
Jakarta EE 10 is on its way! This is the third release of Jakarta EE since the transition from the Java Community Process (JCP) to Eclipse Foundation. In this session, we will go through every aspect of Jakarta EE 10 and how this release lowers the barriers of entry, eases the migration, and lays the foundation for a platform for future innovation. We will also look ahead towards what future releases may bring. There will be a demo including converting from the javax.* to jakarta.* namespace as well as looking at available implementations.

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Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

Kraken – High-Performance Web Rendering Engine

Brands Change Their Logos To Terrible New Designs

10 Web Design Trends and Predictions for 2022 and Beyond

18 Designs That Made a Big Impact in 2021

Awful Web Designs From 18 of MMA’s Top Fighters

Don’t Get Left Behind by the No-Code Wave

The Top 7 Websites to Learn Web Development Online

Xata – Database Service for Serverless Apps

How To Optimize CSS for Peak Site Performance

21 Exceptional Google Fonts You Probably Haven’t Discovered Yet


The post Popular Design News of the Week: September 20, 2021 – September 26, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Thinking of building the next big mobile application? The time to market of a mobile application is critical in the current fast-paced industry. Deciding if it’s an Android or an iOS application is just one part of the problem. Most of today’s applications need a backend system to carry out their operations. Features like remote data storage/syncing, authentication, and user communication require a set of backend services to be available.

So, how can we develop these backend systems for mobile applications? There are two main patterns for doing this. The first is to do direct integration.

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Apache Kafka became the de facto standard for processing data in motion across enterprises and industries. Cybersecurity is a key success factor across all use cases. Kafka is not just used as a backbone and source of truth for data. It also monitors, correlates, and proactively acts on events from real-time and batch data sources to detect anomalies and respond to incidents. This blog series explores use cases and architectures for Kafka in the cybersecurity space, including situational awareness, threat intelligence, forensics, air-gapped and zero trust environments, and SIEM/SOAR modernization. This post is part six: SIEM/SOAR Modernization.

Blog Series: Apache Kafka for Cybersecurity

This blog series explores why security features such as RBAC, encryption, and audit logs are only the foundation of a secure event streaming infrastructure. Learn about use cases,  architectures, and reference deployments for Kafka in the cybersecurity space:

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As a utility-first CSS framework, Tailwind has rapidly become popular among developers. With its fast styling process and the freedom it offers when designing a website, it’s really no wonder why.

But how can you make sure this is the right CSS framework for your upcoming development projects? In this blog post, you’ll learn what Tailwind is, and how it differs from other frameworks like Bootstrap, or Foundation.

In addition, we will highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the framework. By the end, you will be able to make an honest and objective assessment as to whether Tailwind is the right framework for you. So without further ado, let us dive deeper into it. 

What is Tailwind CSS?

First released in May 2019, Tailwind CSS is a front-end CSS framework. It is currently at version 2.2. Since its release, Tailwind has created quite a following. More than 260k developers have used it to enhance their design systems.

Stats like these make Tailwind one of the most popular CSS frameworks on the market, and all in less than two years. There are many reasons for this. Primarily, because its features make it the ideal choice for a wide variety of projects. Tellingly, most developers prefer it to create React projects.

The main difference between Tailwind and its competitors is that it gives developers complete control over the styling of a web application. So, is it the right CSS framework for you? To answer this question, let us take a look at Tailwind’s advantages and disadvantages.

Tailwind CSS: Pros and Cons

Tailwind CSS: Advantages

1. Control Over Styling

Tailwind is a unique CSS framework when it comes to styling web applications, meaning that Tailwind does not have a default theme that you have to use like other CSS frameworks.

For example, you can give each project a different look even if you use the same elements (color palette, size, etc.). Therefore, it’s one of the few CSS frameworks that is not opinionated on how you should style your project. 

2. Faster CSS Styling Process

There is no faster framework than Tailwind when it comes to styling HTML. As a result, you can easily create good-looking layouts by styling elements directly. This is possible because Tailwind offers thousands of built-in classes that do not require you to create designs from scratch.

Therefore, you do not have to write CSS rules yourself. These CSS classes are the main reason why building and styling with Tailwind is so fast. 

3. Responsiveness and Security 

With Tailwind’s pre-built classes, you can design the layout directly in an HTML file. This makes it a very responsive, mobile-friendly CSS framework. Apart from that, Tailwind has proven to be a stable framework since its initial release.

The framework was developed by top-notch engineers, which is why bugs and breaks are rare. 

4. Additional Features 

Tailwind CSS works in the front end of a website. For this reason, it is reasonable for developers to demand ultimate responsiveness. Well, Tailwind provides the ability to create responsive themes for your web applications and remove all unused CSS classes. With PurgeCSS, Tailwind helps you keep your final CSS as small as possible.

Tailwind CSS: Disadvantages

1. Styling and HTML are Mixed

Because you do not have to write CSS rules yourself, Tailwind works differently than most CSS frameworks. While this is great for those unfamiliar with CSS, it also means that Tailwind mixes style rules in with your HTML files.

This goes against the principle of the “separation of concerns.” Many developers prefer to separate page structure and style, claiming that classes make the Tailwind markup process verbose. 

2. It Takes Time to Learn 

Because of the built-in classes, Tailwind CSS is quite learning-intensive. Even for experienced developers, it can be a challenge to learn how to use and fully utilize the pre-built classes. But, of course, as with any other development task, practice makes perfect.

However, if you are confident and quick when it comes to writing CSS classes, Tailwind may not be the best choice for you. Even if that’s true, Tailwind generally makes CSS styling faster in the long run.  

3.  Lack of Important Components

Unlike Bulma and Bootstrap, Tailwind does not have many significant styling components. Unfortunately, this means you have to manually add features like headers, buttons, and navigation bars for web apps.

This is not a significant drawback, as experienced developers can implement these features quickly. However, you will need to spend some time doing so. 

4. Documentation 

Although Tailwind CSS has made great strides when it comes to adding guides and video tutorials, it still lags behind competitors like Bootstrap. Of course, you can always contact the developers if you have a problem.

However, keep in mind that this may take some time. For this reason, you may need to customize the framework to your needs manually.

Is Tailwind Worth Trying?

In a few words, working with Tailwind is quite different from other CSS frameworks. We have identified its main advantages and disadvantages. Based on these features, we can easily say that Tailwind is:

  • An excellent solution for developers familiar with CSS who want to speed up the creation and design process in the long run.
  • Not such a good idea if you are not familiar with CSS or do not want to spend time learning a new CSS framework. 

It becomes clear that it all depends on your personal needs and preferences. However, if saving time on CSS styling is a priority for you, you should definitely give Tailwind a try.

Regardless of whether you choose to use Tailwind or not, it’s evident that many developers use it for good reasons. Since it offers a faster styling process and is a responsive and stable framework, it’s here to stay.

Tailwind can help you save time and change the way you design websites, and so taking the time to test it out is worthwhile.


The post The Pros and Cons of Tailwind CSS first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

As we cross 2020, most of us are still functioning remotely and preparing for a hybrid work environment where we will be expected to work from homeHow can an organization determine productivity? What can we expect from remote working in 2021? How can leaders motivate their employees who are low on motivation? Read this article as I dissect the remote working environment of 2021.

In 2020, this digital revolution was accelerated due to the pandemic outbreak, when most of the global workforce was forced to work remotely from the safe boundaries of their homes. We can witness the change in the work environment when we look at the introduction of various collaboration software, which helps employees connect virtually over a meeting and streamline their processes, to cloud-based connectivity, and a data-centric approach to strategic decision-making powered by the synergy between artificial and human intelligence. These have helped organizations reimagine the way to work.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Dans notre précédent article intitulé « Et si l’avenir de la fiscalité passait par le système d’information ? », nous mettions en avant les besoins grandissants en termes de contrôles autour des fonctions fiscales. En effet, les entreprises sont soumises à de nombreuses réglementations ainsi qu’à une complexification de leur système d’information. Il devient donc nécessaire pour beaucoup d’entre elles de mettre en place des outils de « Tax Compliance ». Ils permettent de supporter les équipes fiscales et d’assurer le respect des obligations. Dans ce second article, nous illustrerons au travers des fonctionnalités offertes par un des outils du marché, SAP Tax Compliance, la valeur apportée par cette démarche d’outillée.

Que peut-on attendre d’un outil de Tax Compliance ?

De nombreux outils de Tax Compliance sont aujourd’hui présents sur le marché français et mondial. Ceux-ci diffèrent en fonction de la cible visée, de la PME nationale à la multinationale implantée dans de nombreux pays. Ils offrent des fonctionnalités plus ou moins avancées ainsi qu’une complexité de mise en œuvre plus ou moins lourde.

Néanmoins, nous pouvons regrouper les fonctionnalités offertes en deux grandes catégories :

  • L’aide à la conformité des déclarations (a priori) :
    • l’optimisation de l’élaboration de la liasse fiscale (élaboration, vérification et dématérialisation),
    • la détermination de taux,
    • la conformité de la facturation électronique,
    • La déclaration de TVA (soumission, reporting et contrôles).
  • La mise en place de contrôles afin de s’assurer de la conformité (a posteriori) :
    • l’analyse du FEC,
    • les contrôles sur les référentiels (fournisseurs, articles, etc.),
    • les contrôles sur les transactions effectuées.

En complément, nous devons également prendre en compte le fait que les gouvernements exigent de plus en plus de données en temps réel, la qualité des données devient un prérequis clé pour la gestion des processus fiscaux et cela peut être amélioré en mettant en œuvre des contrôles fiscaux et en abordant les problèmes à la source, comme nous allons le voir avec l’outil SAP Tax Compliance.

Quels critères prendre en compte dans le choix de son outil de Tax Compliance


Le choix d’une solution doit être fondé sur les critères tant fonctionnels que techniques, pour répondre aux besoins suivants :

  • Facilité d’installation et d’exploitation de la solution: évaluer le degré d’autonomie sur l’installation et le paramétrage du logiciel, ainsi que le degré d’intégration dans le paysage SI existant. Il est en effet important que les utilisateurs métiers aient un degré d’autonomie suffisant sur l’exploitation de l’outil pour ne pas avoir de besoin de solliciter les équipes IT pour la moindre opération dans l’outil
  • Réponse aux besoins métier au travers de la couverture et richesse fonctionnelle: il est nécessaire d’évaluer la couverture d’un maximum de fonctionnalités et de contrôles standards, ainsi que la couverture géographique au travers d’une gestion multi-pays. Assurance de la facilité de prise en main par l’utilisateur final ou l’auditeur externe au travers d’une ergonomie conviviale et intuitive
  • Exploitation des résultats simple et accessible : évaluer la facilité de compréhension et d’interprétation des résultats de contrôles, la facilité d’export sur des outils bureautiques, ainsi que la capacité de génération des rapports d’anomalie sous format.doc ou .pdf avec explication des résultats, annotations utilisateurs, etc.,
  • L’intégration dans le paysage applicatif de l’entreprise est également primordiale dans le cas très fréquent où plusieurs ERP ou systèmes comptables cohabitent. Devoir multiplier les outils de Tax Compliance pour adresser les différents systèmes serait en effet contre-productif.

Présentation d’un outil : SAP TAX Compliance

SAP Tax Compliance propose une approche centralisée des contrôles de conformité, couvrant tout l’ensemble du processus, de la détection à la correction, en passant par le reporting et l’audit. À l’aide de l’apprentissage automatique à l’échelle de l’entreprise et de contrôles automatisés, l’application permet aux utilisateurs de détecter systématiquement les problèmes de conformité. Mais aussi d’améliorer la qualité des données fiscales, de rationaliser les corrections et d’atténuer rapidement le risque de non-conformité.

L’automatisation des processus de contrôle fiscal en temps quasi réel permet aux organisations de passer à des modèles de travail en continu. Elle permet aussi de résoudre les problèmes dès le début des processus ce qui est essentiel pour éviter de lourdes charges de travail à la fin de la période. Mais également de se conformer aux mandats les plus exigeants que les gouvernements introduisent dans le monde entier. En fait, avec l’introduction de la conformité numérique, la qualité des données fiscales est plus importante que jamais.

SAP Tax Compliance est une solution agnostique qui peut être intégré à SAP S/4HANA ou facilement déployé côte à côte. Elle peut aussi intégrer des données issues d’autres systèmes ERP (SAP ECC ou non SAP) ou spécialisés métiers (MDM, facturation, site de vente en ligne…). Cela offre ainsi la possibilité de capturer simultanément de gros volumes de données à partir de plusieurs systèmes. La solution offre également un apprentissage automatique natif et une intégration avec le workflow SAP. L’intérêt est de permettre l’automatisation et l’orchestration transparente des tâches de correction.


SAP Tax Compliance en un coup d'œil
SAP Tax Compliance en un coup d’œil

SAP Tax Compliance est fourni avec des règles de contrôles préconfigurées pour vous aider à démarrer et à améliorer immédiatement la qualité des données fiscales.

Par exemple, cela vous permet d’identifier et de corriger facilement les immatriculations de TVA manquantes sur les transactions intracommunautaires de l’UE ou les factures enregistrées sans code TVA. Vous pouvez également utiliser le moteur de détection pour faciliter l’examen des factures avec un montant de TVA très élevé. Ceci, permet de générer une réserve de travail pour examiner efficacement les exceptions sans avoir à identifier manuellement les éléments sur l’ensemble des transactions commerciales.

Il est également très flexible et permet d’enrichir facilement l’ensemble des règles de contrôles de la TVA aux droits de douane et autres taxes. Il permet également de relever constamment la barre en matière de conformité en développant vous-même des règles de contrôles fiscaux supplémentaires. Ou bien encore en intégrant le contenu prêt à l’emploi de notre partenaire Mazars.

Ces règles peuvent être facilement créées en définissant de nouvelles vues sur les données. Une fois celles-ci en place, le reste de la configuration peut être facilement complété via une assistance numérique fourni en tant qu’application Fiori qui guide l’utilisateur dans ses choix. Il s’agit de limiter l’implication du service informatique au développement réel des vues. Mais aussi de permettre aux utilisateurs métier d’adapter les contrôles, de réorganiser les listes de travail, de configurer le Machine Learning lorsque les données historiques sont suffisamment significatives. Ainsi que d’adapter les plannings en fonction des besoins de l’entreprise. Les utilisateurs métiers peuvent également gérer les tâches et les groupes d’utilisateurs correspondants responsables de l’achèvement. L’objectif est de garantir que la configuration en cours peut être facilement adaptée à mesure que l’entreprise évolue sans avoir recours à des experts informatiques qui sont toujours très demandés.

La solution permet également des simulations de paramétrages des règles de contrôle fiscal pour optimiser les contrôles et réduire les faux positifs.

SAP Tax Compliance fournit un tableau de bord centralisé pour obtenir des informations en temps réel sur l’état de conformité dans le monde entier. Il devient également un référentiel central de problèmes et de solutions qui peuvent être exploités pour conduire des améliorations en continu des processus. De plus, il permet d’empêcher les problèmes de se produire en premier lieu.

SAP Tax Compliance intègre des mécanismes d’apprentissage automatique

SAP Tax Compliance automatise au-delà de la détection, rationalisant l’ensemble du processus de correction. Il intègre des mécanismes d’apprentissage automatique prêt à l’emploi pour augmenter l’efficacité. De plus, il propose des modèles de workflow natifs pour orchestrer efficacement les tâches entre la myriade d’équipes qui doivent être impliquées dans le processus de correction.

Ces fonctionnalités d’apprentissage automatique peuvent être activées et maintenues par les utilisateurs métiers. Le but étant de libérer la puissance des données sans avoir besoin du support du département IT.

Comment réussir son projet de mise en place ?

Bien qu’il s’agisse d’un projet de mise en place d’outil, celui-ci ne doit pas être considéré comme un projet purement technique mais bien un projet global impliquant les acteurs métiers dès les premières phases. Il s’agit d’être sûr de ne pas se tromper d’objectif. Mais également de réellement apporter la valeur attendue pour toutes les parties prenantes.

C’est pour cela que nous préconisons la mise en place d’une équipe projet pluridisciplinaire. Une équipe qui regroupe les compétences financières, fiscales, juridiques, comptables et IT. Celle-ci est capable de cerner les besoins de la façon la plus exhaustive possible. Mais aussi de mettre en place une cartographie des risques et d’identifier les contrôles afférents.

Au-delà du module Tax compliance il peut être intéressant de disposer d’une solution complète pour la gestion fiscale de bout en bout qui couvre :

  • Contrôles fiscaux pour améliorer la qualité des données fiscales et éviter les interruptions d’activité.
  • Rapports électroniques en temps réel avec rapprochement complet pour une mise en conformité efficace.

SAP Tax Compliance offre une intégration transparente avec la nouvelle solution SAP Document and Reporting Compliance. Cette solution regroupe les anciennes solutions SAP pour la facturation numérique en temps réel (SAP Document Compliance) et la gestion des déclarations périodiques (SAP Advance Compliance Reporting ACR). Elle garantit que les problèmes identifiés soient rapidement suivis, que l’origine de ces déficiences soient analysées et résolues afin d’empêcher les interruptions d’activité.

Ces solutions SAP pour la facturation numérique en temps réel et la gestion des déclarations périodiques proposent déjà plus de 300 modèles pré-configurés de déclaration pour plus de 50 pays.

En synthèse, l’automatisation des contrôles et de la fonction fiscale devient de plus en plus nécessaire. L’obligation de bien s’outiller devient incontournable.

Vincent DOUX – SAP +33 6 03 43 72 95
Jérôme HUBER – Mazars +33 6 67 51 13 38
Vincent THEOT – Mazars +33 6 60 47 46 64
Heyfa LIMAM – Mazars +33 6 66 90 10 81
Nicolas RICHARD – Mazars +33 6 66 61 91 35

The post SAP Tax Compliance, un outil de transformation digitale des fonctions fiscales appeared first on SAP France News.

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This guide was developed using a laptop running Windows OS and docker on it.

Implementation Steps

This guide was developed using a laptop running Windows OS and docker on it.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Not so long ago, customers only had a couple of ways to interact with brands. 

If you had an issue with a product or service, you could reach out through the customer service phone number or send an email. Occasionally, sites would introduce dedicated forms on their website that allowed consumers to send support tickets straight to the service desk – but that was it.

The problem with this kind of service was all the waiting. 

Send an email or ticket, and you have no idea when the company is going to get back to you. Customers end up refreshing their inbox all day, waiting for a response. Call the company, and 9 times out of 10, you’ll be placed on hold. You can’t exactly do much when you’re stuck listening to hold music, so customers are gradually getting more frustrated as they wait for a response. 

Fortunately, the evolving digital age has introduced a new solution: live chat.

Transforming Your CX With Live Chat

Live chat is a quick and convenient way for your customers to contact your business and get a response immediately. The result is happier clients, better customer satisfaction scores, and even opportunities for bigger sales. 

More than 41% of customers say they expect to see live chat on a site. 

Even if you don’t have an agent on hand to answer a chat message immediately, you can create an automated system that notifies your customer when someone is available. That means they can go and do other things while they’re waiting for a response. Live chat solutions with bots can even allow your customers to fix problems for themselves. That’s pretty convenient!

Widgets equipped with answers to commonly asked questions can automatically deal with customer queries or help them find solutions to their problems before passing them over to an agent. This means that your customer gets a solution faster, and your agents don’t have as much pressure to deal with. It’s a win-win – as long as you get it right. 

Unfortunately, a lot of companies don’t know how to implement live chat experiences correctly. 

Kayako’s study into 400 customers found that 47% couldn’t remember the last time they’d had a positive experience through a live chat tool.  

How to Upgrade Live Chat CX

The evidence shows that customers love the idea of live chat, but the reality of how businesses implement this technology isn’t always ideal. 

However, since 86% of customers say they’re willing to spend more on a better customer experience, it’s worth figuring out what separates a good live chat interaction from a bad one. 

1. Set Expectations Instantly

Setting the right expectations is crucial if you want to generate better satisfaction for your customers at a later date. When customers know what to expect from your live chat strategy, they can also make more informed decisions about which support channels they’re going to use, and whether they want to hang around for someone to answer their messages. 

The first thing you should do is showcase your agent’s availability. In this example from Help Scout, you can see whether the team is active, online, and ready to talk. The company also sets expectations for how quickly you can get an email response if you don’t want to chat.

Other ways to set expectations include:

  • Showing your opening hours: List when team members are usually available to answer questions if you’re not currently online. 
  • Topics: Offer your customers some topics that they can ask about or use the welcome message on your chat tool to direct your customers to an FAQ page. 
  • Restrictions: If there’s anything you can’t deal with over live chat, like changing a customer’s password, let them know in advance so they don’t waste time.

2. Leverage Pre-Chat Forms

Pre-chat forms are some of the most important parts of the live chat experience. They ask your customer to explain their issue to your chatbot so that they can be directed towards the right agent. Using these forms correctly ensures that your agent has all the information they need to solve a problem fast. 

You can even set up automated systems that direct customers to different agents and teams based on their needs. For instance, the live chat app on gives customers the option to fill out different forms depending on whether they want answers to a question, a demo, or something else.

The button you click on dictates which professional you’ll get through to. Although filling out a form can seem like an extra friction point for your customer at first, it helps to streamline the customer journey. After all, if you can direct the customer to the right agent the first time, there are fewer chances that they’ll need to explain their issue to various different people. 

Here are a few things you can ask for in the live chat form to make it more effective:

  • The customer’s name: This will help to personalize the conversation. It could also be an opportunity to track down any background information you have about an existing customer and the orders that they may want to speak to you about.
  • An email address: Having an email address will allow you to bring up a customer’s record on your CRM. It also means that you can send any information that the customer needs to their email inbox at the end of the conversation.
  • A brief explanation: Ask your customers to share what they’re reaching out to you about and use keywords in their message to assign the chat to the right agent or professional. You could even add a drop-down menu of topics for them to choose from. 

Remember, don’t ask for too much information straight away, or you’ll risk your clients feeling that the service experience is too complicated. 

3. Make Sure It Works Everywhere

We’ve reached the point now where every customer expects a brand’s website to be responsive on any device. Most web-building templates automatically work on mobile tablets and smartphones. Additionally, it’s becoming increasingly easy for companies to transform their website and online store experiences into dedicated apps too. 

However, while most businesses know that their site needs to be responsive, they often forget about the mobile element when it comes to live chat. If your live chat function is only available on the web browser version of your website, then this is going to end up making your mobile customers pretty unhappy. They don’t want to have to stop browsing on their phone just to connect with you. 

Ideally, you’ll want to create a separate component for your mobile app where your customers can easily access the same live chat functions they’d have on your browser-based site.

If you’re just offering live chat through a mobile version of your website, make sure that it’s easy for your customer to click into the chat section and send messages without accidentally ending up on a different tab or page. It might also be worth setting up functions that allow your chat app to send push notifications to your customer’s phone whenever they get a new message. 

Being able to put their smartphone down or switch to another app while they wait for a response will provide a much more intuitive experience for your audience. 

4. Make Sure You Support All the Right Languages

You’d think that this CX tip for live chat would be obvious, but it’s shocking how many companies fail to offer support for all the languages that their customers might use. If you’re selling your products throughout the world, and you know you have customers in China, then it doesn’t make much sense to only offer live chat in English. 

Some of the available live chat apps on the market today come with features that allow you to automatically translate languages when your agents are talking to foreign customers. For instance, LiveChat currently supports 45 languages

If you’re creating your own chat app from scratch, then you’re going to need to work with your developer or designer to make sure that the right languages are supported. Remember, you don’t have to cover everything, but at least make sure that you can connect with the most common groups of customers in your CRM. 

Ensure that if you are using multiple languages, your customers know how to switch to their preferred option too. Usually, the best way to do this is with a drop-down menu. You could also use little flag icons of the countries that you support. 

5. Find Ways to Reduce First Response Time

Speed is probably one of the biggest advantages of live chat, and the main reason that customers like it so much. According to the CMO council, fast response time is the number one thing that a customer looks at when measuring satisfaction. 

While you might not be able to have someone on-hand to answer your customers 24/7, you can improve the way they perceive your load times in a variety of ways. For instance, start by making it clear when your people are online to talk to your customers. Setting expectations on when you’ll be available to immediately respond should help to avoid frustration.

  • Keep all chats in the same place for agents: Having a combined contact center solution on the back-end makes responding to queries much easier for your agents. If they can see all of your brand’s live chat, social, and email conversations in one place, they don’t have to waste time jumping between different platforms and tabs. 
  • Set routing queues: Use an automated system to send every message you get to the most appropriate agent available. You can intelligently route conversations based on the issues that your customers have or the things they want to discuss. It’s also worth ensuring that your system prioritizes routing conversations to the first agent available. 
  • Send notifications: Make sure that you set your live chat system up to send push notifications to agents when a new message is waiting. It’s also with notifying your customer when they have a response, just in case they’ve switched to another tab. 

The notifications you send to your agents could come with access to a customer’s CRM file, so that your agent can go into a conversation with the context they need. Agents that instantly get context on a conversation don’t have to waste as much time tracking down the right information. Giving your agents context also means that they don’t have to ask repetitive questions, which could annoy your customer. 

6. Make the Chat Experience On-Brand

Every company wants to give their customer a slick experience with live chat. The solution you build needs to be easy to use, and responsive across every device. However, it also needs to be something that your customer associates with your brand. 

Companies generally have a lot of options for how a live chat window can look. You can adjust the appearance to suit your brand by picking specific colors, tweaking button shapes, and even changing the available fonts. 

Working the visual elements of your brand into the design of the live chat experience is the best way to make your customers feel comfortable and confident that they’re dealing with your company. For instance, Hubspot uses matching colors, rounded edges on chat bubbles, and even a fun illustration to make their chat experience more “branded.”

Remember, when you’re creating a Live Chat experience that’s “on brand”, it’s also a good idea to think about things like voice and tone. Infusing live chat with the unique personality of your brand will make the experience more memorable. 

If you usually stick with informal language and use a lot of slang, then it makes sense to continue that in live chat – even when you’re sending automated messages. To make sure your brand identity really shines through:

  • Write scripts for your automated messages in your brand’s tone of voice
  • Write guidance scripts for employees that highlight your tone for agents
  • Provide training on brand tone of voice for your support team
  • Encourage support agents to connect with customers on a personal level
  • Remember to set guidelines on how to use things like gifs, slang, and emojis too!

7. Make a Checklist For Security and Tech Issues

One of the most significant things that will affect the experience your customer has with your live chat service, is technical and security issues. Choose the right developer or designer to help with your app, and the risk of problems dwindle. You can also address the issue of having to constantly maintain, check, and update your live chat experience by using a pre-existing solution, like Intercom.

No matter how you choose to approach live chat, these are the things you’ll need to check for most:

  • Page load times: Page load times are crucial for user experience and SEO, so you should be taking them seriously already. Check your web chat software isn’t dragging down the performance of your page or causing unnecessary problems.
  • Cross-channel conversations: If your website has various subdomains, make sure that moving through these in chat won’t mean you lose the session. Customers don’t want to have to repeat themselves!
  • Functionality with browsers: Your chat app needs to work just as well on every browser and operating system – including mobile devices. 
  • Data management: Under things like GDPR, you need to ensure that you’re controlling user information safely. Ensure you have a DPA in place, and make sure that your web channel doesn’t affect any PCI-DSS compliance systems you have in place. Your chat solution may need to automatically mask credit card information, for instance.

Time to Enhance Your Live Chat Strategy

Ultimately, whether you like it or not, your customers love live chat technology, and they’re not going to stop looking for it on your website. Today’s consumers expect you to serve their interests by delivering customer support on the channels that they choose. Unfortunately, most companies just aren’t living up to expectations.

Following the tips above could help you to transform the way that you interact with your clients and improve your chances of better satisfaction overall.


The post 7 Tips for Transforming CX with Live Chat first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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