
In the pursuit of data protection, businesses nowadays face more hurdles in the security landscape than ever before. We know there’s a growing demand for reliable, scalable infrastructure, but issues with downtime are complicating businesses’ confidence in their existing systems, implicating all-too-precious data in the process.

For example, 31 percent of respondents in the 2018 Data Center Industry Survey experienced severe and damaging downtime, and almost 80 percent note that the downtime they did experience could have been avoided. Not to mention, prior to IoT, organizations had to protect their datacenter and ROBO locations. With the emergence of IoT, organizations need to protect their infrastructures at the edge and ensure reliability beyond the core of their datacenter alone.

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Start counting off multi-cloud benefits and you soon run out of fingers:

  • Avoid vendor lock-in
  • Match the right tool for the job
  • Democratized access to stakeholders
  • Balance performance and cost

Of course, there’s always a catch. For multi-clouds, one of the big gotchas is complexity. A recent MIT Technology Review/VMware study (pdf) found that 57 percent of the senior IT managers surveyed report technical and skills challenges were "critical learnings" from their multi-cloud implementations. This was topped only by security (62 percent) and integrating legacy systems (59 percent). Mark Baker reports on the study on Computer Business Review.

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This article is featured in the new DZone Guide to Cloud: Serverless, Functions, and Multi-Cloud. Get your free copy for more insightful articles, industry statistics, and more!

Cloud management is a key aspect that organizations are looking at on their journey to becoming a software-driven enterprise in order to simplify operations, increase IT efficiency, and reduce data center costs.

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With the rising number of global viewership, it is highly critical for media giants to serve their customer needs. With an increasing number of the viewers, the number of device formats has also increased. 

There could be a situation where you have a lot of media files that you need to change dimensions of or apply a watermark to, for example. To make such cases seamless, it is imperative to offer content in multiple formats at multiple locations.

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I attend many tech conferences around Europe (and occasionally the World), and Africa is always underrepresented. I was delighted to receive an invite to Afrolynk, an annual event that aims to bridge the European and African entrepreneurial scenes. Entering the Microsoft offices in Berlin for the event, a different crowd greeted me from typical tech and startup events, which was an incredible sight to see.

The day started with a round of drumming to bring people into the room and began a solid day of panels and keynotes. Attendees are sharply and colorfully dressed, energetic, and the variety of languages spoken around the venue highlights the multiculturalism of the African continent.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

According to a 2014 study, 69 percent of businesses had at least an application or a part of their infrastructure on the cloud.

With the significant number of businesses depending on the cloud, it’s security should be given a serious amount of thought!

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I am trying to develop a base API pricing formula for determining what my hard costs are for each API I’m publishing using Amazon RDS, EC2, and AWS API Gateway. I also have some APIs I am deploying using Amazon RDS, Lambda, and AWS API Gateway, but for now I want to get a default base for determining what operating my APIs will cost me, so I can mark up and reliably generate profit on top of the APIs I’m making available to my partners. AWS has all the data for me to figure out my hard costs, I just need a formula that helps me accurately determine what my AWS bill will be per API.

Math isn’t one of my strengths, so I’m going to have to break this down, and simmer on things for a while, before I will be able to come up with some sort of working formula. Here are my hard costs for what my AWS resources will cost me, for three APIs I have running currently in this stack:

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What is serverless? Serverless is a cloud computing model that was first introduced by AWS in 2014 (AWS Lambda is the market leader to this day). It abstracts away most of the server operations to the cloud provider so developers can only focus on writing code and shipping new features. Serverless adoption is rapidly growing and it’s mostly due to it’s promise of providing significant cost and time efficiency for technology companies.

For new startups, just starting to build their first product, it’s a no-brainer to build it on serverless. It’s very cheap and quick to get started. You don’t have to have that much knowledge about the backend processes, since the cloud providers handle all that and you can just focus on building your product and it’s functionality. The go-to-market time is much shorter than with previous computing models and it scales automatically when you get successful and have tons of users pouring on your site. See, a no-brainer!

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We’ve put together this article by talking to the people involved in software modernization projects (in leading positions) here at ObjectStyle. The goal is to help decision-makers choose an optimal software modernization strategy. The post covers some common use cases and approaches to legacy software redesign. It’s also centered primarily around enterprise software development because these are the kind of projects we do most of the time.

What Is Legacy Software

The term "legacy software" is usually applied to a software system that was written decades ago in an outdated programming language, using some no-longer-supported framework(s), according to dated design principles, and/or that is currently running in an increasingly unsupportable environment.

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To secure AWS resources 24-7 from unwanted attacks, the right combination of VPC, Network Access Control Lists (NACLs), and Security Groups are a must. AWS Security Groups are cloud firewalls that help protect applications and data.

AWS Security Groups (SGs) restrict access to certain IP addresses or resources. It guards your AWS security perimeter, always, provided you configure them in the right way! Here are the five best practices you can never ignore while configuring AWS SGs.

Source de l’article sur DZONE