
As the number of systems within an IT infrastructure increases, the number of integrations needed by enterprises also multiplies. Recognizing that the old times of overnight file exchanges are no longer meeting real-time demands, a well-organized enterprise integration strategy is a critical success factor when your systems need to be connected all day.

In this webinar with Enno Runne, Tech Lead for Alpakka at Lightbend, Inc., we’ll look at why integrations should be viewed as streams of data, and how Alpakka—a Reactive Enterprise Integration library for Java and Scala based on Reactive Streams and Akka—fits perfectly for today’s demands on system integrations. Specifically, we will review:

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Each time someone talks about the 12 Factor Application a weird feeling overcomes me … Because I like the concept, but it feels awkward. It feels as if someone with 0 operational experience wrote it. And this devil is in a really small detail.

And that is Part III. Config … For me (and a lot of other folks I’ve talked to about this topic), using environment variables (as in real environment variables) are just one of the worst ideas ever. Environment variables are typically set manually, or from a script that is being executed and there’s little or trace to see fast how a specific config is set.

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B2C is (one of) Microsoft’s offering to allow us programmers to pass the business of managing logins and users over to people who want to be bothered with such things. This post contains very little code, but lots of pictures of configuration screens, that will probably be out of date by the time you read it.

A B2C set-up starts with a tenant. So the first step is to create one.

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The principle of least privilege is key when it comes to securing your infrastructure on AWS. For example, an engineer should only be able to control EC2 instances that are in scope for their day-to-day work. But how do you make sure an engineer is only allowed to …

  • Start, stop, and terminate a specific instance?
  • Create, attach, and delete specific volumes?
  • Create, restore, and delete specific snapshots?

As illustrated in the following figure you can restrict access to EC2 instances, EBS volumes, and EBS snapshots by making use of …

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Azure Functions

As part of Microsoft’s offer in the Platform-as-a-Service model, Azure Functions is one of Azure’s Serverless alternatives. Launched in late 2016, currently, it has two versions of runtimes available, although the version 2.x is still in preview mode. This new version is adding Java as a programming language to those supported by version 1.x — C#, JavaScript, and F#.

Azure Functions is the on-demand execution of functions or small fragments of code based on events. As the cost is associated with the execution, if the function is not executed, there are no charges to pay. And if the event that triggers the execution occurs faster than the function, the platform executes the code in multiple threads without obstacles.

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Several interesting announcements from last week’s Google Next conference.

Knative, a new OSS project built by Google, Red Hat, IBM, and others to build, deploy, and manage modern serverless workloads on Kubernetes. Built upon Istio, with 1.0 coming soon and managed Istio on GCP. It includes a build primitive to manage source-to-Kubernetes flows, that can be used independently. Maybe it is the new standard to define sources and builds in Kubernetes. Read more from Mark Chmarny.

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Orange s’empare de Basefarm, acteur européen des infrastructures et services cloud qui pèse 100 millions d’euros de chiffre d’affaires.
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Et voici une nouvelle version de l’hyperviseur Xen. Et c’est beaucoup plus qu’une mise à jour mineure.
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Teams, Whiteboard, Workplace Analytics… Plusieurs composantes de l’univers Office 365 évoluent sous l’angle du collaboratif.
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Le patron de Box craint que les régulateurs, alertés par la situation de sociétés comme Facebook, manquent de discernement, aux dépens de l’innovation.
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