snippets have both text and an image. You need to access both of these by writing great content and combining it with a relevant image. 

Step 5: Provide Diversity (Take Up More of the Results)

As a website designer or developer, you’ll know that different people will often be drawn to different things. Some of your visitors might immediately see a set of bullet-points and use them to search for the answer to their question. Other visitors will want pictures or videos to guide them. So, how do you deliver that kind of diversity in the SERPS?

The easiest option is to aim to take up more of the search result pages. Google now delivers a bunch of different ways for customers to get the answers they crave. When you search for “How to use Google my Business” on Google, you’ll see links to blogs, as well as a list of YouTube Videos and the “People Also Ask” section. 

Making sure that you or a client has different content rankings for the same keywords can significantly improve any customer’s experience on the search engines. Often, the process of spreading your image out across the SERPs is as simple as creating some different kinds of content. 

To access the benefits of video, ask your client to create YouTube videos for some of their most commonly asked questions or most covered topics. If you’re helping with SEO marketing for your client, then make sure they have an FAQ page or a way of answering questions quickly and concisely on articles, so they’re more likely to appear in “People Also Ask”.

Step 6: Add Authority with Google My Business

Speaking of Google My Business, that’s another excellent tool for improving UX in the search results. It allows business owners to manage how information appears in the search results. 

With this service, you can manage a company’s position on Google maps, the Knowledge Graph, and any online reviews. Establishing a company’s location is one of the most important things you can do to help audiences find a business quickly. Remember, half of the customers that do a local search on a smartphone end up visiting the store within the same day. 

Start by setting up the Google Business listing for yourself or your client. All you need to do is hit the “Start Now” button and fill out every relevant field offered by Google. The more information you can add to Google My Business, the more your listing will stand out. Make sure you:

  • Choose a category for a business, like “Grocery store.”
  • Load up high-quality and high-resolution images
  • Ensure your information matches on every platform
  • Use a local number for contact
  • Encourage reviews to give your listing a five-star rating

Taking advantage of a Google My Business listing will ensure that your audience has all the information they need to make an informed decision about your company before they click through to the site. This means that you or your client gets more warm leads and fewer people stumbling onto your website that might not want to buy from you. 

Step 7: Use Structured Data Markup to Answer Questions

If you’re already using rich snippets in your Google listings, you should also have a plan for structured schema markup. Schema markup on Google tells the search engines what your data means. This means that you can add extra information to your listings that will more accurately guide your customers to the support they need. 

Providing additional schema markup information to your listings gives them an extra finishing touch to ensure that they stand out from the competition. For example, you might add something like a “product price” to a product page or information about the product’s availability.

Alternatively, you could provide the people who see a search result with other options. This could be an excellent option if you’re concerned that some of the people who might come across your listing might need slightly different information. 

For instance, you can ask Google to list other pages along with your search results that customers can “jump to” if they need additional insights.

Baking structured data into your design process when you’re working on a website does many positive things. First, it makes the search engine’s job easier so that you can ensure that you or your client ranks higher. Additionally, it means that your web listings will be more thorough and valuable.

Since UX is all about giving your audience the best possible experience with a brand, that starts with making sure they get the information they need in the search results. 

Constantly Improve and Experiment

Remember, as you begin to embed elements of UX into your search engine listings, it’s essential to be aware of relevant evolutions. Ultimately, the needs of any audience can change very rapidly. Paying attention to your customers and what kind of links they click on the most will provide you with lots of valuable data. You can use Google analytics to A/B test things like titles, pictures, featured snippets, and other things that may affect UX. 

At the same time, it’s worth noting that the Google search algorithms are constantly changing too. Running split tests on different pages will give you an insight into what your customers want. However, you’ll need to keep an eye on the latest documentation about Google Search if you want to avoid falling behind the competition. 

Like most aspects of exceptional UX, mastering your SERP position isn’t a “set it and forget it” strategy. Instead, you’ll need to work on constantly expanding your knowledge if you want to show clients that you can combine UX and SEO effectively. 

Make sure you have plenty of tools set up to offer reports and insights into the kind of changes that you may need to make to align with search engine expectations. 

Making the Most of UX in the SERPS

It’s easy to forget that there’s more to UX than making your buttons clickable on mobile devices or ensuring that scrolling feels smooth. For a designer or developer to deliver excellent UX for a brand, they need to consider every interaction that a company and customer has. 

This means starting with the way a website appears when it’s listed on the search engines most of the time. Getting your SEO listing right doesn’t just boost your chances of a good ranking. This strategy also improves your reputation with your audience and delivers more meaningful moments in the buyer journey. 

Don’t underestimate the power of UX in SERPs. 


Featured image via Pexels.


The post 7 UX Principles to Boost SERPs first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Depuis 2017, la fondation de SAP poursuit sa démarche de mentoring social et renouvelle cette année son accompagnement pour la 6ème fois avec programme Test & Learn de l’incubateur de startups sociales de makesense partenaire de la Fondation SAP France. Pendant 3 mois, d’octobre à décembre, une trentaine de collaborateurs bénévoles de SAP en France s’engagent à soutenir 7 startups “early stage” via un programme de mécénat de compétences.


Un accompagnement d’experts en soutien au développement des startups 

A cette occasion, un groupe de collaborateurs bénévoles de SAP France accompagnera les startups sociales sélectionnées sur un volet technologique précis, afin de les aider à tirer le meilleur de leur phase de prototypage. L’objectif ? Qu’elles puissent consolider leur business model grâce au catalyseur de compétences que représente SAP.

La particularité de cette promotion se trouve dans les différents niveaux de maturité des startups : des projets jeunes, qui ont besoin de soutien pour se positionner sur leurs marchés. Ainsi, les mentors SAP les accompagnent, les challengent et affinent leurs projets afin de les aider dans la transformation d’idées en projets viables.

1 entrepreneur mentoré sur 2 estime que l’apport de SAP est déterminant dans son prototypage ou dans l’identification des besoins de compétences pour sa startup. 30% d’entre eux estiment avoir progressé en communication ou marketing grâce à l’accompagnement des collaborateurs SAP et 25% affirment que le mentoring leur a permis d’obtenir un partenariat commercial ou stratégique.

« Ce programme est une fierté pour SAP. Il en va de notre responsabilité d’acteur installé de la Tech d’accompagner des projets innovants et des équipes motivées. Plus que jamais nous sommes prêts à apporter notre expertise sur des idées allant dans le sens du progrès social ou environnemental.  L’engagement des collaborateurs SAP pour participer à ce programme de mécénat de compétences est toujours plus grand et je suis très fier de voir nos équipes se mobiliser pour le progrès », déclare Frédéric Chauviré, Directeur Général SAP France.

Pour la première fois, la Fondation SAP France propose d’accompagner des entrepreneurs sociaux de deux associations partenaires et avec plusieurs niveaux de maturité pour coller aux aspirations et mobiliser un maximum de collaborateurs autour du projet :

  • 3 projets du programme Test & Learn de makesense, en phase de déploiement.
  • 2 projets du programme Les Ambitieuses de La Ruche en phase de déploiement.  En tant que partenaire engagé en faveur de l’entrepreneuriat Tech au féminin, SAP France confirme son ambition de réduire les inégalités femmes/hommes au sein du secteur des nouvelles technologies.
  • Et 2 projets du programme Sprint de makesense, en phase de prototypage.


Des startups reconnues pour leur impact social et environnemental  

Les 7 startups qui composent cette 8ème promotion, sélectionnées par makesense, La Ruche et la Fondation SAP France, font partie de Tech For Good. Pendant 3 mois, elles seront suivies par 4 à 5 collaborateurs SAP :

  • Tangata : Acteur de l’accompagnement des référents en entreprise afin d’identifier rapidement des solutions en faveur de leur politique d’inclusion.
  • Transonore : Podcast de proximité pour favoriser l’expression et l’inclusion grâce au reportage radio et à l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire.
  • Refunk : Transformation les vêtements en nouvelles pièces en favorisant l’insertion professionnelle par la créativité et la confection textile au sein du 93.
  • Green City : Conception de solutions low tech et smart visant à supprimer la pollution marine issue de la terre, et notamment D’Rain, une technologie brevetée qui capte les déchets avant qu’ils n’atteignent la mer, là où ils se concentrent, à la sortie des exutoires d’eaux pluviales et qui collecte des données sur la qualité de l’eau.
  • Les Apprêtés : 1er service éco-responsable de location de vêtements et accessoires de marques éthiques, pour hommes et femmes.
  • Bon Week : le voyage « lowcal », partir en week-end à côté de chez soi pour soutenir le patrimoine local, l’économie locale
  • So/co : un studio d’impact social favorisant les synergies entre entreprises et associations.

« Ma mission est de développer les synergies entre les associations et les entreprises car je suis persuadé qu’ensemble, ces deux acteurs ont le pouvoir de changer notre société. L’accompagnement de SAP est une opportunité extraordinaire car il va me permettre de tester mon offre auprès d’un grand Groupe, et co-construire ma solution grâce au soutien des collaborateurs. Je réfléchis notamment au développement d’une plateforme digitale, un sujet sur lequel SAP possède une grande expertise. Cette collaboration va donc me permettre d’augmenter considérablement mon impact ! » Victor Cœur, co-fondateur So/co

« Le programme de mentoring SAP, c’est l’opportunité d’être challengé et de bénéficier des conseils de mentors aux expertises variées pour optimiser notre parcours utilisateur. » Anne Claire Chanvin, co-fondatrice Les Apprêtés.

L’implication de SAP dans ce partenariat permet au leader des progiciels européen, d’avoir à la fois un fort impact externe auprès de l’écosystème des startups, ainsi qu’un impact en interne en créant une expérience collaborateur unique. L’initiative fournit en effet aux collaborateurs SAP des opportunités de développement et en même temps libère leur potentiel.

A travers sa Fondation SAP France, SAP s’engage activement pour l’essor de l’entreprenariat social en France. Grace à ses 5 partenariats associatifs pour soutenir la cause « Entreprendre autrement », ce sont près de 70 startups chaque année, qui bénéficient du mécénat de compétence spécialisé de 150 collaborateurs SAP. En effet, en parallèle de l’engagement de SAP aux côtés de makesense et de La Ruche, on retrouve au sein de l’écosystème, Enactus, les Déterminés et Entreprendre dans la Ville. Ces acteurs de l’ESS en France permettent à SAP d’impacter le plus grand nombre de porteurs de projets sociaux de toutes générations et horizons.


À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

Contacts presse SAP 

Mathilde Thireau : 

Robin Legros : 

SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter : @SAPNews.

Veuillez tenir compte de notre politique de confidentialité. Si vous avez reçu cette alerte de presse dans votre courriel et que vous souhaitez vous désabonner de notre liste d’envoi, veuillez communiquer avec et écrire Désabonnement dans la ligne Objet.

The post SAP réitère son engagement envers l’entrepreneuriat social en accompagnant sa 3ème Promotion 2021 avec les incubateurs makesense France et La Ruche appeared first on SAP France News.

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Sound is an information-dense data type. Although it may feel antiquated in the era of video content, audio remains a primary information source for many people. Despite long-term decline in listeners, 83% of Americans ages 12 or older listened to terrestrial (AM/FM) radio in a given week in 2020 (down from 89% in 2019). Conversely, online audio has seen a steady rise in listeners over the past two decades, with 62% of Americans reportedly listening to some form of it on a weekly basis according to the same Pew Research Center study.

As a wave, sound includes four properties: frequency, amplitude, waveform, and duration. In musical terminology, these are called pitch, dynamics, tone, and duration. Sounds also help humans and other animals perceive and understand our environment, providing context clues for the location and movement of objects in our surroundings.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Background Context

In our first blog, we introduced the definition and evolution of hybrid multicloud, key challenges of the enterprises, and the value realized by implementing a hybrid multicloud strategy. This blog will cover how to create a holistic and business-value-driven multicloud strategy. In order to provide agility, security, reliability, and access to a large ecosystem of services, a robust transformation strategy and program are required. This strategy must align with business objectives such as revenue growth, cost reduction, risk reduction, enhancing the customer experience, and capitalization of market opportunities.

Having created many transformation strategies across many industries, we have observed critical success factors that are worth noting. For instance, successful IT organizations tightly align their cloud strategies to business objectives while developing a target architecture and operating model blueprint while quantifying the costs and benefits in a business case. Organizations that have failed to implement their cloud strategy, or failed to realize their committed benefits, typically do not complete these important elements of a holistic strategy. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

PageSpeed Insights is a free performance measurement tool provided by Google. It analyzes the contents of a web page for desktop and mobile devices. It provides a single number score (from 1 to 100) that summarizes several underlying metrics that measure performance. If you have not run PageSpeed Insights on your website, then you should stop and do it now. It’s an important indicator of how Google scores and ranks your site.

If your PageSpeed Insights score is below 80, don’t panic. You are not alone. Many websites are not optimized for performance. The good news is that you can take steps that should immediately improve your score.

You will notice that PageSpeed Insights highlights issues that cause slow page loading. However, you might need more guidance to resolve these issues. Below, we walk you through how to resolve four common issues related to images. We also show you how ImageEngine, an image CDN, can simplify, automate, and deliver the best image optimization solution possible.

Performance Drives Google SEO Rankings

Why does the PageSpeed Insights score and performance matter? Isn’t SEO ranking all about content relevance, backlinks, and domain authority? Yes, but now performance matters more than it did a year ago. Starting in 2021, Google added performance metrics to the factors that impact search engine rankings. In a market where websites are constantly jockeying to match their competition’s pages (for content relevance, keywords, and other SEO issues), performance is making a difference in keyword search engine rankings.

What Are Core Web Vitals Metrics?

PageSpeed Insights relies on a set of performance metrics called Core Web Vitals. These metrics are:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures the render time (in seconds) of the largest image or text block visible within the viewport, relative to when the page first started loading. Typically, the largest image is the hero image at the top of pages.

First Input Delay (FID): Measures the time from when a user first interacts with a page (i.e. when they click a link, tap on a button, or use a custom JavaScript-powered control) to the time when the browser is actually able to begin processing event handlers in response to that interaction.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures the layout shift that occurs any time a visible element changes its position from one rendered frame to the next.

Images and JavaScript are the Main Culprits

PageSpeed Insights breaks down problems into categories based upon how they impact these Core Web Vitals metrics. The top two reasons why you might have a low score are driven by JavaScript and images.

JavaScript issues are usually related to code that either blocks or delays page loading. For example, lazy-loading images might involve JavaScript that blocks loading. As a rule of thumb, do not use a third-party JavaScript library to manage image loading. These libraries frequently break the browser’s built-in image loading features. Lazy-loading may make above-the-fold images load slower (longer LCP) because the browser starts the download later and because the browser first has to execute the JavaScript.

Another JavaScript issue involves code that is large or unnecessary for the page. In other words, code bloat. There are good resources for resolving these issues on the web. However, in this blog, we will focus on image problems.

Images are a major contributor to poor performance. The average website payload is 2MB in 2021, and 50% of that is images. Frequently, images are larger than they need to be and can be optimized for size with no impact on quality…if you do it right.

Four Image Issues Highlighted by PageSpeed Insights

Largest Contentful Paint is the primary metric impacted by images. PageSpeed Insights frequently recommends the following four pieces of advice:

  1. Serve images in next-gen formats.
  2. Efficiently encode images.
  3. Properly size images.
  4. Avoid enormous network payloads.

That advice seems straightforward. Google provides some great advice on how to deal with images in its dev community. It can be summarized in the following steps:

  • Select the appropriate file format.
  • Apply the appropriate image compression.
  • Apply the right display size.
  • Render the image.
  • Write responsive image code to select the right variant of the image.

We call Google’s process the “Build-Time Responsive Syntax” approach. If you have a relatively static website where you don’t generate new pages or switch out images frequently, then you can probably live with this approach. However, if you have a large and dynamic site with many images, then you will quickly feel the pain of this approach. Google itself stresses that developers should seek to automate this image process. Why? Because the process has some serious workflow drawbacks:

  • Adds storage requirements due to a large increase in image variants.
  • Increases code bloat and introduces more code complexity.
  • Requires developers’ time and effort to create variants and implement responsiveness.
  • Requires logic to account for different browser’s support for next-gen image formats.
  • Doesn’t adapt to different contexts. It relies on best-guess (breakpoints) of what device visits the web page.
  • Needs a separate CDN to further increase delivery speeds.
  • Requires ongoing maintenance to adapt to new devices, breakpoints, image formats, markets, and practices.

Key Steps to Achieving High-Performance Images

Instead of using the Build-Time Responsive Syntax approach, an automated image CDN solution can address all of the image issues raised by PageSpeed Insights. The key steps of an image CDN that you should look for are:

  1. Detect Mobile Devices: Detection of a website visitor’s device model and its technical capabilities. These include: OS version, browser version, screen pixel density, screen resolution width and height, support for next-gen image and video formats. This is where ImageEngine is unique in the market. ImageEngine uses true mobile device detection to further improve image optimization. It has a huge impact on the effectiveness of the image optimization process.
  2. Optimize Images: An image CDN will leverage the device’s parameters to automatically resize, compress and convert large original images into optimized images with next-generation file formats, like WebP and AVIF. Frequently, an image CDN like ImageEngine will reduce the image payload by up to 80%.
  3. Deliver by CDN: Image CDNs like ImageEngine have edge servers strategically positioned around the globe. By pushing optimized images closer to requesting customers and delivering them immediately from the cache, it often provides a 50% faster web page download time than traditional CDNs.

Easy Integration Process for Image CDN

After signing up for an ImageEngine account and free trial, you will receive a Delivery Address. After adjusting your <img /> elements to include the Delivery Address, ImageEngine will start to pull the original images from your website (no need to move or upload them), automatically optimize them, and deliver them.

You can automate the addition of the Delivery Address to the img src tag by using plug-ins for WordPress and Magento. Developers can also use ImageEngine’s React, Vue, or Angular JavaScript frameworks to simplify the process.

Additionally, there are many ways to simplify implementation via adjustments to templates for many CMS and eCommerce platforms.

Results: Improved Performance, Better SEO

Most ImageEngine users see a huge improvement in LCP metrics, and consequently, a big improvement in the overall PageSpeed Insights score. ImageEngine provides a free demo analysis of your images before and after image optimization. In many cases, developers see improvements of many seconds on their LCP and Speed Index.

In summary, performance drives higher search rankings, and better UX, and increases website conversions for eCommerce. The steps you take to improve your image performance will pay for themselves in more sales and conversions, streamlined workflow, and lower CDN delivery costs.


The post 4 Steps to Improve PageSpeed Insights Score and SEO first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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