
Levallois-Perret, le 23 novembre 2020 – SAP France annonce accompagner Team Vitality dans sa digitalisation. Le leader européen de l’esport s’appuie sur les solutions de SAP pour accélérer son développement à l’échelle internationale.

Quand Big Data rime avec esport

Le milieu du sport peut être considéré comme un système complexe où interagissent de nombreux acteurs comme les sportifs, les sponsors, les entraîneurs ou encore les fans. Les objectifs d’un club consistent à la fois à augmenter les performances de ses équipes mais également assurer une rentabilité financière sur le long terme dans un environnement de plus en plus concurrentiel. Ce modèle se vérifie dans des sports très médiatisés et aux forts enjeux business comme dans le football, le basketball, le tennis, etc, mais se confirme aussi dans l’esport dont la croissance et l’attractivité ne font désormais plus aucun doute.

En tant que partenaire d’innovation et d’analyse de données d’organisations sportives professionnelles telles que la NBA, la WTA, Team Liquid et le FC Bayern, SAP intensifie la portée de son offre ERP dans l’esport. Outre la gestion de la performance des joueurs, SAP cherche également à impliquer les fans avec ses technologies innovantes. Intégrant des outils de gestion financière et aussi d’engagement marketing, SAP renforce la compétitivité des équipes esport en accélérant leur transformation numérique. Et pourquoi pas demain s’orienter dans la voie de l’ »Athlète Digital » ?

C’est dans ce contexte que la collaboration est née avec Team Vitality.

Team Vitality, un développement fulgurant

Fondé en 2013, Team Vitality est le plus important représentant français sur la scène internationale de l’esport. Comme dans le sport traditionnel, l’équipe est aujourd’hui devenue une marque à part entière avec plusieurs millions de fans. Avec le temps, Team Vitality a développé un marketing avancé et créé d’importants partenariats avec de grandes marques internationales. Team Vitality, c’est désormais toute une gamme de merchandising qui va des maillots officiels aux accessoires high-tech, en passant par une ligne de vêtements. Son business model s’appuie sur la vente en ligne mais aussi sur des points de vente et des espaces de rencontre avec ses fans qu’il compte décliner dans plusieurs grandes villes en France et en Europe. L’entreprise emploie aujourd’hui une cinquantaine de personnes.

SAP pour structurer sa croissance financière et rassurer ses investisseurs

Pour booster sa croissance, Team Vitality enchaîne les levées de fonds depuis plusieurs années. La marque mise également sur le meilleur des technologies pour gérer efficacement sa croissance, sur SAP pour l’accompagner dans le pilotage financier de son activité et sur APSIA pour l’assister dans cette transformation digitale. Team Vitality s’appuie sur 3 solutions clés de SAP :

  • SAP Business By Design, ERP basé sur le cloud pour optimiser la gestion de la finance, des achats et des stocks.
  • SAP Cloud Platform, plateforme d’intégration et d’extension pour faciliter les échanges avec l’écosystème de l’entreprise.
  • SAP Analytics Cloud, une solution d’analyse augmentée multi-source pour optimiser et accélérer la prise de décision. 

Un pilotage de l’activité facilité

L’utilisation des trois solutions SAP permet à Team Vitality d’optimiser l’ensemble de ses processus. Plus précisément, cinq aspects de la gestion de l’entreprise sont impactés :

  • Un suivi facilité d’éléments clés dans les contrats de partenariats et les contrats fournisseurs.
  • Une gestion des données améliorée : un meilleur tracé des flux grâce à une source d’information unique et fiable permettant ainsi de répondre facilement aux différentes contraintes contractuelles et légales (audit des comptes, RGPD, etc.).
  • L’automatisation de certaines tâches telles que le paiement de certains fournisseurs ou la comptabilisation de certains flux récurrents permettant ainsi un gain de temps considérable.
  • Une meilleure connaissance des flux financiers de l’entreprise dans un contexte de forte croissance du nombre de flux et de développement régulier de nouvelles activités.

« Nous avons plusieurs business models en un : nous faisons de la vente retail via notre site Internet, nous élaborons des contrats marketing avec différentes marques et nous générons également du contenu. Il était donc nécessaire d’avoir plusieurs outils regroupés en une seule interface facile d’accès pour pouvoir gérer l’ensemble de ces activités », explique Sonia Manueco, CFO chez Team Vitality.

Une collaboration sur le long terme

A terme, Team Vitality souhaite pousser encore plus loin l’utilisation des solutions SAP pour ainsi impacter toutes les branches de l’entreprise et l’accompagner dans son développement à l’international. Team Vitality envisage ainsi pour le quatrième trimestre 2020, une interconnexion entre le webshop et les différents flux de l’entreprise permettant d’améliorer la qualité de suivi et d’amélioration des commandes.

« Grâce à SAP, nous avons tous les composants pour aller encore plus loin : nous souhaitons nous améliorer davantage sur le volet opérationnel via l’automatisation de l’ensemble de nos process légaux, qualités ou encore logistiques. L’objectif à long terme est également d’exploiter l’ensemble des datas que nous récupérons sur nos plateformes comme Twitch et Twitter pour pouvoir faire le lien entre les interactions avec nos fans et les achats sur notre webshop », conclut Franck Boniface, COO chez Team Vitality.


Contact presse Team Vitality

Valérie Duthey et Maéva Corbel, Le Public Système PR –

Contacts presse SAP
Daniel Margato, Directeur Communication : 06 64 25 38 08 –
Pauline Barriere : –



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We all love web badges. You might have spotted many of them in README of repositories, including the repository of my blog, The Cloud Blog. In general, web badges serve two purposes.

  1. They are visually appealing.
  2. They display key information instantly.

If you scroll to my website’s footer section, you will find GitHub and Netlify badges that display the status of the latest build and deployment. I use them to quickly check whether everything is fine with the world without navigating to their dashboards. In essence, a badge is an SVG image with dynamic content embedded in it.

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Since there are so many CMS plugins out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the best ones for your website. We’ve done the research for you; this list contains the top new CMS plugins for November 2020. You’ll find useful plugins for WordPress, Craft, Shopify, and Joomla.

Let’s get started…


404 Page Editor

404 Page Editor is a simple WordPress plugin that helps you add custom text to the default 404 page on your website. The plugin comes with seasonal and industry-related 404 templates. One useful feature of the plugin is that it backups your current 404 page before changing it. So you can restore the backup page anytime you choose. The plugin duplicates your current 404.php page to wp-content/uploads/404-page-editor/ so you can easily find it. You can also change the text on the plugin to fit your local dialect. 

UnusedCSS Power-Up

Most WordPress themes and plugins load their CSS in the wrong areas of your website. This can slow down your site. A slow website will reduce user experience and lead to increased bounce rates.

UnusedCSS will help reduce the size of your website’s CSS files by up to 95%. The best part is that the plugin works automatically. It will remove any unused CSS when visitors view any page on your website. UnusedCSS will automatically reduce your website’s load times by reducing your CSS files and page size. The plugin also optimizes the performance of other WordPress plugins and extensions. UnusedCSS also works with WooCommerce themes and plugins.

Simple Redirects

Simple Redirects is a WordPress plugin that helps you to automatically redirect requests to another page on your site or any other place on the web. The plugin allows you to easily redirect users from your old web pages to new pages using 301 or 302 redirects. You don’t have to worry about losing backlinks or page rank. Any incoming links to the old web page will be automatically passed along to the new page. The page rank on the old page is also transferred to the new page. The plugin is useful when migrating a WordPress site when don’t want to retain the URL structure. 

HTML Validation

HTML Validation plugin helps you identify any HTML validation errors on your website. The plugin works automatically in the background of your website and will send you regular reports. There is a progress bar on the report screen to show you the progress of the scan. The plugin uses WordPress Cron to scan the content of your website. There is also an option for the plugin to automatically fix any HTML validation issues on your website. You can also choose to fix the issues manually. 

Just Highlight

Just Highlight is a simple WordPress plugin that helps you highlight text in your posts or pages. You can use this plugin to highlight any portion of the page you want to draw the reader’s attention to. You can highlight the background of the page and also add animation to the highlighted text. In the WordPress admin area, you can change the speed and color of the animation. The plugin is compatible with Gutenberg, and the WordPress classic editor. 

DeviantArt Embed

DeviantArt Embed is a simple plugin that helps you embed any work from Deviant Art into a post. The plugin provides a block for the WordPress block editor so you can easily embed the image. It uses a DeviantArt oEmbed API to pull the images and their descriptions, and creates an embedded image. 

Static Optimizer

Static Optimizer is a static file optimization plugin that serves and optimizes static files on your website. The plugin will help you increase your website speed by automatically compressing your static files. It is easy to set up, you just need an API key to get started. Other useful features that the plugin offers include automatic JS and CSS minification, automatic image optimization, and processing of responsive images. You don’t have to worry about losing your files if their server is down. The plugin automatically backs up your files and will load your original files when their servers are down (either because of an upgrade, maintenance, or outage).  By default, only images are compressed when you activate the plugin; you can also choose to optimize fonts, CSS, and JS files. 


RankBear is a keyword rank tracker plugin that helps you analyze your SEO efforts. With RankBear, you can track the keywords for each of the posts and pages on your site. While the plugin has a paid plan, you can track up to five keywords for free. On the free plan, you will receive weekly reports on each keyword you are tracking. You can search for the rank and volume of a keyword in every location supported by the Google search engine. RankBear is a lightweight software-as-a-service plugin hosted by Amazon Cloud Services. The plugin also offers the option to download the keyword reports to CSV. 

Table of Contents Block

Table of Contents Block is a plugin that allows you to easily create a Table of Contents for your WordPress posts. The plugin is lightweight and will automatically add a Table of Content in your website’s posts and pages. You can select the heading tags you want to add to the Table of Content. It also has a dedicated support team to assist you. The plugin works fine with all standard WordPress themes. 

Markease For WooCommerce

Markeaze is an all-in-one communication plugin that allows you to add live chat to your online stores. The plugin will help you improve your customer service by decreasing your response times. With the plugin, you can collect your visitor’s contact information via a widget. This feature is useful in building a subscriber database. You can also use the plugin to track customer behavior on your site, inform customers about new products, help customers with active orders, and collect customer feedback. You can also use the auto-reply function to answer commonly asked questions. 

Craft CMS

Image Toolbox

Image Toolbox is a Craft CMS plugin that offers image-related tools for your templates. The plugin will automatically create a WebP variant of the images you upload. It also has a fallback for browsers that do not support WebP images. Other useful features the plugin offers include automatic creation of placeholder images and generation of responsive images with multiple variants. The plugin also supports Imager-X (or old Imager). 

Element Panel

Element Panel plugin allows you to add elements and an eager-loading panel to the debug toolbar. This feature will help you benchmark your templates in Craft CMS. For elements, the panel has a dashboard that shows how many elements are populated. It also shows how many elements are duplicates. The plugin also shows you how many eager-loading elements are detected. Duplicate elements are grouped by field name. 


VStore Shoppable Videos

VStore Shoppable Videos is a Shopify plugin that allows your customers to shop directly from your videos. The plugin allows you to embed your products into any video. Since videos have a high engagement rate, this plugin will significantly improve your store’s conversion rates. 

ProofMotion Video Testimonials

ProofMotion Video Testimonials plugin helps you to easily collect video testimonials. The plugin sends an automated email or SMS requests to customers asking for their satisfaction feedback after making a purchase. The responses are analyzed to determine whether the customer had a negative or positive experience. Customers that offer negative feedback are sent to customer care to help them with the problem they encountered. Happy customers are prompted to make video testimonials of their positive shopping experience. ProofMotion guides the customer through the interview so they can give the best testimonial. They also offer an on-site widget so you can easily share your testimonials. 

Real ID

Real ID is a Shopify plugin that allows you to verify customers’ real identity using a photo ID and facial biometrics. The plugin is perfect for orders that have an age restriction, verifying flagged fraud goods, and selling expensive goods. Real ID will help you identify whether a government-issued-ID is fake during fulfilment. All the customer needs to do is take a selfie on their phone. This way, even if a customer has access to a stolen physical ID, they won’t still be able to make any purchase. The plugin can verify documents such as passports, visas, national IDs, driver licenses, and more. Real ID will help you handle GDPR compliance. The plugin is available in hundreds of countries around the world. 



Accessibility is a Joomla plugin that allows your website visitors to easily access your website content. The plugin will remove any barrier between the visitor and your Joomla site. There is no coding required and you can customize the plugin directly from the module manager. The plugin has a useful feature called Dyslexic Readability; this feature allows your visitors to set the entire document font to a dyslexic-friendly font. Visitors can also grayscale the page, resize the fonts, and resize the word space. From the backend module, you can add any custom CSS and JS. The plugin is also available in 12 different languages. 

Reading Time

Reading Time is a simple plugin that will help you easily show the reading time of your Joomla articles. The plugin is easy to set up and does not require any coding. You can customize every parameter, including the text, in minutes. You can also choose to exclude categories, articles, and menu items. Reading Time also allows you to easily add custom CSS code from the plugin parameters. 


Featured image via Pexels.


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When I use map apps such as Google Maps, I often use Street View to display more detailed views of a street or inside of a building.  Although Google Street View is fantastic, there are many use cases where I want to control the development pipeline and assets without having to upload images to Street View. 

To control and optimize your business workflow, you can use open-source Marzipano to build virtual tours yourself and host the tours on your own web site.  This tutorial explains how to build the tour with open source software and host it for free on GitHub Pages. The technology and techniques can scale to large cloud businesses and are in production at commercial sites.   This tutorial focuses on a minimal simplified site to get you started with the basic concepts in minutes.

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Serverless computing, which is commonly referred to as just Serverless, is a promising cloud-based technology model that has emerged on the app development and software architecture horizon in recent years. Trying to avail themselves of the huge serverless framework potential, many big-time market players have been quick to jump on the cloud services bandwagon. Such software giants like Google, Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon already offer the customers to migrate all the local business operational efficiencies to be hosted on their flagship serverless platforms like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions.   

Simply put, serverless architecture is an event- and request-driven tech solution allowing application developers to create actionable working environments in the cloud that have all the necessary computational resources needed for a smooth coding flow. This framework comes in handy especially when time is an issue and the tasks assigned are quite resource-intensive.

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In the spirit of fall feasts, this month’s collection of tools and resources is a smorgasbord of sorts. You’ll find everything from web tools to icon libraries to animation tools to great free fonts. Let’s dig in.

Here’s what new for designers this month.

The Good Line-Height

The Good Line-Height is the tool you won’t be able to live without after using it a few times. The tool calculates the ideal line-height for every text size in a typographic scale so that everything always fits the baseline grid. Set the font size, multiplier, and grid row height to get started.


Link-to-QR makes creating quick codes a breeze. Paste in your link and the tool creates an immediate QR code that you can download or share. Pick a color and transparency, plus size, and you are done.


Quarkly allows you to create websites and web apps both using a mouse and typing code – you get all the pros of responsive editing, but can also open the code editor at any time and manually edit anything and it all synchronizes. The tool is built for design control and is in beta. is an online spam tester tool for emails. Improve deliverability with the free email tester. The service analyzes the main aspects of an email and returns a spam score and predicts results with a heat map of your email newsletter.


Filmstrip allows you to create or import keyframe animations, make adjustments, and export them for web playback. It’s a quick and easy tool for modern web animation.

CSS Background Patterns

CSS Background Patterns is packed with groovy designs that you can adjust and turn into just the right background for your web project. Set the colors, opacity, and spacing; then pick a pattern; preview it right on the screen; and then snag the CSS. You can also submit your own patterns.


Neonpad is a simple – but fun – plain text editor in neon colors. Switch hues for a different writing experience. Use it small or expand to full browser size.

Link Hover Animation

Link Hover Animation is a nifty twist on a hover state. The animation draws a circle around the link!

Tint and Shade Generator

Tint and Shade Generator helps you make the most of any hex color. Start with a base color palette and use it to generate complementary colors for gradients, borders, backgrounds, or shadows.

Pure CSS Product Card

Pure CSS Product Card by Adam Kuhn is a lovely example of an e-commerce design that you can learn from. The card is appealing and functional.

Free Favicon Maker

Free Favicon Maker allows you to create a simple SVG or PNG favicon in a few clicks. You can set a style that includes a letter or emoji, font and size, color, and edge type and you are ready to snag the HTML or download the SVG or PNG file.

Ultimate Free iOS Icon Pack

The Ultimate Free iOS Icon Pack is a collection of 100 minimal icons in an Apple style. With black and white version of each icon and original PSD files, you can create sleek icons for your iPhone screen in minutes. And it’s completely free! No email address or registration required.

Phosphor Icon Family

Phosphor is a flexible icon family for all the things you need icons for including diagrams and presentations. There are plenty of arrows, chats, circles, clocks, office elements, lists, business logos, and more. Everything is in a line style, filled, or with duotone color. Everything is free but donations are accepted.

3,000 Hands

3,000 Hands is a kit of hands that includes plenty of gestures and style in six skin tones and with 10 angles of every gesture. They have a 3D-ish shape and are in an easy to use PNG format. This kit has everything you need from a set of hand icons.

Radix Icons

Radix Icons is a set of 15px by 15px icons for tiny spaces. They are in a line style and are available in a variety of formats including Figma, Sketch, iconJar, SVG, npm installation, or GitHub.


Deepnote is a new kind of data science notebook. It is Jupyter-compatible with real-time collaboration and running in the cloud and designed for data science teams.

ZzFXM Tiny JavaScript Music Generator

ZzFXM is a tiny JavaScript function that generates stereo music tracks from patterns of note and instrument data. Instrument samples are created using a modified version of the super-tiny ZzFX sound generator by Frank Force. It is designed for size-limited productions.

Image Tiles Scroll Animation

Image Tiles Scroll Animation is a different type of scrolling pattern using Locomotive Scroll. The grid creates a smooth animation in a fun and modern style.


Bubbles is a Chrome extension that allows you to collaborate by clicking anywhere on your screen and then dropping a comment to start a conversation with anyone. This is a nice option for work from home teams.


Tyrus is a toolkit from the design team at Airbnb to help illustrators make the most out of their design businesses. It is broken into sections to help you with design briefs, originality, deadlines, and feedback.


PatchGirl is an automated QA tool for developers. You can combine SQL and HTTP queries to build any possible state of your database.


Apparel is a beautiful premium typeface family with plenty of versatility in a modern serif style. It is a contemporary, classy, and fresh serif typeface with a laid-back. Its medium-large x-height makes it ideal for headlines and brand identity design.

Christmas Story

Christmas Story is a nice solution if you are already starting to think ahead to holiday projects or cards. The long swashes and tails are elaborate and fun.


Nafta is a fun handwriting style font that has a marker-style stroke. It’s a modern take on the popular Sharpie font. It includes all uppercase letters.


Safira is a wide and modern sans with ligatures and a stylish feel. The rounded ball terminals are especially elegant.

Shine Brighter Sans

Shine Brighter Sans is a super-thin sans-serif with a light attitude. The limited character set combined with its light weight is best for display use.


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Convenience is the key take away from AWS and Azure, because out of the box, they give you all the stuff you need to get started with your application development. However, creating your own cloud doesn’t need to be that difficult. If you create your own cloud you’ll also get rid of dozens of lockin technologies, such as Azure Functions, Lambda Functions, Cosmos DB, etc. These « features » provides you with few necessities besides the usual lockin. An acquaintance of me once compared these features to « the heroin marketing model, where the first doze is always free. »

If you want to create your own cloud, you’ll need the following features to get started.

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In this series:

I am happy to see that many people are enthusiastic about this series and wish to make their IaC applications better with Ansible. What I intend to do is quite simple. I will write an Ansible playbook that uses the template module (see Templating with Jinja2) and a little magic of Jinja2 templates to load appropriate variables and configurations for each Terraform environment. Finally, I will use the Terraform CLI to deploy and delete the infrastructure.

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Cloud Computing has emerged as a novel technology today. Every company is a software company today, and it is evident that no company can service without using the power of cloud computing. The cloud is seen as a conceptual layer on the Internet, making all available software and hardware resources transparent, rendering them accessible through a well-defined interface. 

As the companies are increasingly relying on these cloud computing services to be always stable and accessible whenever their customers need them, the services and applications’ downtime is highly unacceptable. In this article, we will be discussing the concepts related to high availability (HA), what it is, how it works, and how companies can take advantage of this. 

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SAP et Accenture dévoilent, dans un contexte de crise sanitaire, les résultats d’une étude comportementale pour décoder l’état d’esprit des consommateurs, identifier les évolutions concrètes en termes de circuit de distribution, de parcours d’achat et de critère de choix des produits et comprendre les attentes des Français vis-à-vis de leurs enseignes de distribution.

Les Français privilégient les dépenses essentielles

Depuis le début de la crise sanitaire, une réduction budgétaire s’est imposée. En effet, 78% des répondants reconnaissent être inquiets à propos des divers impacts de l’épidémie sur leur quotidien : une inquiétude d’abord sanitaire mais également économique. Cela explique que près de la moitié des répondants (48%) a réduit ses achats depuis le début de la crise.

L’étude révèle également que 57% des consommateurs expriment leur intention de reconsommer « autant qu’avant », parmi lesquels, près de la moitié déclarent toutefois vouloir « consommer mieux ». Un quart des Français ont au contraire exprimé l’intention de réduire leurs achats sur le long-terme, portés par une majorité de répondants ayant subi des répercussions professionnelles. Les intentions des Français concernant les catégories de dépenses varient : les dépenses « essentielles » comme l’alimentaire seront maintenues alors que les dépenses « non essentielles » comme les voyages seront réduites.

Les circuits de distribution alternatifs et les canaux digitaux sont de plus en plus plébiscités par les Français

L’étude souligne une transition partielle vers des achats en circuits courts, en commerces de proximité ou de seconde main. En effet, un quart des répondants ont modifié leurs comportements d’achats depuis le début de la crise sanitaire en modifiant leurs circuits de consommation privilégiés. Pour les achats alimentaires, ce sont les commerces de proximité et les circuits courts qui gagnent l’adhésion des consommateurs ayant changé de circuit préféré : +20% pour les commerces de proximité et +100% pour les circuits courts.

En termes de canaux d’achat, l’étude observe un transfert partiel vers des parcours d’achat en ligne, motivés dans un premier temps par des contraintes sanitaires et réglementaires, cependant l’achat en point de vente physique était et reste le canal d’achat le plus utilisé par les français : respectivement 70% et 52% des répondants le déclarent comme leur canal d’achat privilégié, pour l’alimentaire et le prêt-à-porter, après la période de confinement. Le choix des Français vers la livraison à domicile a quant à elle augmenté de 46% et celui du drive de 100%. Ces nouveaux utilisateurs déclarent changer de canal par crainte des contacts en point de vente, et par volonté de gagner du temps et de la flexibilité dans leurs achats alimentaires.

Malgré une motivation de changement principalement contrainte, 40% des consommateurs ayant transféré vers des canaux en ligne déclarent avoir découvert un canal plus adapté à leurs besoins, ou leur permettant d’accéder à une offre de produits non disponible via leur canal habituel, entraînant un besoin de modifier durablement les parcours d’achat pour les retailers.

Au-delà des bonnes intentions, le prix reste le maître mot des Français

La crise du COVID-19 confirme l’importance du prix pour les consommateurs, qui font des avantages clients leur attente prioritaire envers les enseignes. Depuis le début de la crise du COVID-19, 29% des consommateurs ont changé ou pensé changer d’enseigne. Sur l’alimentaire, la 1ère cause de changement citée est l’incapacité de l’enseigne à garantir une stabilité des prix (21%), devant l’absence de solutions / parcours d’achats alternatifs (17%).

L’étude révèle que 40% des consommateurs font des avantages fidélité et des promotions une attente prioritaire vis-à-vis des enseignes. Les 3 premiers critères de choix sont les avantages clients (fidélité, promotions…) (40%), le choix de produits (40%), et l’effort consacré au soutien de l’économie nationale (33%). Malgré une prédiction d’émergence du « mieux consommer » à la suite de la crise sanitaire, il ressort de l’étude qu’en cette période de crise sanitaire l’engagement des enseignes pour les sujets environnementaux et sociétaux est moins prioritaire pour les consommateurs français.

Enfin, le prix ressort comme facteur principal de décision d’achat dans la sélection des produits – pour l’alimentaire et le prêt-à-porter. Pour les achats alimentaires, en plus du prix, les habitudes familiales ressortent comme critère principal de choix, pour les différentes catégories de produits (frais, secs, liquides, et hygiéniques). Pour les achats de prêt-à-porter, c’est la qualité qui ressort comme 2ème critère de sélection, pour 70% des répondants.

The post Achats essentiels, circuits courts, canaux digitaux : les grands gagnants de l’étude Retail Covid-19 réalisée par SAP et Accenture appeared first on SAP France News.

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