
L'Impact de l'IoT sur l'Intégration des Données: Un Voyage Transformateur


L’Internet des Objets (IoT) a révolutionné la manière dont les données sont intégrées et utilisées. Découvrez comment cette transformation a un impact sur le voyage!

La relation intrinsèque entre l’IoT et l’intégration des données

The challenge of data integration is compounded by the sheer volume of data generated by IoT devices. The sheer number of devices, combined with their ability to generate data at high speeds, has resulted in an exponential growth in the amount of data that needs to be managed. This data must be integrated, analyzed, and acted upon in real-time. To do this, organizations must develop a comprehensive architecture that can handle the scale and complexity of the data.

L’intrinsèque relation entre l’IoT et l’intégration des données

La prolifération des appareils IoT a ajouté une nouvelle dimension au paysage déjà complexe de la gestion des données. Ces appareils produisent une variété de types de données, telles que des données en série temporelle, des journaux structurés et semi-structurés et même du texte non structuré provenant d’interfaces utilisateur. Ainsi, l’intégration des données est maintenant chargée de quelque chose de bien plus complexe que simplement assimiler des bases de données et des stockages en nuage ; il s’agit de comprendre un monde connecté par des milliards d’appareils. Comme l’a judicieusement déclaré la scientifique des données Hilary Mason : « Les données sont le matériau brut de l’ère de l’information ». Et en effet, la qualité et la forme de ce « matériau brut » ont considérablement évolué avec l’avènement de l’IoT.

Le défi de l’intégration des données est amplifié par le volume phénoménal de données générées par les appareils IoT. Le nombre considérable d’appareils, combiné à leur capacité à générer des données à grande vitesse, a entraîné une croissance exponentielle de la quantité de données à gérer. Ces données doivent être intégrées, analysées et traitées en temps réel. Pour ce faire, les organisations doivent développer une architecture globale qui puisse gérer l’ampleur et la complexité des données.

L’architecture IoT pour l’intégration des données

Pour réussir à intégrer les données IoT, les organisations doivent mettre en place une architecture qui prend en compte la variété et la vitesse des données. Cette architecture doit être capable de collecter, stocker, traiter et analyser les données en temps réel. Elle doit également être capable d’intégrer les données provenant de sources diverses et hétérogènes. Les technologies modernes telles que le streaming en temps réel, le traitement distribué et le traitement par lots peuvent être utilisés pour mettre en œuvre cette architecture. Les technologies d’intégration des données telles que les outils d’ETL (Extraction, Transformation et Chargement) peuvent également être utilisés pour intégrer les données provenant de différents systèmes.

La mise en place d’une architecture IoT pour l’intégration des données est essentielle pour tirer parti des avantages offerts par l’IoT. Une architecture robuste permet aux organisations de collecter et d’analyser les données à grande échelle afin de prendre des décisions plus rapides et plus précises. Elle

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Créer une chaîne de données optimisée sur Azure avec Spark, Data Factory, Databricks et Synapse Analytics

Créer une chaîne de données optimisée sur Azure n’est pas une tâche facile. Heureusement, avec Spark, Data Factory, Databricks et Synapse Analytics, vous pouvez le faire rapidement et efficacement.

Intégration de données avec Azure Data Factory

Processing Data With Apache Spark 

Apache Spark is an open-source distributed computing framework used for big data processing. It is designed to process data in memory, making it much faster than traditional disk-based processing. Spark can be used to process data from various sources such as databases, file systems, and cloud storage. It also provides a rich set of APIs and libraries for data manipulation, machine learning, and graph processing.

Analyzing Data With Azure Synapse Analytics 

Azure Synapse Analytics is a cloud-based analytics platform that enables you to analyze data from various sources. It provides a unified workspace for data preparation, data warehousing, and advanced analytics. It also offers a wide range of features such as data virtualization, machine learning, and natural language processing.

Le traitement des données dans le cloud est devenu de plus en plus populaire en raison de sa scalabilité, de sa flexibilité et de son efficacité économique. Les stacks technologiques modernes tels que Apache Spark, Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks et Azure Synapse Analytics offrent des outils puissants pour créer des pipelines de données optimisés qui peuvent ingérer et traiter efficacement les données dans le cloud. Cet article explorera comment ces technologies peuvent être utilisées ensemble pour créer un pipeline de données optimisé pour le traitement des données dans le cloud.

Ingestion des données avec Azure Data Factory 

Azure Data Factory est un service d’intégration de données basé sur le cloud qui vous permet d’ingérer des données à partir de diverses sources vers un lac ou un entrepôt de données basé sur le cloud. Il fournit des connecteurs intégrés pour diverses sources de données telles que des bases de données, des systèmes de fichiers, un stockage dans le cloud et plus encore. En outre, vous pouvez configurer Data Factory pour planifier et orchestrer les processus d’ingestion de données et définir les transformations des flux de données.

Traitement des données avec Apache Spark 

Apache Spark est un cadre de calcul distribué open source utilisé pour le traitement des données volumineuses. Il est conçu pour traiter les données en mémoire, ce qui le rend beaucoup plus rapide que le traitement traditionnel basé sur le disque. Spark peut être utilisé pour traiter des données provenant de diverses sources telles que des bases de données, des systèmes de fichiers et un stockage dans le cloud. Il fournit également une riche gamme d’API et de bibliothèques pour la manipulation des données, l’apprentissage automatique et le traitement des graphes.

Analyse des données avec Azure Synapse Analytics 

Azure Synapse Analytics est une plateforme d’analyse basée sur le cloud qui vous permet d’analyser des données provenant de diverses sources. Il fournit un espace de travail unifié pour la préparation des données, le stockage des données et l’analyse avancée. Il offre également une large gamme de fonctionnalités telles que la virtualisation des données, l’apprentissage automatique et le traitement du langage naturel.

Le logiciel est l’outil principal pour le traitement des données dans le cloud. Les technologies modernes telles qu’Apache Spark, Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks et Azure Synapse Analytics offrent aux développeurs et aux entreprises une variété d’options pour créer des pipelines de données optimisés qui peuvent ingérer et traiter efficacement les données dans le cloud. Apache Spark est un cadre open source qui permet un traitement rapide des données volumineuses en m

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Physical device testing has been on the market for a long time. Even today, you can’t deny the importance it holds in the world of testers. In this age of automation testing and real device cloud testing, physical device testing still has the same reverence owing to its unwavering vitality in usability testing and hardware functionality testing, such as camera and GPS. Yet, if you want to reduce your overall project cost, you need to opt for a smarter solution that would enable features such as performing cross-browser testing at scale.

That’s when real device cloud testing comes to your aid. It comes with its own sets of advantages, such as cloud storage, access to communication tool integration, testing with the latest virtual browsers and OS versions, and much more.

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There are some spook-tacular finds in this month’s October collection of resources and tools for designers and developers. From interesting tools that can help in the design process to boo-tiful typefaces, there’s something for everyone here.

Here’s what is new for designers this month…


Atropos is a lightweight, open-source JavaScript library to create touch-friendly, three-dimensional hover effects. The results are stunning and have a nice parallax style. Everything is highly configurable and customizable. It’s available for JavaScript, React, and Vue.js and has zero dependencies.

CSS Gradient Editor

CSS Gradient Editor helps you create the perfect gradient style – you can start from presets – that you can use in projects. Design a background, fill, or almost any other gradient element you might need, make adjustments or customizations, and then get the CSS with one click so you can use it right away. is a fast visual sitemap builder that lets you work in real-time using the content brick method. Share and collaborate in real-time and there’s no signup required to use it.

Pirsch Analytics

Pirsch Analytics is a privacy-friendly, open-source alternative to Google Analytics — lightweight, cookie-free, and easily integrated into any website or directly into your backend. It includes filters to see metrics in the way you want and light and dark modes.

Basic Pattern Repository

Basic Pattern Repository is a collection of simple SVG patterns for projects. Everything is rooted in a simple style to help push projects along quicker. You can get it via GitHub or as a Figma Library.


Blobr is a way to get a branded API portal, manage access, and monitor usage all in one place. Customize everything to fit your brand and the tool grows as you do with the ability to increase or change capacity. Plus, it is easy to set up and free to use.


HEXplorer helps you better understand something you use all the time – HEX colors. This pen by Rob DiMarzo shows how the values for different colors come together to provide greater comprehension when it comes to this color format.


CCCreate is a curated collection of tools and resources for web creators. It includes some tools that have been around for a while as well as some newbies. Everything is grouped and sorted by type of resources – color, icons, type, layouts, animation, shapes, docs, and miscellaneous so you can find what you are looking for faster.


Glass is a photo-sharing app for photographers. It’s a social network of sorts that lets you share images with the greater photography community without “likes.” Just great images.


Revolt is a chat app that’s still in beta and designed for easy communication without having to download apps. It’s an open-source project that is customizable and with an intuitive and recognizable interface. The thing that’s different about this app is that it is built on a privacy-first model.

Doodle Ipsum

Doodle Ipsum is the illustrated version of placeholder elements. Customize your doodles, grab the code, and use them on your web prototypes, landing pages, or no-code tools.


Mechanic is an open-source framework that helps you create custom, web-based tools that export design assets in your browser. The best part is you can try it right on screen using the “poster generator.” If you like what you see, there’s plenty of documentation to help you along the way.

Medio Website Template

Medio is an agency-style website design template for Bootstrap 5. The layout is perfect for a design agency or marketing group but can be adjusted for almost any multi-purpose design. The free template includes a minimal design and includes features such as parallax, popup video, and more.

Tutorial: Simplifying Form Styles with Accent Color

This tutorial is a life-saver when it comes to using and understanding the new CSS accent-color property. This quick lesson will help make your life easier and is simple to use. It starts with setting an accent-color property on the root element and then applying it. is a worklet library that is full of CSS and code examples to help you work smarter. See how different elements look cross-browser and learn to adjust the code and put them together in just the way you want. Houdini is a set of low-level APIs that exposes parts of the CSS engine, giving developers the power to extend CSS by hooking into the styling and layout process of a browser’s rendering engine.


Chainstarters is a powerful, rapid, Web3-enabled platform for software developers. It eliminates the burden of setting up and maintaining a secure and scalable infrastructure, allowing you to focus on creating amazing technology.

Web Vitals Robot

Web Vitals Robot is a search optimization tool that monitors SEO metrics for you – so you can prevent your business from disappearing from Google.


Searchable is a unified search tool that looks at local, cloud storage, and apps to find the files you are looking for. It returns results in a jiffy with previews so you don’t have to open every file to find what you are looking for.


Athlone is a fun serif with lots of personality. The free demo version includes a limited character set for personal use only and the full version has everything you need for fun display or branding with this typeface.


Capitana is a Geometric Sans typeface with humanistic proportions and open apertures. This means that all shapes are constructed from basic forms, the circle, triangle, and square, and are designed according to the classic proportions of the Roman Antiqua. Distinct ascenders and pointed apexes with deep overshoot give it a cool beauty and classic elegance. It includes 784 characters per style in nine weights from Thin to Black, it offers both light and extremely heavy weights for striking headlines.


Colours is a funky script with just enough texture to keep it interesting. The free version includes a partial character set and is for personal use only.


Flexible is a variable typeface that includes 18 styles in the family. It’s made for creativity and display use. This typeface is made for experimenting because there are so many things you can do with this single family.

Singo Sans Serif

Singo Sans Serif is a simple and strong typeface that would make an excellent display option. The free version is for personal use only. Fun fact: Singo means Lion in Indonesia, which is where the name of this strong font comes from.


The post Exciting New Tools For Designers, October 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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From telegraphs to online video calls and from fax machines to emails, the communication means have evolved exceptionally. Now the world has shifted from wired networks to wireless transmission, the internet being the most significant model. 

Nowadays people do not want to wait for replies; messages are sent and received in milliseconds. Modern messaging apps are an example of it. Transferring large files was a problem for businesses in the past, as it could take hours to load. Currently, centralized cloud storage is giving easy access to data anywhere in no time. 

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Rather than spring cleaning, do some spring “shopping” for tools that will make your design life easier. Packed with free options this month, this list is crammed full of tools and elements that you can use in your work every day.

Here’s what new for designers this month:

April’s Top Picks


Charts.css makes creating beautiful online charts that much easier. It’s a modern CSS framework that uses CSS utility classes to style HTML elements as charts. It’s accessible, customizable, responsive, and open source. There’s a quick start option and available source code to work with.

Haikei SVG Generator

Haikei is a web app that helps you generate SVG shapes, backgrounds, and patterns in all types of shapes to use in projects. Everything can be exported into the tools you are already using for easy integration, and every element is customizable. The tool is free right now – no credit card needed – and you get access to 15 generators and can export in SVG and PNG format. A premium option is on the way, and you can sign up to get notified for access.

Fluid Space Calculator

Fluid Space Calculator helps you create a related space system and export the CSS to implement it. The calculator allows you to add space value pairs and multipliers and see the impact on the screen before snagging the related code. It’s great for determining how things will look in different viewports and for creating custom space pairs.

Night Eye WordPress Plugin

Night Eye WordPress Plugin helps you create a dark mode option for your WordPress website with ease. It’s completely customizable, schedulable, and one of those things that users are starting to expect. The plugin has free and paid versions – the only difference is a link to credit the developer.

3 Productivity Boosters


Macro is a supercharged checklist app for recurring processes. It’s designed to help teams document, assign, track, and automate for maximum efficiency. Now is the time to test this tool because it is free in public beta. is a free writing app that uses AI and smart features to help you write more efficiently. It can check readability as you write, make suggestions, check spelling, and allows you to work with versioning. All the settings are customizable, so you can get help and suggestions when you want them and avoid things you don’t want.


Taloflow, which is in beta, is a tool that helps you find the top cloud and dev tools for your use case. This is designed to be a time-saving solution to finding the right infrastructure and API products for your work.

8 Kits with Illustrations and User Interface Elements


Skribbl is a collection of free, hand-drawn illustrations in a light and fun style. The black and white sketches are friendly, and the collection keeps growing. Plus, the illustrators are allowing them to be used free for any use.

Mobile Chat Kit

Mobile Chat Kit is a free starter kit for building apps in Figma, Sketch, and Adobe XD. It includes more than 50 screen options with mapped-out flows for a quick-start project. is exactly what the name implies. The app allows you to type, create nodes, and link elements to develop simple flow charts quickly. Then you can alter shape and size with drag and drop. Export it for use as an SVG, JPG, or PNG.


Shuffle is a marketplace packed with UI libraries to help you with a variety of digital projects. There are more than 1,500 pre-built components to choose from with professional designs. This premium tool comes with a monthly subscription or lifetime license.

Cryptocurrency 3D Pack

Cryptocurrency 3D Pack is a set of icons with fun colors in three-dimensional shapes that you can use to represent different crypto elements. The pack includes 55 #D icons in PNG and BLEND formats.

Stratum UI Kit for Figma

Stratum UI Kit for Figma includes nine free screens that are ready to use. Options include API documentation, Kanban, document, data dashboard, ecommerce product list, ecommerce product options, payments spreadsheet, cloud storage, and newsfeed.


Conic.css is a collection of simple gradients that you can browse and then click to copy the code into your CSS to use them in projects. It’s quick and easy while using trendy color options.

Artify Illustrations

Artify Illustrations is a Figma plugin that allows you to access more than 5,000 SVG and PNG illustrations within the app. It’s got a built-in search feature, everything is high-resolution, and the huge library includes various styles.

2 Tutorials

A Complete Guide to Accessible Front-End Components

A Complete Guide to Accessible Front-End Components is an amazingly comprehensive guide from Smashing Magazine with everything you need to know about accessible components. From tabs to tables to toggles to tooltips, you’ll find it all here and learn how to use it the right way.

Grid CheatSheet in 2021

Grid CheatSheet in 2021 is a useful guide of everything you can do with CSS Grid. Plus, it has plenty of fun illustrations and an accompanying video.

8 Fresh and Fun Fonts


Athina is a modern display serif with beautiful connector strokes. The free version is a demo, and there’s a full family that you can buy.


Brique is a free (personal and commercial) display font with a wide stance and uppercase character set. The letters have a lot of personality and a readable configuration.

Code Next

Code Next is a great geometric sans serif with a full family of styles. Including two variable fonts. It’s highly readable and would work for almost any application.


Inter is a simple and functional sense serif family with everything from extra light to heavy weights. The extra character personality makes this a fun and functional font option.

Nothing Clean

Nothing Clean is a fun grunge-type option. It’s an all uppercase character set with alternates.


Playout is a fun, hand-drawn style typeface with interesting glyphs and alternate characters. The most fun feature might be the pawprint characters in the demo set.

Rockford Sans

Rockford Sans is a geometric typeface with subtly rounded edges. It has eight weights and italics. With its large x-height and round features, it’s legible and friendly. It’s suited to cover a wide variety of tasks from editorial to brand design and advertising.


SpaceType is a fun and funky typeface in regular and expanded styles. The stretched letterforms make interesting alternates for display purposes.


The post 25 Exciting New Tools For Designers, April 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.

The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.

Sidekick Browser – The Fastest Browser Built for Work


Why is Apple’s M1 Chip so Fast?


Two Color Combinations – A Curated Collection of 164 Two-color Palette Combinations


5 Tips to Build a Stunning Website that Stands Out from the Crowd


10+ Bootstrap Newsletters


Text Fish – Get Just Text


Ecommerce Website Designs: 27 Best Online Shops and Why They Work


SpaceHey – MySpace Reborn


State of CSS – 2020


5 Overlooked Mobile Experience Design Best Practices


Modern Blackletter Inspired Fonts and their Use in Web Design


Internxt Drive – Secure & Private Cloud Storage Service


Spline – 3D for the Web (Preview Release)


Nots – A Free Beautifully Designed Note-taking App for your Desktop


Google Play’s Best of 2020


Beacon – Run SQL Commands in Slack


Designing for the New Reality: Getting Rid of Pre-COVID Assumptions


Undoing the Toxic Dogmatism of Digital Design


Color Theory: A Beginner’s Guide for Designers


Atkinson Hyperlegible Font


11 Tips for Creating a Usable Website Contact Page


The 7 Secrets to a Great Conversation


Checklist Generator – Create Checklists for Free and Host Them Wherever You Want


Empathetic Design: The First Stage of Design Thinking


Handy Guide to Networking for UX Designers


Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.


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Cloud management has come a long way, beginning with physical hardware, and then moving servers to the cloud.  It seems likely that the next logical step is to run code serverless! Without needing to manage hardware or depend on infrastructure providers like Google and Amazon, serverless can run code in a managed service container, completely unaffected by server-level issues. By utilizing this new step, you won’t have to worry about operating systems, web servers, or even updates. 

Although it seems like a no-brainer, there are a number of things you both lose and gain when switching over. The benefits alone should be enough to get you interested; you do the work, create an application, and once your code is uploaded you are promised simplicity, low cost, and automatic scaling. Due to the fact that the service provider is automatically managed, scaling is much faster. In addition to this, you only pay for what you use, cutting back on the normal cost, and saving you or your company money. This situation seems ideal, but there are also drawbacks to serverless that can complicate your decision. 

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